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Date:      Thu, 10 Oct 2024 17:12:59 +0000
From:      Vasily Postnicov <>
To:        Peter Grehan <>
Subject:   Re: Running Mezzano in bhyve
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I was able to fix panics in both virtio and AHCI. This is what I found:

1) Virtio had a stupid bug, namely Mezzano tried to find an accessor to
some IO port in the runtime doing something like (funcall (intern (format
nil "~a-~a" bus-name slot-name)) ...). Surely, the creator made an error in
the name of one of the accessors, so FUNCALL tried to call an unbound
symbol, hence the page fault.
2) AHCI had the following code:

;; Magic hacks for Intel devices?
;; Set port enable bits in Port Control and Status on Intel controllers.
(when (eql (pci:pci-config/16 location pci:+pci-config-vendorid+) #x8086)
  (let* ((n-ports (1+ (ldb (byte +ahci-CAP-NP-size+ +ahci-CAP-NP-position+)
                           (ahci-global-register ahci
         (pcs (pci:pci-config/16 location #x92)))
    (setf (pci:pci-config/16 location #x92) (logior pcs
                                                    (ash #xFF (- (- 8

I checked the value of N-PORTS, it's 20, so (ash #xff (- (- 8 n-ports)))
is 1044480 which is bigger than 2^16-1. I recompiled bhyve with MAX_PORTS =
6 in bhyve/pci_ahci.c and the panic disappeared. Now I have this output:

Detected AHCI ABAR at C1002000
Host Capabilities FF30FF25
Global Host Control 80000000
Interrupt Status 0
Ports Implemented 1
Version 10300
Command Completion Coalescing Control 0
Command Completion Coalescing Ports 0
Enclosure Management Location 0
Enclosure Management Control 0
Host Capabilities Extended 4
BIOS/OS Handoff Control and Status 0
AHCI HBA version 1.300
Handler: 0
Config register: 17
Port 0
Waiting for CR/FR to stop.
Allocated port data at 105C33000
Command List at 105C33000
Received FIS at 105C33400
Command Tabl at 105C33500
Initializing device on port 0
 Command List Base Address 5C33000
 Command List Base Address Upper 32-bits 1
 FIS Base Address 5C33400
 FIS Base Address Upper 32-bits 1
 Interrupt Status 0
 Interrupt Enable 7D80003F
 Command and Status 1C017
 Task File Data 50
 Signature 101
 SATA Status (SCR0: SStatus) 133
 SATA Control (SCR2: SControl) 300
 SATA Error (SCR1: SError) 0
 SATA Active (SCR3: SActive) 0
 Command Issue 0
 SATA Notification (SCR4: SNotification) 0
 FIS-based Switching Control 0
Command completed.
105C33600: 28A20040 100000 0 3F
105C33610: 0 59564248 4644452D 2D413239
105C33620: 382D4136 39433646 0 30300000
105C33630: 20203120 42482020 45205956 54415341
105C33640: 49532044 20204B20 20202020 20202020
105C33650: 20202020 20202020 20202020 80802020
105C33660: B000000 4000 60000 0
105C33670: 0 0 A00000 70000
105C33680: 780003 780078 40200078 0
105C33690: 0 1F0000 40010E 0
105C336A0: 2803F0 74004068 40684000 4000B400
105C336B0: 7F 0 0 0
105C336C0: 0 0 A00000 0
105C336D0: 10000 6008 0 0
105C336E0: 0 0 0 40080000
105C336F0: 4008 0 0 0
105C33700: 0 0 0 0
105C33710: 0 0 0 0
105C33720: 0 0 0 0
105C33730: 0 0 0 0
105C33740: 0 0 0 0
105C33750: 10000 0 0 0
105C33760: 0 0 0 0
105C33770: 0 0 0 0
105C33780: 0 0 0 0
105C33790: 0 0 0 0
105C337A0: 40000000 0 0 0
105C337B0: 0 0 0 1020
105C337C0: 0 0 0 0
105C337D0: 0 0 0 0
105C337E0: 0 0 0 0
105C337F0: 0 0 0 78A50000
Features (83): 7400
Sector size: 200
Sector count: A00000
Serial: BHYVE-FD29-AA68-6F9C
Registered new R/W disk #<149CAC9> sectors:A00000
Host Capabilities FF30FF25
Global Host Control 80000002
Interrupt Status 1
Ports Implemented 1
Version 10300
Command Completion Coalescing Control 0
Command Completion Coalescing Ports 0
Enclosure Management Location 0
Enclosure Management Control 0
Host Capabilities Extended 4
BIOS/OS Handoff Control and Status 0
PCI:0:0:0 1022:7432 NIL - NIL 6:0:0 rid: 0 hdr: 0 intr: FF
    40: Unknown capability 10
Detected MBR style parition table on disk #<149CAC9>
Detected partition 0 on disk #<149CAC9>. Start: 800 size: 800
Registered new R/W disk #<149CCD9> sectors:800
Detected partition 1 on disk #<149CAC9>. Start: 1000 size: 800
Registered new R/W disk #<149CD89> sectors:800
Detected partition 2 on disk #<149CAC9>. Start: 2000 size: 9FE000
Registered new R/W disk #<149CE39> sectors:9FE000
Looking for paging disk with UUID
Found image with UUID 5C:F6:EE:79:2C:DF:45:E1:BA:2B:63:25:C4:1A:5F:10 on
disk #<149CE39>
Found boot image on disk #<149CE39>!
Store freelist block is 2

