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Date:      Thu, 30 Sep 2004 00:17:26 +0200 (CEST)
From:      Ralf van der Enden <>
Subject:   ports/72185: Update to p5-MIME-Tools 5.413 (5.411a breaks amavisd-new)
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         72185
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       Update to p5-MIME-Tools 5.413 (5.411a breaks amavisd-new)
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Sep 29 22:20:18 GMT 2004
>Originator:     Ralf van der Enden
>Release:        FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p10 i386
System: FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p10 #1: Mon Sep 20 20:43:00 CEST 2004 i386

Update to p5-MIME-Tools 5.413
- 5.411a breaks amavisd-new (and possible more ports)
- 5.413 contains several bugfixes and includes the patches from 5.411a port)


--- p5-MIME-Tools.diff begins here ---
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/Makefile
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/Makefile	Wed Sep 22 09:56:12 2004
@@ -6,9 +6,8 @@
 CATEGORIES=	mail perl5
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
-WRKSRC=		${WRKDIR}/MIME-tools-5.411
+WRKSRC=		${WRKDIR}/MIME-tools-5.413
 MAN3=	MIME::Body.3 \
 	MIME::Decoder.3	\
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/distinfo
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/distinfo	Wed Sep 22 09:56:14 2004
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-MD5 (MIME-tools-5.411a.tar.gz) = e7cb1f8e146171103640e3a5516afb1a
-SIZE (MIME-tools-5.411a.tar.gz) = 467432
+MD5 (MIME-tools-5.413.tar.gz) = 63dff0743e08984f8938d3a8d4c0c2a8
+SIZE (MIME-tools-5.413.tar.gz) = 350417
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-7or8bit.diff
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-7or8bit.diff	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
---- lib/MIME/	Sat Nov  4 20:54:46 2000
-+++ lib/MIME/	Wed Aug 25 11:12:25 2004
-@@ -685,11 +685,16 @@
-     This is the default value -- that is, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT" 
-     is assumed if the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field is not present.
-+I do one other form of fixup: "7_bit", "7-bit", and "7 bit" are
-+corrected to "7bit"; likewise for "8bit".
- =cut
- sub mime_encoding {
-     my $self = shift;
--    lc($self->mime_attr('content-transfer-encoding') || '7bit');
-+    my $enc = lc($self->mime_attr('content-transfer-encoding') || '7bit');
-+    $enc =~ s{^([78])[ _-]bit\Z}{$1bit};
-+    $enc;
- }
- #------------------------------
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Benchmark
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Benchmark	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
---- lib/MIME/	Wed Aug 25 11:19:44 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/	Wed Aug 25 11:23:39 2004
-@@ -582,10 +582,7 @@
-     my ($self, $in, $rdr, $out) = @_;        
-     ### Parse:
--    my $bm = benchmark {
--	$rdr->read_chunk($in, $out);
--    };
--    $self->debug("t bound: $bm");
-+    $rdr->read_chunk($in, $out);
-     1;
- }
-@@ -828,11 +825,8 @@
-     ### Decode and save the body (using the decoder):
-     my $DECODED = $body->open("w") || die "$ME: body not opened: $!\n"; 
--    my $bm = benchmark {
--	eval { $decoder->decode($ENCODED, $DECODED); }; 
--	$@ and $self->error($@);
--    };
--    $self->debug("t decode: $bm");
-+    eval { $decoder->decode($ENCODED, $DECODED); }; 
-+    $@ and $self->error($@);
-     $DECODED->close;
-     ### Success!  Remember where we put stuff:
-@@ -1134,11 +1128,8 @@
-     my $entity;
-     local $/ = "\n";    ### just to be safe
--    my $bm = benchmark {
--	$self->init_parse;
--	($entity) = $self->process_part($in, undef);  ### parse!
--    };
--    $self->debug("t parse: $bm");
-+    $self->init_parse;
-+    ($entity) = $self->process_part($in, undef);  ### parse!
