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Date:      Fri, 14 Sep 2007 21:33:43 GMT
From:      Gabor Pali <>
To:        Perforce Change Reviews <>
Subject:   PERFORCE change 126408 for review
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Change 126408 by pgj@disznohal on 2007/09/14 21:32:42

	Submit the initial Hungarian translation of Chapter 17: Security
	Event Auditing.

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/docproj_hu/books/handbook/audit/chapter.sgml#2 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/docproj_hu/books/handbook/audit/chapter.sgml#2 (text+ko) ====

@@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
-     The FreeBSD Documentation Project
+     The FreeBSD Documentation Project     
      $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/audit/chapter.sgml,v 1.30 2007/08/23 05:12:26 chinsan Exp $
-<!-- Need more documentation on praudit, auditreduce, etc.  Plus more info
-on the triggers from the kernel (log rotation, out of space, etc).
-And the /dev/audit special file if we choose to support that.  Could use
-some coverage of integrating MAC with Event auditing and perhaps discussion
-on how some companies or organizations handle auditing and auditing
-requirements. -->
+<!-- The FreeBSD Hungarian Documentation Project
+     Translated by: PALI, Gabor <>
+     Original Revision: r1.30                     -->
-<chapter id="audit">
+<chapter id="audit" lang="hu">
-	<contrib>Written by </contrib>
+	<contrib>&Iacute;rta: </contrib>
@@ -25,503 +22,556 @@
-  <title>Security Event Auditing</title>
+  <title>Biztons&aacute;gi esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata</title>
   <sect1 id="audit-synopsis">
-    <title>Synopsis</title>
+    <title>&Aacute;ttekint&eacute;s</title>
-      <primary>Security Event Auditing</primary>
+      <primary>Biztons&aacute;gi esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata</primary>
-    <para>FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE and later include support for fine-grained
-      security event auditing.  Event auditing allows the reliable,
-      fine-grained, and configurable logging of a variety of
-      security-relevant system events, including logins, configuration
-      changes, and file and network access.  These log records can be
-      invaluable for live system monitoring, intrusion detection, and
-      postmortem analysis.  &os; implements &sun;'s published
-      <acronym>BSM</acronym> API and file format, and is interoperable with
-      both &sun;'s &solaris; and &apple;'s &macos; X audit implementations.</para>
-    <para>This chapter focuses on the installation and configuration of
-      Event Auditing.  It explains audit policies, and provides an example
-      audit configuration.</para>
+    <para>A &os; 6.2-RELEASE &eacute;s az az&oacute;ta megjelent verzi&oacute;k t&aacute;mogatj&aacute;k a
+      biztons&aacute;gi esem&eacute;nyek apr&oacute;l&eacute;kos vizsg&aacute;lat&aacute;t.  Ezzel egy megb&iacute;zhat&oacute;,
+      r&eacute;szletes &eacute;s j&oacute;l konfigur&aacute;lhat&oacute; napl&oacute;z&aacute;si rendszert t&aacute;rs&iacute;tanak a
+      rendszerben tal&aacute;lhat&oacute; biztons&aacute;got ig&eacute;nyl&#245; esem&eacute;nyek sz&eacute;les k&ouml;r&eacute;hez,
+      bele&eacute;rtve a bejelentkez&eacute;seket, a konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;s &aacute;llom&aacute;nyokban bek&ouml;vetkez&#245;
+      v&aacute;ltoz&aacute;sokat, &aacute;llom&aacute;ny- &eacute;s h&aacute;l&oacute;zati hozz&aacute;f&eacute;r&eacute;seket.  Az &iacute;gy l&eacute;trehozott
+      napl&oacute;bejegyz&eacute;sek felbecs&uuml;lhetetlen &eacute;rt&eacute;k&#251;nek bizonyulhatnak egy &eacute;l&#245;
+      rendszer fel&uuml;gyelete sor&aacute;n, vagy egy h&aacute;l&oacute;zati t&aacute;mad&aacute;s &eacute;szlel&eacute;s&eacute;hez,
+      esetleg egy &ouml;sszeoml&aacute;s okainak kielemez&eacute;s&eacute;hez.  A &os; ehhez a &sun;
+      &aacute;ltal kifejlesztett <acronym>BSM</acronym> technol&oacute;gia API-j&aacute;t &eacute;s
+      &aacute;llom&aacute;nyform&aacute;tum&aacute;t val&oacute;s&iacute;tja meg, &eacute;s &iacute;gy k&eacute;pes egy&uuml;ttm&#251;k&ouml;dni a &sun;
+      &solaris; valamint az &apple; &macos; X bizons&aacute;gi rendszereivel
+      egyar&aacute;nt.</para>
+    <para>Ebben a fejezetben a biztons&aacute;gi esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lat&aacute;nak
+      telep&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;hez &eacute;s be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;hoz sz&uuml;ks&eacute;ges ismeretek tekintj&uuml;k &aacute;t.
+      Ennek keret&eacute;ben sz&oacute; esik a vizsg&aacute;lati h&aacute;zirendekr&#245;l, valamint
+      mutatunk egy p&eacute;ld&aacute;t a vizsg&aacute;latok be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ra.</para>
+    <para>A fejezet elolvas&aacute;sa sor&aacute;n megismerj&uuml;k:</para>
-    <para>After reading this chapter, you will know:</para>
-        <para>What Event Auditing is and how it works.</para>
+        <para>mit jelent az esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata &eacute;s hogyan
+          m&#251;k&ouml;dik.</para>
-	<para>How to configure Event Auditing on &os; for users
-	  and processes.</para>
+        <para>hogyan kell be&aacute;ll&iacute;tani az esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lat&aacute;t &os;-n
+          a k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245; felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;k &eacute;s programok eset&eacute;n.</para>        
-	<para>How to review the audit trail using the audit reduction and
-	  review tools.</para>
+        <para>hogyan &eacute;rtelmezz&uuml;k egy vizsg&aacute;lati nyomokat a
+          vizsg&aacute;latot sz&#251;k&iacute;t&#245; &eacute;s -elemz&#245; seg&eacute;dprogramok seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel.</para>
-    <para>Before reading this chapter, you should:</para>
+    <para>A fejezet elolvas&aacute;s&aacute;hoz aj&aacute;nlott:</para>
-	<para>Understand &unix; and &os; basics
-	  (<xref linkend="basics">).</para>
+        <para>alapvet&#245; &unix;-os &eacute;s &os;-s ismeretek
+          (<xref linkend="basics">).</para>
-	<para>Be familiar with the basics of kernel
-	  configuration/compilation
-	  (<xref linkend="kernelconfig">).</para>
+        <para>a rendszermag konfigur&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;val &eacute;s ford&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;val kapcsolatos
+        tudnival&oacute;k alapszint&#251; ismerete (<xref linkend="kernelconfig">).</para>
-	<para>Have some familiarity with security and how it
-	  pertains to &os; (<xref linkend="security">).</para>
+        <para>az informatikai biztons&aacute;g alapfogalmainak &eacute;s annak a &os;-re
+          vonatkoz&oacute; r&eacute;szleteinek minim&aacute;lis ismerete
+          (<xref linkend="security">).</para>
-      <para>The audit facility in &os; 6.2 is experimental, and production
-	deployment should occur only after careful consideration of the
-	risks of deploying experimental software.  Known limitations include
-	that not all security-relevant system events are currently auditable,
-	and that some login mechanisms, such as X11-based display managers
-	and third party daemons, do not properly configure auditing for user
-	login sessions.</para>
+      <para>A &os; 6.2-es verzi&oacute;j&aacute;ban jelenlev&#245; biztons&aacute;gi vizsg&aacute;lat m&eacute;g
+        csak k&iacute;s&eacute;rleti jelleggel szerepel, &eacute;les k&ouml;rnyezetben kiz&aacute;r&oacute;lag csak
+        az ilyen fajta szoftverekkel kapcsolatos kock&aacute;zatok tudat&aacute;ban &eacute;s
+        elfogad&aacute;s&aacute;val javasolt haszn&aacute;lni.  Ismert korl&aacute;toz&aacute;sok: nem mindegyik
+        biztons&aacute;got &eacute;rint&#245; esem&eacute;ny vizsg&aacute;lhat&oacute;, mint mondjuk az egyes
+        bejelentkez&eacute;si t&iacute;pusok, mivel azok nem megfelel&#245;en hiteles&iacute;tik
+        a bel&eacute;p&#245; felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;kat.  Ilyenek p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul az X11-alap&uacute; fel&uuml;letek &eacute;s
+        az egy&eacute;b, erre a c&eacute;lra alkalmas, m&aacute;s &aacute;ltal fejlesztett daemonok.
