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Date:      Wed, 25 Oct 2023 17:01:33 +0000
From:      raob <>
Subject:   checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: - - - ===> Script "configure" failed unexpectedly.
Message-ID:  <>

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There are a lot of lines in the file, but I am only pasting the contents 
of the files that were asked to be attached to this email.

I tried installing fastfetch from /usr/ports/sysutils/fastfetch with # 
make install clean, but it failed the compilation when it reached the 
intltool dependency where everything checked out fine save for this 
error message . . .

checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is 
required for intltool
===>  Script "configure" failed unexpectedly.
Please report the problem to [maintainer] and attach 
"/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/config.log" including 
output of the failure of your make command. Also, it might be a good 
idea to
provide an overview of all packages installed on your system (e.g. a
/usr/local/sbin/pkg-static info -g -Ea).

Here is the overview of the packages installed on the system from 
/usr/local/sbin/pkg-static info -g -Ea . . .
7-zip-22.01                    Console version of the 7-Zip file 
AppStream-0.16.1_1             Machine-readable software metadata for 
desktop environments
AppStreamQt-0.16.1             Qt bindings to AppStream
ImageMagick7-        Image processing tools
Imath-3.1.9                    C++/Python lib of 2D/3D vector, matrix, 
math ops for computer graphics
R-4.3.1                        Language for statistical computing and 
R-cran-BH-             Boost C++ Header Files
R-cran-R6-2.5.1_1              Classes with reference semantics
R-cran-Rcpp-1.0.10_1           Seamless R and C++ Integration
R-cran-assertthat-0.2.1_3      Easy pre and post assertions
R-cran-backports-1.4.1_1       Reimplementations of Functions Introduced 
Since R-3.0.0
R-cran-base64enc-0.1.3_5       Tools for base64 encoding
R-cran-broom-1.0.5             Convert Statistical Analysis Objects into 
Tidy Data Frames
R-cran-bslib-0.5.0             Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 
'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'
R-cran-cachem-1.0.8            Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning
R-cran-cli-3.6.1               Helpers for Developing Command Line 
R-cran-commonmark-1.9.0        High Performance CommonMark and Github 
Markdown Rendering in R
R-cran-cpp11-0.4.3             C++11 Interface for R's C Interface
R-cran-crayon-1.5.2_1          Colored Terminal Output
R-cran-digest-0.6.32_1         Create cryptographic hash digests of R 
R-cran-dplyr-1.1.2             Grammar of Data Manipulation
R-cran-ellipsis-0.3.2_1        Powerful tool for extending functions
R-cran-fansi-1.0.4             ANSI Control Sequence Aware String 
R-cran-fastmap-1.1.1           Fast Implementation of a Key-Value Store
R-cran-fontawesome-0.5.1       Easily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons
R-cran-fs-1.6.2                Cross-Platform File System Operations 
Based on 'libuv'
R-cran-generics-0.1.3_1        Common S3 Generics not Provided by Base R 
R-cran-git2r-0.27.1_3          Provides Access to Git Repositories
R-cran-glue-1.6.2_1            Interpreted String Literals
R-cran-htmltools-0.5.5         Tools for HTML generation and output
R-cran-httpuv-1.6.11           HTTP and WebSocket server library for R
R-cran-jquerylib-0.1.4_1       Obtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency 
R-cran-jsonlite-1.8.5          Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and 
Generator for R
R-cran-later-1.3.1             Utilities for Delaying Function Execution
R-cran-lifecycle-1.0.3_1       Manage the Life Cycle of your Package 
R-cran-lubridate-1.9.2         Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier
R-cran-magrittr-2.0.3_1        Forward-Pipe Operator for R
R-cran-markdown-1.7            Markdown Rendering for R
R-cran-memoise-2.0.1_1         Memoise functions for R
R-cran-mime-0.12_1             Map Filenames to MIME Types
R-cran-pillar-1.9.0            Coloured Formatting for Columns
R-cran-pkgconfig-2.0.3_2       Private Configuration for 'R' Packages
R-cran-plogr-0.2.0_4           Plog C++ Logging Library
R-cran-promises-      Abstractions for Promise-Based 
Asynchronous Programming
R-cran-purrr-1.0.1             Functional Programming Tools
R-cran-rappdirs-0.3.3_1        Application Directories: Determine Where 
to Save Data, Caches, and Logs
R-cran-rlang-1.1.1             Functions for Base Types and Core R and 
'Tidyverse' Features
R-cran-rstudioapi-0.14_1       Safely Access the RStudio API
R-cran-sass-0.4.6              Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets 
R-cran-shiny-1.7.4             Web Application Framework for R
R-cran-shinyjs-2.1.0           Easily Improve the User Experience of 
Your Shiny Apps in Seconds
R-cran-sourcetools-     Tools for the Reading and Tokenization of 
R Code
R-cran-stringi-1.7.12          Character String Processing Facilities
R-cran-stringr-1.5.0           Make it easier to work with strings
R-cran-sys-3.4.2               Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running 
System Commands in R
R-cran-tibble-3.2.1_1          Simple Data Frames
R-cran-tidyr-1.3.0             Easily tidy data with spread and gather 
R-cran-tidyselect-1.2.0_1      Select from a Set of Strings
R-cran-timechange-0.2.0        Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times
R-cran-tinytex-0.45            Helper functions to maintain LaTeX 
R-cran-utf8-1.2.3              Unicode Text Processing
R-cran-vctrs-0.6.3             Vector Helpers
R-cran-withr-2.5.0_1           Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified 
Global State
R-cran-xfun-0.39               Miscellaneous Functions by Yihui Xie
R-cran-xtable-1.8.4_3          Export tables to LaTeX or HTML
abseil-20230125.3              Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
accounts-qml-module-0.7_2      Expose the Online Accounts API to QML 
accountsservice-0.6.55_5       D-Bus interface for user account query 
and manipulation
adobe-cmaps-20051217_4         Adobe CMap collection
adwaita-icon-theme-40.1.1_1    GNOME Symbolic Icons
akonadi-23.08.1                Storage server for KDE-Pim
akonadi-calendar-23.04.2       Akonadi Calendar Integration
akonadi-contacts-23.08.1       Libraries and daemons to implement 
Contact Management in Akonadi
akonadi-import-wizard-23.04.2  Import data from other mail clients to 
akonadi-mime-23.08.1           Libraries and daemons to implement basic 
email handling
akonadi-notes-23.04.2          KDE library for accessing mail storages 
in MBox format
akonadi-search-23.08.1         Libraries and daemons to implement 
searching in Akonadi
akonadiconsole-23.04.2         Akonadi management and debugging console
akregator-23.04.2              Feed reader for KDE
alsa-lib-1.2.2_1               ALSA compatibility library
alsa-plugins-1.2.2_13          ALSA compatibility library plugins
analitza-23.04.2               Library from KDE Education project
aom-3.7.0                      AV1 reference encoder/decoder
appres-1.0.5                   Program to list application's resources
argp-standalone-1.5.0          Standalone version of arguments parsing 
functions from GLIBC
ark-23.04.2                    Archiving tool for KDE
artikulate-23.04.2             Pronunciation trainer for KDE
aspell-0.60.8_1,1              Spelling checker with better suggestion 
logic than ispell
asyncplusplus-1.1              Async++ concurrency framework for C++11
at-spi2-core-2.50.0            Assistive Technology Service Provider 
audiocd-kio-23.04.2            KDE IOSlave for accessing audio CDs
autoconf-2.71                  Generate configure scripts and related 
autoconf-switch-20220527       Wrapper script to switch between autoconf 
automake-1.16.5                GNU Standards-compliant Makefile 
avahi-app-0.8_1                Service discovery on a local network
avahi-libdns-0.8_1             mDNSResponder compatibility from Avahi
baloo-widgets-23.04.2          BalooWidgets library
bash-5.2.15                    GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
bash-completion-2.11_2,2       Programmable completion library for Bash
basu-0.2.1                     sd-bus library, extracted from systemd
bat-0.23.0_5                   Clone of cat with syntax highlighting
beadm-1.3.5                    Solaris-like utility to manage Boot 
Environments on ZFS
bind-tools-9.18.19             Command line tools from BIND: delv, dig, 
host, nslookup...
binutils-2.40_4,1              GNU binary tools
bison-3.8.2,1                  Parser generator from FSF, (mostly) 
compatible with Yacc
bitmap-1.0.9                   Bitmap editor and converter utilities for 
black-hole-solver-1.12.0       Black Hole Solitaire Solver
blas-3.11.0_1                  Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
blinken-23.04.2                Memory enhancement game
bomber-23.04.2                 Arcade Bombing game
boost-libs-1.83.0              Free portable C++ libraries (without 
bovo-23.04.2                   Five-in-a-row Board game
brotli-1.1.0,1                 Generic-purpose lossless compression 
bsdisks-0.31                   UDisks2 service implementation for 
btop-1.2.13_1                  Monitor of resources
buildah-1.30.0_2               Manage Pods, Containers and Container 
ca_root_nss-3.93               Root certificate bundle from the Mozilla 
cairo-1.17.4_2,3               Vector graphics library with cross-device 
output support
calendarsupport-23.04.2        Calendar support libraries for KDEPim
calligra-3.2.1_59              KDE office suite
cantor-23.04.2                 Mathematical software frontend by KDE
cdparanoia-3.9.8_10            CDDA extraction tool (also known as 
cdrtools-2023.04.19_1          Tools for ripping from and recording to 
CDs and DVDs
chafa-1.12.5_3                 Character art facsimile generator
chmlib-0.40_1                  Library for dealing with Microsoft 
ITSS/CHM format files
clinfo-            Print information about all available 
OpenCL platforms/devices
cln-1.3.6                      Class Library for Numbers
cmake-core-3.26.1_1            Cross-platform Makefile generator
colord-1.4.6                   Manage color profiles to accurately color 
input/output devices
conmon-2.1.7_4                 OCI container runtime monitor
consolekit2-1.2.6_2            Framework for defining and tracking users
containernetworking-plugins-0.3_2 Networking plugins for container 
networking support
containers-common-0.50.1       Common manpages and config files for 
podman and buildah
coreutils-9.1                  Free Software Foundation core utilities
cups-2.4.6                     Common UNIX Printing System
curl-8.4.0                     Command line tool and library for 
transferring data with URLs
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28              RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and 
Security Layer)
dav1d-1.2.1_2                  Small and fast AV1 decoder
dbus-1.14.10,1                 Message bus system for inter-application 
dbus-glib-0.112                GLib bindings for the D-BUS messaging 
dconf-0.40.0_3                 Configuration database system for GNOME
dejavu-2.37_1                  Bitstream Vera Fonts clone with a wider 
range of characters
desktop-file-utils-0.26_1      Couple of command line utilities for 
working with desktop entries
dialog4ports-0.1.6_1           Console Interface to configure ports
difftastic-0.51.1_1            Diff tool that compares files based on 
their syntax
discount-2.2.7c                C implementation of the Markdown markup 
djvulibre-3.5.28_1             DjVu base libraries and utilities
dmidecode-3.5                  Tool for dumping DMI (SMBIOS) contents in 
human-readable format
docbook-1.5                    Meta-port for the different versions of 
the DocBook DTD
docbook-sgml-4.5_1             DocBook SGML DTD
docbook-xml-5.0_3              DocBook XML DTD
docbook-xsl-1.79.1_1,1         XSL DocBook stylesheets
dolphin-23.04.2                KDE filemanager dolphin
dotconf-1.3_1                  Simple, powerful configuration-file 
double-conversion-3.3.0        Binary-decimal and decimal-binary 
routines for IEEE doubles
dragon-player-23.04.2          KDE multimedia player with a focus on 
duf-0.8.1_15                   Disk Usage/Free Utility
duktape-lib-2.7.0              Embeddable Javascript engine (shared lib)
dust-0.8.6_1                   More useful and intuitive version of du
dvdauthor-     Makes a DVD file structure from one or 
more MPEG2 streams
dwmblocks-g20201227            Modular status bar for dwm
ebook-tools-0.2.2_8            Accesses and converts various ebook file 
editorconfig-core-c-0.12.6     EditorConfig core library and executable 
written in C
eigen-3.4.0_2                  Lightweight library for vector and matrix 
encodings-1.0.5,1              X.Org Encoding fonts
espeak-ng-1.51.1_4             Software speech synthesizer
eventviews-23.04.2             Event view libriares for KDEPim
exa-0.10.1_25                  Modern replacement for ls
exiv2-0.28.0_1,1               Exif, IPTC, and XMP metadata manipulation 
library and tools
expat-2.5.0                    XML 1.0 parser written in C
fd-find-8.7.0_3                Simple, fast and user-friendly 
alternative to find
ffmpeg-6.0_3,1                 Realtime audio/video encoder/converter 
and streaming server
fftw3-3.3.10_3                 Fast C routines to compute the Discrete 
Fourier Transform
fftw3-float-3.3.10_3           Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Single 
Precision C Routines)
filelight-23.04.2              Map of concentric segmented-rings 
representing file system
fio-3.35                       Flexible IO tester
fish-3.6.1                     User friendly command line shell
flac-1.4.3,1                   Free lossless audio codec
font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3_4      X.Org Adobe 100dpi font
font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3_4       X.Org Adobe 75dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4_4 X.Org Adobe Utopia 100dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4_4 X.Org Adobe Utopia 75dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4_4 X.Org Adobe Utopia Type1 font
font-alias-1.0.4               X.Org Font aliases
font-arabic-misc-1.0.3_4       X.Org miscellaneous Arabic fonts
font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3_4         X.Org Bigelow Holmes 100dpi font
font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3_4          X.Org Bigelow Holmes 75dpi font
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3_4 X.Org Bigelow Holmes Lucida 
TypeWriter 100dpi font
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3_4 X.Org Bigelow Holmes Lucida 
TypeWriter 75dpi font
font-bh-ttf-1.0.3_4            X.Org Bigelow & Holmes TTF font
font-bh-type1-1.0.3_4          X.Org Bigelow Holmes Type1 font
font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3_4  X.Org Bitstream Vera 100dpi font
font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3_4   X.Org Bitstream Vera 75dpi font
font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3_4   X.Org Bitstream Vera Type1 font
font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3_4   X.Org Cronyx Cyrillic font
font-cursor-misc-1.0.3_4       X.Org miscellaneous Cursor fonts
font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3_4       X.Org miscellaneous Daewoo fonts
font-dec-misc-1.0.3_4          X.Org miscellaneous Dec fonts
font-ibm-type1-1.0.3_4         X.Org IBM Type1 font
font-isas-misc-1.0.3_4         X.Org miscellaneous ISAS fonts
font-jis-misc-1.0.3_4          X.Org miscellaneous JIS fonts
font-micro-misc-1.0.3_4        X.Org miscellaneous Micro fonts
font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3_4     X.Org miscellaneous Cyrillic font
font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.4       X.Org miscellaneous Ethiopic font
font-misc-meltho-1.0.3_4       X.Org miscellaneous Meltho font
font-misc-misc-1.1.2_4         X.Org miscellaneous Misc fonts
font-mutt-misc-1.0.3_4         X.Org miscellaneous Mutt fonts
font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2_4   X.Org miscellaneous Schumacher fonts
font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4_4   X.Org Screen Cyrillic font
font-sony-misc-1.0.3_4         X.Org miscellaneous Sony fonts
font-sun-misc-1.0.3_4          X.Org miscellaneous Sun fonts
font-util-1.3.2                Create an index of X font files in a 
font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3_4 X.Org Winitzki Cyrillic font
font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4_4     X.Org XFree86 Type1 font
fontconfig-2.14.2,1            XML-based font configuration API for X 
freecell-solver-6.2.0          Open source framework for solving 
freedesktop-sound-theme-0.8    Sound theme based on the FreeDesktop 
freeglut-3.2.1                 Open source implementation of GLUT 
freerdp-2.10.0_4               Free implementation of Remote Desktop 
freetype2-2.13.1               Free and portable TrueType font rendering 
freexl-2.0.0                   Library to extract valid data from within 
an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet
frei0r-2.3.0                   Minimalistic plugin API for video effects
