From owner-freebsd-questions  Tue Jul  7 03:51:05 1998
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Did you use XF86Setup?

If you truely have a PS/2 mouse, /dev/ttyd0 is not the device.  It
should be /dev/psm0, and, you need support for it in the kernel.

>From X documentation:

Additional documentation is available in the XFree86(1), XF86Config(4/5),
XF86_SVGA(1), XF86_Mono(1), XF86_VGA16(1), XF86_Accel(1), XF86Setup(1) and
xvidtune(1) manual pages.  In addition, several README files and tutorial docu-
ments are provided.  These are available in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc in the
binary distributions, and in  xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc in the source

The files QuickStart.doc and README.Config should be consulted for information
on how to set up the XFree86 servers.  All supplied documents, manual pages,
and the XFree86 FAQ <URL:> should be read before con-
tacting the XFree86 team for assistance.

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