-     $entity;
- }
---- lib/MIME/	Wed Aug 25 10:47:32 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/	Wed Aug 25 10:50:41 2004
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-     'config'  => [qw(%CONFIG)],
-     'msgs'    => [qw(usage debug whine error)],
-     'msgtypes'=> [qw($M_DEBUG $M_WARNING $M_ERROR)],		
--    'utils'   => [qw(benchmark catfile shellquote textual_type tmpopen )],
-+    'utils'   => [qw(catfile shellquote textual_type tmpopen )],
-     );
- Exporter::export_ok_tags('config', 'msgs', 'msgtypes', 'utils');
-@@ -153,26 +153,6 @@
- #------------------------------
- #
--# benchmark CODE
--# Private benchmarking utility.
--sub benchmark(&) {
--    my ($code) = @_;
--    if (1) {
--	my $t0 = new Benchmark;
--	&$code;
--	my $t1 = new Benchmark;
--	return timestr(timediff($t1, $t0));
--    }
--    else {
--	&$code;
--	return "";
--    }
- # catfile DIR, FILE
- #
- # Directory/file concatenation.
-@@ -1394,7 +1374,6 @@
-        Newlines in the void
- Started using Benchmark for benchmarking.
- =item Version 5.205   (2000/06/06)
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Decoder-qpdecode-pdf
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Decoder-qpdecode-pdf	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
---- lib/MIME/Decoder/	Tue Aug 31 17:02:43 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/Decoder/	Tue Aug 31 17:02:38 2004
-@@ -85,9 +85,37 @@
- #
- sub decode_it {
-     my ($self, $in, $out) = @_;
-+    my $init = 0;
-+    my $badpdf = 0;
-     while (defined($_ = $in->getline)) {
--	$out->print(decode_qp($_));
-+	#
-+	# Dirty hack to fix QP-Encoded PDFs from MS-Outlook.
-+	#
-+	# Check if we have a PDF file and if it has been encoded
-+	# on Windows. Unix encoded files are fine. If we have
-+	# one encoded CR after the PDF init string but are missing
-+	# an encoded CR before the newline this means the PDF is broken.
-+	#
-+	if (!$init) {
-+		$init = 1;
-+		if ($_ =~ /^%PDF-[0-9\.]+=0D/ && $_ !~ /(?!=0D)\n$/) {
-+			$badpdf = 1;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	#
-+	# Decode everything with decode_qp() except corrupted PDFs.
-+	#
-+	if ($badpdf) {
-+		my $output = $_;
-+		$output =~ s/[ \t]+?(\r?\n)/$1/g;
-+		$output =~ s/=\r?\n//g;
-+		$output =~ s/(^$|[^\r])\n\Z/$1\r\n/;
-+		$output =~ s/=([\da-fA-F]{2})/pack("C", hex($1))/ge;
-+		$out->print($output);
-+	} else {
-+		$out->print(decode_qp($_));
-+	}
-     }
-     1;
- }
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Decoder-qpencode
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Decoder-qpencode	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
---- lib/MIME/Decoder/	Wed Aug 25 11:46:45 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/Decoder/	Wed Aug 25 11:48:27 2004
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
- use MIME::Decoder;
--use MIME::QuotedPrint 2.03;
-+use MIME::QuotedPrint 3.03;
- @ISA = qw(MIME::Decoder);
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
- #------------------------------
- #
--# encode_qp_really STRING
-+# encode_qp_really STRING TEXTUAL_TYPE_FLAG
- #
- # Encode QP, and then follow guideline 8 from RFC 2049 (thanks to Denis 
- # N. Antonioli) whereby we make things a little safer for the transport
-@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
- # grow beyond 76 characters!
- #
- sub encode_qp_really {
--    my $enc = encode_qp($_[0]);
-+    my $enc = encode_qp(shift, undef, not shift);
-     if (length($enc) < 74) {
- 	$enc =~ s/^\.$/=2E/g;         # force encoding of /^\.$/
- 	$enc =~ s/^From /=46rom /g;   # force encoding of /^From /
-@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@
- # encode_it IN, OUT
- #
- sub encode_it {
--    my ($self, $in, $out) = @_;
-+    my ($self, $in, $out, $textual_type) = @_;
-     while (defined($_ = $in->getline)) {
--	$out->print(encode_qp_really($_));
-+	$out->print(encode_qp_really($_, $textual_type));
-     }
-     1;
- }
---- lib/MIME/	Wed Aug 25 11:49:42 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/	Wed Aug 25 11:50:26 2004
-@@ -248,14 +248,14 @@
- =cut
- sub encode {
--    my ($self, $in, $out) = @_;
-+    my ($self, $in, $out, $textual_type) = @_;
-     ### Coerce old-style filehandles to legit objects, and do it!