frei0r-plugins-2.3.0           The "meta-port" for frei0r and additional 
frei0r-plugins-cairo-2.3.0     Frei0r cairo plugins
frei0r-plugins-gavl-2.3.0      Frei0r gavl plugins
frei0r-plugins-opencv-2.3.0    Frei0r OpenCV plugins
fribidi-1.0.13                 Free Implementation of the Unicode 
Bidirectional Algorithm
gamin-0.1.10_10                File and directory monitoring system
gavl-1.4.0_4                   Library for handling uncompressed video 
and audio data
gcc12-12.2.0_6                 GNU Compiler Collection 12
gcc14-devel-14.0.0.s20230625   GNU Compiler Collection 14
gdal-3.7.0_2                   Translator library for raster geospatial 
data formats
gdbm-1.23                      GNU database manager
gdcm-3.0.21_1                  Grassroots DICOM library
gdk-pixbuf2-2.42.10_1          Graphic library for GTK
geos-3.12.0                    Geometry Engine, Open Source
gettext-runtime-0.22_1         GNU gettext runtime libraries and 
gettext-tools-0.22             GNU gettext development and translation 
gflags-2.2.2_2                 Commandline flags module for C++
ghostscript9-agpl-base-9.56.1_11 PostScript and PDF interpreter
ghostscript9-agpl-x11-9.56.1   PostScript and PDF interpreter, X11 
giflib-5.2.1                   Tools and library routines for working 
with GIF images
git-2.41.0                     Distributed source code management tool
glew-2.2.0_3                   OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
glib-2.78.0,2                  Some useful routines of C programming 
(current stable version)
glog-0.6.0                     Library of C++ classes for flexible 
gmake-4.3_2                    GNU version of 'make' utility
gmp-6.3.0                      Free library for arbitrary precision 
gnome_subr-1.0                 Common startup and shutdown subroutines 
used by GNOME scripts
gnuchess-6.2.9                 Classic Gnu Chess
gnupg-2.4.3_4                  Complete and free PGP implementation
gnutls-3.7.9                   GNU Transport Layer Security library
go120-1.20.8                   Go programming language
gobject-introspection-1.78.1,1 Generate interface introspection data for 
GObject libraries
gpgme-1.22.0                   Library to make access to GnuPG easier
gpgme-cpp-1.22.0               Gpgme C++ bindings
gpgme-qt-headers-1.22.0        Shared headers for the Gpgme Qt bindings
gpgme-qt5-1.22.0               Gpgme Qt5 bindings
gpsd-3.23.1_1                  Daemon that monitors one or more GPSes 
attached to a host computer
granatier-23.04.2              Bomberman clone
grantlee-editor-23.04.2        Editor for Grantlee themes
grantlee5-5.3.0                String template engine for Qt 5
grantleetheme-23.08.1          KDE PIM grantleetheme
graphite2-1.3.14               Rendering capabilities for complex 
non-Roman writing systems
groff-1.23.0_2                 Software typesetting package
gsettings-desktop-schemas-42.0 Collection of globally shared GSetting 
gsfonts-8.11_8                 Standard Fonts for Ghostscript
gsl-2.7.1                      The GNU Scientific Library - mathematical 
gsm-1.0.19                     Audio converter and library for 
converting u-law to gsm encoding
gstreamer1-1.22.5              Media applications framework
gstreamer1-libav-1.22.5        GStreamer plug-in with many audio/video 
gstreamer1-plugins-1.22.5      GStreamer written collection of plugins 
handling several media types
gstreamer1-plugins-a52dec-1.22.5 GStreamer ATSC A/52 stream aka AC-3 
(dvd audio) plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-1.22.5  GStreamer-plugins that need more quality, 
testing or documentation
gstreamer1-plugins-core-1.22.5 Core set of typical audio and video 
GStreamer plugins
gstreamer1-plugins-curl-1.22.5 GStreamer curl based output plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-dts-1.22.5  GStreamer dts audio decode plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-dvdread-1.22.5 GStreamer DVD access plugin with 
gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.22.5 GStreamer-plugins good-quality plug-ins
gstreamer1-plugins-mpg123-1.22.5 GStreamer MPEG Layer 1, 2, and 3 plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-ogg-1.22.5  GStreamer Ogg bitstream plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-openh264-1.22.5 GStreamer (openh264) plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-pango-1.22.5 GStreamer pango textoverlay plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-png-1.22.5  GStreamer png plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-resindvd-1.22.5 GStreamer resindvd DVD playback 
gstreamer1-plugins-theora-1.22.5 GStreamer theora plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-1.22.5 GStreamer-plugins set of good-quality 
plug-ins that might have distribution problems
gstreamer1-plugins-vorbis-1.22.5 GStreamer vorbis encoder/decoder plugin
gstreamer1-plugins-vpx-1.22.5  GStreamer vp8 codec plugin
gtk-update-icon-cache-3.24.31  Gtk-update-icon-cache utility from the 
Gtk+ toolkit
gtk2-2.24.33_1                 Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (previous stable 
gtk3-3.24.34_1                 Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (current stable 
gwenview-23.04.2               Image viewer and browser for KDE
hack-font-3.003_1              Typeface designed for source code
harfbuzz-8.2.2                 OpenType text shaping engine
harfbuzz-icu-7.3.0             Harfbuzz ICU support
hdf5-1.12.2_2,1                Hierarchical Data Format library (from 
NCSA) (latest)
help2man-1.49.3                Automatically generating simple manual 
pages from program output
hicolor-icon-theme-0.17        High-color icon theme shell from the 
FreeDesktop project
hidapi-0.14.0                  Library to access USB HID-class devices
highway-1.0.7                  Performance-portable, length-agnostic 
SIMD with runtime dispatch
htop-3.2.2_1                   Better top(1) - interactive process 
http-parser-2.9.4              HTTP request/response parser written in C
hunspell-1.7.2                 Improved spell-checker for Hungarian and 
other languages
hwdata-0.374,1                 Database of IDs used in PCI, PNP and USB 
hyphen-2.8.8                   Library for high quality hyphenation and 
iceauth-1.0.8_2                ICE authority file utility for X
icu-73.2,1                     International Components for Unicode 
(from IBM)
incidenceeditor-23.04.2        Incidence editor libriares for KDEPim
indexinfo-0.3.1                Utility to regenerate the GNU info page 
inih-57                        Simple .INI file parser written in C
inxi-                  Full featured CLI system information tool
iso-codes-4.15.0               Lists of the country, language, and 
currency iso names
iso8879-1986_3                 Character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 
ja-kiten-23.04.2               Japanese reference/study tool for KDE
ja-tex-ptex-3.6_4              ASCII Japanese pTeX
jansson-2.14                   C library for encoding, decoding, and 
manipulating JSON data
jasper-4.0.0                   Implementation of the codec specified in 
the JPEG-2000 standard
jbig2dec-0.19                  Decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image 
compression format
jbigkit-2.1_1                  Lossless compression for bi-level images 
such as scanned pages, faxes
jpeg-turbo-3.0.0               SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec which 
replaces libjpeg
json-c-0.17                    JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) 
implementation in C
jsoncpp-1.9.5                  JSON reader and writer library for C++
kColorPicker-0.2.0_1           Qt based Color Picker library with popup 
kImageAnnotator-0.6.1          Library for image-annotation tools
kaccounts-integration-23.08.1  System to administer web accounts for the 
KDE desktop
kaddressbook-23.04.2           KDE contact manager
kalarm-23.04.2                 Personal alarm scheduler
kalgebra-23.04.2               KDE graph calculator
kamera-23.04.2                 Digital camera manager for KDE
kanagram-23.04.2               Letter order game for KDE
kapman-23.04.2                 Pac-Man Clone
kate-23.04.2                   Basic editor framework for the KDE system
katomic-23.04.2                Sokoban-like Logic game
kblackbox-23.04.2              Blackbox Logic game
kblocks-23.04.2                Falling Blocks game
kbounce-23.04.2                Ball Bouncing game
kbreakout-23.04.2              Breakout-like game
kbruch-23.04.2                 KDE 4 application to exercise fractions
kcalc-23.04.2                  Scientific calculator for KDE
kcalutils-23.08.1              KDE utility and user interface functions 
for accessing calendar
kcharselect-23.04.2            Character selector for KDE
kcolorchooser-23.04.2          KDE application to select colors from the 
screen or from a palette
kcron-23.04.2                  KDE task scheduler
kde-baseapps-23.04.2_2         KDE5 baseapps meta port
kde5-          KDE Plasma Desktop and Applications 
kdeadmin-23.04.2_1             KDE Administration applications (meta 
kdebugsettings-23.04.2         KDE application to enable/disable qCDebug
kdeedu-23.04.2_1               Entertaining and educational programs for 
KDE (meta port)
kdegames-23.04.2_1             Games for KDE (meta port)
kdegraphics-23.04.2_1          Graphics utilities for KDE (meta port)
kdegraphics-mobipocket-23.04.2 Mobipocket plugins for Strigi indexing 
and thumbnails
kdegraphics-svgpart-23.04.2    SVG KPart
kdegraphics-thumbnailers-23.04.2 Thumbnailers for various graphics file 
kdemultimedia-23.04.2_3        KDE Multimedia applications (meta port)
kdemultimedia-ffmpegthumbs-23.04.2 FFmpeg-based thumbnail generator for 
video files
kdenetwork-23.04.2_1           KDE Network applications (meta port)
kdenetwork-filesharing-23.04.2 KDE Filesharing via Samba
kdenlive-23.04.2               KDE professional quality non-linear video 
editing suite
kdepim-23.04.2_2               KDE PIM applications metaport
kdepim-addons-23.04.2          KDE PIM addons
kdepim-runtime-23.04.2         KDE PIM tools and services
kdeutils-23.04.2_1             Collection of utilities for KDE
kdf-23.04.2                    Shows free space of devices for KDE
kdiagram-2.8.0                 Library to create business diagrams
kdialog-23.04.2                Show nice dialog boxes from shell scripts
kdiamond-23.04.2               Three-in-a-row game
kdsoap-2.1.1                   C++/Qt SOAP framework
keditbookmarks-23.04.2         Bookmark Organizer and Editor
kf5-attica-5.110.0             Open Collaboration Services API library 
KDE5 version
kf5-baloo-5.107.0_1            KF5 Framework for searching and managing 
user metadata
kf5-breeze-icons-5.110.0       Breeze icon theme for KDE
kf5-extra-cmake-modules-5.110.0 Extra modules and scripts for CMake
kf5-frameworkintegration-5.110.0 KF5 workspace and cross-framework 
integration plugins
kf5-kactivities-5.110.0_1      KF5 runtime and library to organize work 
in separate activities
kf5-kactivities-stats-5.107.0  KF5 statistics for activities
kf5-karchive-5.110.0           KF5 library that provides classes for 
handling archive formats
kf5-kauth-5.110.0              KF5 abstraction to system policy and 
authentication features
kf5-kbookmarks-5.110.0         KF5 library for bookmarks and the XBEL 
kf5-kcalendarcore-5.110.0,1    KDE calendar access library
kf5-kcmutils-5.110.0           KF5 utilities for working with KCModules
kf5-kcodecs-5.110.0            KF5 library for string manipulation
kf5-kcompletion-5.110.0        KF5 text completion helpers and widgets
kf5-kconfig-5.110.0            KF5 widgets for configuration dialogs
kf5-kconfigwidgets-5.110.0     KF5 widgets for configuration dialogs
kf5-kcontacts-5.110.0,1        KDE api to manage contact information
kf5-kcoreaddons-5.110.0        KF5 addons to QtCore
kf5-kcrash-5.110.0_1           KF5 library to handle crash analysis and 
bug report from apps
kf5-kdav-5.107.0_1,1           DAV protocol implementation with KJobs
kf5-kdbusaddons-5.110.0        KF5 addons to QtDBus
kf5-kdeclarative-5.110.0       KF5 library providing integration of QML 
and KDE Frameworks
kf5-kded-5.110.0               KF5 extensible daemon for providing 
system level services
kf5-kdelibs4support-5.110.0    KF5 porting aid from KDELibs4
kf5-kdesignerplugin-5.110.0_1  KF5 integration of Frameworks widgets in 
Qt Designer/Creator
kf5-kdesu-5.107.0              KF5 integration with su for elevated 
kf5-kdewebkit-5.110.0          KF5 library providing integration of 
kf5-kdnssd-5.107.0             KF5 abstraction to system DNSSD features
kf5-kdoctools-5.110.0          KF5 documentation generation from docbook
kf5-kemoticons-5.110.0_1       KF5 library to convert emoticons
kf5-kfilemetadata-5.110.0      KF5 library for extracting file metadata
kf5-kglobalaccel-5.110.0_1     KF5 library to add support for global 
workspace shortcuts
kf5-kguiaddons-5.110.0_1       KF5 addons to QtGui
kf5-kholidays-5.107.0_1        KDE library for calendar holidays
kf5-khtml-5.107.0_1            KF5 KTHML rendering engine
kf5-ki18n-5.110.0_1            KF5 advanced internationalization 
kf5-kiconthemes-5.110.0_1      KF5 library for handling icons in 
kf5-kidletime-5.110.0_1        KF5 library for monitoring user activity
kf5-kimageformats-5.107.0_2    KF5 library providing support for 
additional image formats
kf5-kinit-5.110.0              KF5 process launcher to speed up 
launching KDE applications
kf5-kio-5.110.0_1              KF5 resource and network access 
kf5-kirigami2-5.110.0_1        QtQuick based components set
kf5-kitemmodels-5.110.0        KF5 models for Qt Model/View system
kf5-kitemviews-5.110.0         KF5 widget addons for Qt Model/View
kf5-kjobwidgets-5.110.0        KF5 widgets for tracking KJob instance
kf5-kjs-5.110.0                KF5 library providing an ECMAScript 
kf5-kjsembed-5.107.0           KF5 library for binding JavaScript 
objects to QObjects
kf5-knewstuff-5.110.0_1        KF5 library for downloading application 
assets from the network
kf5-knotifications-5.110.0_1   KF5 abstraction for system notifications
kf5-knotifyconfig-5.107.0_1    KF5 configuration system for KNotify
kf5-kpackage-5.110.0_1         KF5 library to load and install packages
kf5-kparts-5.110.0_1           KF5 document centric plugin system
kf5-kpeople-5.107.0            KF5 library providing access to contacts
kf5-kplotting-5.110.0          KF5 lightweight plotting framework
kf5-kpty-5.110.0               KF5 pty abstraction
kf5-kquickcharts-5.107.0_1     KF5 QtQuick plugin providing 
high-performance charts
kf5-kross-5.107.0_1            KF5 multi-language application scripting
kf5-krunner-5.110.0_1          KF5 parallelized query system
kf5-kservice-5.110.0_1         KF5 advanced plugin and service 
kf5-ktexteditor-5.107.0_1      KF5 advanced embeddable text editor
kf5-ktextwidgets-5.110.0_1     KF5 advanced text editing widgets
kf5-kunitconversion-5.110.0_1  KF5 library for unit conversion
kf5-kwallet-5.110.0            KF5 secure and unified container for user 
kf5-kwayland-5.110.0           KF5 Client and Server library wrapper for 
the Wayland libraries
kf5-kwidgetsaddons-5.110.0_1   KF5 addons to QtWidgets
kf5-kwindowsystem-5.110.0      KF5 library for access to the windowing 
kf5-kxmlgui-5.110.0_1          KF5 user configurable main windows
kf5-kxmlrpcclient-5.107.0_1    KF5 interaction with XMLRPC services
kf5-oxygen-icons5-5.107.0      The Oxygen icon theme for KDE
kf5-plasma-framework-5.110.0_1 KF5 plugin based UI runtime used to write 
user interfaces
kf5-prison-5.110.0_1           API to produce barcodes
kf5-purpose-5.110.0_1          Offers available actions for a specific 
kf5-qqc2-desktop-style-5.110.0 Qt QuickControl2 style for KDE
kf5-solid-5.110.0_1            KF5 hardware integration and detection
kf5-sonnet-5.110.0             KF5 plugin-based spell checking library
kf5-syndication-5.110.0,1      KDE RSS feed handling library
kf5-syntax-highlighting-5.110.0 KF5 syntax highlighting engine for 
structured text and code
kf5-threadweaver-5.110.0       KF5 helper for multithreaded programming
kfloppy-23.04.2                Floppy disk formatter for KDE
kfourinline-23.04.2            Four-in-a-row Board game
kgeography-23.04.2             KDE geography trainer
kgpg-23.04.2                   Encryption tool for KDE
khangman-23.04.2               Hangman game for KDE 4
khelpcenter-23.04.2            Plasma5 application to show KDE 
application documentation
kidentitymanagement-23.08.1    KDE pim identities
kig-23.04.2                    KDE interactive geometry application
killbots-23.04.2               Evade killer robots
kimap-23.08.1                  KDE API for IMAP support
kio-extras-23.04.2             Plasma5 library to increase the 
functionality of KIO
kipi-plugins-23.04.2           Plugin architecture for image 
kiriki-23.04.2                 Yahtzee-like Dice game
kitinerary-23.04.2             Data Model and Extraction System for 
Travel Reservation information
kjumpingcube-23.04.2           Territory Capture game
kldap-23.08.1                  LDAP access API for KDE
klettres-23.04.2               Alphabet learning tool for KDE
klickety-23.04.2               Tetris themed solitaire
klines-23.04.2                 Tactical game
kmahjongg-23.04.2              Mahjongg Solitaire
kmail-23.04.2                  KDE mail client