It seems it is booting, but very very slowly with those "TIMEOUT EXPIRED"
messages. For virtio-blk, it's almost the same with an exception that it
hangs completely. I'll try to investigate further. Meanwhile, can you make
any suggestions why those magic intel AHCI controller hacks are required
and why sc->ports can get bigger than DEF_PORTS in pci_ahci_init in bhyve?

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<div dir=3D"ltr">I was able to fix panics in both virtio and AHCI. This is =
what=C2=A0I found:<div><br></div><div>1) Virtio had a stupid bug, namely Me=
zzano tried to find an accessor to some IO port in the runtime doing someth=
ing like (funcall (intern (format nil &quot;~a-~a&quot; bus-name slot-name)=
) ...). Surely, the creator made an error in the name of one of the accesso=
rs, so FUNCALL tried to call an unbound symbol, hence the page fault.</div>=
<div>2) AHCI had the following code:</div><div><br></div><div>;; Magic hack=
s for Intel devices?<br>;; Set port enable bits in Port Control and Status =
on Intel controllers.<br></div>(when (eql (pci:pci-config/16 location pci:+=
pci-config-vendorid+) #x8086)<br>=C2=A0 (let* ((n-ports (1+ (ldb (byte +ahc=
i-CAP-NP-size+ +ahci-CAP-NP-position+)<br>=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=
=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0(ahci-glo=
bal-register ahci +ahci-register-CAP+))))<br>=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =
=C2=A0(pcs (pci:pci-config/16 location #x92)))<br>=C2=A0 =C2=A0 (setf (pci:=
pci-config/16 location #x92) (logior pcs<br><div>=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=
=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =
=C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=
=A0 =C2=A0 (ash #xFF (- (- 8 n-ports)))))))</div><div><br></div><div>I chec=
ked the value of N-PORTS, it&#39;s 20, so (ash #xff (- (- 8 n-ports))) is=
=C2=A01044480 which is bigger than 2^16-1. I recompiled bhyve with MAX_PORT=
S =3D 6 in bhyve/pci_ahci.c and the panic disappeared. Now I have this outp=
ut:</div><div><br></div><div>Detected AHCI ABAR at C1002000<br>AHCI IRQ is =
B<br>Host Capabilities FF30FF25<br>Global Host Control 80000000<br>Interrup=
t Status 0<br>Ports Implemented 1<br>Version 10300<br>Command Completion Co=
alescing Control 0<br>Command Completion Coalescing Ports 0<br>Enclosure Ma=
nagement Location 0<br>Enclosure Management Control 0<br>Host Capabilities =
Extended 4<br>BIOS/OS Handoff Control and Status 0<br>AHCI HBA version 1.30=
0<br>Handler: 0<br>Config register: 17<br>Port 0<br>Waiting for CR/FR to st=
op.<br>Allocated port data at 105C33000<br>Command List at 105C33000<br>Rec=
eived FIS at 105C33400<br>Command Tabl at 105C33500<br>Initializing device =
on port 0<br>=C2=A0Command List Base Address 5C33000<br>=C2=A0Command List =
Base Address Upper 32-bits 1<br>=C2=A0FIS Base Address 5C33400<br>=C2=A0FIS=
 Base Address Upper 32-bits 1<br>=C2=A0Interrupt Status 0<br>=C2=A0Interrup=
t Enable 7D80003F<br>=C2=A0Command and Status 1C017<br>=C2=A0Task File Data=
 50<br>=C2=A0Signature 101<br>=C2=A0SATA Status (SCR0: SStatus) 133<br>=C2=
=A0SATA Control (SCR2: SControl) 300<br>=C2=A0SATA Error (SCR1: SError) 0<b=