-      <para>The security event auditing facility is able to generate very
-	detailed logs of system activity: on a busy system, trail file
-	data can be very large when configured for high detail, exceeding
-	gigabytes a week in some configurations.  Administrators should take
-	into account disk space requirements associated with high volume
-	audit configurations.  For example, it may be desirable to dedicate
-	a file system to the <filename>/var/audit</filename> tree so that
-	other file systems are not affected if the audit file system becomes
-	full.</para>
+      <para>A biztons&aacute;gi esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata sor&aacute;n a rendszer k&eacute;pes nagyon
+        r&eacute;szletes napl&oacute;kat k&eacute;sz&iacute;teni az &eacute;rintett tev&eacute;kenys&eacute;gekr&#245;l.  &Iacute;gy egy
+        kell&#245;en forgalmas rendszeren az &aacute;llom&aacute;nymozg&aacute;sok alapos nyomonk&ouml;vet&eacute;se
+        bizonyos konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;kon ak&aacute;r gigabyte-okat is kitehet hetente.  A
+        rendszergazd&aacute;knak ez&eacute;rt mindig javasolt sz&aacute;molniuk a nagy forgalm&uacute;
+        esem&eacute;nyek biztons&aacute;gi vizsg&aacute;lat&aacute;nak t&aacute;rig&eacute;ny&eacute;vel.  P&eacute;ld&aacute;ul, emiatt
+        &eacute;rdemes lehet egy eg&eacute;sz &aacute;llom&aacute;nyrendszert sz&aacute;nni erre a feladatra a
+        <filename>/var/audit</filename> k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rban, &eacute;s &iacute;gy a t&ouml;bbi
+        &aacute;llom&aacute;nyrendszer nem l&aacute;tja k&aacute;r&aacute;t, ha v&eacute;letlen&uuml;l betelne ez a
+        ter&uuml;let.</para>
   <sect1 id="audit-inline-glossary">
-    <title>Key Terms in this Chapter</title>
+    <title>A fejezet fontosabb fogalmai</title>
-    <para>Before reading this chapter, a few key audit-related terms must be
-      explained:</para>
+    <para>A fejezet elolvas&aacute;sa el&#245;tt meg kell ismern&uuml;nk n&eacute;h&aacute;ny fontos
+      alapfogalmat:</para>
-	<para><emphasis>event</emphasis>: An auditable event is any event
-	  that can be logged using the audit subsystem.
-	  Examples of security-relevant events include the creation of
-	  a file, the building of a network connection, or a user logging in.
-	  Events are either <quote>attributable</quote>,
-	  meaning that they can be traced to an authenticated user, or
-	  <quote>non-attributable</quote> if they cannot be.
-	  Examples of non-attributable events are any events that occur
-	  before authentication in the login process, such as bad password
-	  attempts.</para>
+        <para><emphasis>esem&eacute;ny:</emphasis> Vizsg&aacute;lhat&oacute; esem&eacute;nynek azt az
+          esem&eacute;nyt nevezz&uuml;k, amely egy vizsg&aacute;lati alrendszerben napl&oacute;zhat&oacute;.