kmail-account-wizard-23.04.2   KDE mail account wizard
kmailtransport-23.08.1         KDE library to managing mail transport
kmbox-23.08.1                  KDE library for accessing mail storages 
in MBox format
kmime-23.08.1                  Library for handling MIME data
kmines-23.04.2                 Minesweeper-like game
kmplot-23.04.2                 Mathematical function plotter for KDE
knavalbattle-23.04.2           Ship Sinking game
knetwalk-23.04.2               Network Construction game
knights-23.04.2                KDE chess interface
kolf-23.04.2                   Miniature Golf
kollision-23.04.2              Simple ball dodging game
kolourpaint-23.04.2            KDE paint program
konquest-23.04.2               Galactic Strategy game
konsole-23.04.2                KDE terminal emulator
kontact-23.04.2                KDE Personal Information Manager
kontactinterface-23.04.2       KDE glue for embedding KParts into 
kopete-23.04.2                 KDE multi-protocol instant messenger
korganizer-23.04.2             Calendar and scheduling Program
kpat-23.04.2                   Patience Card game
kpimtextedit-23.08.1           KDE library for PIM-specific text editing 
kpkpass-23.04.2                Library to deal with Apple Wallet pass 
kproperty-3.2.0_2              Property editing framwork
krdc-23.04.2                   RDP and VNC client for KDE
kreport-3.2.0_9                Framework for creation of reports in 
multiple formats
kreversi-23.04.2               Reversi Board game
krfb-23.04.2                   VNC server for KDE
kruler-23.04.2                 KDE screen ruler
ksanecore-23.04.2              Library providing logic to interface 
kshisen-23.04.2                Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like Tile game
ksirk-23.04.2                  World Domination Strategy game
ksmtp-23.08.1                  Job-based library to send email through 
an SMTP server
ksnakeduel-23.04.2             Snake-like game
kspaceduel-23.04.2             Space Arcade game
ksquares-23.04.2               Connect the dots to create squares
ksudoku-23.04.2                Sudoku game
ksystemlog-23.04.2             KDE system log application
kteatime-23.04.2               Handy timer for steeping tea
ktextaddons-1.5.2              Various text handling addons
ktimer-23.04.2                 Countdown launcher for KDE
ktnef-23.04.2                  KDE API for the handling of TNEF data
ktuberling-23.04.2             Picture game for Children
kturtle-23.04.2                Educational programming environment for 
kubrick-23.04.2                3-D game based on Rubik's Cube
kuserfeedback-1.2.0_1          Framework for collecting user feedback
kwalletmanager-23.04.2         Password manager for KDE
kwordquiz-23.04.2              Flash card trainer for KDE Applications
lame-3.100_4                   Fast MP3 encoder kit
lapack-3.11.0_1                Linear Algebra PACKage
lcms-1.19_6,1                  Light Color Management System -- a color 
management library
lcms2-2.15_2                   Accurate, fast, and small-footprint color 
management engine
lerc-4.0.0                     C++ library for Limited Error Raster 
libEMF-1.0.13_1                Enhanced Metafile Library
libFS-1.0.8                    The FS library
libGLU-9.0.2_2                 OpenGL utility library
libICE-1.1.0_2,1               Inter Client Exchange library for X11
libSM-1.2.3_1,1                Session Management library for X11
libX11-1.8.7,1                 X11 library
libXScrnSaver-1.2.4            The XScrnSaver library
libXau-1.0.9                   Authentication Protocol library for X11
libXaw-1.0.14,2                X Athena Widgets library
libXcomposite-0.4.6,1          X Composite extension library
libXcursor-1.2.0_1             X client-side cursor loading library
libXdamage-1.1.6               X Damage extension library
libXdmcp-1.1.3                 X Display Manager Control Protocol 
libXext-1.3.4,1                X11 Extension library
libXfixes-6.0.0                X Fixes extension library
libXfont-1.5.4_2,2             X font library
libXfont2-2.0.5_1              X font library
libXft-2.3.7                   Client-sided font API for X applications
libXi-1.8,1                    X Input extension library
libXinerama-1.1.4_2,1          X11 Xinerama library
libXmu-1.1.3,1                 X Miscellaneous Utilities libraries
libXpm-3.5.17                  X Pixmap library
libXrandr-1.5.2                X Resize and Rotate extension library
libXrender-0.9.10_2            X Render extension library
libXres-1.2.2                  X Resource usage library
libXt-1.2.1,1                  X Toolkit library
libXtst-1.2.3_2                X Test extension
libXv-1.0.12,1                 X Video Extension library
libXvMC-1.0.12                 X Video Extension Motion Compensation 
libXxf86dga-1.1.6              X DGA Extension
libXxf86vm-1.1.4_3             X Vidmode Extension
liba52-0.8.0                   Free library for decoding ATSC A/52 
streams, aka AC-3
libaccounts-glib-1.26          Accounts and SSO framework for Linux and 
POSIX based platforms
libaccounts-qt5-1.16_4         Qt5 wrapper for SSO framework
libaec-1.0.6                   Adaptive entropy coding library
libao-1.2.0_5                  Portable audio output library
libarchive-3.6.2,1             Library to create and read several 
streaming archive formats
libass-0.17.1_1                Portable ASS/SSA subtitle renderer
libassuan-2.5.6                IPC library used by GnuPG and gpgme
libavif-0.11.1                 Library for encoding and decoding .avif 
libcanberra-0.30_9             Implementation of the Freedesktop sound 
theme spec
libcanberra-gtk3-0.30_9        Implementation of the Freedesktop sound 
theme spec
libcbor-0.10.2                 CBOR protocol implementation for C and 
libcjson-1.7.15_1              Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
libdaemon-0.14_1               Lightweight C library that eases the 
writing of UNIX daemons
libdatrie-0.2.13_1             Double-array trie implementation library
libdbusmenu-qt5- Qt5 implementation of the DBusMenu 
libdc1394-2.2.6                1394-based DC Control Library
libdca-0.0.7                   Free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder
libde265-1.0.12                Open source h.265 video codec
libdecor-0.2.0                 Client-side decorations library for 
Wayland client
libdeflate-1.19                Fast, whole-buffer DEFLATE-based 
compression library
libdmtx-0.7.5                  Library for reading and writing Data 
Matrix barcodes
libdrm-2.4.116,1               Userspace interface to kernel Direct 
Rendering Module services
libdvdnav-6.1.1                Videolan version of the libdvdnav project
libdvdread-6.1.3               Videolan version of the libdvdread 
libedit-3.1.20221030,1         Command line editor library
libei-1.1.0                    Library for Emulated Input
libepoll-shim-0.0.20230411     Small epoll implementation using kqueue
libepoxy-1.5.9                 Library to handle OpenGL function pointer 
libetonyek01-0.1.10_7,1        Library to interpret and import Apple 
Keynote presentations
libevdev-        Linux Event Device library
libevent-2.1.12                API for executing callback functions on 
events or timeouts
libexif-0.6.24                 Library to read digital camera file 
libffi-3.4.4                   Foreign Function Interface
libfido2-1.13.0                Provides library functionality for FIDO 
libfontenc-1.1.7               The fontenc Library
libgcrypt-1.10.2               General purpose cryptographic library 
based on the code from GnuPG
libgd-2.3.3_7,1                Graphics library for fast creation of 
libgeotiff-1.7.1_5             Library for reading and writing GeoTIFF 
information tags
libgit2-1.6.4                  Portable, pure C implementation of the 
Git core
libglvnd-1.6.0_2               GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library
libgpg-error-1.47              Common error values for all GnuPG 
libgphoto2-2.5.26_2            Universal digital camera control library
libgravatar-23.08.1            Library for gravatar support
libgsf-1.14.50                 Extensible I/O abstraction for dealing 
with structured file formats
libgudev-234                   GObject bindings for libudev
libgusb-0.3.10_1               GUsb is a GObject wrapper for libusb1
libheif-1.16.1                 ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF file format 
de- and encoder
libical-3.0.16                 Implementation of the IETF Calendaring 
and Scheduling protocols
libiconv-1.17                  Character set conversion library
libid3tag-0.16.2               ID3 tags library (part of MAD project)
libidn-1.38                    Internationalized Domain Names command 
line tool
libidn2-2.3.4                  Implementation of IDNA2008 
internationalized domain names
libimobiledevice-1.3.0         Library to communicate with Apple iOS 
libinotify-20211018            Kevent based inotify compatible library
libinput-1.24.0                Generic input library
libjxl-0.8.2_3                 JPEG XL reference encoder/decoder
libkcddb-23.04.2               KDE CDDB library
libkcompactdisc-23.04.2        KDE library for interfacing with audio 
libkdcraw-23.04.2              LibRaw interface for KDE
libkdegames-23.04.2            Libraries used by KDE games
libkdepim-23.08.1              KDE PIM Libraries
libkeduvocdocument-23.04.2     Library for reading and writing 
vocabulary files
libkexiv2-23.04.2              Exiv2 library interface for KDE
libkgapi-23.08.1               KDE based library to access google 
libkipi-23.04.2                KDE Image Plugin Interface
libkleo-23.08.1                Certificate manager for KDE
libkmahjongg-23.04.2           Library for the Mahjongg Solitaire for 
libkml-1.3.0_26                Reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2
libkolabxml-1.1.6_16           Kolab XML Format Schema Definitions 
libksane-23.04.2               SANE library interface for KDE
libksba-1.6.3                  Library to make X.509 certificates
libksieve-23.04.2              Sieve libriares for KDEPim
libkvkontakte-5.0.0_6          KDE library for accessing
liblangtag-0.6.4               Interface library to access tags for 
identifying languages
liblqr-1-0.4.2                 Easy to use C/C++ seam carving library
libltdl-2.4.7                  System independent dlopen wrapper
liblz4-1.9.4,1                 LZ4 compression library, lossless and 
very fast
libmad-0.16.3                  Libmad library (part of MAD project)
libmediawiki-5.38.0            KDE library for accessing MediaWiki sites
libmtdev-1.1.6_1               Multitouch Protocol Translation Library
libmtp-1.1.18                  Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library
libmusicbrainz5-     MusicBrainz client library for audio 
metadata lookup
libmysofa-1.3.1                SOFA (Spatially Oriented Format for 
Acoustics) file reader
libnghttp2-1.57.0              HTTP/2.0 C Library
libnice-0.1.21_1               Library and transmitter that implements 
libnotify-0.8.2                Library for desktop notifications
libodfgen01-0.1.8_2            Library for generating documents in Open 
Document Format (ODF)
libogg-1.3.5,4                 Ogg bitstream library
libotr-4.1.1                   Portable OTR Messaging Library and 
libpaper-1.1.28                Library providing routines for paper size 
libpci-3.10.0                  PCI configuration space I/O made easy
libpciaccess-0.17              Generic PCI access library
libphonenumber-8.13.9_1        Library for parsing, formatting, and 
validating phone numbers
libplacebo-6.338.1             Reusable library for GPU-accelerated 
video/image rendering
libplist-2.2.0_2               Library to handle Apple Property List 
libpotrace-1.16                Library for transforming bitmaps into 
vector graphics
libproxy-0.4.18                Library that provides automatic proxy 
configuration management
libpsl-0.21.2_3                C library to handle the Public Suffix 
libqalculate-4.6.1             Multi-purpose desktop calculator (backend 
libqrencode-4.1.1              C library for encoding data in a QR Code 
libraqm-0.10.1                 Library that encapsulates complex text 
layout logic
libraw-0.21.1_1                Library for manipulating raw images
librevenge-0.0.5               Base library for writing document import 
librewolf-          Custom version of Firefox, focused on 
privacy, security and freedom
librsvg2-rust-2.56.3           Library for parsing and rendering SVG 
vector-graphic files
librtmp-2.4.20190330           RTMP stream library
librttopo-1.1.0                RT Topology Library
libsamplerate-0.2.2_1          Secret Rabbit Code: a Sample Rate 
Converter for audio
libsecret-0.20.5_2             Library to access the secret service API
libslang2-2.3.3                Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal 
applications development
libsndfile-1.2.2               Reading and writing files containing 
sampled sound (like WAV or AIFF)
libsoxr-0.1.3_3                High quality, one-dimensional sample-rate 
conversion library
libspectre-0.2.12              Small library for rendering Postscript 
libssh-0.10.5                  Library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libssh2-1.11.0,3               Library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libsunacl-1.0.1                Wrapper providing SunOS NFSv4 ACL API
libsysinfo-0.0.3_2             GNU libc's sysinfo port for FreeBSD
libtasn1-4.19.0                ASN.1 structure parser library
libtermkey-0.22                Easy processing of keyboard entry from 
terminal-based programs
libtextstyle-0.22              Text styling library
libthai-0.1.29                 Thai language support library
libtheora-1.1.1_7              Theora video codec for the Ogg multimedia 
streaming system
libtool-2.4.7_1                Generic shared library support script
libublio-20070103_3            User space caching library
libudev-devd-0.5.2             libudev-compatible interface for devd
libunibreak-5.1,1              Implementation of the line and word 
breaking algorithm for Unicode
libunistring-1.1               Unicode string library
libunwind-20211201_2           Generic stack unwinding library
libusbmuxd-2.0.2               Communication interface library for 
libuv-1.46.0                   Multi-platform support library with a 
focus on asynchronous I/O
libv4l-1.23.0_2                Video4Linux library
libva-2.20.0                   VAAPI wrapper and dummy driver
libvdpau-1.5                   VDPAU wrapper and tracing library
libvisio01-0.1.7_11            Library and tools for parsing the visio 
file format structure
libvncserver-0.9.14            Provide an easy API to a custom vnc 
libvorbis-1.3.7_2,3            Audio compression codec library
libvpx-1.13.1                  VP8/VP9 reference encoder/decoder
libvterm-0.3.2                 Implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 
terminal emulator
libwacom-1.5                   Adds tablet support to libinput
libwmf-0.2.13_2                Tools and library for converting 
Microsoft WMF (windows metafile)
libwpd010-0.10.3_7             Tools for importing and exporting 
WordPerfect(tm) documents
libwpg03-0.3.4                 Library and tools to work with 
WordPerfect Graphics (WPG) files
libwps-0.4.14                  Microsoft file word processor format 
import filter library
libx264-0.164.3095             H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Video Encoding (Library)
libxcb-1.15_1                  The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) 
libxcvt-0.1.2_1                Calculate VESA CVT mode lines
libxkbcommon-1.5.0             Keymap handling library for toolkits and 
window systems
libxkbfile-1.1.0               XKB file library
libxml2-2.10.4_1               XML parser library for GNOME
libxmlb-0.3.13                 Library to help create and query binary 
XML blobs
libxshmfence-1.3.2             Shared memory 'SyncFence' synchronization 
libxslt-1.1.37                 XML stylesheet transformation library
libyaml-0.2.5                  YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
libzip-1.10.0                  C library for reading, creating, and 
modifying ZIP archives
llvm15-15.0.7_5                LLVM and Clang
lmdb-0.9.31,1                  OpenLDAP Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
lolcat-1.2.8                   High performance implementation of the 
famous lolcat
lscpu-1.2.0_1                  Display information about the CPU 
lskat-23.04.2                  Card game
lsof-4.97.0,8                  Lists information about open files 
(similar to fstat(1))
lua53-5.3.6                    Powerful, efficient, lightweight, 
embeddable scripting language
luajit-devel-    Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua
luv-                 libuv bindings for lua
lzo2-2.10_1                    Portable speedy, lossless data 
compression library
m4-1.4.19,1                    GNU M4
mailcommon-23.04.2             Common libriares for KDEPim
mailimporter-23.04.2           Import mbox files to KMail
marble-23.04.2                 Virtual globe and world atlas for KDE
mbox-importer-23.04.2          Import mbox files to KMail
mesa-demos-8.4.0_3             OpenGL demos distributed with Mesa
mesa-dri-22.3.7_2              OpenGL hardware acceleration drivers for 
