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Date:      Sun, 14 Feb 2016 11:21:50 -0800
From:      Mark Millard <>
To:        FreeBSD Toolchain <>, FreeBSD PowerPC ML <>
Subject:   /usr/src/Makefile.inc1 vs. buildworld finding include files: a problem for some contexts?
Message-ID:  <>

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Is buildworld supposed to use /usr/include's area for finding files by =
default? (I'm not talking of ${WORLDTMP}/usr/include but of just =

It does use /usr/include's area for some contexts: self-hosted builds =
without a special XCC full path (e.g., an implicit TARGET_ARCH=3Dpowerpc =
on a powerpc host using gcc 4.2.1 without an explicit XCC assignment =
that also directs it to gcc 4.2.1 via a full path).

/usr/src/Makefile.inc1 has the following sort of logic:

> .if ${XCC:N${CCACHE_BIN}:M/*}
. . .
> .if defined(X_COMPILER_TYPE) && ${X_COMPILER_TYPE} =3D=3D gcc
> XCFLAGS+=3D       -isystem ${WORLDTMP}/usr/include =
> XCXXFLAGS+=3D     -I${WORLDTMP}/usr/include/c++/v1 -std=3Dgnu++11 =
. . .
> .else
. . .
> .endif
> XCFLAGS+=3D       --sysroot=3D${WORLDTMP} ${BFLAGS}
> XCXXFLAGS+=3D     --sysroot=3D${WORLDTMP} ${BFLAGS}
> .else
> XCFLAGS+=3D       ${BFLAGS}
> .endif
> .endif # ${XCC:M/*}

For contexts without the -isystem and/or --sysroot in XCFLAGS . . .

Is it appropriate to submit bug reports for buildworld getting include =
files from /usr/include instead of from ${WORLDTMP} or from /usr/src =

This tends to be noticed when something like the following. . .

> # svnlite update -r295453 /usr/src
> # env __MAKE_CONF=3D/root/src.configs/make.conf =
SRC_ENV_CONF=3D/root/src.configs/src.conf.powerpc-gcc421.powerpc-host =
MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=3D/usr/obj/gcc421/powerpc.powerpc make -j 6 buildworld =

ends up with compile errors from using some older /usr/include header =
files that are no longer sufficient to allow compilation.

I recently had a couple of examples where the cc command in the script =
output file for the failing compiles showed no -I , no -isystem , no =
--sysroot , nothing that would have allowed it to even potentially avoid =
/usr/include (old file) use. The Makefile*'s involved had no =

(Some types of header changes might not stop a build but might make the =
build result wrong without much explicit notification. I'd prefer to =
avoid such as well.)

I expect that there are analogous points/questions for finding =

Mark Millard
markmi at

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