From owner-freebsd-hardware  Fri Apr 26 13:55:44 1996
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Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 13:55:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dave Walton <>
To: Mike Witte <>
cc: hardware <>
Subject: Re: Magneto-optical disks
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On Fri, 26 Apr 1996, Mike Witte wrote:

> DW>Oh, here's a thought...  Is there a disk in the drive when you get that
> DW>error?  If not, try booting with a disk in there.
> I tried it, and it works.

Kinda thought it might.  When I first got my MO I was running Windows 
3.11, and discovered that starting Windows without a disk in the drive 
guaranteed a lockup.  I very quickly got into the habit of just leaving a 
disk in there until I want to stick a different one in.  As a result, I've 
never tried booting Win95 or FreeBSD without a disk in the MO, because 
there is ALWAYS one in there.

> Now it recognizes at least the number of sectors.
> Only the sector size is still wrong:
>   (ncr0:4:0): "SONY SMO-C501-00E 3.02" type 0 removable SCSI 1
>   sd2(ncr0:4:0): Direct-Access
>   sd2(ncr0:4:0): ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:24,0 Invalid field in CDB
>   sd2 could not mode sense (4). Using ficticious geometry
>   153MB (314569 512 byte sectors)

What's the capacity of the drive supposed to be?
In any case, you may not need to worry about that too much.  Try mounting 
a disk and see if it works.  If it does, be happy.  :)
If it doesn't...  I don't know enough about the internals of FreeBSD to 
take this much further.  Maybe someone else here has some ideas.


David Walton                                     Unix Programmer
PSI INTERNATIONAL, Inc.                          email:
190 South Orchard #C200                          Fax  :(707)451-6484
Vacaville, CA 95688                              Phone:(707)451-3503