mesa-libs-22.3.7_2             OpenGL libraries that support GLX and EGL 
meson-1.2.2                    High performance build system
messagelib-23.08.1_2           Library for handling messages
metis-5.1.0_9                  Package for unstructured graph 
ming-0.4.8                     Flash 4/5 movie output library with many 
languages support
minizip-1.2.11                 Zip library and programs from Zlib 
mkfontscale-1.2.1              Creates an index of scalable font files 
for X
mlt7-7.16.0_1                  Multimedia framework for TV broadcasting
mlt7-glaxnimate-qt5-7.16.0     2D animations plugin for the MLT 
multimedia framework
mlt7-qt5-7.16.0                Qt plugin for the MLT multimedia 
most-5.2.0                     Pager (like less) which has support for 
windows and binary files
movit-1.6.3_1                  High-performance video filters for the 
mpc-1.3.1_1                    Library of complex numbers with 
arbitrarily high precision
mpdecimal-2.5.1                C/C++ arbitrary precision decimal 
floating point libraries
mpfr-4.2.1,1                   Library for multiple-precision 
floating-point computations
mpg123-1.32.2                  Command-line player for MPEG Layer 1, 2, 
and 3 audio files
msgpack-c-6.0.0                Efficient binary serialization, like JSON 
but smaller and faster
mysql80-client-8.0.33_3        Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql80-server-8.0.33          Multithreaded SQL database (server)
nano-7.2                       Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free 
Pico clone
neofetch-7.1.0_1               Fast, highly customizable system info 
neon-0.32.4                    HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix 
neovim-0.9.1                   Next-generation Vim
neovim-qt-0.2.17_1             Neovim client library and QT5 GUI
netcdf-4.9.2                   C library for machine-independent, 
array-oriented data access
nettle-3.9.1                   Low-level cryptographic library
ninja-1.11.1,2                 Small build system closest in spirit to 
noto-basic-2.0_2               Google Noto Fonts family (Basic)
npth-1.6                       New GNU Portable Threads
nspr-4.35                      Platform-neutral API for system level and 
libc like functions
nss-3.94                       Libraries to support development of 
security-enabled applications
ocijail-0.1                    Experimental, proof-of-concept 
OCI-compatible runtime for jails
ocl-icd-2.3.1_1                OpenCL Installable Client Driver
okular-23.08.1                 KDE universal document viewer
oniguruma-6.9.8_1              Regular expressions library compatible 
with POSIX/GNU/Perl
open-motif-2.3.8_2             Motif X11 Toolkit (industry standard GUI 
(IEEE 1295))
openal-soft-1.21.1_4           Software implementation of the OpenAL 
openblas-0.3.20,2              Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
opencl-3.0.14                  Open Computing Language (OpenCL) 
specifications V3.0 (header files)
opencv-4.6.0_10                Open Source Computer Vision library
openexr-3.2.0                  High dynamic-range (HDR) image file 
openh264-2.3.0,2               Cisco implementation of H.264 codec
openjpeg-2.5.0_1               Open-source JPEG 2000 codec
openldap26-client-2.6.6        Open source LDAP client implementation
openslp-2.0.0_1                Open-source implementation of the Service 
Location Protocol
opus-1.4                       IETF audio codec
opusfile-0.12_1                Opus playback library
orc-0.4.34_1                   Library and toolset to operate arrays of 
p11-kit-0.24.1_2               Library for loading and enumerating of 
PKCS#11 modules
p5-Authen-SASL-2.16_1          Perl5 module for SASL authentication
p5-CGI-4.57                    Handle Common Gateway Interface requests 
and responses
p5-Clone-0.46                  Recursively copy Perl datatypes
p5-Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.36         JSON::XS for Cpanel, fast and correct 
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.04            Perl5 interface to HMAC Message-Digest 
p5-Encode-Locale-1.05          Determine the locale encoding
p5-Error-0.17029               Error/exception handling in 
object-oriented programming style
p5-File-HomeDir-1.006          Get home directory for self or other 
p5-File-Which-1.27             Portable implementation of which(1) in 
p5-GSSAPI-0.28_2               Perl extension providing access to the 
GSSAPIv2 library
p5-HTML-Parser-3.81            Perl5 module for parsing HTML documents
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20_1          Some useful data table in parsing HTML
p5-HTTP-CookieJar-0.014        Minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar
p5-HTTP-Date-6.05              Conversion routines for the HTTP protocol 
date formats
p5-HTTP-Message-6.44           Representation of HTTP style messages
p5-HTTP-Tiny-0.082             Small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client
p5-IO-HTML-1.004               Open an HTML file with automatic charset 
p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.41           Drop-in replacement for IO::Socket::INET 
supporting IPv4 and IPv6
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.083_1       Perl5 interface to SSL sockets
p5-JSON-XS-4.03                JSON serialising/deserialising, done 
correctly and fast
p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.04         Guess media type for a file or a URL
p5-Locale-gettext-1.07         Message handling functions
p5-Locale-libintl-1.33         Internationalization library for Perl
p5-Mozilla-CA-20221114         Perl extension for Mozilla CA cert bundle 
in PEM format
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.92             Perl5 interface to SSL
p5-Text-Unidecode-1.30         US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
p5-TimeDate-2.33,1             Perl5 module containing a better/faster 
date parser for absolute dates
p5-Types-Serialiser-1.01       Simple data types for common 
serialisation formats
p5-URI-5.19                    Perl5 interface to Uniform Resource 
Identifier (URI) references
p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-12.0 East Asian Width properties
p5-XML-Dumper-0.81_1           Perl module for dumping Perl objects 
from/to XML
p5-XML-Parser-2.46             Perl extension interface to James Clark's 
XML parser, expat
p5-YAML-Tiny-1.73              Read/Write YAML files with as little code 
as possible
p5-common-sense-3.75           Perl common defaults with lower memory 
palapeli-23.04.2               Jigsaw puzzle game
pango-1.50.14                  Open-source framework for the layout and 
rendering of i18n text
parley-23.04.2                 Vocabulary trainer for KDE
pcaudiolib-1.2                 Portable C audio library
pciids-20230523                Database of all known IDs used in PCI 
pcre-8.45_3                    Perl Compatible Regular Expressions 
pcre2-10.42                    Perl Compatible Regular Expressions 
library, version 2
perl5-5.34.1_3                 Practical Extraction and Report Language
phonon-gstreamer-qt5-4.10.0_4  GStreamer backend for Phonon
phonon-qt5-4.11.1_3            KDE multimedia framework
picmi-23.04.2                  Single player logic-based puzzle game
pim-data-exporter-23.04.2      Import and export KDE PIM settings
pim-sieve-editor-23.04.2       Mail sieve editor
pimcommon-23.08.1_2            Common libriares for KDEPim
pinentry-1.2.1                 Collection of simple PIN or passphrase 
entry dialogs
pinentry-curses-1.2.1          Curses version of the GnuPG password 
pinentry-qt5-1.2.1             Qt 5 version of the GnuPG password dialog
pipewire-0.3.62_3              Server and user space API to deal with 
multimedia pipelines
pixman-0.42.2                  Low-level pixel manipulation library
pkg-1.20.8                     Package manager
pkgconf-2.0.3,1                Utility to help to configure compiler and 
linker flags
plasma-wayland-protocols-1.10.0_1 Plasma Specific Protocols for Wayland
plasma5-breeze-5.27.8_1        Plasma5 artwork, styles and assets for 
the Breeze visual style
plasma5-breeze-gtk-5.27.6      Plasma5 Breeze visual style for Gtk
plasma5-discover-5.27.6        Plasma5 package management tools
plasma5-drkonqi-5.27.6         Plasma5 crash handler
plasma5-kactivitymanagerd-5.27.6 System service to manage user's 
activities, track the usage patterns
plasma5-kde-cli-tools-5.27.6   Plasma5 non-interactive system tools
plasma5-kde-gtk-config-5.27.6  Plasma5 GTK2 and GTK3 configurator
plasma5-kdecoration-5.27.8     Plasma5 library to create window 
plasma5-kdeplasma-addons-5.27.6 Plasma5 addons to improve the Plasma 
plasma5-kgamma5-5.27.6         Plasma5 display gamma settings
plasma5-khotkeys-5.27.6        Plasma5 library for hotkeys
plasma5-kinfocenter-5.27.6     Plasma5 utility providing system 
plasma5-kmenuedit-5.27.6       Plasma5 menu editor
plasma5-kpipewire-5.27.6       Plasma5 Plasma pipewire plugin
plasma5-kscreen-5.27.6         Plasma5 screen management library
plasma5-kscreenlocker-5.27.8_1 Plasma5 secure lock screen architecture
plasma5-ksshaskpass-5.27.6     Plasma5 ssh-add frontend
plasma5-ksysguard-5.22.0_4     Plasma5 utility to track and control the 
running processes
plasma5-ksystemstats-5.27.6    Plasma5 library to report system activity
plasma5-kwallet-pam-5.27.6     Plasma5 KWallet PAM Integration
plasma5-kwayland-integration-5.27.8_1 Integration plugins for a 
Wayland-based desktop
plasma5-kwin-5.27.6            Plasma5 window manager
plasma5-kwrited-5.27.6         Plasma5 daemon listening for wall and 
write messages
plasma5-layer-shell-qt-5.27.8  Qt component to make use of the Wayland 
wl-layer-shell protoco
plasma5-libkscreen-5.27.8      Plasma5 screen management library
plasma5-libksysguard-5.27.6    Plasma5 library to track and control 
running processes
plasma5-milou-5.27.6           Plasma5 Plasmoid for search
plasma5-oxygen-5.27.6          Plasma5 Oxygen style
plasma5-plasma-5.27.6          KDE5 plasma meta port
plasma5-plasma-browser-integration-5.27.6 Plasma5 components to 
integrate browsers into the desktop
plasma5-plasma-desktop-5.27.6  Plasma5 plasma desktop
plasma5-plasma-disks-5.27.6    Monitors S.M.A.R.T. capable devices for 
imminent failure
plasma5-plasma-integration-5.27.6 Qt Platform Theme integration plugins 
for the Plasma workspaces
plasma5-plasma-pa-5.27.6_1     Plasma5 Plasma pulse audio mixer
plasma5-plasma-sdk-    Plasma5 applications useful for Plasma 
plasma5-plasma-workspace-5.27.6_2 Plasma5 Plasma workspace
plasma5-plasma-workspace-wallpapers-5.27.6 Plasma5 wallpapers
plasma5-polkit-kde-agent-1-5.27.6 Plasma5 daemon providing a polkit 
authentication UI
plasma5-powerdevil-5.27.6      Plasma5 tool to manage the power 
consumption settings
plasma5-systemsettings-5.27.6  Plasma5 system settings
plasma5-xdg-desktop-portal-kde-5.27.8 Backend implementation for 
plotutils-2.6_9,1              Plotting library and toolkit
png-1.6.40                     Library for manipulating PNG images
podman-4.5.1_2                 Manage Pods, Containers and Container 
podman-suite-20230605          Metaport of podman and buildah toolkit
polkit-123_1                   Framework for controlling access to 
system-wide components
polkit-qt-1-0.114.0            Qt5 wrapper around Polkit libraries
poppler-23.05.0_2              PDF rendering library
poppler-data-0.4.12            Poppler encoding data
poppler-glib-23.05.0           GLib bindings to poppler
poppler-qt5-23.05.0_2          Qt 5 bindings to poppler
popt-1.19                      Getopt(3) like library with a number of 
enhancements, from Redhat
postgresql13-client-13.12      PostgreSQL database (client)
print-manager-23.04.2          Printer manager for KDE
proj-9.2.1,1                   Cartographic Projections library
protobuf-3.21.12,1             Data interchange format library
pstoedit-4.00                  Convert PostScript to other vector 
graphic formats
psutils-1.17_5                 Utilities for manipulating PostScript 
pulseaudio-16.1_1              Sound server for UNIX
py39-boost-libs-1.82.0         Framework for interfacing Python and C++
py39-brotli-1.0.9              Generic-purpose lossless compression 
py39-build-0.10.0_2            PEP517 package builder
py39-cairo-1.21.0,1            Python bindings for Cairo
py39-certifi-2023.5.7          Mozilla SSL certificates
py39-defusedxml-0.7.1          XML bomb protection for Python stdlib 
py39-dnspython-2.3.0,1         DNS toolkit for Python
py39-evdev-1.6.0               Bindings to the Linux input handling 
py39-flit-core-3.9.0           Distribution-building parts of Flit
py39-future-0.18.3             Clean single-source support for Python 3 
and 2
py39-glances-3.3.1             CLI curses based monitoring tool for 
GNU/Linux and BSD OS
py39-gobject3-3.42.2           Python 3.9 bindings for GObject
py39-greenlet-2.0.2_1          Light-weight microthreads for Python
py39-importlib-metadata-6.7.0  Read metadata from Python packages
py39-installer-0.7.0           Library for installing Python wheels
py39-markdown-3.3.7_1          Python implementation of Markdown
py39-msgpack-1.0.5_1           MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
py39-mutagen-1.46.0            Python-based audio metadata tag reader 
and writer
py39-numpy-1.24.1_4,1          The New Numeric Extension to Python
py39-packaging-23.1            Core utilities for Python packages
py39-psutil-5.9.5              Process utilities module for Python
py39-pycryptodomex-3.18.0      Cryptographic library for Python
py39-pynvim-0.4.3              Python client and plugin host for Neovim
py39-pyproject_hooks-1.0.0_2   Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based 
build backend hooks
py39-pyserial-3.5_2            Serial port encapsulation library for 
py39-pysol-cards-0.14.3        Deal PySol FC Cards
py39-pyudev-0.22.0             Pure Python libudev binding
py39-random2-1.0.1             Python 3 compatible Python 2 random 
py39-setuptools-63.1.0_1       Python packages installer
py39-six-1.16.0                Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
py39-speedtest-cli-2.1.3       Command line interface for testing 
internet bandwidth
py39-sqlite3-3.9.18_7          Standard Python binding to the SQLite3 
library (Python 3.9)
py39-sysctl-     Wrapper for the sysctl system functions
py39-tomli-2.0.1_2             Lil' TOML parser
py39-ujson-5.8.0               Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for 
py39-vim-bridge-0.6            Decorator enabing transparent calls to 
Python functions in Vim scripts
py39-websockets-11.0.3         Implementation of the WebSocket Protocol 
(RFC 6455 and 7692)
py39-wheel-0.41.2              Built-package format for Python
py39-zipp-3.15.0               Backport of pathlib-compatible object 
wrapper for zip files
pygobject3-common-3.42.2       Common files for the Python bindings for 
python311-3.11.5               Interpreted object-oriented programming 
python39-3.9.18                Interpreted object-oriented programming 
qca-qt5-2.3.7                  Cross-platform crypto API for Qt 5
qemu-user-static-3.1.0_13      QEMU CPU Emulator (github bsd-user 
qhull-8.0.2_2,1                Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay 
triangulations, and halfspaces
qt5-assistant-5.15.10p3        Qt 5 documentation browser (KDE patched)
qt5-charts-5.15.8p0            Qt 5 charts module (KDE patched)
qt5-concurrent-5.15.10p156     Qt multi-threading module (KDE patched)
qt5-core-5.15.10p156           Qt core non-graphical module (KDE 
qt5-dbus-5.15.10p156           Qt D-Bus inter-process communication 
module (KDE patched)
qt5-declarative-5.15.10p31     Qt declarative framework for dynamic user 
interfaces (KDE patched)
qt5-designer-5.15.10p3         Qt 5 graphical user interface designer 
(KDE patched)
qt5-graphicaleffects-5.15.10p0 Qt Quick graphical effects (KDE patched)
qt5-gui-5.15.10p156            Qt graphical user interface module (KDE 
qt5-help-5.15.10p3             Qt online help integration module (KDE 
qt5-linguisttools-5.15.10p3    Qt localization tools (KDE patched)
qt5-location-5.15.10p4         Qt location module (KDE patched)
qt5-multimedia-5.15.10p3       Qt audio, video, radio and camera support 
module (KDE patched)
qt5-network-5.15.10p156        Qt network module (KDE patched)
qt5-networkauth-5.15.8p0       Qt network auth module (KDE patched)
qt5-opengl-5.15.10p156         Qt 5-compatible OpenGL support module 
(KDE patched)
qt5-printsupport-5.15.10p156   Qt print support module (KDE patched)
qt5-qdbus-5.15.10p3            Qt command-line interface to D-Bus (KDE 
qt5-qtpaths-5.15.8p1           Command line client to QStandardPaths 
(KDE patched)
qt5-quickcontrols-5.15.8p0     Set of controls for building complete 
interfaces in Qt Quick (KDE patched)
qt5-quickcontrols2-5.15.10p6   Set of controls for building complete 
interfaces in Qt Quick (KDE patched)
qt5-script-5.15.15p0           Qt 4-compatible scripting module
qt5-scripttools-5.15.11p0      Qt Script additional components (KDE 
qt5-sensors-5.15.10p0          Qt sensors module (KDE patched)
qt5-serialport-5.15.10p0       Qt functions to access serial ports (KDE 
qt5-speech-5.15.10p1           Accessibilty features for Qt5 (KDE 
qt5-sql-5.15.10p156            Qt SQL database integration module (KDE 