-     $in  = wraphandle($in);
-     $out = wraphandle($out);
-     ### Invoke back-end method to do the work:
--    $self->encode_it($in, $out) || 
-+    $self->encode_it($in, $out, $self->encoding eq 'quoted-printable' ? ($textual_type) : ()) ||
- 	die "$ME: ".$self->encoding." encoding failed\n";
- }
---- lib/MIME/	Wed Aug 25 11:50:54 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/	Wed Aug 25 11:51:25 2004
-@@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@
-     ### Output the body:
-     my $IO = $self->open("r")     || die "open body: $!";
--    $decoder->encode($IO, $out)   || return error "encoding failed";
-+    $decoder->encode($IO, $out, textual_type($self->head->mime_type) ? 1 : 0)   || die "encoding failed\n";
-     $IO->close;
-     1;
- }
---- lib/MIME/Decoder/	Thu Aug 26 12:28:37 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/Decoder/	Thu Aug 26 12:28:26 2004
-@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
- sub encode_qp_really {
-     my $enc = encode_qp(shift, undef, not shift);
-     if (length($enc) < 74) {
--	$enc =~ s/^\.$/=2E/g;         # force encoding of /^\.$/
-+	$enc =~ s/^\.\n/=2E\n/g;      # force encoding of /^\.$/
- 	$enc =~ s/^From /=46rom /g;   # force encoding of /^From /
-     }
-     $enc;
---- t/Misc.t.orig	Sun May 21 07:15:26 2000
-+++ t/Misc.t	Thu Aug 26 12:34:27 2004
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- # Create checker:
- my $T = typical ExtUtils::TBone;
- #------------------------------
- # Bug 971008 from Michael W. Normandin <>:
-@@ -67,13 +67,29 @@
- #    $res =~ s/\./=2E/go;
- #    $res =~ s/From /=46rom /go;
- # at the start of encode_qp_really in MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint?
-+# Textual mode.
-+    use MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint;
-+    my $pair;
-+    foreach $pair (["From me",   "=46rom me=\n"],
-+		   [".",         ".=\n"],  # soft line-break
-+		   [".\n",       "=2E\n"], # line-break
-+		   [" From you", " From you=\n"]) {
-+	my $out = MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint::encode_qp_really($pair->[0], 1);
-+	$T->ok_eq($out, $pair->[1],
-+		  "bug 970725-DNA: QP use of RFC2049 guideline 8");
-+    }
-+# Binary mode
- {
-     use MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint;
-     my $pair;
--    foreach $pair (["From me",   "=46rom me"],
--		   [".",         "=2E"],
--		   [" From you", " From you"]) {
--	my $out = MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint::encode_qp_really($pair->[0]);
-+    foreach $pair (["From me",   "=46rom me=\n"],
-+		   [".",         ".=\n"],     # soft line-break
-+		   [".\n",       ".=0A=\n"],  # line-break
-+		   [" From you", " From you=\n"]) {
-+	my $out = MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint::encode_qp_really($pair->[0], 0);
- 	$T->ok_eq($out, $pair->[1],
- 		  "bug 970725-DNA: QP use of RFC2049 guideline 8");
-     }
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
---- lib/MIME/Parser/	Thu Nov 23 06:04:03 2000
-+++ lib/MIME/Parser/	Thu Aug 26 00:42:18 2004
-@@ -357,8 +357,9 @@
-     $self->debug("is this evil? '$name'");
-     return 1 if (!defined($name) or ($name eq ''));   ### empty
-+    return 1 if ($name =~ m{(^\s)|(\s+\Z)});  ### leading/trailing whitespace
-     return 1 if ($name =~ m{^\.+\Z});         ### dots
--    return 1 if ($name =~ tr{\\/:[]}{});      ### path characters
-+    return 1 if ($name =~ /((?:[\[\]\\\/\<\>\|\?\*\:\"]|\p{IsCntrl}))/); ### path or special characters
-     return 1 if ($self->{MPF_MaxName} and 
- 		 (length($name) > $self->{MPF_MaxName}));
-@@ -402,6 +403,9 @@
-     my ($root, $ext) = (($last =~ /^(.*)\.([^\.]+)\Z/) 
- 			? ($1, $2)
- 			: ($last, ''));
-+    ### Delete leading and trailing whitespace
-+    $root =~ s/^\s+//;
-+    $ext  =~ s/\s+$//;
-     $root = substr($root, 0, ($self->{MPF_TrimRoot} || 14));
-     $ext  = substr($ext,  0, ($self->{MPF_TrimExt}  ||  3));
-     $ext =~ /^\w+$/ or $ext = "dat";
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
---- lib/MIME/Field/	Sun Nov  5 04:54:49 2000
-+++ lib/MIME/Field/	Thu Jun  6 10:15:15 2002
-@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@
- #      token      =  1*<any  (ASCII) CHAR except SPACE, CTLs, or tspecials>
- #
- my $TSPECIAL = '()<>@,;:\</[]?="';
-+#" Fix emacs highlighting...
