From owner-freebsd-hackers  Thu Feb 14 13:53:13 2002
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Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 16:53:07 -0500 (EST)
From: Daniel Eischen <>
To: Hiten Pandya <>
Cc: freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: weird pthread related errors
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On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Hiten Pandya wrote:
> Howdy!,
> I am having some very weird problems with the pthread.h
> library.  The following statement is in the source-file:
>      #include <pthread.h>
> But, the compiler fails with the following error messages.

The error you attach below is not really a compiler error; it
is a link error.

> All the other typedefs, structs are recognised except:
>   - pthread_create();
>   - pthread_exit();
> It would be very appreciated if someone can help me solve
> this dillema.  I have tried to look _just_ about everywhere,
> including the headers, but cannot find a clue why it is
> failing.
> If needed, I can also file an official PR regarding this
> problem, but I have posted to the list, as I assumed someone
> might have solved this dillema before. ;)
> The following is the error output:
> gcc  -g -O2   -o fsck.jfs  fsckbmap.o fsckconn.o  fsckdire.o fsckdtre.o fsckea.o  fsckimap.o fsckino.o fsckmeta.o  fsckmsgs.o fsckpfs.o fsckwsp.o  fsckxtre.o xchkdsk.o fsckruns.o ../libfs/libfs.a 
> fsckruns.o: In function `fsck_hbeat':
> /c0/cvs/j4b/jfsutils/fsck/fsckruns.c:156: undefined reference to `pthread_exit'
> fsckruns.o: In function `fsck_hbeat_start':
> /c0/cvs/j4b/jfsutils/fsck/fsckruns.c:180: undefined reference to `pthread_create'

If you want to use the threads library, you have to tell the
linker (-lc_r in -current, -pthread in -stable).

Dan Eischen

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