qt5-sqldrivers-mysql-5.15.10p156 Qt MySQL database plugin (KDE patched)
qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3-5.15.10p156 Qt SQLite 3 database plugin (KDE 
qt5-svg-5.15.10p8              Qt SVG support module (KDE patched)
qt5-testlib-5.15.10p156        Qt unit testing module (KDE patched)
qt5-uiplugin-5.15.10p3         Custom Qt widget plugin interface for Qt 
Designer (KDE patched)
qt5-uitools-5.15.10p3          Qt Designer UI forms support module (KDE 
qt5-virtualkeyboard-5.15.10p0  Qt 5 Virtual Keyboard Module (KDE 
qt5-wayland-5.15.10p57         Qt5 wrapper for Wayland (KDE patched)
qt5-webchannel-5.15.10p3       Qt 5 library for integration of C++/QML 
with HTML/js clients (KDE patched)
qt5-webengine-5.15.15.p0       Qt 5 library to render web content
qt5-webkit-5.212.0.a4_15       QtWebKit with a more modern WebKit code 
qt5-webview-5.15.8p0_1         Qt component for displaying web content 
(KDE patched)
qt5-widgets-5.15.10p156        Qt C++ widgets module (KDE patched)
qt5-x11extras-5.15.10p0        Qt platform-specific features for 
X11-based systems (KDE patched)
qt5-xml-5.15.10p156            Qt SAX and DOM implementations (KDE 
qt5-xmlpatterns-5.15.10p0      Qt support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and 
XML Schema (KDE patched)
qtkeychain-qt5-0.14.1          Platform independent Qt API for storing 
quazip-qt5-1.4_1               Qt/C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP package
rar-6.22,3                     File archiver (binary port)
re2-20230901                   Fast C++ regex library
readline-8.2.1                 Library for editing command lines as they 
are typed
recordmydesktop-      Record desktop sessions to an 
Ogg-Theora-Vorbis file
rhash-1.4.3                    Utility and library for computing and 
checking of file hashes
rocs-23.04.2                   KDE Graph theory IDE
rofi-1.7.3                     Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu 
rofi-calc-2.2.0                Do live calculations in rofi
rofi-emoji-3.2.0               Emoji selector plugin for rofi
rtmpdump-2.4.20190330          RTMP streams download utility
rttr-                Run Time Type Reflection
samba413-4.13.17_5             Free SMB/CIFS and AD/DC server and client 
for Unix
sane-backends-1.2.1_1          API for accessing scanners, digital 
cameras, frame grabbers, etc
schilybase-2023.04.19          Support files and libraries for the 
sddm-0.19.0_8                  QML based login manager
sdl2-2.26.5                    Cross-platform multimedia development API
sdl2_image-2.6.3_1             Simple library to load images of various 
formats as SDL surfaces
sdocbook-xml-1.1_2,2           "Simplified" DocBook XML DTD
sessreg-1.1.2                  Manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init X 
setxkbmap-1.3.2                Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard 
sfcgal-1.4.1_4                 Wrapper library around CGAL for PostGIS
shaderc-2023.6                 GLSL/HLSL to SPIR-V shader compiler
shared-mime-info-2.2_1         MIME types database from the project
signon-kwallet-extension-23.08.1 KWallet integration for signon 
signon-plugin-oauth2-0.25      Signon OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 plugin for 
signon-qt5-8.60_1              D-Bus service performing user 
signon-ui-0.17.355             Component for handling accounts-sso user 
skanlite-23.04.2               Simple image scanning application
skopeo-1.12.0_2                Inspect container images and repositories 
on registries
smartmontools-7.3_1            S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring tools
smproxy-1.0.6                  Session Manager Proxy
snappy-1.1.10                  Fast compressor/decompressor library
snowballstemmer-2.2.0          Snowball stemmer library for C
sox-          SOund eXchange - universal sound sample 
spatialite-5.0.1_7             Spatial Extensions for SQLite
spectacle-23.04.2              KDE screen capture program
speech-dispatcher-0.11.2_3     Common interface to speech synthesis
speex-1.2.1,1                  Audio compression format designed for 
speexdsp-1.2.1                 Audio compression format designed for 
sqlite3-3.43.1,1               SQL database engine in a C library
startup-notification-0.12_4    Library that supports startup 
notification spec from
step-23.04.2                   KDE interactive physics simulator
sudo-1.9.14p3                  Allow others to run commands as root
suitesparse-amd-3.2.0          Symmetric approximate minimum degree
suitesparse-camd-3.2.0         Symmetric approximate minimum degree
suitesparse-ccolamd-3.2.0      Constrained column approximate minimum 
degree ordering
suitesparse-cholmod-4.2.0      Sparse CHOLesky MODification package
suitesparse-colamd-3.2.0       Column approximate minimum degree 
ordering algorithm
suitesparse-config-7.2.0       Common library for SuiteSparse
suitesparse-umfpack-6.2.0      Sparse multifrontal LU factorization
svt-av1-1.7.0                  Scalable AV1 encoder
swhplugins-0.4.17              Steve Harris' huge Collection of LADSPA 
t1lib-5.1.2_5,1                Type 1 font rasterization library for 
taglib-1.13.1                  Library for manipulating ID3 tags and Ogg 
talloc-2.3.4                   Hierarchical pool based memory allocator
tcl86-8.6.13                   Tool Command Language
tdb-1.4.7,1                    Trivial Database
teckit-2.5.11                  Toolkit for converting data between 8-bit 
legacy encodings and Unicode
terraform-1.5.2_2              Provides a common configuration to launch 
tevent-0.13.0_1                Talloc based event loop library
tex-basic-engines-20230313     Basic TeX Engines
tex-dvipdfmx-20230313          DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X
tex-dvipsk-2023.1              Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
tex-formats-20230313           Formats for basic TeX engines and the 
'latex' command
tex-jadetex-3.13_5             TeX backend for Jade, DSSSL processor for 
SGML/XML documents
tex-kpathsea-6.3.5             Path searching library for TeX
tex-libtexlua-5.3.6_1          Lua library for TeXLive
tex-libtexluajit-2.1.0_2       LuaJIT library for TeXLive
tex-luatex-1.16.0              Extended version of pdfTeX using Lua
tex-ptexenc-1.4.3              Library for Japanese pTeX and its tools
tex-synctex-2.0.0_2            Synchronization TeXnology parser library
tex-web2c-20230313             TeX implementation translating WEB to C
tex-xdvik-22.87.06_2           DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X
tex-xetex-0.99993_4            TeX System with Unicode and Modern Font 
tex-xmltex-1.9_4               Non-validating XML parser, written in TeX
texinfo-7.0.3,1                Typeset documentation system with 
multiple format output
texlive-base-20230313_3        TeX Live Typesetting System, base 
texlive-docs-20230313          TeX Live Typesetting System, 
texlive-full-20230313          TeX Live, Full Version
texlive-texmf-20230313         TeX Live Typesetting System, texmf Tree
texlive-tlmgr-20230313         TeXLive manager modules
tiff-4.4.0_2                   Tools and library routines for working 
with TIFF images
tigervnc-server-1.13.1_2       TigerVNC Server
tk86-8.6.13                    Graphical toolkit for Tcl
tokei-12.1.2_23                Display statistics about your code
tree-2.1.0                     Display a tree-view of directories with 
optional color or HTML output
tree-sitter-0.20.8             Incremental parser generator
twm-1.0.12                     Tab Window Manager for the X Window 
uchardet-0.0.8                 Universal charset detection library
unibilium-2.1.1                Terminfo parsing library
unix-selfauth-helper-1.1       Local self-authentication for pam_exec
unrar-6.22,6                   Extract, view & test RAR archives
upower-1.90.0                  D-Bus daemon for simplifying power 
management tasks
uriparser-0.9.6                URI parsing library
usbhid-dump-1.4                USB HID device dumping utility
usbids-20230116                Database of all known IDs used in USB 
usbutils-0.91                  Utility for listing USB devices
utf8proc-2.8.0                 UTF-8 processing library
vala-0.56.8,1                  Programming language and compiler that 
converts Vala code into C code
vid.stab-0.98.2                Video stabilization library
vim-gtk3-9.0.1876              Improved version of the vi editor (gtk3 
vmaf-2.3.1                     Perceptual video quality assessment based 
on multi-method fusion
vorbis-tools-1.4.2_3,3         Play, encode, and manage Ogg Vorbis files
vulkan-headers-1.3.266         Headers for the Vulkan graphics API
vulkan-loader-1.3.266          Driver loader for the Vulkan graphics API
vulkan-tools-1.3.257           Tools and demos for the Vulkan graphics 
wayland-1.22.0                 Core Wayland window system code and 
webcamd-             Port of Linux USB webcam and DVB drivers 
into userspace
webp-1.3.2                     Google WebP image format conversion tool
webrtc-audio-processing0-0.3.1_3 AudioProcessing module from WebRTC 
project (legacy version)
wget-1.21.4                    Retrieve files from the Net via HTTP(S) 
and FTP
wmctrl-1.07_7                  Command line tool to interact with an 
EWMH/NetWM compatible X managers
woff2-1.0.2_5                  Library and converter tools for the WOFF 
2.0 web font format
x11perf-1.6.1                  X11 server performance test program
x265-3.4_2                     H.265/High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) 
xapian-core-1.4.23,1           Probabilistic text search database engine
xauth-1.1.1                    X authority file utility
xbacklight-1.2.3               Program to adjust backlight brightness
xbitmaps-1.1.2                 X.Org bitmaps data
xcalc-1.1.2                    Scientific calculator for X
xcb-util-0.4.1,1               Module with libxcb/libX11 
extension/replacement libraries
xcb-util-cursor-0.1.3          XCB cursor library
xcb-util-image-0.4.1           Port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage 
xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1         Standard X key constants and conversion 
to/from keycodes
xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.10     Convenience functions for the Render 
xcb-util-wm-0.4.2              Framework for window manager 
xcb-util-xrm-1.3               XCB utility functions for the X resource 
xclip-0.13.82                  Interface to X selections ("the 
clipboard") from the command line
xclock-1.0.9                   Analog and digital clock for X
xcmsdb-1.0.5                   Device Color Characterization utility for 
xconsole-1.0.8                 Monitor system console messages with X
xcursor-themes-1.0.6  cursors themes
xcursorgen-1.0.8               Create an X cursor file from a collection 
of PNG images
xdg-user-dirs-0.18             Tool to help manage personal user 
xdg-utils-1.1.3_2              Tools to allow all applications to 
integrate with the free desktop
xdotool-3.20211022.1,1         Programmatically simulate keyboard input 
or mouse activity
xdpyinfo-1.3.2_4               Display information utility for X
xdriinfo-1.0.6_4               Query configuration information of DRI 
xerces-c3-3.2.4                Validating XML parser from the Apache XML 
xev-1.2.4                      Print contents of X events
xf86-input-evdev-2.10.6_7      X.Org event device input driver
xf86-input-keyboard-1.9.0_5    X.Org keyboard input driver
xf86-input-libinput-1.3.0      X.Org libinput input driver
xf86-input-mouse-1.9.3_4       X.Org mouse input driver
xf86-video-scfb-0.0.7_1        X.Org syscons display driver
xf86-video-vesa-2.5.0_2        X.Org vesa display driver
xf86dga-1.0.3_1                Test program for the XFree86-DGA 
xgamma-1.0.7                   Gamma correction through the X server
xgc-1.0.5                      X graphics demo
xhost-1.0.8                    Server access control program for X
xinit-1.4.2,1                  X Window System initializer
xinput-1.6.3                   Very useful utility for configuring and 
testing XInput devices
xkbcomp-1.4.5                  Compile XKB keyboard description
xkbevd-1.1.4                   XKB event daemon
xkbutils-1.0.4_2               XKB utility demos
xkeyboard-config-2.34_2        X Keyboard Configuration Database
xkill-1.0.5                    Utility for killing a client by its X 
xlsatoms-1.1.4                 List interned atoms defined on a server
xlsclients-1.1.5               List client applications running on a 
xmessage-1.0.5                 Display message or query in a X window
xmlcatmgr-2.2_3                SGML and XML catalog manager
xmlcharent-0.3_2               XML character entities
xmodmap-1.0.10                 Utility for modifying keymaps and pointer 
button mappings in X
xorg-7.7_3                     X.Org complete distribution metaport
xorg-apps-7.7_4       apps meta-port
xorg-docs-1.7.2,1     documentation files
xorg-drivers-7.7_7    drivers meta-port
xorg-fonts-7.7_1      fonts meta-port
xorg-fonts-100dpi-7.7          X.Org 100dpi bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-75dpi-7.7           X.Org 75dpi bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-cyrillic-7.7        X.Org Cyrillic bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-7.7     X.Org miscellaneous bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1      X.Org TrueType fonts
xorg-fonts-type1-7.7           X.Org Type1 fonts
xorg-libraries-7.7_5  libraries meta-port
xorg-macros-1.19.3             X.Org development aclocal macros
xorg-server-21.1.8_2,1         X.Org X server and related programs
xorgproto-2022.1_1             X Window System unified protocol 
xpdfopen-0.86_2                Command line utility for PDF viewers
xpr-1.0.5                      Utility for printing an X window dump
xprop-1.2.6                    Property displayer for X
xrandr-1.5.2                   Primitive command line interface to the 
RandR extension
xrdb-1.2.1                     X server resource database utility
xrefresh-1.0.6                 Refresh all or part of an X screen
xsel-conrad-1.2.0_1            Access X selection from command line
xset-1.2.5                     User preference utility for X
xsetroot-1.1.2                 Root window parameter setting utility for 
xterm-383                      Terminal emulator for the X Window System
xtrans-1.4.0                   Abstract network code for X
xvinfo-1.1.5                   Print out X-Video extension adaptor 
xwayland-devel-   X11 server as Wayland client (development 
xwd-1.0.8                      Dump an image of an X window
xwininfo-1.1.5                 Window information utility for X
xwud-1.0.5                     Image displayer for X
xxhash-0.8.2                   Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash 
yt-dlp-2023.06.22              Command-line program for downloading 
videos from various platforms
zfs-stats-1.3.1                Display human-readable ZFS statistics
zsh-5.9_2                      The Z shell
zstd-1.5.5                     Fast real-time compression algorithm
zxing-cpp-2.1.0                ZXing C++ Library for QR code recognition
zziplib-0.13.72_1              Library to provide transparent read 
access to zipped files

And, here is the config.log file contents for the installation of 
intltoo-0.51.0, whose compilation failed . . .
        │ File: 
    1   │ This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
    2   │ running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a 
    3   │
    4   │ It was created by intltool configure 0.51.0, which was
    5   │ generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.  Invocation command line was
    6   │
    7   │   $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --localstatedir=/var 
--mandir=/usr/local/man --disable-silent-rules 
        │ /info/ --build=amd64-portbld-freebsd13.1
    8   │
    9   │ ## --------- ##
   10   │ ## Platform. ##
   11   │ ## --------- ##
   12   │
   13   │ hostname = FREEBSD132
   14   │ uname -m = amd64
   15   │ uname -r = 13.1-RELEASE-p7
   16   │ uname -s = FreeBSD
   17   │ uname -v = FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p7 n245428-4dfb91682c1 TRUENAS
   18   │
   19   │ /usr/bin/uname -p = amd64
   20   │ /bin/uname -X     = unknown
   21   │
   22   │ /bin/arch              = unknown
   23   │ /usr/bin/arch -k       = unknown
   24   │ /usr/convex/getsysinfo = unknown
   25   │ /usr/bin/hostinfo      = unknown
   26   │ /bin/machine           = unknown
   27   │ /usr/bin/oslevel       = unknown
   28   │ /bin/universe          = unknown
   29   │
   30   │ PATH: /usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/.bin
   31   │ PATH: /sbin
   32   │ PATH: /bin
   33   │ PATH: /usr/sbin
   34   │ PATH: /usr/bin
   35   │ PATH: /usr/local/sbin
   36   │ PATH: /usr/local/bin
   37   │ PATH: /root/bin
   38   │
   39   │
   40   │ ## ----------- ##
   41   │ ## Core tests. ##
   42   │ ## ----------- ##
   43   │
   44   │ configure:1613: loading site script 
   45   │ | # Do not add:
   46   │ | # - toolchain related
   47   │ | # - arch-dependent values
   48   │ | # - anything "=no" unless guaranteed to never be
   49   │ | #   implemented in FreeBSD
   50   │ | # - also avoid "working" values
   51   │ | # This file must reflect the oldest supported Release.
