From owner-freebsd-doc  Sun Jul 15 22:54:13 2001
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Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 22:51:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Linh Pham <>
To: John Doe <>
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Subject: Re: New FAQ Translation (Vietnamese)
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On 2001-07-15, John Doe scribbled:

# <sighs>  After numerous days of excessive laziness, I've finally
# gotten part of the FAQ translated to Vietnamese.  You can view it at
#  This was written with vnelvis(1V).  If any of you
# can read/write vietnamese, please send me suggestions/corrections.

I'm not proficient enough to read/write in Vietnamese (although I am),
but I looked through the document to see what I could catch (little).

One thing is that when I view the document in IE 5.5 on Windows 2000,
many of the characters end up being rendered as interesting (and
improper) glyphs. For example, some of the characters end up turning
into unpronounceable symbols (ie: 1/2, 3/4, the German B-like char, the
British Pound, Greek glyphs, etc.)

Would it be possible to create the doc in HTML and use codepage specific
to Vietnamese? This would probably break compatibility with other
browsers, but right now... it's unreadable and cannot be understood.

Help these comments help :)

Linh Pham

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