r>=C2=A0SATA Active (SCR3: SActive) 0<br>=C2=A0Command Issue 0<br>=C2=A0SAT=
A Notification (SCR4: SNotification) 0<br>=C2=A0FIS-based Switching Control=
 0<br>*** AHCI-RUN-COMMAND TIMEOUT EXPIRED! ***<br>Command completed.<br>10=
5C33600: 28A20040 100000 0 3F<br>105C33610: 0 59564248 4644452D 2D413239<br=
>105C33620: 382D4136 39433646 0 30300000<br>105C33630: 20203120 42482020 45=
205956 54415341<br>105C33640: 49532044 20204B20 20202020 20202020<br>105C33=
650: 20202020 20202020 20202020 80802020<br>105C33660: B000000 4000 60000 0=
<br>105C33670: 0 0 A00000 70000<br>105C33680: 780003 780078 40200078 0<br>1=
05C33690: 0 1F0000 40010E 0<br>105C336A0: 2803F0 74004068 40684000 4000B400=
<br>105C336B0: 7F 0 0 0<br>105C336C0: 0 0 A00000 0<br>105C336D0: 10000 6008=
 0 0<br>105C336E0: 0 0 0 40080000<br>105C336F0: 4008 0 0 0<br>105C33700: 0 =
0 0 0<br>105C33710: 0 0 0 0<br>105C33720: 0 0 0 0<br>105C33730: 0 0 0 0<br>=
105C33740: 0 0 0 0<br>105C33750: 10000 0 0 0<br>105C33760: 0 0 0 0<br>105C3=
3770: 0 0 0 0<br>105C33780: 0 0 0 0<br>105C33790: 0 0 0 0<br>105C337A0: 400=
00000 0 0 0<br>105C337B0: 0 0 0 1020<br>105C337C0: 0 0 0 0<br>105C337D0: 0 =
0 0 0<br>105C337E0: 0 0 0 0<br>105C337F0: 0 0 0 78A50000<br>Features (83): =
7400<br>Sector size: 200<br>Sector count: A00000<br>Serial: BHYVE-FD29-AA68=
-6F9C<br>Model: BHYVE SATA DISK<br>Registered new R/W disk #&lt;149CAC9&gt;=
 sectors:A00000<br>Host Capabilities FF30FF25<br>Global Host Control 800000=
02<br>Interrupt Status 1<br>Ports Implemented 1<br>Version 10300<br>Command=
 Completion Coalescing Control 0<br>Command Completion Coalescing Ports 0<b=
r>Enclosure Management Location 0<br>Enclosure Management Control 0<br>Host=
 Capabilities Extended 4<br>BIOS/OS Handoff Control and Status 0<br>PCI:0:0=
:0 1022:7432 NIL - NIL 6:0:0 rid: 0 hdr: 0 intr: FF<br>=C2=A0 =C2=A0 40: Un=
known capability 10<br>*** AHCI-RUN-COMMAND TIMEOUT EXPIRED! ***<br></div><=
div>*** AHCI-RUN-COMMAND TIMEOUT EXPIRED! ***<br></div><div>Detected MBR st=
yle parition table on disk #&lt;149CAC9&gt;<br>Detected partition 0 on disk=
 #&lt;149CAC9&gt;. Start: 800 size: 800<br>Registered new R/W disk #&lt;149=
CCD9&gt; sectors:800<br>Detected partition 1 on disk #&lt;149CAC9&gt;. Star=
t: 1000 size: 800<br>Registered new R/W disk #&lt;149CD89&gt; sectors:800<b=
r>Detected partition 2 on disk #&lt;149CAC9&gt;. Start: 2000 size: 9FE000<b=
r>Registered new R/W disk #&lt;149CE39&gt; sectors:9FE000<br>Looking for pa=
ging disk with UUID 5C:F6:EE:79:2C:DF:45:E1:BA:2B:63:25:C4:1A:5F:10<br></di=
v><div>*** AHCI-RUN-COMMAND TIMEOUT EXPIRED! ***<br></div>Found image with =
UUID 5C:F6:EE:79:2C:DF:45:E1:BA:2B:63:25:C4:1A:5F:10 on disk #&lt;149CE39&g=
t;<br>Found boot image on disk #&lt;149CE39&gt;!<br>BML4 at -7FFFFFEFD000<b=
r>Store freelist block is 2<div><br></div><div>It seems it is booting, but =
very very slowly with those &quot;TIMEOUT EXPIRED&quot; messages. For virti=
o-blk, it&#39;s almost the same with an exception=C2=A0that=C2=A0it hangs c=
ompletely. I&#39;ll try to investigate further. Meanwhile, can you make any=
 suggestions why those magic intel AHCI controller hacks are required and w=
hy sc-&gt;ports can get bigger than DEF_PORTS in pci_ahci_init in bhyve?</d=


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