From owner-freebsd-current  Fri Dec  8 22: 8: 7 2000
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From: John Hay <>
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Subject: Re: Hangs during 'make world -j4' on recent current
In-Reply-To: <> from Greg Lehey at "Dec 8, 2000 12:43:30 pm"
To: (Greg Lehey)
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 08:07:34 +0200 (SAT)
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> For over a week now, I have been unable to complete a 'make world' on
> my -CURRENT box if I specify -j4.  The system hangs and is completely
> unresponsive.  This is a dual Celeron and an Abit BP6 motherboard.  As
> far as I can tell, nobody knows what's causing this, nor even how to
> attack the problem.  I'd like to solicit feedback about the extent of
> the problem, the possible causes, and how to debug it.

I have been building releases with WORLD_FLAGS=-j4 successfully on my
SMP box with a Dec 1 kernel for the past week. Yesterday I upgraded the
kernel and with the new kernel did a make world -j4 which completed with
no problems. And afterwards a make release with WORLD_FLAGS=-j4 also
finished with no problems. So -current isn't totally broken. It might
be timing related. My machine is an old dual 266MHz PII.

John Hay --

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