- my $TOKEN    = '[^ \x00-\x1f\x80-\xff' . "\Q$TSPECIAL\E" . ']+';
- # Encoded token:
-@@ -108,6 +111,9 @@
- # Pattern to match spaces or comments:
- my $SPCZ     = '(?:\s|\([^\)]*\))*';
-+# Pattern to match non-semicolon as fallback for broken MIME
-+# produced by some viruses
-+my $BADTOKEN = '[^;]+';
- #------------------------------
- #
-@@ -181,10 +187,40 @@
- =cut
-+sub rfc2231decode {
-+    my($val) = @_;
-+    my($enc, $lang, $rest);
-+    if ($val =~ m/^([^\']*)\'([^\']*)\'(.*)$/) {
-+	$enc = $1;
-+	$lang = $2;
-+	$rest = $3;
-+	$rest = rfc2231percent($rest);
-+    } elsif ($val =~ m/^([^\']*)\'([^\']*)$/) {
-+	$enc = $1;
-+	$rest = $2;
-+	$rest = rfc2231percent($rest);
-+    } else {
-+	$rest = rfc2231percent($val);
-+    }
-+    return $rest;
-+sub rfc2231percent {
-+    # Do percent-subsitution
-+    my($str) = @_;
-+    $str =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("c", hex($1))/ge;
-+    return $str;
- sub parse_params {
-     my ($self, $raw) = @_;
-     my %params = ();
-+    my %rfc2231params = ();
-     my $param;
-+    my $val;
-+    my $part;
-     # Get raw field, and unfold it:
-     defined($raw) or $raw = '';
-@@ -200,9 +236,47 @@
- 	$raw =~ m/\G$SPCZ\;$SPCZ/og or last;             # skip leading separator
- 	$raw =~ m/\G($PARAMNAME)\s*=\s*/og or last;      # give up if not a param
- 	$param = lc($1);
--	$raw =~ m/\G(\"([^\"]+)\")|\G($TOKEN)|\G($ENCTOKEN)/g or last;   # give up if no value
--	my ($qstr, $str, $token, $enctoken) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
--	$params{$param} = defined($qstr) ? $str : (defined($token) ? $token : $enctoken);
-+	$raw =~ m/\G(\"([^\"]+)\")|\G($ENCTOKEN)|\G($BADTOKEN)|\G($TOKEN)/g or last;   # give up if no value"
-+	my ($qstr, $str, $enctoken, $badtoken, $token) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
-+	if (defined($badtoken)) {
-+	    # Strip leading/trailing whitespace from badtoken
-+	    $badtoken =~ s/^\s*//;
-+	    $badtoken =~ s/\s*$//;
-+	}
-+	$val = defined($qstr) ? $str :
-+	    (defined($enctoken) ? $enctoken :
-+	     (defined($badtoken) ? $badtoken : $token));
-+	# Do RFC 2231 processing
-+	if ($param =~ /\*/) {
-+	    my($name, $num);
-+	    # Pick out the parts of the parameter
-+	    if ($param =~ m/^([^*]+)\*([^*]+)\*?$/) {
-+		# We have param*number* or param*number
-+		$name = $1;
-+		$num = $2;
-+	    } else {
-+		# Fake a part of zero... not sure how to handle this properly
-+		$param =~ s/\*//g;
-+		$name = $param;
-+		$num = 0;
-+	    }
-+	    # Decode the value unless it was a quoted string
-+	    if (!defined($qstr)) {
-+		$val = rfc2231decode($val);
-+	    }
-+	    $rfc2231params{$name}{$num} .= $val;
-+	} else {
-+	    # Make a fake "part zero" for non-RFC2231 params
-+	    $rfc2231params{$param}{"0"} = $val;
-+	}
-+    }
-+    # Extract reconstructed parameters
-+    foreach $param (keys %rfc2231params) {
-+	foreach $part (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$rfc2231params{$param}}) {
-+	    $params{$param} .= $rfc2231params{$param}{$part};
-+	}
- 	debug "   field param <$param> = <$params{$param}>";
-     }
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Parser-BinHex
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Parser-BinHex	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
---- /dev/null	Sun Aug  1 22:44:02 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/Decoder/	Sun Aug  1 22:43:12 2004
-@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
-+package MIME::Decoder::BinHex;
-+=head1 NAME
-+MIME::Decoder::BinHex - decode a "binhex" stream
-+=head1 SYNOPSIS
-+A generic decoder object; see L<MIME::Decoder> for usage.
