From owner-cvs-ports  Wed Oct 30 13:44:14 1996
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Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 13:43:55 -0800 (PST)
From: Gary Jennejohn <gj>
Message-Id: <>
To: CVS-committers, cvs-all, cvs-ports
Subject: cvs commit:  ports/devel/gdb/files kvm-fbsd.c tm-fbsd.h
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gj          96/10/30 13:43:54

  Modified:    devel/gdb/files  kvm-fbsd.c tm-fbsd.h
  modify port_gdb to:
  1) put in Garrett Wollman's trap frame resolving code
  2) make the `port' command (kernel debugging) really work
  3) allow specifying a pid to the `port' command
  The `port' command doesn't (yet) work for remote debugging.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +195 -4    ports/devel/gdb/files/kvm-fbsd.c
  1.2       +26 -0     ports/devel/gdb/files/tm-fbsd.h