+          Biztons&aacute;gi esem&eacute;nyek lehetnek p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul: egy &aacute;llom&aacute;ny l&eacute;trehoz&aacute;sa,
+          egy h&aacute;l&oacute;zati kapcsolat fel&eacute;p&iacute;t&eacute;se, vagy egy felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;
+          bejelentkez&eacute;se.  Egy esem&eacute;ny <quote>jellegzetes</quote>, ha
+          visszak&ouml;vethet&#245; valamelyik hiteles&iacute;tett felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;hoz, vagy
+          <quote>nem jellegzetes</quote>, ha ez nem lehets&eacute;ges.  Nem
+          jellegzetes esem&eacute;nyek lehet p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul minden olyan esem&eacute;ny, amely
+          egy bejelentkez&eacute;si folyamat hiteles&iacute;t&eacute;si l&eacute;p&eacute;se el&#245;tt t&ouml;rt&eacute;nik,
+          ilyenek a hib&aacute;s jelsz&oacute;val t&ouml;rt&eacute;n&#245; bel&eacute;p&eacute;si k&iacute;s&eacute;rletek.</para>
-        <para><emphasis>class</emphasis>: Event classes are named sets of
-	  related events, and are used in selection expressions.  Commonly
-	  used classes of events include <quote>file creation</quote> (fc),
-	  <quote>exec</quote> (ex) and <quote>login_logout</quote>
-	  (lo).</para>
+        <para><emphasis>oszt&aacute;ly:</emphasis> Esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lynak az &ouml;sszef&uuml;gg&#245;
+          esem&eacute;nyek n&eacute;vvel ell&aacute;tott halmaz&aacute;t tekintj&uuml;k, &eacute;s sz&#251;r&eacute;si
+          felt&eacute;telekben haszn&aacute;ljuk &#245;ket.  &Aacute;ltal&aacute;ban alkalmazott oszt&aacute;lyok:
+          <quote>file creation</quote> (fc, &aacute;llom&aacute;nyl&eacute;trehoz&aacute;s),
+          <quote>exec</quote> (ex, programind&iacute;t&aacute;s), &eacute;s
+          <quote>login_logout</quote> (lo, ki- &eacute;s bejelentkez&eacute;s).</para>
-	<para><emphasis>record</emphasis>: A record is an audit log entry
-	  describing a security event.  Records contain a record event type,
-	  information on the subject (user) performing the action,
-	  date and time information, information on any objects or
-	  arguments, and a success or failure condition.</para>
+        <para><emphasis>rekord:</emphasis> Rekordnak nevezz&uuml;k a biztons&aacute;gi
+          esem&eacute;nyeket le&iacute;r&oacute; biztons&aacute;gi napl&oacute;bejegyz&eacute;seket.  A rekordok
+          tartalmazhatj&aacute;k a feljegyzett esem&eacute;ny t&iacute;pus&aacute;t, az esem&eacute;nyt kiv&aacute;lt&oacute;
+          tev&eacute;kenys&eacute;get (felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;t), a d&aacute;tumot &eacute;s az id&#245;t, tetsz&#245;leges
+          objektum vagy param&eacute;ter &eacute;rt&eacute;k&eacute;t, felt&eacute;telek teljes&uuml;l&eacute;s&eacute;t vagy
+          meghi&uacute;sul&aacute;s&aacute;t.</para>
-	<para><emphasis>trail</emphasis>: An audit trail, or log file,
-	  consists of a series of audit records describing security
-	  events.  Typically, trails are in roughly chronological
-	  order with respect to the time events completed.  Only
-	  authorized processes are allowed to commit records to the
-	  audit trail.</para>
+        <para><emphasis>nyom:</emphasis> Vizsg&aacute;lati nyomnak vagy
+          napl&oacute;&aacute;llom&aacute;nynak nevezz&uuml;k a k&uuml;l&ouml;nf&eacute;le biztons&aacute;gi esem&eacute;nyeket
+          le&iacute;r&oacute; vizsg&aacute;lati rekordok sorozat&aacute;t. A nyomok t&ouml;bbnyire nagyj&aacute;b&oacute;l
+          az esem&eacute;nyek bek&ouml;vetkez&eacute;se szerinti id&#245;rendben k&ouml;vetkeznek. Csak
+          &eacute;s kiz&aacute;r&oacute;lag az erre felhatalmazott programok hozhatnak l&eacute;tre
+          rekordokat a vizsg&aacute;lati nyomban.</para>
-	<para><emphasis>selection expression</emphasis>: A selection
-	  expression is a string containing a list of prefixes and audit
-	  event class names used to match events.</para>
+        <para><emphasis>sz&#251;r&eacute;si felt&eacute;tel:</emphasis> Sz&#251;r&eacute;si
+          felt&eacute;telnek nevez&uuml;nk egy olyan sztringet, amelyet esem&eacute;nyek
+          sz&#251;r&eacute;s&eacute;re haszn&aacute;lunk, &eacute;s m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&oacute;kat valamint esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyok
+          neveit tartalmazza.</para>
-	<para><emphasis>preselection</emphasis>: The process by which the
-	  system identifies which events are of interest to the administrator
-	  in order to avoid generating audit records describing events that
-	  are not of interest.  The preselection configuration
-	  uses a series of selection expressions to identify which classes
-	  of events to audit for which users, as well as global settings
-	  that apply to both authenticated and unauthenticated
-	  processes.</para>
+        <para><emphasis>el&#245;v&aacute;logat&aacute;s:</emphasis> El&#245;v&aacute;logat&aacute;snak nevezz&uuml;k
+          a folyamatot, amelynek sor&aacute;n a rendszer beazonos&iacute;tja azokat az
+          esem&eacute;nyeket, amelyek a rendszergazda sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra fontosak.  Ez&aacute;ltal
+          elker&uuml;lhetj&uuml;k olyan vizsg&aacute;lati rekordok gener&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;t, amelyek
+          sz&aacute;munkra &eacute;rdektelen esem&eacute;nyekr&#245;l sz&aacute;molnak be.  Az el&#245;v&aacute;logat&aacute;s
+          sz&#251;r&eacute;si felt&eacute;telek sor&aacute;t haszn&aacute;lja az adott felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;khoz
+          tartoz&oacute; adott biztons&aacute;gi esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lat&aacute;nak be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;hoz,
+          ak&aacute;rcsak a hiteles&iacute;tett &eacute;s a nem hiteles&iacute;tett programokat
+          &eacute;rtint&#245; glob&aacute;lis be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok meghat&aacute;roz&aacute;s&aacute;hoz.</para>
-	<para><emphasis>reduction</emphasis>: The process by which records
-	  from existing audit trails are selected for preservation, printing,
-	  or analysis.  Likewise, the process by which undesired audit
-	  records are removed from the audit trail.  Using reduction,
-	  administrators can implement policies for the preservation of audit
-	  data.  For example, detailed audit trails might be kept for one
-	  month, but after that, trails might be reduced in order to preserve
-	  only login information for archival purposes.</para>
+        <para><emphasis>lesz&#251;k&iacute;t&eacute;s:</emphasis> Lesz&#251;k&iacute;t&eacute;snek nevezz&uuml;k a
+          folyamatot, amelynek sor&aacute;n a m&aacute;r meglev&#245; biztons&aacute;gi rekordokb&oacute;l
+          v&aacute;logatunk le t&aacute;rol&aacute;sra, nyomtat&aacute;sra vagy elemz&eacute;sre.  Hasonl&oacute;an
+          ez a folyamat, ahol a sz&uuml;ks&eacute;gtelen rekordokat elt&aacute;vol&iacute;tjuk a
+          vizsg&aacute;latai nyomb&oacute;l.  A lesz&#251;k&iacute;t&eacute;s seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel a rendszergazd&aacute;k
+          a vizsg&aacute;lati adatok elt&aacute;rol&aacute;s&aacute;ra alak&iacute;thatnak ki h&aacute;zirendet.
