From owner-freebsd-current  Sat Mar 20 10:49:58 1999
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Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 13:49:36 -0500 (EST)
From: Adam <>
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To: Matthew Dillon <>
Cc: current@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: reproducable panic?
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Ok I've been playing around a bit, an iso sized file (500-600mb) seems to
trigger it, and a quite small file seemed to do it too but I forgot which
one, but just now I made a one byte file and vnconfig'ed it and that
paniced. Please try that if you can :) btw I tried a 32mb file like you,
also a 16mb one, and neither made it crash.  Thanks

On Sat, 20 Mar 1999, Matthew Dillon wrote:

> :I seem to be able to reproduce a panic on my 4.0 machine (updated
> :yesterday, kernel and world, also could crash with a somewhat older
> :build)
> :
> :I have pseudo-device vn  and nfs  in my kernel, not as a module.
> :
> :When I vnconfig -c /dev/vn0c /nfsmountpoint/somefile,  the system panics
> :reliably.
> :
> :If there is more useful info I could give, or shell accounts, etc,
> :please let me know.
> test2:/home/dillon# ls -la /var/tmp/ff/test
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  33554432 Mar 20 09:01 /var/tmp/ff/test
> test2:/home/dillon# vnconfig -c /dev/vn2c /var/tmp/ff/test
> test2:/home/dillon# df
> apollo:/images/remote.src   1397423   970331   315299    75%    /var/tmp/ff
>     Works for me.  If you have the latest updated yesterday you should be
>     in good shape.  See if you can narrow down why it is crashing... try
>     different file sizes for your /nfsmountpoint/somefile, and so forth.
> 						-Matt
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