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Date:      Wed, 23 Oct 2013 10:09:21 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Gleb Smirnoff <>
Subject:   svn commit: r256957 - user/glebius/course/05.memory
Message-ID:  <>

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Author: glebius
Date: Wed Oct 23 10:09:21 2013
New Revision: 256957

  Couple more bits on uma.


Modified: user/glebius/course/05.memory/lection.tex
--- user/glebius/course/05.memory/lection.tex	Wed Oct 23 09:54:58 2013	(r256956)
+++ user/glebius/course/05.memory/lection.tex	Wed Oct 23 10:09:21 2013	(r256957)
@@ -781,28 +781,70 @@ ITEM  &   SIZE  &  LIMIT  &  USED  &  FR
-m = uma\_zalloc(zone, \ldots);
-\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm]
-  \node [name=zone, struct, rectangle split parts=4] {
+\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=5mm, font=\scriptsize]
+  \node [name=keg, struct, rectangle split parts=4] {
+    \textbf{struct uma\_keg}
+    \nodepart{two} LIST\_HEAD(,uma\_slab)    uk\_part\_slab
+    \nodepart{three} LIST\_HEAD(,uma\_slab)    uk\_free\_slab
+    \nodepart{four} LIST\_HEAD(,uma\_slab)    uk\_full\_slab
+  };
+\tikzset {
+  slab/.style = {draw, thick, rounded corners,
+		  rectangle split, rectangle split draw splits=false,
+		  rectangle split horizontal, 
+		  minimum width=10ex, minimum height=3ex},
+  fslab/.style = {slab,
+		  rectangle split part fill={struct!50, struct!50, struct!50,
+		  struct!50}},
+  pslab1/.style = {slab,
+		  rectangle split part fill={struct!50, struct!50, white!50,
+		  white!50}},
+  pslab2/.style = {slab,
+		  rectangle split part fill={struct!50, white!50, white!50,
+		  white!50}},
+  eslab/.style = {slab,
+		  rectangle split part fill={white!50, white!50, white!50,
+		  white!50}},
+  \node [name=fslab1, fslab,
+	 below=10mm of keg.south west, anchor=north west, xshift=-8mm] {};
+  \node [name=fslab2, fslab, node distance=1mm, below=of fslab1] {};
+  \node [name=fslab3, fslab, node distance=1mm, below=of fslab2] {};
+  \node [name=fslab4, fslab, node distance=1mm, below=of fslab3] {};
+  \node [name=pslab1, pslab1, right=of fslab1] {};
+  \node [name=pslab2, pslab2, node distance=1mm, below=of pslab1] {};
+  \node [name=eslab, eslab, right=of pslab1] {};
+  \draw [pointer] (keg.four east) -- ++(1mm,0) -- +(0,-5mm) -| (fslab1.north);
+  \draw [pointer] (keg.three east) -- ++(2mm,0) -- +(0,-14mm) -| (pslab1.north);
+  \draw [pointer] (keg.two east) -- ++(3mm,0) -- +(0,-22mm) -| (eslab.north);
+\onslide<2-> {
+  \node [name=zone, left=of keg, struct, rectangle split parts=4] {
     \textbf{struct uma\_zone}
     \nodepart{two} struct uma\_cache uz\_cpu\lbrack$ncpus$\rbrack
     \nodepart{three} LIST\_HEAD(,uma\_bucket)  uz\_buckets
     \nodepart{four} struct uma\_keg *uz\_keg
-  \node [name=cache, below left=5mm and 0mm of zone,
+  \node [name=cache, below=of zone.south west, anchor=north west,
          struct, rectangle split parts=3] {
     \textbf{struct uma\_cache}
     \nodepart{two} uma\_bucket\_t    uc\_freebucket
     \nodepart{three} uma\_bucket\_t    uc\_allocbucket
-  \node [name=bucket, below=of zone, struct, rectangle split parts=4] {
+  \node [name=bucket, below=of cache.south west, anchor=north west,
+	 struct, rectangle split parts=4] {
     \textbf{struct uma\_bucket}
     \nodepart{two} int16\_t ub\_cnt
     \nodepart{three} int16\_t ub\_entries
     \nodepart{four} void *ub\_bucket\lbrack\rbrack
-  \draw [pointer] (zone.two west) -| (cache.north);
-  \draw [pointer] (cache.two east) to [out=0, in=180] ( west);
+  \draw [pointer] (zone.two west) -- +(-3mm,0) |- ( west);
+  \draw [pointer] (cache.two west) -- +(-3mm,0) |- ( west);
+  \draw [pointer] (zone.four east) to [out=0, in=180] ( west);

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