+          P&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a r&eacute;szletesebb vizsg&aacute;lati nyomokat &eacute;rdemes egy h&oacute;napig
+          megtartani, ennek lej&aacute;rt&aacute;val viszont m&aacute;r ink&aacute;bb aj&aacute;nlott
+          lesz&#251;k&iacute;teni &#245;ket &eacute;s archiv&aacute;l&aacute;sra csak a bejelentkez&eacute;si inform&aacute;ci&oacute;kat
+          megtartani.</para>
   <sect1 id="audit-install">
-    <title>Installing Audit Support</title>
-    <para>User space support for Event Auditing is installed as part of the
-      base &os; operating system as of 6.2-RELEASE.  However, Event Auditing
-      support must be explicitly compiled into the kernel by adding the
-      following lines to the kernel configuration file:</para>
+    <title>A vizsg&aacute;lat t&aacute;mogat&aacute;s&aacute;nak telep&iacute;t&eacute;se</title>
+    <para>A esem&eacute;nyvizsg&aacute;lathoz sz&uuml;ks&eacute;ges felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;i programok a &os;
+      6.2-RELEASE kiad&aacute;s&aacute;t&oacute;l kezd&#245;d&#245;en az alap oper&aacute;ci&oacute;s rendszer r&eacute;sz&eacute;t
+      k&eacute;pezik.  Azonban az esem&eacute;nyvizsg&aacute;lat haszn&aacute;lat&aacute;hoz a rendszermagban is
+      be kell kapcsolnunk a megfelel&#245; t&aacute;mogat&aacute;st, m&eacute;gpedig a rendszermag
+      konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;s &aacute;llom&aacute;ny&aacute;ban az al&aacute;bbi sor hozz&aacute;ad&aacute;s&aacute;val:</para>
     <programlisting>options	AUDIT</programlisting>
-    <para>Rebuild and reinstall
-      the kernel via the normal process explained in
-      <xref linkend="kernelconfig">.</para>
-    <para>Once the kernel is built, installed, and the system has been
-      rebooted, enable the audit daemon by adding the following line to
-      &man.rc.conf.5;:</para>
+    <para>Ford&iacute;tsuk &eacute;s telep&iacute;ts&uuml;k &uacute;jra a rendszermagot az
+      <xref linkend="kernelconfig">ben ismertetett folyamat szerint.</para>
+    <para>Ahogy a rendszermagot siker&uuml;lt leford&iacute;tanunk &eacute;s telep&iacute;ten&uuml;nk,
+      valamint a rendszer&uuml;nk is &uacute;jraindult, ind&iacute;tsuk el a vizsg&aacute;l&oacute; daemont
+      a k&ouml;vetkez&#245; sor hozz&aacute;ad&aacute;s&aacute;val a &man.rc.conf.5;-ban:</para>
-    <para>Audit support must then be started by a reboot, or by manually
-      starting the audit daemon:</para>
+    <para>A vizsg&aacute;latot innent&#245;l t&eacute;nylegesen egy ism&eacute;telt &uacute;jraind&iacute;t&aacute;ssal vagy
+      pedig az el&#245;bb eml&iacute;tett daemon manu&aacute;lis elind&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;val
+      aktiv&aacute;lhatjuk:</para>
     <programlisting>/etc/rc.d/auditd start</programlisting>
   <sect1 id="audit-config">
-    <title>Audit Configuration</title>
+    <title>A vizsg&aacute;lat be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sa</title>
-    <para>All configuration files for security audit are found in
-      <filename class="directory">/etc/security</filename>.  The following
-      files must be present before the audit daemon is started:</para>
+    <para>A vizsg&aacute;latok be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;hoz sz&uuml;ks&eacute;ges &ouml;sszes konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;s &aacute;llom&aacute;ny
+      a <filename class="directory">/etc/security</filename> k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rban
+      tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;.  A k&ouml;vetkez&#245; &aacute;llom&aacute;nyok vannak itt a daemon ind&iacute;t&aacute;sa
+      el&#245;tt:</para>
-	<para><filename>audit_class</filename> - Contains the
-	  definitions of the audit classes.</para>
-      </listitem>
+        <para><filename>audit_class</filename> - a vizsg&aacute;lati oszt&aacute;lyok
+          defin&iacute;ci&oacute;it tartalmazza.</para>
+     </listitem>
-	<para><filename>audit_control</filename> - Controls aspects
-	  of the audit subsystem, such as default audit classes,
-	  minimum disk space to leave on the audit log volume,
-	  maximum audit trail size, etc.</para>
+        <para><filename>audit_control</filename> - a vizsg&aacute;lati alrendszer
+          k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245; ter&uuml;letei vez&eacute;rli, t&ouml;bbek k&ouml;zt az alap&eacute;rtelmezett
+          vizsg&aacute;lati oszt&aacute;lyokat, az vizsg&aacute;lati adatok t&aacute;rhely&eacute;n meghagyand&oacute;
+          minim&aacute;lis lemezter&uuml;let, a vizsg&aacute;lati nyom maxim&aacute;lis m&eacute;rete
+          stb.</para>
-	<para><filename>audit_event</filename> - Textual names and
-	  descriptions of system audit events, as well as a list of which
-	  classes each event in.</para>
+        <para><filename>audit_event</filename> - a rendszerben jelenlev&#245;
+          vizsg&aacute;lati esem&eacute;nyek sz&ouml;veges megnevez&eacute;se &eacute;s le&iacute;r&aacute;sa, valamint a
+          lista, hogy melyik&uuml;k mely oszt&aacute;lyban tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;.</para>
-	<para><filename>audit_user</filename> - User-specific audit
-	  requirements, which are combined with the global defaults at
-	  login.</para>
+        <para><filename>audit_user</filename> - felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;nk&eacute;nt v&aacute;ltoz&oacute;
+          vizsg&aacute;lati elv&aacute;r&aacute;sok, kombin&aacute;lva a bejelentkez&eacute;skor &eacute;rv&eacute;nyes
+          glob&aacute;lisan alap&eacute;rtelmezett be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sokkal.</para>
-	<para><filename>audit_warn</filename> - A customizable shell script
-	  used by <application>auditd</application> to generate warning messages in exceptional
-	  situations, such as when space for audit records is running low or
-	  when the audit trail file has been rotated.</para>
+        <para><filename>audit_warn</filename> - az
+          <application>auditd</application> &aacute;ltal haszn&aacute;lt testreszabhat&oacute;
+          shell szkript, aminek seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel a sz&eacute;ls&#245;s&eacute;ges helyzetekben
+          figyelmeztet&#245; &uuml;zeneteket tudunk gener&aacute;lni, mint mondjuk amikor
+          a rekordok sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra fenntartott hely elfogy&oacute;ban van, vagy amikor a
+          nyomokat tartalmaz&oacute; &aacute;llom&aacute;nyt archiv&aacute;ltuk.</para>
-      <para>Audit configuration files should be edited and maintained
-	carefully, as errors in configuration may result in improper
-	logging of events.</para>
+      <para>Az esem&eacute;nyvizsg&aacute;lat konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;s &aacute;llom&aacute;nyait alapos k&ouml;r&uuml;ltekint&eacute;s
+        mellett szabad szerkeszteni &eacute;s karbantartani, mivel a benn&uuml;k keletkez&#245;
+        hib&aacute;k az esem&eacute;nyek helytelen napl&oacute;z&aacute;s&aacute;t eredm&eacute;nyezhetik.</para>
-      <title>Event Selection Expressions</title>
+      <title>Esem&eacute;nysz&#251;r&eacute;si felt&eacute;telek</title>
-      <para>Selection expressions are used in a number of places in the
-	audit configuration to determine which events should be audited.