-+Also supports a preamble() method to recover text before
-+the binhexed portion of the stream.
-+A MIME::Decoder subclass for a nonstandard encoding whereby
-+data are binhex-encoded.  Common non-standard MIME encodings for this:
-+    x-uu
-+    x-uuencode
-+=head1 AUTHOR
-+Julian Field (F<>).
-+All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute 
-+it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-+=head1 VERSION
-+$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/08/01 20:46:17 $
-+require 5.002;
-+use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-+use MIME::Decoder;
-+use MIME::Tools qw(whine);
-+use Convert::BinHex;
-+@ISA = qw(MIME::Decoder);
-+# The package version, both in 1.23 style *and* usable by MakeMaker:
-+$VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.1 $, 10;
-+# decode_it IN, OUT
-+sub decode_it {
-+    my ($self, $in, $out) = @_;
-+    my ($mode, $file);
-+    my (@preamble, @data);
-+    local $_;
-+    my $H2B = Convert::BinHex->hex2bin;
-+    #my $H2B = Convert::BinHex->open($in);
-+    my $line;
-+    $self->{MDU_Preamble} = \@preamble;
-+    $self->{MDU_Mode} = '600';
-+    $self->{MDU_File} = undef;
-+    ### Find beginning...
-+    $MailScanner::BinHex::Inline = 1;
-+    if ($MailScanner::BinHex::Inline) {
-+      while (defined($_ = $in->getline)) {
-+        #print STDERR "Line is \"$_\"\n";
-+        if (/^\(This file must be converted/) {
-+          $_ = $in->getline;
-+          last if /^:/;
-+        }
-+        push @preamble, $_;
-+      }
-+      die("binhex decoding: fell off end of file\n") if !defined($_);
-+    } else {
-+      while (defined($_ = $in->getline)) {
-+        # Found the header? So start decoding it
-+        last if /^:/;
-+        push @preamble, $_;
-+      }
-+      ## hit eof!
-+      die("binhex decoding: no This file must be... found\n") if !defined($_);
-+    }
-+    ### Decode:
-+    # Don't rely on the comment always being there
-+    #$self->whine(":H2B is $H2B\n");
-+    #$self->whine("Header is " . $H2B->read_header . "\n");
-+    #@data = $H2B->read_data;
-+    #$out->print(@data);
-+    #print STDERR "End of binhex stream\n";
-+    #return 1;
-+    #if (/^:/) {
-+    my $data;
-+    $data = $H2B->next($_); # or whine("Next error is $@ $!\n");
-+    #print STDERR "Data line 1 is length \"" . length($data) . "\" \"$data\"\n";
-+    my $len = unpack("C", $data);
-+    while ($len > length($data)+21 && defined($line = $in->getline)) {
-+      $data .= $H2B->next($line);
-+    }
-+    $data = substr($data, 22+$len);
-+    $out->print($data);
-+    #}
-+    while (defined($_ = $in->getline)) {
-+        $line = $_;
-+        $data = $H2B->next($line);
-+        #print STDERR "Data is length " . length($data) . " \"$data\"\n";
-+        $out->print($data);
-+        #chomp $line;
-+        #print STDERR "Line is length " . length($line) . " \"$line\"\n";
-+        #print STDERR "Line matches end\n" if $line =~ /:$/;
-+        last if $line =~ /:$/;
-+    }
-+    #print STDERR "Broken out of loop\n";
-+    #print STDERR "file incomplete, no end found\n" if !defined($_); # eof
-+    1;
-+# encode_it IN, OUT
-+sub encode_it {
-+    my ($self, $in, $out) = @_;
-+    my $line;
-+    my $buf = '';
-+    my $fname = (($self->head && 
-+		  $self->head->mime_attr('content-disposition.filename')) ||
-+		 '');
-+    my $B2H = Convert::BinHex->bin2hex;
-+    $out->print("(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)\n");
-+    #while (defined($line = <$in>)) {
-+    while ($in->read($buf, 1000)) {
-+      $out->print($B2H->next($buf));
-+    }
-+    $out->print($B2H->done);
-+    1;
-+# last_preamble
-+# Return the last preamble as ref to array of lines.