   52   │ | #
   53   │ | #MAINTAINER=
   54   │ |
   55   │ | # Path
   56   │ | : ${ac_cv_path_BZIP2=/usr/bin/bzip2}
   57   │ | : ${ac_cv_path_EGREP=/usr/bin/egrep}
   58   │ | : ${ac_cv_path_FGREP=/usr/bin/fgrep}
   59   │ | : ${ac_cv_path_GREP=/usr/bin/grep}
   60   │ | : ${ac_cv_path_GZIP=/usr/bin/gzip}
   61   │ | : ${ac_cv_path_MKTEMP_COMMAND=/usr/bin/mktemp}
   62   │ | : ${ac_cv_path_SED=/usr/bin/sed}
   63   │ | : ${ac_cv_path_install=/usr/bin/install}
   64   │ | : ${ac_cv_path_mkdir=/bin/mkdir}
   65   │ | : ${ac_cv_prog_AWK=/usr/bin/awk}
   66   │ | : ${ac_cv_prog_SED=/usr/bin/sed}
   67   │ | : ${am_cv_prog_tar_ustar=/usr/bin/tar}
   68   │ | : ${cl_cv_prog_LN=/bin/ln}
   69   │ | : ${cl_cv_prog_cp='/bin/cp -p'}
   70   │ | : ${lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD=/usr/bin/file}
   71   │ |
   72   │ | # Headers
   73   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_alloca_h=no}
   74   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_arpa_inet_h=yes}
   75   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_arpa_nameser_h=yes}
   76   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_ctype_h=yes}
   77   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_dirent_h=yes}
   78   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_dlfcn_h=yes}
   79   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_elf_h=yes}
   80   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_err_h=yes}
   81   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_errno_h=yes}
   82   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_fcntl_h=yes}
   83   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_float_h=yes}
   84   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_floatingpoint_h=yes}
   85   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_getopt_h=yes}
   86   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_glob_h=yes}
   87   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_inttypes_h=yes}
   88   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_langinfo_h=yes}
   89   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_libgen_h=yes}
   90   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_libutil_h=yes}
   91   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_limits_h=yes}
   92   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_locale_h=yes}
   93   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_login_cap_h=yes}
   94   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_math_h=yes}
   95   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_memory_h=yes}
   96   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_minix_config_h=no}
   97   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_net_if_h=yes}
   98   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_net_if_media_h=yes}
   99   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_net_if_tap_h=yes}
  100   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_net_if_tun_h=yes}
  101   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_netdb_h=yes}
  102   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_netinet_in_h=yes}
  103   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_paths_h=yes}
  104   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_poll_h=yes}
  105   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_pthread_h=yes}
  106   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_pwd_h=yes}
  107   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_readpassphrase_h=yes}
  108   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_resolv_h=yes}
  109   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_rpc_types_h=yes}
  110   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sched_h=yes}
  111   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_search_h=yes}
  112   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_security_pam_appl_h=yes}
  113   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_signal_h=yes}
  114   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_spawn_h=yes}
  115   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_stdarg_h=yes}
  116   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_stdbool_h=yes}
  117   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_stdc=yes}
  118   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_stddef_h=yes}
  119   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_stdint_h=yes}
  120   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_stdio_h=yes}
  121   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_stdlib_h=yes}
  122   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_string_h=yes}
  123   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_strings_h=yes}
  124   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_acl_h=yes}
  125   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_cdefs_h=yes}
  126   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_fcntl_h=yes}
  127   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_file_h=yes}
  128   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_ioctl_h=yes}
  129   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_mman_h=yes}
  130   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_mount_h=yes}
  131   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_msg_h=yes}
  132   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_param_h=yes}
  133   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_poll_h=yes}
  134   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_ptrace_h=yes}
  135   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_resource_h=yes}
  136   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_select_h=yes}
  137   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_socket_h=yes}
  138   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_stat_h=yes}
  139   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_statvfs_h=yes}
  140   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_sysctl_h=yes}
  141   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_time_h=yes}
  142   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_timers_h=yes}
  143   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_times_h=yes}
  144   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_types_h=yes}
  145   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_uio_h=yes}
  146   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_un_h=yes}
  147   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h=yes}
  148   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_time_h=yes}
  149   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_ttyent_h=yes}
  150   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_ucontext_h=yes}
  151   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_unistd_h=yes}
  152   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_utime_h=yes}
  153   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_utmpx_h=yes}
  154   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_utmp_h=no}
  155   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_vis_h=yes}
  156   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_wchar_h=yes}
  157   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_wctype_h=yes}
  158   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_zlib_h=yes}
  159   │ |
  160   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_wchar_h_correct_inline=yes}
  161   │ |
  162   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_argz_h=no}
  163   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_byteswap_h=no}
  164   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_dl_h=no}
  165   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_random_h=no}
  166   │ | : ${ac_cv_header_vfork_h=no}
  167   │ |
  168   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strchrnul=yes}
  169   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_memcpy=no}
  170   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_memmem=yes}
  171   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_memrchr=yes}
  172   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_rawmemchr=yes}
  173   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_stpcpy=yes}
  174   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_stpncpy=yes}
  175   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strcasestr=yes}
  176   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strdup=yes}
  177   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strncat=yes}
  178   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strndup=yes}
  179   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strnlen=yes}
  180   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strpbrk=yes}
  181   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strsep=yes}
  182   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strsignal=yes}
  183   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtok_r=yes}
  184   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strverscmp=no}
  185   │ |
  186   │ | # Type
  187   │ | : ${ac_cv_c_int16_t=yes}
  188   │ | : ${ac_cv_c_int32_t=yes}
  189   │ | : ${ac_cv_c_int64_t=yes}
  190   │ | : ${ac_cv_c_int8_t=yes}
  191   │ | : ${ac_cv_c_uint16_t=yes}
  192   │ | : ${ac_cv_c_uint32_t=yes}
  193   │ | : ${ac_cv_c_uint64_t=yes}
  194   │ | : ${ac_cv_c_uint8_t=yes}
  195   │ |
  196   │ | : ${ac_cv_type__Bool=yes}
  197   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_char=yes}
  198   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_char_p=yes}
  199   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_fsblkcnt_t=yes}
  200   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_fsfilcnt_t=yes}
  201   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_in_addr_t=yes}
  202   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_in_port_t=yes}
  203   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_int16_t=yes}
  204   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_int32_t=yes}
  205   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_int=yes}
  206   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_intmax_t=yes}
  207   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_long=yes}
  208   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_long_double=yes}
  209   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_long_long=yes}
  210   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_long_long_int=yes}
  211   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_mbstate_t=yes}
  212   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_mode_t=yes}
  213   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_nlink_t=yes}
  214   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_off_t=yes}
  215   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_pid_t=yes}
  216   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_posix_spawn_file_actions_t=yes}
  217   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_posix_spawnattr_t=yes}
  218   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_ptrdiff_t=yes}
  219   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_short=yes}
  220   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_sig_atomic_t=yes}
  221   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_sigset_t=yes}
  222   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_size_t=yes}
  223   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_socklen_t=yes}
  224   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_ssize_t=yes}
  225   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_stack_t=yes}
  226   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_struct_timespec=yes}
  227   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_u_char=yes}
  228   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_u_int16_t=yes}
  229   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_u_int32_t=yes}
  230   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_u_int8_t=yes}
  231   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_u_int=yes}
  232   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_u_long=yes}
  233   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_u_short=yes}
  234   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_uid_t=yes}
  235   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_uintptr_t=yes}
  236   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_unsigned_char=yes}
  237   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_unsigned_int=yes}
  238   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_unsigned_long=yes}
  239   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long=yes}
  240   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int=yes}
  241   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_unsigned_short=yes}
  242   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_volatile_sig_atomic_t=yes}
  243   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_wchar_t=yes}
  244   │ | : ${ac_cv_type_wint_t=yes}
  245   │ |
  246   │ | : ${gl_cv_sigaltstack_low_base=yes}
  247   │ | : ${gl_cv_size_max=yes}
  248   │ | : ${gl_cv_type_sigset_t=yes}
  249   │ | : ${gl_cv_type_wchar_t_signed=yes}
  250   │ | : ${gl_cv_type_wctrans_t=yes}
  251   │ | : ${gl_cv_type_wctype_t=yes}
  252   │ | : ${gl_cv_type_wint_t_signed=yes}
  253   │ | : ${gl_cv_var_stdin_large_offset=yes}
  254   │ | : ${gt_cv_c_intmax_t=yes}
  255   │ | : ${gt_cv_c_wchar_t=yes}
  256   │ | : ${gt_cv_c_wint_t=yes}
  257   │ | : ${gt_cv_func_printf_posix=yes}
  258   │ | : ${gt_cv_int_divbyzero_sigfpe=yes}
  259   │ | : ${gt_cv_siginfo_t=yes}
  260   │ | : ${gt_cv_ssize_t=yes}
  261   │ |
  262   │ | # lib
  263   │ | : ${ac_cv_lib_crypt_crypt=yes}
  264   │ | : ${ac_cv_lib_edit_el_init=yes}
  265   │ | : ${ac_cv_lib_pam_pam_set_item=yes}
  266   │ | : ${ac_cv_lib_z_deflate=yes}
  267   │ | : ${ac_cv_libc_defines___progname=yes}
  268   │ | : ${ac_cv_libc_defines_sys_errlist=yes}
  269   │ | : ${ac_cv_libc_defines_sys_nerr=yes}
  270   │ |
  271   │ | # Struct
  272   │ | : ${ac_cv_member_HEADER_ad=yes}
  273   │ | : ${ac_cv_member_struct___res_state_retrans=yes}
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  277   │ |
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  280   │ |
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  282   │ | : ${ac_cv_func_uselocale=yes}
  283   │ | : ${ac_cv_func_newlocale=yes}
  284   │ |
  285   │ | # Functions
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  346   │ | : ${ac_cv_func_flsll=yes}
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  611   │ |
  612   │ | # misc utx
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  628   │ |
  629   │ | # non existing functions
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  637   │ |
  638   │ | : ${ac_cv_have___va_copy=yes}
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  643   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_intxx_t=yes}
  644   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_mode_t=yes}
  645   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_pid_t=yes}
  646   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_pw_change_in_struct_passwd=yes}
  647   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_pw_class_in_struct_passwd=yes}
  648   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_pw_expire_in_struct_passwd=yes}
  649   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_sa_family_t=yes}
  650   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_size_t=yes}
  651   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_ss_family_in_struct_ss=yes}
  652   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_ssize_t=yes}
  653   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_struct_addrinfo=yes}
  654   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_struct_in6_addr=yes}
  655   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_struct_sockaddr_in6=yes}
  656   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_struct_sockaddr_storage=yes}
  657   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_struct_timeval=yes}
  658   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_u_char=yes}
  659   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_u_int64_t=yes}
  660   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_u_int=yes}
  661   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_u_intxx_t=yes}
  662   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_va_copy=yes}
  663   │ |
  664   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_GLOB_NOMATCH=yes}
  665   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_LLONG_MAX=yes}
  666   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_MAXSYMLINKS=yes}
  667   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_O_NONBLOCK=yes}
  668   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_RLIMIT_NPROC=yes}
  669   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_SHUT_RD=yes}
  670   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl__Exit=yes}
  671   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_abort=yes}
  672   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_alarm=yes}
  673   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_alphasort=yes}
  674   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_atof=yes}
  675   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_atol=yes}
  676   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_atoll=yes}
  677   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_btowc=yes}
  678   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_calloc=yes}
  679   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_chdir=yes}
  680   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_chown=yes}
  681   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_clearerr_unlocked=yes}
  682   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_clock=yes}
  683   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_closedir=yes}
  684   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_dprintf=yes}
  685   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_dup2=yes}
  686   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_dup=yes}
  687   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_endusershell=yes}
  688   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_errno=yes}
  689   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_faccessat=yes}
  690   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_fchdir=yes}
  691   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_fchmodat=yes}
  692   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_fchownat=yes}
  693   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_fcntl=yes}
  694   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_fdopendir=yes}
  695   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_feof_unlocked=yes}
  696   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_feof_unlocked_fgets_unlocked=yes}
  697   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_ferror_unlocked=yes}
  698   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_ffsl=yes}
  699   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_ffsll=yes}
  700   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_fpurge=yes}
  701   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_free=yes}
  702   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_frexpl=yes}
  703   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_fseeko=yes}
  704   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_fstat=yes}
  705   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_fstatat=yes}
  706   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_fsync=yes}
  707   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_ftello=yes}
  708   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_ftruncate=yes}
  709   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getc_unlocked=yes}
  710   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getchar_unlocked=yes}
  711   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getcwd=yes}
  712   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getdelim=yes}
  713   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getdomainname=yes}
  714   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getdtablesize=yes}
  715   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getenv=yes}
  716   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getgroups=yes}
  717   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_gethostname=yes}
  718   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getline=yes}
  719   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getloadavg=yes}
  720   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getlogin=yes}
  721   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getlogin_r=yes}
  722   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getopt=yes}
  723   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getpagesize=yes}
  724   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getrlimit=yes}
  725   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getrusage=yes}
  726   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getsubopt=yes}
  727   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_gettimeofday=yes}
  728   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getusershell=yes}
  729   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_getwd=yes}
  730   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_grantpt=yes}
  731   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_h_errno=yes}
  732   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_imaxabs=yes}
  733   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_imaxdiv=yes}
  734   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_initstate=yes}
  735   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_isatty=yes}
  736   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_isblank=yes}
  737   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_iswblank=yes}
  738   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_iswctype=yes}
  739   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_lchmod=yes}
  740   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_lchown=yes}
  741   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_link=yes}