-	Expressions contain a list of event classes to match, each with
-	a prefix indicating whether matching records should be accepted
-	or ignored, and optionally to indicate if the entry is intended
-	to match successful or failed operations.  Selection expressions
-	are evaluated from left to right, and two expressions are
-	combined by appending one onto the other.</para>
+      <para>Az esem&eacute;nyvizsg&aacute;lati be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok sor&aacute;n sz&aacute;mtalan helyen felbukkanak
+        a vizsg&aacute;lni k&iacute;v&aacute;nt esem&eacute;nyeket meghat&aacute;roz&oacute; sz&#251;r&eacute;si felt&eacute;telek.  Ezen
+        felt&eacute;telek esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyok felsorol&aacute;s&aacute;t tartalmazz&aacute;k, mindegyik&uuml;ket
+        egy m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&oacute; vezeti be, ezzel jelezve, hogy az adott esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyba
+        tartoz&oacute; rekordokat tartsuk meg vagy vess&uuml;k el.  Esetleg utalhatnak arra
+        is, hogy vagy csak a sikeress&eacute;get jelz&#245; rekordokat, vagy csak a
+        sikertelens&eacute;get jelz&#245; rekordokat sz&#251;rj&uuml;k ki.  A sz&#251;r&eacute;si felt&eacute;telek
+        balr&oacute;l jobbra &eacute;rt&eacute;kel&#245;dnek ki, &eacute;s k&eacute;t kifejez&eacute;s &ouml;sszef&#251;z&eacute;ssel
+        kombin&aacute;lhat&oacute;.</para>
+      <para>A most k&ouml;vetkez&#245; lista tartalmazza a
+        <filename>audit_class</filename> &aacute;llom&aacute;nyban tal&aacute;lhat&oacute; alap&eacute;rtelmezett
+        esem&eacute;nyvizsg&aacute;lati oszt&aacute;lyokat:</para>
-      <para>The following list contains the default audit event classes
-	present in <filename>audit_class</filename>:</para>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>all</literal> - <emphasis>all</emphasis> - Match all
-	    event classes.</para>
-	</listitem>
+    	  <listitem>
+          <para><literal>all</literal> - <emphasis>all (mind)</emphasis> -
+            Minden esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyra vonatkozik.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><literal>ad</literal> -
+            <emphasis>administrive (adminisztr&aacute;ci&oacute;s)</emphasis> - olyan
+              adminisztr&aacute;ci&oacute;s tev&eacute;kenys&eacute;gek, amelyek egyben az eg&eacute;sz rendszeren
+              v&eacute;grehajt&oacute;dnak.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><literal>ap</literal> -
+            <emphasis>application (alkalmaz&aacute;s)</emphasis> - az alkalmaz&aacute;sok
+            &aacute;ltal meghat&aacute;rozott tev&eacute;kenys&eacute;g.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><literal>cl</literal> -
+            <emphasis>file close (&aacute;llom&aacute;ny lez&aacute;r&aacute;sa)</emphasis> - a
+            <function>close</function> rendszerh&iacute;v&aacute;s megh&iacute;v&aacute;s&aacute;nak
+            vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><literal>ex</literal> -
+            <emphasis>exec (programind&iacute;t&aacute;s)</emphasis> - egy program
+            ind&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;nak vizsg&aacute;lata.  A parancssorban &aacute;tadott param&eacute;terek &eacute;s
+            a k&ouml;rnyezeti v&aacute;ltoz&oacute;k vizsg&aacute;lat&aacute;t a &man.audit.control.5;
+            vez&eacute;rli a <literal>policy</literal> be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;shoz tartoz&oacute;
+            <literal>argv</literal> &eacute;s <literal>envv</literal>
+            param&eacute;terek seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><literal>fa</literal> -
+            <emphasis>file attribute access
+            (&aacute;llom&aacute;nyjellemz&#245;k hozz&aacute;f&eacute;r&eacute;se)</emphasis> - a rendszerbeli
+            objektumok jellemz&#245;inek hozz&aacute;f&eacute;r&eacute;snek vizsg&aacute;lata, mint pl. a
+            &man.stat.1;, &man.pathconf.2; &eacute;s ehhez hasonl&oacute; esem&eacute;nyek.</para>
+        </listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>ad</literal> - <emphasis>administrative</emphasis>
-	    - Administrative actions performed on the system as a
-	    whole.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>ap</literal> - <emphasis>application</emphasis> -
-	    Application defined action.</para>
-	</listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para><literal>fc</literal> -
+            <emphasis>file create (&aacute;llom&aacute;ny l&eacute;trehoz&aacute;sa)</emphasis> -
+            &aacute;llom&aacute;nyt eredm&eacute;nyez&#245; esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>
+        </listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>fd</literal> -
+			<emphasis>file delete (&aacute;llom&aacute;ny t&ouml;rl&eacute;se)</emphasis> -
+			&aacute;llom&aacute;nyt t&ouml;rl&#245; esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>fm</literal> -
+			<emphasis>file attribute modify (&aacute;llom&aacute;nyjellemz&#245;k
+			m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&aacute;sa)</emphasis> - &aacute;llom&aacute;nyok jellemz&#245;it megv&aacute;ltoztat&oacute;
+			esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata, mint mondjuk a &man.chown.8;,
+			&man.chflags.1;, &man.flock.2; stb.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>fr</literal> -
+			<emphasis>file read (&aacute;llom&aacute;nyolvas&aacute;s)</emphasis> -
+			&aacute;llom&aacute;nyok olvas&aacute;sra t&ouml;rt&eacute;n&#245; megnyit&aacute;s&aacute;val, olvas&aacute;s&aacute;val
+			stb. kapcsolatos esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>fw</literal> -
+			<emphasis>file write (&aacute;llom&aacute;ny&iacute;r&aacute;s)</emphasis> -
+			&aacute;llom&aacute;nyok &iacute;r&aacute;sra t&ouml;rt&eacute;n&#245; megnyit&aacute;s&aacute;val, &iacute;r&aacute;s&aacute;val,
+			m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;val stb. kapcsolatos esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>			
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>io</literal> -
+			<emphasis>ioctl</emphasis> - a &man.ioctl.2; rendszerh&iacute;v&aacute;st
+			haszn&aacute;l&oacute; esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>ip</literal> -
+			<emphasis>ipc</emphasis> - a folyamatok k&ouml;zti kommunik&aacute;ci&oacute;
+			k&uuml;l&ouml;nf&eacute;le form&aacute;inak, bele&eacute;rtve a POSIX cs&ouml;vek &eacute;s System V
+			<acronym>IPC</acronym> m&#251;veleteinek vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>lo</literal> -
+			<emphasis>login_logout (ki- &eacute;s bejelentkez&eacute;s)</emphasis> -
+			a rendszerben megjelen&#245; &man.login.1; &eacute;s &man.logout.1;
+			esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>na</literal> -
+			<emphasis>non attributable (nem jellegzetes)</emphasis> -
+			a nem jellegzetes esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>no</literal> -
+			<emphasis>invalid class (&eacute;rv&eacute;nytelen oszt&aacute;ly)</emphasis> -
+			egyetlen biztons&aacute;gi esem&eacute;nyt sem tartalmaz.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>nt</literal> -
+			<emphasis>network (h&aacute;l&oacute;zat)</emphasis> -
+			a h&aacute;l&oacute;zathoz tartoz&oacute; esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata, mint pl. a
+			&man.connect.2; &eacute;s &man.accept.2;.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>ot</literal> -
+			<emphasis>other (egy&eacute;b)</emphasis> -
+			m&aacute;s egy&eacute;b esem&eacute;nyek vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>pc</literal> -
+			<emphasis>process (folyamat)</emphasis> - a folyamatokkal
+			kapcsolatos m&#251;veletek, mint p&eacute;ld&aacute;ul a &man.exec.3; &eacute;s
+			&man.exit.3; vizsg&aacute;lata.</para>
+		</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>cl</literal> - <emphasis>file close</emphasis> -
-	    Audit calls to the <function>close</function> system
-	    call.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>ex</literal> - <emphasis>exec</emphasis> - Audit
-	    program execution.  Auditing of command line arguments and