-+# Gets reset by decode_it().
-+sub last_preamble {
-+    my $self = shift;
-+    return $self->{MDU_Preamble} || [];
-+# last_mode
-+# Return the last mode.
-+# Gets reset to undef by decode_it().
-+sub last_mode {
-+    shift->{MDU_Mode};
-+# last_filename
-+# Return the last filename.
-+# Gets reset by decode_it().
-+sub last_filename {
-+    shift->{MDU_File} || undef; #[];
---- lib/MIME/	Sun Aug  1 22:44:50 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/	Sun Aug  1 22:45:10 2004
-@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
-     'quoted-printable' => 'MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint',
-   ### Non-standard...
-+    'binhex'     => 'MIME::Decoder::BinHex',
-     'x-uu'       => 'MIME::Decoder::UU',
-     'x-uuencode' => 'MIME::Decoder::UU',
---- lib/MIME/	Tue Aug 31 18:54:05 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/	Tue Aug 31 18:53:33 2004
-@@ -799,10 +802,11 @@
-     $self->debug("extract uuencode? ", $self->extract_uuencode);
-     $self->debug("encoding?         ", $encoding);
-     $self->debug("effective type?   ", $ent->effective_type);
-     if ($self->extract_uuencode and
- 	($encoding =~ /^(7bit|8bit|binary)\Z/) and
--	($ent->effective_type =~ m{^text/plain\Z})) {
-+	($ent->effective_type =~ 
-+		m{^(?:text/plain|application/mac-binhex40|application/mac-binhex)\Z})) {
- 	### Hunt for it:
- 	my $uu_ent = eval { $self->hunt_for_uuencode($ENCODED, $ent) };
- 	if ($uu_ent) {   ### snark
-@@ -842,14 +844,21 @@
- #
- sub hunt_for_uuencode {
-     my ($self, $ENCODED, $ent) = @_;
--    my $good;
-+    my ($good, $jkfis);
-     local $_;
-     $self->debug("sniffing around for UUENCODE");
-     ### Heuristic:
-     $ENCODED->seek(0,0);
-     while (defined($_ = $ENCODED->getline)) {
--	last if ($good = /^begin [0-7]{3}/);
-+        if ($good = /^begin [0-7]{3}/) {
-+          $jkfis = 'uu';
-+          last;
-+        }
-+        if ($good = /^\(This file must be converted with/i) {
-+          $jkfis = 'binhex';
-+          last;
-+        }
-     }
-     $good or do { $self->debug("no one made the cut"); return 0 };
-@@ -860,7 +869,9 @@
-     ### Made the first cut; on to the real stuff:
-     $ENCODED->seek(0,0);
--    my $decoder = MIME::Decoder->new('x-uuencode');
-+    my $decoder = MIME::Decoder->new(($jkfis eq 'uu')?'x-uuencode'
-+                                                     :'binhex');
-+    $self->whine("Found a $jkfis attachment");
-     my $pre;
-     while (1) {
- 	my @bin_data;
-@@ -910,12 +921,11 @@
-     ### Did we get anything?
