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Date:      Wed, 10 Jan 1996 17:24:34 -0800 (PST)
From:      -Vince- <vince@apollo.COSC.GOV>
To:        "Jonathan M. Bresler" <>
Subject:   Re: sendmail: mail loops back to myself
Message-ID:  <Pine.BSF.3.91.960110172257.4499N-100000@apollo.COSC.GOV>
In-Reply-To: <Pine.BSF.3.91.960110195756.29736A-100000@Aspen.Woc.Atinc.COM>

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On Wed, 10 Jan 1996, Jonathan M. Bresler wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Jan 1996, -Vince- wrote:
> > majordomo runned mailing lists, like for some reason a digest goes out on 
> > 1/9/96 at 00:06 -800 PST so it bounces back to the list but it looks like 
> 	a digest should never bounce back to the list.  all mail from 
> majordomo should bounce to either the postmaster or majordomo-owner or 
> the list owner.  your outbound headers are incorrect.

	I know I have this correct since this was the setup given to me
by Paul Close and Brent Chapman.  It's just this one site uses the Reply-To:
line for the address instead of the sender or path lines and bounces it 
back as apollo.COSC.GOV!gus-general-digest

> > it was the original digest headers since the From: and To: line didn't 
> > change.  The problem is that even after removing the person(s) with the 
> > bouncing problem, it seems their system is resending the same bounce over 
> > and over to the lists, is there a way to completely filter out any 
> 	yes, all incoming messages go to either majordomo or resend.  i 
> have patches for both.
> resend:  after line 226
>                     if ( /^from:\s*(.+)/i )
>                     {
>                         $from = $1;
>                         $from_last = 1;
>                         if ( ( $1 =~ /first bozo/i )
>                         ||   ( $1 =~ /repeat as required/i ) ) {
>                                &bounce("Kill Filter");
>                         }
>                     }
>                     elsif ( defined($from_last) )
> majordomo: after line 100
> # reject mail form this address
> # replace this with a generic facility                  
>         if ($[ <= index($hdrs{'from'}, 'first bozo')
>         ||  $[ <= index($hdrs{'from'}, 'repeat for each bozo') ) {
>                 &sendmail(TWIT, "postmaster", "$hdrs{'from'}");
>                 print TWIT "major polluter stopped\n";
>                 print TWIT "No action is required on your part.\n";
>                 close(TWIT);
>                 exit 0;
>         }

	Hmmm, Thanks!

-Vince- vince@COSC.GOV - GUS Mailing Lists Admin - http://www.COSC.GOV/~vince
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