-	    environmental variables is controlled via &man.audit.control.5;
-	    using the <literal>argv</literal> and <literal>envv</literal>
-	    parameters to the <literal>policy</literal> setting.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>fa</literal> - <emphasis>file attribute access</emphasis>
-	    - Audit the access of object attributes such as
-	    &man.stat.1;, &man.pathconf.2; and similar events.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>fc</literal> - <emphasis>file create</emphasis>
-	    - Audit events where a file is created as a result.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>fd</literal> - <emphasis>file delete</emphasis>
-	    - Audit events where file deletion occurs.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>fm</literal> - <emphasis>file attribute modify</emphasis>
-	    - Audit events where file attribute modification occurs,
-	    such as &man.chown.8;, &man.chflags.1;, &man.flock.2;,
-	    etc.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>fr</literal> - <emphasis>file read</emphasis>
-	    - Audit events in which data is read, files are opened for
-	    reading, etc.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>fw</literal> - <emphasis>file write</emphasis> -
-	    Audit events in which data is written, files are written
-	    or modified, etc.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>io</literal> - <emphasis>ioctl</emphasis> - Audit
-	    use of the &man.ioctl.2; system call.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>ip</literal> - <emphasis>ipc</emphasis> - Audit
-	    various forms of Inter-Process Communication, including POSIX
-	    pipes and System V <acronym>IPC</acronym> operations.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>lo</literal> - <emphasis>login_logout</emphasis> -
-	    Audit &man.login.1; and &man.logout.1; events occurring
-	    on the system.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>na</literal> - <emphasis>non attributable</emphasis> -
-	    Audit non-attributable events.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>no</literal> - <emphasis>invalid class</emphasis> -
-	    Match no audit events.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>nt</literal> - <emphasis>network</emphasis> -
-	    Audit events related to network actions, such as
-	    &man.connect.2; and &man.accept.2;.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>ot</literal> - <emphasis>other</emphasis> -
-	    Audit miscellaneous events.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>pc</literal> - <emphasis>process</emphasis> -
-	    Audit process operations, such as &man.exec.3; and
-	    &man.exit.3;.</para>
-	</listitem>
+	  <para>Az im&eacute;nt felsorolt esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyok az
+		<filename>audit_class</filename> &eacute;s <filename>audit_event</filename>
+		&aacute;llom&aacute;nyok m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;val ig&eacute;ny szerint testreszabhat&oacute;ak.</para>
+	  <para>A list&aacute;ban szerepl&#245; minden egyes esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyhoz tartozik
+		m&eacute;g egy m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&oacute; is, amely jelzi, hogy a sikeres vagy a sikertelen
+		m&#251;veleteket kell-e sz&#251;rn&uuml;nk, valamint hogy a bejegyz&eacute;s az adott
+		t&iacute;pust vagy oszt&aacute;lyt hozz&aacute;adja vagy elveszi az adott
+		sz&#251;r&eacute;sb&#245;l.</para>
-      <para>These audit event classes may be customized by modifying the
-	<filename>audit_class</filename> and
-	<filename>audit_event</filename> configuration files.</para>
-      <para>Each audit class in the list is combined with a prefix
-	indicating whether successful/failed operations are matched, and
-	whether the entry is adding or removing matching for the class
-	and type.</para>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para>(none) Audit both successful and failed instances of the
-	    event.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>+</literal> Audit successful events in this
-	    class.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>-</literal> Audit failed events in this
-	    class.</para>
-	</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para>(&uuml;res) az adott t&iacute;pusb&oacute;l mind a sikereseket &eacute;s mind a
+			sikerteleneket feljegyzi.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>+</literal> az esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyba tartoz&oacute; sikeres
+			esem&eacute;nyeket vizsg&aacute;lja csak.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>-</literal> az esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyba tartoz&oacute; sikertelen
+			esem&eacute;nyeket vizsg&aacute;lja csak.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>^</literal> az esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyb&oacute;l sem a sikereseket,
+			sem pedig a sikerteleneket nem vizsg&aacute;lja.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>^+</literal> az esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyb&oacute;l nem vizsg&aacute;lja a
+			sikeres esem&eacute;nyeket.</para>
+		</listitem>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para><literal>^-</literal> az esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyb&oacute;l nem vizsg&aacute;lja a
+			sikertelen esem&eacute;nyeket.</para>
+		</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>^</literal> Audit neither successful nor failed
-	    events in this class.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>^+</literal> Do not audit successful events in this
-	    class.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><literal>^-</literal> Do not audit failed events in this
-	    class.</para>
-	</listitem>
+	  <para>Az al&aacute;bbi p&eacute;lda egy olyan sz&#251;r&eacute;si felt&eacute;telt mutat be, amely
+		a ki/bejelentkez&eacute;sek k&ouml;z&uuml;l megadja a sikereset &eacute;s a sikerteleneket,
+		viszont a programind&iacute;t&aacute;sok k&ouml;z&uuml;l csak a sikereseket:</para>
-      <para>The following example selection string selects both successful
-	and failed login/logout events, but only successful execution
-	events:</para>
-      <title>Configuration Files</title>
-      <para>In most cases, administrators will need to modify only two files
-	when configuring the audit system: <filename>audit_control</filename>
-	and <filename>audit_user</filename>.  The first controls system-wide
-	audit properties and policies; the second may be used to fine-tune
-	auditing by user.</para>
+      <title>A konfigur&aacute;ci&oacute;s &aacute;llom&aacute;nyok</title>
+	  <para>A vizsg&aacute;lati rendszer be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;hoz az esetek t&uacute;lnyom&oacute; r&eacute;sz&eacute;ben
+		a rendszergazd&aacute;knak csup&aacute;n k&eacute;t &aacute;llom&aacute;nyt kell m&oacute;dos&iacute;taniuk: ezek az
+		<filename>audit_control</filename> &eacute;s az
+		<filename>audit_user</filename>.  Az el&#245;bbi felel&#245;s a rendszerszint&#251;
+		vizsg&aacute;lati jellemz&#245;k&eacute;rt &eacute;s h&aacute;zirendek&eacute;rt, m&iacute;g az ut&oacute;bbi az ig&eacute;nyek
+		felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;k&eacute;nti finomhangol&aacute;s&aacute;hoz haszn&aacute;lhat&oacute;.</para>
       <sect3 id="audit-auditcontrol">
-        <title>The <filename>audit_control</filename> File</title>
+        <title>Az <filename>audit_control</filename> &aacute;llom&aacute;ny</title>
+		<para>Az <filename>audit_control</filename> &aacute;llom&aacute;ny hat&aacute;rozza meg a
+		  vizsg&aacute;lati alrendszer alap&eacute;rtelmez&eacute;seit.  Ezt az &aacute;llom&aacute;nyt
+		  megnyitva a k&ouml;vetkez&#245;ket l&aacute;thatjuk:</para>
-	<para>The <filename>audit_control</filename> file specifies a number
-	  of defaults for the audit subsystem.  Viewing the contents of this
-	  file, we see the following:</para>
-	<programlisting>dir:/var/audit
+  	  <programlisting>dir:/var/audit
-	<para>The <option>dir</option> option is used to set one or more
-	  directories where audit logs will be stored.  If more than one
-	  directory entry appears, they will be used in order as they fill.