-     @parts or return undef;
-     ### Set the parts and a nice preamble:
-     $top_ent->parts(\@parts);
-     $top_ent->preamble
- 	(["The following is a multipart MIME message which was extracted\n",
--	  "from a uuencoded message.\n"]);
-+          "from a $jkfis-encoded message.\n"]);
-     $top_ent;
- }
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Parser-MaxParts
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-Parser-MaxParts	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
---- lib/MIME/	Tue Aug 31 18:54:05 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/	Tue Aug 31 18:53:33 2004
-@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@
-     $self->{MP5_IgnoreErrors}    = 1;
-     $self->{MP5_UseInnerFiles}   = 0;
-     $self->{MP5_UUDecode}        = 0;
-+    $self->{MP5_MaxParts}	 = -1;
-     $self->interface(ENTITY_CLASS => 'MIME::Entity');
-     $self->interface(HEAD_CLASS   => 'MIME::Head');
-@@ -277,6 +278,7 @@
-     $self->{MP5_Filer}->results($self->{MP5_Results});
-     $self->{MP5_Filer}->init_parse();
-     $self->{MP5_Filer}->purgeable([]);   ### just to be safe
-+    $self->{MP5_NumParts} = 0;
-     1;
- }
-@@ -969,11 +980,19 @@
- #    Retype => retype this part to the given content-type
- #
- # Return the entity.
--# Fatal exception on failure.
-+# Fatal exception on failure. Returns undef if message to complex
- #
- sub process_part {
-     my ($self, $in, $rdr, %p) = @_;
-+    if ($self->{MP5_MaxParts} > 0) {
-+	$self->{MP5_NumParts}++;
-+	if ($self->{MP5_NumParts} > $self->{MP5_MaxParts}) {
-+		# Return UNDEF if msg too complex
-+		return undef;
-+	}
-+    }
-     $rdr ||= MIME::Parser::Reader->new;
-     #debug "process_part";
-     $self->results->level(+1);
-@@ -1094,6 +1112,8 @@
- Returns the parsed MIME::Entity on success.
- Throws exception on failure.
-+If the message contained too many
-+parts (as set by I<max_parts>), returns undef.
- =cut
-@@ -1351,6 +1371,32 @@
-     my $self = shift;
-     &MIME::Tools::whine("evil_filename deprecated in MIME::Parser");
-     $self->filer->evil_filename(@_);
-+=item max_parts NUM
-+I<Instance method.>
-+Limits the number of MIME parts we will parse.
-+Normally, instances of this class parse a message to the bitter end.
-+Messages with many MIME parts can cause excessive memory consumption.
-+If you invoke this method, parsing will abort with a die() if a message
-+contains more than NUM parts.
-+If NUM is set to -1 (the default), then no maximum limit is enforced.
-+With no argument, returns the current setting as an integer
-+sub max_parts {
-+    my($self, $num) = @_;
-+    if (@_ > 1) {
-+       $self->{MP5_MaxParts} = $num;
-+    }
-+    return $self->{MP5_MaxParts};
- }
- #------------------------------
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
---- lib/MIME/	Sun Nov 12 14:55:11 2000
-+++ lib/MIME/	Wed Nov 19 18:39:33 2003
-@@ -378,16 +378,17 @@
- =item extract_nested_messages OPTION
- I<Instance method.>
--Some MIME messages will contain a part of type C<message/rfc822>:
-+Some MIME messages will contain a part of type C<message/rfc822>
-+or C<message/partial> or C<message/external-body>:
- literally, the text of an embedded mail/news/whatever message.  
- This option controls whether (and how) we parse that embedded message.
- If the OPTION is false, we treat such a message just as if it were a 
- C<text/plain> document, without attempting to decode its contents.  
--If the OPTION is true (the default), the body of the C<message/rfc822> 
--part is parsed by this parser, creating an entity object.  
--What happens then is determined by the actual OPTION:
-+If the OPTION is true (the default), the body of the C<message/rfc822>
-+or C<message/partial> part is parsed by this parser, creating an
-+entity object.  What happens then is determined by the actual OPTION:
- =over 4
-@@ -592,6 +593,7 @@
- #
- # I<Instance method.>
- # Process and return the next header.
-+# Return undef if, instead of a header, the encapsulation boundary is found.
- # Fatal exception on failure.
- #
- sub process_header {
-@@ -612,6 +614,10 @@
-     foreach (@headlines) { s/[\r\n]+\Z/\n/ }  ### fold
-     ### How did we do?
