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I've been ... er, diddling with an installation of FreeBSD 4.3 for a little while now. Have much more experience with Debian Linux, which I have on the same machine, but I very much like what I have found in FreeBSD.

So I hope to advance beyond the diddle stage soon.

ANYhoo, I have an older laptop, a Toshiba Tecra 740CDT, and have been thinking of removing the Win98 install and replacing it with FreeBSD. The issue: the HD is only 2gig. Is that enough space for a decent FreeBSD install? How much space should I look for if I get a replacement for the HD on this laptop?

BTW the one FreeBSD/laptop compatibility page I've looked at makes it sounds as though this is a good match for the OS. If anyone has any specific experience with this model I'd love to hear about it.


Glenn Becker

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