-	  It is common to configure audit so that audit logs are stored on
-	  a dedicated file system, in order to prevent interference between
-	  the audit subsystem and other subsystems if the file system fills.
-	  </para>
-	<para>The <option>flags</option> field sets the system-wide default
-	  preselection mask for attributable events.  In the example above,
-	  successful and failed login and logout events are audited for all
-	  users.</para>
-	<para>The <option>minfree</option> option defines the minimum
-	  percentage of free space for the file system where the audit trail
-	  is stored.  When this threshold is exceeded, a warning will be
-	  generated.  The above example sets the minimum free space to
-	  twenty percent.</para>
+		<para>A <option>dir</option> opci&oacute;t haszn&aacute;ljuk a vizsg&aacute;lati napl&oacute;k
+		  t&aacute;rol&aacute;s&aacute;ra szolg&aacute;l&oacute; egy vagy t&ouml;bb k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;r megad&aacute;s&aacute;ra.  Ha egyn&eacute;l
+		  t&ouml;bb k&ouml;nyvt&aacute;rra vonatkoz&oacute; bejegyz&eacute;s tal&aacute;lhat&oacute; az &aacute;llom&aacute;nyban, akkor
+		  azok a megad&aacute;s sorrendj&eacute;ben ker&uuml;lnek felt&ouml;lt&eacute;sre.  Nagyon gyakori
+		  az a be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s, ahol a vizsg&aacute;lati napl&oacute;kat egy erre a c&eacute;lra k&uuml;l&ouml;n
+		  kialak&iacute;tott &aacute;llom&aacute;nyrendszeren t&aacute;rolj&aacute;k, megel&#245;zve ezzel az
+		  &aacute;llom&aacute;nyrendszer betel&eacute;sekor keletkez&#245; probl&eacute;m&aacute;kat a t&ouml;bbi
+		  alrendszerben.</para>
+		<para>A <option>flags</option> mez&#245; egy rendszerszint&#251;
+		  alap&eacute;rtelmezett el&#245;v&aacute;logat&aacute;si maszkot hat&aacute;roz meg a jellegzetes
+		  esem&eacute;nyek sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra.  A fenti p&eacute;ld&aacute;ban a sikeres &eacute;s sikertelen ki-
+		  &eacute;s bejelentkez&eacute;seket mindegyik felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute; eset&eacute;n
+		  vizsg&aacute;ljuk.</para>
+		<para>A <option>minfree</option> opci&oacute; megszabja a vizsg&aacute;lati nyom
+		  t&aacute;rol&aacute;s&aacute;ra sz&aacute;nt &aacute;llom&aacute;nyrendszeren a minim&aacute;lis szabad helyet,
+		  a teljes kapacit&aacute;s sz&aacute;zal&eacute;k&aacute;ban.  Amint ezt a k&uuml;sz&ouml;b&ouml;t t&uacute;ll&eacute;pj&uuml;k,
+		  egy figyelmeztet&eacute;s fog gener&aacute;l&oacute;dni.  A fenti p&eacute;lda a minim&aacute;lisan
+		  sz&uuml;ks&eacute;ges rendelkez&eacute;sre &aacute;ll&oacute; helyet h&uacute;sz sz&aacute;zal&eacute;kra
+		  &aacute;ll&iacute;tja.</para>
+		<para>A <option>naflags</option> opci&oacute; megadja azokat az
+		  esem&eacute;nyoszt&aacute;lyokat, amelyeket vizsg&aacute;lni kell a nem jellegzetes
+		  esem&eacute;nyek, mind mondjuk a bejelentkez&eacute;si folyamatok vagy
+		  rendszerdaemonok eset&eacute;n.</para>
+		<para>A <option>policy</option> opci&oacute; a vizsg&aacute;lat k&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;z&#245;
+		  szempontjait ir&aacute;ny&iacute;t&oacute; h&aacute;zirendbeli be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;sok vessz&#245;vel
+		  elv&aacute;lasztott list&aacute;j&aacute;t tartalmazza.  Az alap&eacute;rtelmezett
+		  <literal>cnt</literal> be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s azt adja meg, hogy a rendszer
+		  a felmer&uuml;l&#245; vizsg&aacute;lati hib&aacute;k ellen&eacute;re is folytassa tov&aacute;bb a
+		  m&#251;k&ouml;d&eacute;s&eacute;t (er&#245;sen javasolt a haszn&aacute;lata).  A m&aacute;sik gyakorta
+		  alkalmazott be&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s az <literal>argv</literal>, amellyel a
+		  rendszer a parancsv&eacute;grehajt&aacute;s r&eacute;szek&eacute;nt az &man.execve.2;
+		  rendszerh&iacute;v&aacute;s parancssori param&eacute;tereit is megvizsg&aacute;lja.</para>
+		<para>A <option>filesz</option> opci&oacute; meghat&aacute;rozza a
+		  vizsg&aacute;lati nyom automatikus sz&eacute;tv&aacute;g&aacute;sa &eacute;s archiv&aacute;l&aacute;sa el&#245;tti
+		  maxim&aacute;lis m&eacute;ret&eacute;t, byte-ban.  Az alap&eacute;rtelmezett &eacute;rt&eacute;ke a 0,
+		  amely kikapcsolja ezt az archiv&aacute;l&aacute;st.  Ha az itt megadott
+		  &aacute;llom&aacute;nym&eacute;ret nem nulla &eacute;s a minim&aacute;lisan elv&aacute;rt 512 kb alatt
+		  van, akkor a rendszer figyelmen k&iacute;v&uuml;l hagyja &eacute;s err&#245;l egy
+		  figyelmeztet&eacute;st ad.</para>
-	<para>The <option>naflags</option> option specifies audit classes to
-	  be audited for non-attributed events, such as the login process
-	  and system daemons.</para>
-	<para>The <option>policy</option> option specifies a comma-separated
-	  list of policy flags controlling various aspects of audit
-	  behavior.  The default <literal>cnt</literal> flag indicates that
-	  the system should continue running despite an auditing failure
-	  (this flag is highly recommended).  Another commonly used flag is
-	  <literal>argv</literal>, which causes command line arguments to
-	  the &man.execve.2; system call to be audited as part of command
-	  execution.</para>
-	<para>The <option>filesz</option> option specifies the maximum size
-	  in bytes to allow an audit trail file to grow to before
-	  automatically terminating and rotating the trail file.  The
-	  default, 0, disables automatic log rotation.  If the requested
-	  file size is non-zero and below the minimum 512k, it will be
