From owner-freebsd-hackers Thu Nov 14 13:44:16 1996 Return-Path: owner-hackers Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id NAA08460 for hackers-outgoing; Thu, 14 Nov 1996 13:44:16 -0800 (PST) Received: from ( []) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) with ESMTP id NAA08402; Thu, 14 Nov 1996 13:43:51 -0800 (PST) Received: (from cfortin@localhost) by (8.7.5/8.7.3) id QAA22414; Thu, 14 Nov 1996 16:44:51 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: X-Mailer: XFMail 0.4 [p0] on FreeBSD Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-To: <> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 16:38:14 -0500 (EST) Organization: =?us-ascii?Q?=C9lectro-Conception?= From: Christian Fortin To: "Jordan K. Hubbard" Subject: RE: David and I will be at COMDEX in Las Vegas from Nov 18 - Nov Cc:, Sender: X-Loop: Precedence: bulk I have talk today to a guy at the WordPerfect developement team... I have tell about FreeBSD... They are interest about it ( for WP 7.0 ) avalable at the end of january... They are looking for Linux also... Anyway, they also build a Java version of WP Office :-) You can try it write no w!!! Presently, I run WP 6.0 on X , it work fine with FreeBSD... SCO version with ibc s2 ;-) Good luck guy .... On 14-Nov-96 "Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote: >>In case any FreeBSD enthusiasts will be attending, David Greenman >and I will be staffing "the FreeBSD booth" - a segment of Walnut Creek >CDROM's booth which they have provided to us for promotional purposes. >We will be there all week answering questions, signing autographs >and shooting rubber bands at the Slackware Linux booth staffers. > >Walnut Creek CDROM's booth will be at the Sands, and should be >listed on the Exhibitors map. > >If you're in the area, please stop by and see us! > > Jordan ---------------------------------- E-Mail: Christian Fortin Date: 11/14/96 Heure: 16:38:14 ##################################################--------+ Electro-Conception tel:(418) 872-6641 | 3665 Croisset fax:(418) 872-9198 | Quebec,P.Q. | Canada | G1P-1L4 | /----|<|----WM--|(--J --------------------------L---WM-----< \----1 --- -