  742   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_linkat=yes}
  743   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_lseek=yes}
  744   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_lstat=yes}
  745   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_malloc=yes}
  746   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mbrlen=yes}
  747   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mbrtowc=yes}
  748   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mbsinit=yes}
  749   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mbsnrtowcs=yes}
  750   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mbsrtowcs=yes}
  751   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_memmem=yes}
  752   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_memrchr=yes}
  753   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mkdirat=yes}
  754   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mkdtemp=yes}
  755   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mkfifo=yes}
  756   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mkfifoat=yes}
  757   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mknod=yes}
  758   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mknodat=yes}
  759   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_mkstemp=yes}
  760   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_nl_langinfo=yes}
  761   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_offsetof=yes}
  762   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_openat=yes}
  763   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_opendir=yes}
  764   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_pclose=yes}
  765   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_pipe=yes}
  766   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_popen=yes}
  767   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_openpt=yes}
  768   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawn=yes}
  769   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose=yes}
  770   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2=yes}
  771   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen=yes}
  772   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy=yes}
  773   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_init=yes}
  774   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_destroy=yes}
  775   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_getflags=yes}
  776   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_getpgroup=yes}
  777   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_getschedparam=yes}
  778   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy=yes}
  779   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault=yes}
  780   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_getsigmask=yes}
  781   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_init=yes}
  782   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_setflags=yes}
  783   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_setpgroup=yes}
  784   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_setschedparam=yes}
  785   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy=yes}
  786   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault=yes}
  787   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnattr_setsigmask=yes}
  788   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_posix_spawnp=yes}
  789   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_pread=yes}
  790   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_pselect=yes}
  791   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_pthread_sigmask=yes}
  792   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_ptsname=yes}
  793   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_putc_unlocked=yes}
  794   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_putchar_unlocked=yes}
  795   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_pwrite=yes}
  796   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_random=yes}
  797   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_rawmemchr=yes}
  798   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_readdir=yes}
  799   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_readlink=yes}
  800   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_readlinkat=yes}
  801   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_realloc=yes}
  802   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_realpath=yes}
  803   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_renameat=yes}
  804   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_rewinddir=yes}
  805   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_rmdir=yes}
  806   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_rpmatch=yes}
  807   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sbrk=yes}
  808   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_scandir=yes}
  809   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_select=yes}
  810   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_setenv=yes}
  811   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sethostname=yes}
  812   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_setlocale=yes}
  813   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_setrlimit=yes}
  814   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_setstate=yes}
  815   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_setusershell=yes}
  816   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sigaction=yes}
  817   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sigaddset=yes}
  818   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sigaltstack=yes}
  819   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sigdelset=yes}
  820   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sigemptyset=yes}
  821   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sigfillset=yes}
  822   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sigismember=yes}
  823   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sigpending=yes}
  824   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sigprocmask=yes}
  825   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sleep=yes}
  826   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_snprintf=yes}
  827   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_srandom=yes}
  828   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_stat=yes}
  829   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_stpcpy=yes}
  830   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_stpncpy=yes}
  831   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strcasestr=yes}
  832   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strdup=yes}
  833   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strerror_r=yes}
  834   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strncat=yes}
  835   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strndup=yes}
  836   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strnlen=yes}
  837   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strpbrk=yes}
  838   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strsep=yes}
  839   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strsignal=yes}
  840   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strstr=yes}
  841   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strtod=yes}
  842   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strtoimax=yes}
  843   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strtok_r=yes}
  844   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strtoll=yes}
  845   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strtoull=yes}
  846   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_strtoumax=yes}
  847   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_symlink=yes}
  848   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_symlinkat=yes}
  849   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_sys_siglist=yes}
  850   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_tcsendbreak=yes}
  851   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_times=yes}
  852   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_tmpfile=yes}
  853   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_towctrans=yes}
  854   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_ttyname_r=yes}
  855   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_unlink=yes}
  856   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_unlinkat=yes}
  857   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_unlockpt=yes}
  858   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_unsetenv=yes}
  859   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_usleep=yes}
  860   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_vasprintf=yes}
  861   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_vdprintf=yes}
  862   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_vsnprintf=yes}
  863   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_waitpid=yes}
  864   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcpcpy=yes}
  865   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcpncpy=yes}
  866   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcrtomb=yes}
  867   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcscasecmp=yes}
  868   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcscat=yes}
  869   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcschr=yes}
  870   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcscmp=yes}
  871   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcscoll=yes}
  872   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcscpy=yes}
  873   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcscspn=yes}
  874   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsdup=yes}
  875   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcslen=yes}
  876   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsncasecmp=yes}
  877   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsncat=yes}
  878   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsncmp=yes}
  879   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsncpy=yes}
  880   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsnlen=yes}
  881   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsnrtombs=yes}
  882   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcspbrk=yes}
  883   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsrchr=yes}
  884   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsrtombs=yes}
  885   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsspn=yes}
  886   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsstr=yes}
  887   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcstok=yes}
  888   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcswidth=yes}
  889   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcsxfrm=yes}
  890   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wctob=yes}
  891   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wctrans=yes}
  892   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wctype=yes}
  893   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wcwidth=yes}
  894   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wmemchr=yes}
  895   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wmemcmp=yes}
  896   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wmemcpy=yes}
  897   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wmemmove=yes}
  898   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_wmemset=yes}
  899   │ | : ${ac_cv_have_decl_writev=yes}
  900   │ |
  901   │ | # long file name support test invasively touches localbase, 
always true
  902   │ | : ${ac_cv_sys_long_file_names=yes}
  903   │ |
  904   │ | # function specific
  905   │ |
  906   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_btowc_eof=yes}
  907   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_btowc_nul=yes}
  908   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_fcntl_f_dupfd_cloexec=yes}
  909   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_fnmatch_posix=yes}
  910   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_fopen_slash=yes}
  911   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_frexp_no_libm=yes}
  912   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_fseeko=yes}
  913   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_ftello=yes}
  914   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_getcwd_null=yes}
  915   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_getcwd_posix_signature=yes}
  916   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_getopt_posix=yes}
  917   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_isnand_no_libm=yes}
  918   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_ldexp_no_libm=yes}
  919   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_lseek_pipe=yes}
  920   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_lstat_dereferences_slashed_symlink=yes}
  921   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull=yes}
  922   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_malloc_posix=yes}
  923   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_incomplete_state=yes}
  924   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_nul_retval=yes}
  925   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_null_arg1=yes}
  926   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_null_arg2=yes}
  927   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_retval=yes}
  928   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_sanitycheck=yes}
  929   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_open_slash=yes}
  930   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_directive_a=yes}
  931   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_directive_f=yes}
  932   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_directive_ls=yes}
  933   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_directive_n=yes}
  934   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_flag_grouping=yes}
  935   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_flag_leftadjust=yes}
  936   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_flag_zero=yes}
  937   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_infinite=yes}
  938   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_long_double=yes}
  939   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_positions=yes}
  940   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_precision=yes}
  941   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_printf_sizes_c99=yes}
  942   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_sigprocmask=yes}
  943   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_snprintf_retval_c99=yes}
  944   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_snprintf_size1=yes}
  945   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_snprintf_usable=yes}
  946   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_spawnattr_setschedparam=yes}
  947   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_spawnattr_setschedpolicy=yes}
  948   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_stat_dir_slash=yes}
  949   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_stat_file_slash=yes}
  950   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_stpncpy=yes}
  951   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_va_copy=yes}
  952   │ | : ${gl_cv_func_wcrtomb_retval=yes}
  953   │ | : ${gt_cv_func_unsetenv_ret=int}
  954   │ |
  955   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_include_next=yes}
  956   │ |
  957   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_rawmemchr=yes}
  958   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl__Exit=yes}
  959   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_alphasort=yes}
  960   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_atoll=yes}
  961   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_btowc=yes}
  962   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_chdir=yes}
  963   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_chown=yes}
  964   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_closedir=yes}
  965   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_dprintf=yes}
  966   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_dup2=yes}
  967   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_dup=yes}
  968   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_endusershell=yes}
  969   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_faccessat=yes}
  970   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fchdir=yes}
  971   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fchmodat=yes}
  972   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fchownat=yes}
  973   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fcntl=yes}
  974   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fdopendir=yes}
  975   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ffsl=yes}
  976   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ffsll=yes}
  977   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fpurge=yes}
  978   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fseeko=yes}
  979   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fstat=yes}
  980   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fstatat=yes}
  981   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fsync=yes}
  982   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ftello=yes}
  983   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ftruncate=yes}
  984   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getcwd=yes}
  985   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getdelim=yes}
  986   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getdomainname=yes}
  987   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getdtablesize=yes}
  988   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getgroups=yes}
  989   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getdtablesize=yes}
  990   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getgroups=yes}
  991   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_gethostname=yes}
  992   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getline=yes}
  993   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getloadavg=yes}
  994   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getlogin=yes}
  995   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getlogin_r=yes}
  996   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getpagesize=yes}
  997   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getsubopt=yes}
  998   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_gettimeofday=yes}
  999   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getusershell=yes}
1000   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_grantpt=yes}
1001   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_imaxabs=yes}
1002   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_imaxdiv=yes}
1003   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_initstate=yes}
1004   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_isatty=yes}
1005   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_iswctype=yes}
1006   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_lchmod=yes}
1007   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_lchown=yes}
1008   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_link=yes}
1009   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_linkat=yes}
1010   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_lseek=yes}
1011   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_lstat=yes}
1012   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mbrlen=yes}
1013   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mbrtowc=yes}
1014   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mbsinit=yes}
1015   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mbsnrtowcs=yes}
1016   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mbsrtowcs=yes}
1017   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mkdirat=yes}
1018   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mkdtemp=yes}
1019   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mkfifo=yes}
1020   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mkfifoat=yes}
1021   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mknod=yes}
1022   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mknodat=yes}
1023   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mkstemp=yes}
1024   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_nl_langinfo=yes}
1025   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_openat=yes}
1026   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_opendir=yes}
1027   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pclose=yes}
1028   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pipe=yes}
1029   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_popen=yes}
1030   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_openpt=yes}
1031   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn=yes}
1032   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_openpt=yes}
1033   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn=yes}
1034   │ | : 
1035   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2=yes}
1036   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen=yes}
1037   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy=yes}
1038   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_init=yes}
1039   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_destroy=yes}
1040   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getflags=yes}
1041   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getpgroup=yes}
1042   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getschedparam=yes}
1043   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy=yes}
1044   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault=yes}
1045   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getsigmask=yes}
1046   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_init=yes}
1047   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setflags=yes}
1048   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setpgroup=yes}