-+    if ($hdr_rdr->eos_type eq 'DELIM') {
-+       $self->whine("bogus part, without CRLF before body");
-+       return;
-+    }
-     ($hdr_rdr->eos_type eq 'DONE') or
- 	$self->error("unexpected end of header\n");
-@@ -983,7 +989,17 @@
-     ### Parse and add the header:
-     my $head = $self->process_header($in, $rdr);
--    $ent->head($head);   
-+    if (not defined $head) {
-+       $self->debug("bogus empty part");
-+       $head = $self->interface('HEAD_CLASS')->new;
-+       $head->mime_type('text/plain; charset=US-ASCII');
-+       $ent->head($head);
-+       $ent->bodyhandle($self->new_body_for($head));
-+       $ent->bodyhandle->open("w")->close;
-+       $self->results->level(-1);
-+       return $ent;
-+    }
-+    $ent->head($head);
-     ### Tweak the content-type based on context from our parent...
-     ### For example, multipart/digest messages default to type message/rfc822:
-@@ -997,8 +1013,10 @@
-     if ($type eq 'multipart') {
- 	$self->process_multipart($in, $rdr, $ent);
-     }
--    elsif (("$type/$subtype" eq "message/rfc822") && 
--	   $self->extract_nested_messages) {
-+    elsif (("$type/$subtype" eq "message/rfc822" ||
-+            "$type/$subtype" eq "message/external-body" ||
-+	    ("$type/$subtype" eq "message/partial" && $head->mime_attr("content-type.number") == 1)) && 
-+	    $self->extract_nested_messages) {
- 	$self->debug("attempting to process a nested message");
- 	$self->process_message($in, $rdr, $ent);
-     }
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-ParserUndef
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/patch-ParserUndef	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
---- lib/MIME/	Tue Aug 31 18:54:05 2004
-+++ lib/MIME/	Tue Aug 31 18:53:33 2004
-@@ -708,6 +710,7 @@
- 	### Parse the next part, and add it to the entity...
- 	my $part = $self->process_part($in, $part_rdr, Retype=>$retype);
-+        return undef unless defined($part);
- 	$ent->add_part($part);
- 	### ...and look at how we finished up:
-@@ -944,6 +954,7 @@
-     ### Parse the message:
-     my $msg = $self->process_part($in, $rdr);
-+    return undef unless defined($msg);
-     ### How to handle nested messages?
-     if ($self->extract_nested_messages eq 'REPLACE') {
-@@ -1005,14 +1024,14 @@
-     ### Handle, according to the MIME type:
-     if ($type eq 'multipart') {
--	$self->process_multipart($in, $rdr, $ent);
-+        return undef unless defined($self->process_multipart($in, $rdr, $ent));
-     }
-     elsif (("$type/$subtype" eq "message/rfc822" ||
-             "$type/$subtype" eq "message/external-body" ||
- 	    ("$type/$subtype" eq "message/partial" && $head->mime_attr("content-type.number") == 1)) && 
- 	    $self->extract_nested_messages) {
- 	$self->debug("attempting to process a nested message");
--	$self->process_message($in, $rdr, $ent);
-+	return undef unless defined($self->process_message($in, $rdr, $ent));
-     }
-     else {                     
- 	$self->process_singlepart($in, $rdr, $ent);
-@@ -1080,7 +1080,6 @@
- =back
- Returns the parsed MIME::Entity on success.  
--Throws exception on failure.
- =cut
diff -ruN p5-MIME-Tools/files/
---	Wed Sep 22 09:54:39 2004
+++ p5-MIME-Tools/files/	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- lib/MIME/	Sat Nov 11 01:45:12 2000
-+++ lib/MIME/	Thu Jun  6 10:15:15 2002
-@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
-     $@ = '';           ### error-return
-     ### Collapse boundaries between adjacent encoded words:
--    $encstr =~ s{(\?\=)\r?\n[ \t](\=\?)}{$1$2}gs;
-+    $encstr =~ s{(\?\=)\s*(\=\?)}{$1$2}gs;
-     pos($encstr) = 0;
-     ### print STDOUT "ENC = [", $encstr, "]\n";
--- p5-MIME-Tools.diff ends here ---


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