-	  ignored and a log message will be generated.</para>
       <sect3 id="audit-audituser">
-	<title>The <filename>audit_user</filename> File</title>
+		<title>Az <filename>audit_user</filename> &aacute;llom&aacute;ny</title>
+		<para>Az <filename>audit_user</filename> &aacute;llom&aacute;ny lehet&#245;v&eacute; teszi a
+		  rendszergazda sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra, hogy az egyes felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;k sz&aacute;m&aacute;ra tov&aacute;bbi
+		  vizsg&aacute;lati szigor&iacute;t&aacute;sokat hat&aacute;rozzon meg.  Minden sor egy-egy
+		  felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute; vizsg&aacute;lat&aacute;nak pontos&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;t adja meg k&eacute;t mez&#245;
+		  seg&iacute;ts&eacute;g&eacute;vel: az els&#245; k&ouml;z&uuml;l&uuml;k az <literal>alwaysaudit</literal>
+		  mez&#245;, mely felsorolja azokat az esem&eacute;nyeket, amelyeket minden
+		  esetben vizsg&aacute;ni kell az adott felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute; eset&eacute;n, valamint a
+		  m&aacute;sodik a <literal>neveraudit</literal> mez&#245;, mely az adott
+		  felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute; eset&eacute;n a nem vizsg&aacute;land&oacute; esem&eacute;nyeket adja meg.</para>
+		<para>A most k&ouml;vetkez&#245; <filename>audit_user</filename> p&eacute;ld&aacute;ban
+		   vizsg&aacute;ljuk a <username>root</username> felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;
+		   ki/bejelentkez&eacute;seit &eacute;s sikeres programind&iacute;t&aacute;sait, valamint
+		   a <username>www</username> felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;
+		   &aacute;llom&aacute;nyl&eacute;trehoz&aacute;sait &eacute;s sikeres programind&iacute;t&aacute;sait.  Ha a kor&aacute;bban
+		   bemutatott <filename>audit_control</filename> p&eacute;ld&aacute;val egy&uuml;tt
+		   haszn&aacute;ljuk, akkor &eacute;szrevehetj&uuml;k, hogy a <literal>lo</literal>
+		   bejegyz&eacute;s a <username>root</username> felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute; eset&eacute;n
+		   redund&aacute;ns, illetve ilyenkor a ki/bejelentkez&eacute;st a
+		   <username>www</username> felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute; eset&eacute;n is vizsg&aacute;ljuk.</para>
-	<para>The <filename>audit_user</filename> file permits the
-	  administrator to specify further audit requirements for specific
-	  users.
-	  Each line configures auditing for a user via two fields: the
-	  first is the <literal>alwaysaudit</literal> field, which specifies
-	  a set of events that should always be audited for the user, and
-	  the second is the <literal>neveraudit</literal> field, which
-	  specifies a set of events that should never be audited for the
-	  user.</para>
-	<para>The following example <filename>audit_user</filename> file
-	  audits login/logout events and successful command execution for
-	  the <username>root</username> user, and audits file creation and successful command
-	  execution for the <username>www</username> user.
-	  If used with the example <filename>audit_control</filename> file
-	  above, the <literal>lo</literal> entry for <username>root</username>
-	  is redundant, and login/logout events will also be audited for the
-	  <username>www</username> user.</para>
-	<programlisting>root:lo,+ex:no
+		<programlisting>root:lo,+ex:no
@@ -529,36 +579,40 @@
   <sect1 id="audit-administration">
-    <title>Administering the Audit Subsystem</title>
+    <title>A vizsg&aacute;lati alrendszer haszn&aacute;lata</title>
-      <title>Viewing Audit Trails</title>
-      <para>Audit trails are stored in the BSM binary format, so tools must
-	be used to modify or convert to text.  The &man.praudit.1;
-	command converts trail files to a simple text format; the
-	&man.auditreduce.1; command may be used to reduce the
-	audit trail file for analysis, archiving, or printing purposes.
-	<command>auditreduce</command> supports a variety of selection
-	parameters, including event type, event class, user, date or time of
-	the event, and the file path or object acted on.</para>
+      <title>A vizsg&aacute;lati nyomok megtekint&eacute;se</title>
+	  <para>A vizsg&aacute;lati nyomok a BSM bin&aacute;ris form&aacute;tumban t&aacute;rol&oacute;dnak,
+		ez&eacute;rt a tartalm&aacute;nak konvert&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;hoz &eacute;s m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;hoz k&uuml;l&ouml;n
+		seg&eacute;dprogramokra van sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g.  A &man.praudit.1; parancs a
+		nyom&aacute;llom&aacute;nyokat egyszer&#251; sz&ouml;veges form&aacute;tumra alak&iacute;tja, a
+		&man.auditreduce.1; parancs pedig a nyomok elemz&eacute;s&eacute;hez,
+		archiv&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;hoz vagy nyomtat&aacute;s&aacute;hoz sz&uuml;ks&eacute;ges lesz&#251;k&iacute;t&eacute;s&eacute;ket
+		v&eacute;gzi el.  Az <command>auditreduce</command> a sz&#251;r&eacute;si felt&eacute;telek
+		param&eacute;tereinek sz&eacute;les sk&aacute;l&aacute;j&aacute;t kezeli, bele&eacute;rtve az esem&eacute;nyt&iacute;pusokat,
+		-oszt&aacute;lyokat, felhaszn&aacute;l&oacute;kat, esem&eacute;nyek d&aacute;tum&aacute;t vagy id&#245;pontj&aacute;t,
+		&aacute;llom&aacute;nyok el&eacute;r&eacute;si &uacute;tvonal&aacute;t vagy az &aacute;ltaluk &eacute;rintett

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