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Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:04:56 +0100
From: Andreas Klemm <>
To: Soren Schmidt <>
Cc: current@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: timeout problems HighPoint HPT366 ATA66 controller && 40 GB Diamond Max Plus
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On Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 01:39:46PM +0100, Soren Schmidt wrote:
> Hmm, this looks very wierd, 

Oh yes ;-)

BTW no problem with win98 or Win2000 installation.

> how is your BIOS setup wrt to onboard ATA channels ??

> Try to use a "normal" ie 40pin cable, that will limit the disk to
> UDMA33 mode, if that works, well...

Will have to buy that. When I ran with the on board IDE chip I
had a drive mode (something like) mdma2. That worked even with

I now tried BIOS setup values.
First entered BIOS default values, which are turning off most
features, then I enabled SETUP defaults and then changed no
performance boosting things.

RAM Timing I changed to automatic 70ns, although I have 60 ns

On chip PCI IDE is completely disabled.

Then I changed as a last resort method the mode to
hw.atamodes: ---,---,---,---,pio,---,---,---,  

Even with PIO the drive has problems, but is then able to recover:

ata2-master: success setting up PIO4 mode on HPT366 chip
ad4: invalid primary partition table: no magic
this is. because I newfs'd ad4c on the whole ... quick and dirty
for testing...

now bonnie -s 100

ad4: WRITE command timeout - resetting
ata2: resetting devices .. ata2: mask=01 status0=50 status1=00
ata2-master: success setting up PIO4 mode on HPT366 chip
ad4: timeout waiting for DRQ

How can I force the driver with kernel modifications to use
mdma2 mode or something like this ???

BTW, I have a 5 Slot PCI machine ...
in the first slot there is the abit controller in the last
the Matrox Millenium card. They share the same IRQ 15...

Is this sane ?

Or might my problem be SMP related ???

Well, have to go to the supermarket now ...
I'll remove one card later, to free one IRQ and will try to use
a single cpu kernel...

Andreas Klemm                                  http://www.FreeBSD.ORG/~andreas
                                   powered by Symmetric MultiProcessor FreeBSD
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