1049   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setschedparam=yes}
1050   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy=yes}
1051   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault=yes}
1052   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setsigmask=yes}
1053   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnp=yes}
1054   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pread=yes}
1055   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pselect=yes}
1056   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pthread_sigmask=yes}
1057   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ptsname=yes}
1058   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pwrite=yes}
1059   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_random=yes}
1060   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_readdir=yes}
1061   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_readlink=yes}
1062   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_readlinkat=yes}
1063   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_realpath=yes}
1064   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_renameat=yes}
1065   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_rewinddir=yes}
1066   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_rmdir=yes}
1067   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_rpmatch=yes}
1068   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_scandir=yes}
1069   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_select=yes}
1070   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_setenv=yes}
1071   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sethostname=yes}
1072   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_setlocale=yes}
1073   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_setstate=yes}
1074   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_setusershell=yes}
1075   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigaction=yes}
1076   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigaddset=yes}
1077   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigdelset=yes}
1078   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigemptyset=yes}
1079   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigfillset=yes}
1080   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigismember=yes}
1081   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigpending=yes}
1082   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigprocmask=yes}
1083   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sleep=yes}
1084   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_snprintf=yes}
1085   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_srandom=yes}
1086   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_stat=yes}
1087   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strerror_r=yes}
1088   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtod=yes}
1089   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtoimax=yes}
1090   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtoll=yes}
1091   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtoull=yes}
1092   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtoumax=yes}
1093   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_symlink=yes}
1094   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_symlinkat=yes}
1095   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_tmpfile=yes}
1096   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_towctrans=yes}
1097   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ttyname_r=yes}
1098   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_unlink=yes}
1099   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_unlinkat=yes}
1100   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_unlockpt=yes}
1101   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_unsetenv=yes}
1102   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_usleep=yes}
1103   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_vdprintf=yes}
1104   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_vsnprintf=yes}
1105   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_waitpid=yes}
1106   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcpcpy=yes}
1107   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcpncpy=yes}
1108   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcrtomb=yes}
1109   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscasecmp=yes}
1110   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscat=yes}
1111   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcschr=yes}
1112   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscmp=yes}
1113   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscoll=yes}
1114   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscpy=yes}
1115   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscspn=yes}
1116   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsdup=yes}
1117   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcslen=yes}
1118   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsncasecmp=yes}
1119   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsncat=yes}
1120   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsncmp=yes}
1121   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsncpy=yes}
1122   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsnlen=yes}
1123   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsnrtombs=yes}
1124   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcspbrk=yes}
1125   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsrchr=yes}
1126   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsrtombs=yes}
1127   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsspn=yes}
1128   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsstr=yes}
1129   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcstok=yes}
1130   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcswidth=yes}
1131   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsxfrm=yes}
1132   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wctob=yes}
1133   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wctrans=yes}
1134   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wctype=yes}
1135   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcwidth=yes}
1136   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wmemchr=yes}
1137   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wmemcmp=yes}
1138   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wmemcpy=yes}
1139   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wmemmove=yes}
1140   │ | : ${gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wmemset=yes}
1141   │ |
1142   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_errno_h_complete=yes}
1143   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_inttypes_h=yes}
1144   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_langinfo_codeset=yes}
1145   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_langinfo_era=yes}
1146   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_langinfo_t_fmt_ampm=yes}
1147   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_langinfo_yesexpr=yes}
1148   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_locale_h_posix2001=yes}
1149   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_signal_h_SIGPIPE=yes}
1150   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_stdint_h=yes}
1151   │ | : ${gl_cv_header_sys_select_h_selfcontained=yes}
1152   │ |
1153   │ configure:1756: checking for a BSD-compatible install
1154   │ configure:1824: result: /usr/bin/install -c
1155   │ configure:1835: checking whether build environment is sane
1156   │ configure:1890: result: yes
1157   │ configure:2041: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p
1158   │ configure:2080: result: /bin/mkdir -p
1159   │ configure:2087: checking for gawk
1160   │ configure:2114: result: /usr/bin/awk
1161   │ configure:2125: checking whether gmake sets $(MAKE)
1162   │ configure:2147: result: yes
1163   │ configure:2176: checking whether gmake supports nested 
1164   │ configure:2193: result: yes
1165   │ configure:2325: checking for perl
1166   │ configure:2355: result: /usr/local/bin/perl
1167   │ configure:2366: checking for perl >= 5.8.1
1168   │ configure:2373: result: 5.34.1
1169   │ configure:2376: checking for XML::Parser
1170   │ configure:2382: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for 
1171   │
1172   │ ## ---------------- ##
1173   │ ## Cache variables. ##
1174   │ ## ---------------- ##
1175   │
1176   │ ac_cv_c_int16_t=yes
1177   │ ac_cv_c_int32_t=yes
1178   │ ac_cv_c_int64_t=yes
1179   │ ac_cv_c_int8_t=yes
1180   │ ac_cv_c_uint16_t=yes
1181   │ ac_cv_c_uint32_t=yes
1182   │ ac_cv_c_uint64_t=yes
1183   │ ac_cv_c_uint8_t=yes
1184   │ ac_cv_env_build_alias_set=set
1185   │ ac_cv_env_build_alias_value=amd64-portbld-freebsd13.1
1186   │ ac_cv_env_host_alias_set=''
1187   │ ac_cv_env_host_alias_value=''
1188   │ ac_cv_env_target_alias_set=''
1189   │ ac_cv_env_target_alias_value=''
1190   │ ac_cv_func___b64_ntop=yes
1191   │ ac_cv_func___b64_pton=yes
1192   │ ac_cv_func__getlong=yes
1193   │ ac_cv_func__getshort=yes
1194   │ ac_cv_func__stat=yes
1195   │ ac_cv_func_abs=yes
1196   │ ac_cv_func_accept4=yes
1197   │ ac_cv_func_accept=yes
1198   │ ac_cv_func_acl_create_entry_np=yes
1199   │ ac_cv_func_acl_delete_def_file=yes
1200   │ ac_cv_func_acl_delete_fd_np=yes
1201   │ ac_cv_func_acl_delete_file_np=yes
1202   │ ac_cv_func_acl_free=yes
1203   │ ac_cv_func_acl_from_text=yes
1204   │ ac_cv_func_acl_get_fd=yes
1205   │ ac_cv_func_acl_get_file=yes
1206   │ ac_cv_func_acl_set_fd=yes
1207   │ ac_cv_func_acl_set_file=yes
1208   │ ac_cv_func_alarm=yes
1209   │ ac_cv_func_alloca=yes
1210   │ ac_cv_func_alphasort=yes
1211   │ ac_cv_func_arc4random=yes
1212   │ ac_cv_func_arc4random_buf=yes
1213   │ ac_cv_func_arc4random_uniform=yes
1214   │ ac_cv_func_argz_count=no
1215   │ ac_cv_func_argz_next=no
1216   │ ac_cv_func_argz_stringify=no
1217   │ ac_cv_func_asprintf=yes
1218   │ ac_cv_func_atexit=yes
1219   │ ac_cv_func_atoll=yes
1220   │ ac_cv_func_basename=yes
1221   │ ac_cv_func_bcmp=yes
1222   │ ac_cv_func_bcopy=yes
1223   │ ac_cv_func_bindresvport_sa=yes
1224   │ ac_cv_func_bsearch=yes
1225   │ ac_cv_func_btowc=yes
1226   │ ac_cv_func_bzero=yes
1227   │ ac_cv_func_calloc=yes
1228   │ ac_cv_func_chown=yes
1229   │ ac_cv_func_clock=yes
1230   │ ac_cv_func_clock_gettime=yes
1231   │ ac_cv_func_closedir=yes
1232   │ ac_cv_func_closefrom=yes
1233   │ ac_cv_func_daemon=yes
1234   │ ac_cv_func_dirfd=yes
1235   │ ac_cv_func_dirname=yes
1236   │ ac_cv_func_dlopen=yes
1237   │ ac_cv_func_dprintf=yes
1238   │ ac_cv_func_dup2=yes
1239   │ ac_cv_func_eaccess=yes
1240   │ ac_cv_func_endgrent=yes
1241   │ ac_cv_func_endutent=no
1242   │ ac_cv_func_endutxent=yes
1243   │ ac_cv_func_err=yes
1244   │ ac_cv_func_errx=yes
1245   │ ac_cv_func_fchmod=yes
1246   │ ac_cv_func_fchown=yes
1247   │ ac_cv_func_fcntl=yes
1248   │ ac_cv_func_ffs=yes
1249   │ ac_cv_func_ffsl=yes
1250   │ ac_cv_func_ffsll=yes
1251   │ ac_cv_func_fileno=yes
1252   │ ac_cv_func_fls=yes
1253   │ ac_cv_func_flsl=yes
1254   │ ac_cv_func_flsll=yes
1255   │ ac_cv_func_fork=yes
1256   │ ac_cv_func_fork_working=yes
1257   │ ac_cv_func_fprintf=yes
1258   │ ac_cv_func_fpurge=yes
1259   │ ac_cv_func_freeaddrinfo=yes
1260   │ ac_cv_func_fstat=yes
1261   │ ac_cv_func_fstatat=yes
1262   │ ac_cv_func_fstatfs=yes
1263   │ ac_cv_func_fstatvfs=yes
1264   │ ac_cv_func_fsync=yes
1265   │ ac_cv_func_futimes=yes
1266   │ ac_cv_func_fwprintf=yes
1267   │ ac_cv_func_gai_strerror=yes
1268   │ ac_cv_func_getaddrinfo=yes
1269   │ ac_cv_func_getcwd=yes
1270   │ ac_cv_func_getdelim=yes
1271   │ ac_cv_func_getdtablesize=yes
1272   │ ac_cv_func_getegid=yes
1273   │ ac_cv_func_getenv=yes
1274   │ ac_cv_func_geteuid=yes
1275   │ ac_cv_func_getgid=yes
1276   │ ac_cv_func_getgrent=yes
1277   │ ac_cv_func_getgrouplist=yes
1278   │ ac_cv_func_gethostbyname=yes
1279   │ ac_cv_func_gethostname=yes
1280   │ ac_cv_func_getline=yes
1281   │ ac_cv_func_getnameinfo=yes
1282   │ ac_cv_func_getopt=yes
1283   │ ac_cv_func_getopt_long_only=yes
1284   │ ac_cv_func_getpagesize=yes
1285   │ ac_cv_func_getpeereid=yes
1286   │ ac_cv_func_getpgid=yes
1287   │ ac_cv_func_getpgrp=yes
1288   │ ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void=yes
1289   │ ac_cv_func_getpid=yes
1290   │ ac_cv_func_getrlimit=yes
1291   │ ac_cv_func_getrusage=yes
1292   │ ac_cv_func_gettimeofday=yes
1293   │ ac_cv_func_getttyent=yes
1294   │ ac_cv_func_getuid=yes
1295   │ ac_cv_func_getutent=no
1296   │ ac_cv_func_getutid=no
1297   │ ac_cv_func_getutline=no
1298   │ ac_cv_func_getutxent=yes
1299   │ ac_cv_func_getutxid=yes
1300   │ ac_cv_func_getutxline=yes
1301   │ ac_cv_func_getutxuser=yes
1302   │ ac_cv_func_getwd=yes
1303   │ ac_cv_func_glob=yes
1304   │ ac_cv_func_group_from_gid=yes
1305   │ ac_cv_func_index=yes
1306   │ ac_cv_func_inet_aton=yes
1307   │ ac_cv_func_inet_ntoa=yes
1308   │ ac_cv_func_inet_ntop=yes
1309   │ ac_cv_func_innetgr=yes
1310   │ ac_cv_func_insque=yes
1311   │ ac_cv_func_isascii=yes
1312   │ ac_cv_func_isblank=yes
1313   │ ac_cv_func_issetugid=yes
1314   │ ac_cv_func_iswblank=yes
1315   │ ac_cv_func_iswcntrl=yes
1316   │ ac_cv_func_iswctype=yes
1317   │ ac_cv_func_kill=yes
1318   │ ac_cv_func_killpg=yes
1319   │ ac_cv_func_labs=yes
1320   │ ac_cv_func_link=yes
1321   │ ac_cv_func_llabs=yes
1322   │ ac_cv_func_localtime=yes
1323   │ ac_cv_func_login_getcapbool=yes
1324   │ ac_cv_func_lstat=yes
1325   │ ac_cv_func_lstat_dereferences_slashed_symlink=yes
1326   │ ac_cv_func_malloc=yes
1327   │ ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull=yes
1328   │ ac_cv_func_mblen=yes
1329   │ ac_cv_func_mbrlen=yes
1330   │ ac_cv_func_mbrtowc=yes
1331   │ ac_cv_func_mbsinit=yes
1332   │ ac_cv_func_mbsnrtowcs=yes
1333   │ ac_cv_func_mbsrtowcs=yes
1334   │ ac_cv_func_mbstowcs=yes
1335   │ ac_cv_func_mbtowc=yes
1336   │ ac_cv_func_memchr=yes
1337   │ ac_cv_func_memcmp=yes
1338   │ ac_cv_func_memcpy=yes
1339   │ ac_cv_func_memmove=yes
1340   │ ac_cv_func_memset=yes
1341   │ ac_cv_func_mincore=yes
1342   │ ac_cv_func_mkdtemp=yes
1343   │ ac_cv_func_mkstemp=yes
1344   │ ac_cv_func_mkstemps=yes
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1346   │ ac_cv_func_mktemps=yes
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1766   │ ac_cv_have_decl_wcsxfrm=yes
1767   │ ac_cv_have_decl_wctob=yes
1768   │ ac_cv_have_decl_wctrans=yes
1769   │ ac_cv_have_decl_wctype=yes
1770   │ ac_cv_have_decl_wcwidth=yes
1771   │ ac_cv_have_decl_wmemchr=yes
1772   │ ac_cv_have_decl_wmemcmp=yes
1773   │ ac_cv_have_decl_wmemcpy=yes
1774   │ ac_cv_have_decl_wmemmove=yes
1775   │ ac_cv_have_decl_wmemset=yes
1776   │ ac_cv_have_decl_writev=yes
1777   │ ac_cv_have_getopt_optreset=yes
1778   │ ac_cv_have_int64_t=yes
1779   │ ac_cv_have_intxx_t=yes
1780   │ ac_cv_have_mode_t=yes
1781   │ ac_cv_have_pid_t=yes
1782   │ ac_cv_have_pw_change_in_struct_passwd=yes
1783   │ ac_cv_have_pw_class_in_struct_passwd=yes
1784   │ ac_cv_have_pw_expire_in_struct_passwd=yes
1785   │ ac_cv_have_sa_family_t=yes
1786   │ ac_cv_have_size_t=yes
1787   │ ac_cv_have_ss_family_in_struct_ss=yes
1788   │ ac_cv_have_ssize_t=yes
1789   │ ac_cv_have_struct_addrinfo=yes
1790   │ ac_cv_have_struct_in6_addr=yes
1791   │ ac_cv_have_struct_sockaddr_in6=yes
1792   │ ac_cv_have_struct_sockaddr_storage=yes
1793   │ ac_cv_have_struct_timeval=yes
1794   │ ac_cv_have_u_char=yes
1795   │ ac_cv_have_u_int64_t=yes
1796   │ ac_cv_have_u_int=yes
1797   │ ac_cv_have_u_intxx_t=yes
1798   │ ac_cv_have_va_copy=yes
1799   │ ac_cv_header_alloca_h=no
1800   │ ac_cv_header_argz_h=no
1801   │ ac_cv_header_arpa_inet_h=yes
1802   │ ac_cv_header_arpa_nameser_h=yes
1803   │ ac_cv_header_byteswap_h=no
1804   │ ac_cv_header_ctype_h=yes
1805   │ ac_cv_header_dirent_h=yes
1806   │ ac_cv_header_dl_h=no
1807   │ ac_cv_header_dlfcn_h=yes
1808   │ ac_cv_header_elf_h=yes
1809   │ ac_cv_header_err_h=yes
1810   │ ac_cv_header_errno_h=yes
1811   │ ac_cv_header_fcntl_h=yes
1812   │ ac_cv_header_float_h=yes
1813   │ ac_cv_header_floatingpoint_h=yes
1814   │ ac_cv_header_getopt_h=yes
1815   │ ac_cv_header_glob_h=yes
1816   │ ac_cv_header_inttypes_h=yes
1817   │ ac_cv_header_langinfo_h=yes
1818   │ ac_cv_header_libgen_h=yes
1819   │ ac_cv_header_libutil_h=yes
1820   │ ac_cv_header_limits_h=yes
1821   │ ac_cv_header_locale_h=yes
1822   │ ac_cv_header_login_cap_h=yes
1823   │ ac_cv_header_math_h=yes
1824   │ ac_cv_header_memory_h=yes
1825   │ ac_cv_header_minix_config_h=no
1826   │ ac_cv_header_net_if_h=yes
1827   │ ac_cv_header_net_if_media_h=yes
1828   │ ac_cv_header_net_if_tap_h=yes
1829   │ ac_cv_header_net_if_tun_h=yes
1830   │ ac_cv_header_netdb_h=yes
1831   │ ac_cv_header_netinet_in_h=yes
1832   │ ac_cv_header_paths_h=yes
1833   │ ac_cv_header_poll_h=yes
1834   │ ac_cv_header_pthread_h=yes
1835   │ ac_cv_header_pwd_h=yes
1836   │ ac_cv_header_random_h=no
1837   │ ac_cv_header_readpassphrase_h=yes
1838   │ ac_cv_header_resolv_h=yes
1839   │ ac_cv_header_rpc_types_h=yes
1840   │ ac_cv_header_sched_h=yes
1841   │ ac_cv_header_search_h=yes
1842   │ ac_cv_header_security_pam_appl_h=yes
1843   │ ac_cv_header_signal_h=yes
1844   │ ac_cv_header_spawn_h=yes
1845   │ ac_cv_header_stdarg_h=yes
1846   │ ac_cv_header_stdbool_h=yes
1847   │ ac_cv_header_stdc=yes
1848   │ ac_cv_header_stddef_h=yes
1849   │ ac_cv_header_stdint_h=yes
1850   │ ac_cv_header_stdio_h=yes
1851   │ ac_cv_header_stdlib_h=yes
1852   │ ac_cv_header_string_h=yes
1853   │ ac_cv_header_strings_h=yes
1854   │ ac_cv_header_sys_acl_h=yes
1855   │ ac_cv_header_sys_cdefs_h=yes
1856   │ ac_cv_header_sys_fcntl_h=yes
1857   │ ac_cv_header_sys_file_h=yes
1858   │ ac_cv_header_sys_ioctl_h=yes
1859   │ ac_cv_header_sys_mman_h=yes
1860   │ ac_cv_header_sys_mount_h=yes
1861   │ ac_cv_header_sys_msg_h=yes
1862   │ ac_cv_header_sys_param_h=yes
1863   │ ac_cv_header_sys_poll_h=yes
1864   │ ac_cv_header_sys_ptrace_h=yes
1865   │ ac_cv_header_sys_resource_h=yes
1866   │ ac_cv_header_sys_select_h=yes
1867   │ ac_cv_header_sys_socket_h=yes
1868   │ ac_cv_header_sys_stat_h=yes
1869   │ ac_cv_header_sys_statvfs_h=yes
1870   │ ac_cv_header_sys_sysctl_h=yes
1871   │ ac_cv_header_sys_time_h=yes
1872   │ ac_cv_header_sys_timers_h=yes
1873   │ ac_cv_header_sys_times_h=yes
1874   │ ac_cv_header_sys_types_h=yes
1875   │ ac_cv_header_sys_uio_h=yes
1876   │ ac_cv_header_sys_un_h=yes
1877   │ ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h=yes
1878   │ ac_cv_header_time_h=yes
1879   │ ac_cv_header_ttyent_h=yes
1880   │ ac_cv_header_ucontext_h=yes
1881   │ ac_cv_header_unistd_h=yes
1882   │ ac_cv_header_utime_h=yes
1883   │ ac_cv_header_utmp_h=no
1884   │ ac_cv_header_utmpx_h=yes
1885   │ ac_cv_header_vfork_h=no
1886   │ ac_cv_header_vis_h=yes
1887   │ ac_cv_header_wchar_h=yes
1888   │ ac_cv_header_wctype_h=yes
1889   │ ac_cv_header_zlib_h=yes
1890   │ ac_cv_lib_crypt_crypt=yes
1891   │ ac_cv_lib_edit_el_init=yes
1892   │ ac_cv_lib_pam_pam_set_item=yes
1893   │ ac_cv_lib_z_deflate=yes
1894   │ ac_cv_libc_defines___progname=yes
1895   │ ac_cv_libc_defines_sys_errlist=yes
1896   │ ac_cv_libc_defines_sys_nerr=yes
1897   │ ac_cv_member_HEADER_ad=yes
1898   │ ac_cv_member_struct___res_state_retrans=yes
1899   │ ac_cv_member_struct_sigaction_sa_sigaction=yes
1900   │ ac_cv_member_struct_sockaddr_in6_sin6_scope_id=yes
1901   │ ac_cv_member_struct_stat_st_blksize=yes
1902   │ ac_cv_path_BZIP2=/usr/bin/bzip2
1903   │ ac_cv_path_EGREP=/usr/bin/egrep
1904   │ ac_cv_path_FGREP=/usr/bin/fgrep
1905   │ ac_cv_path_GREP=/usr/bin/grep
1906   │ ac_cv_path_GZIP=/usr/bin/gzip
1907   │ ac_cv_path_MKTEMP_COMMAND=/usr/bin/mktemp
1908   │ ac_cv_path_PERL=/usr/local/bin/perl
1909   │ ac_cv_path_PERL_PATH=/usr/local/bin/perl
1910   │ ac_cv_path_SED=/usr/bin/sed
1911   │ ac_cv_path_install=/usr/bin/install
1912   │ ac_cv_path_mkdir=/bin/mkdir
1913   │ ac_cv_prog_AWK=/usr/bin/awk
1914   │ ac_cv_prog_SED=/usr/bin/sed
1915   │ ac_cv_prog_make_gmake_set=yes
1916   │ ac_cv_sys_long_file_names=yes
1917   │ ac_cv_type__Bool=yes
1918   │ ac_cv_type_char=yes
1919   │ ac_cv_type_char_p=yes
1920   │ ac_cv_type_fsblkcnt_t=yes
1921   │ ac_cv_type_fsfilcnt_t=yes
1922   │ ac_cv_type_in_addr_t=yes
1923   │ ac_cv_type_in_port_t=yes
1924   │ ac_cv_type_int16_t=yes
1925   │ ac_cv_type_int32_t=yes
1926   │ ac_cv_type_int=yes
1927   │ ac_cv_type_intmax_t=yes
1928   │ ac_cv_type_long=yes
1929   │ ac_cv_type_long_double=yes
1930   │ ac_cv_type_long_long=yes
1931   │ ac_cv_type_long_long_int=yes
1932   │ ac_cv_type_mbstate_t=yes
1933   │ ac_cv_type_mode_t=yes
1934   │ ac_cv_type_nlink_t=yes
1935   │ ac_cv_type_off_t=yes
1936   │ ac_cv_type_pid_t=yes
1937   │ ac_cv_type_posix_spawn_file_actions_t=yes
1938   │ ac_cv_type_posix_spawnattr_t=yes
1939   │ ac_cv_type_ptrdiff_t=yes
1940   │ ac_cv_type_short=yes
1941   │ ac_cv_type_sig_atomic_t=yes
1942   │ ac_cv_type_sigset_t=yes
1943   │ ac_cv_type_size_t=yes
1944   │ ac_cv_type_socklen_t=yes
1945   │ ac_cv_type_ssize_t=yes
1946   │ ac_cv_type_stack_t=yes
1947   │ ac_cv_type_struct_timespec=yes
1948   │ ac_cv_type_u_char=yes
1949   │ ac_cv_type_u_int16_t=yes
1950   │ ac_cv_type_u_int32_t=yes
1951   │ ac_cv_type_u_int8_t=yes
1952   │ ac_cv_type_u_int=yes
1953   │ ac_cv_type_u_long=yes
1954   │ ac_cv_type_u_short=yes
1955   │ ac_cv_type_uid_t=yes
1956   │ ac_cv_type_uintptr_t=yes
1957   │ ac_cv_type_unsigned_char=yes
1958   │ ac_cv_type_unsigned_int=yes
1959   │ ac_cv_type_unsigned_long=yes
1960   │ ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long=yes
1961   │ ac_cv_type_unsigned_long_long_int=yes
1962   │ ac_cv_type_unsigned_short=yes
1963   │ ac_cv_type_volatile_sig_atomic_t=yes
1964   │ ac_cv_type_wchar_t=yes
1965   │ ac_cv_type_wint_t=yes
1966   │ am_cv_make_support_nested_variables=yes
1967   │ am_cv_prog_tar_ustar=/usr/bin/tar
1968   │ cl_cv_prog_LN=/bin/ln
1969   │ cl_cv_prog_cp='/bin/cp -p'
1970   │ gl_cv_func_btowc_eof=yes
1971   │ gl_cv_func_btowc_nul=yes
1972   │ gl_cv_func_fcntl_f_dupfd_cloexec=yes
1973   │ gl_cv_func_fnmatch_posix=yes
1974   │ gl_cv_func_fopen_slash=yes
1975   │ gl_cv_func_frexp_no_libm=yes
1976   │ gl_cv_func_fseeko=yes
1977   │ gl_cv_func_ftello=yes
1978   │ gl_cv_func_getcwd_null=yes
1979   │ gl_cv_func_getcwd_posix_signature=yes
1980   │ gl_cv_func_getopt_posix=yes
1981   │ gl_cv_func_isnand_no_libm=yes
1982   │ gl_cv_func_ldexp_no_libm=yes
1983   │ gl_cv_func_lseek_pipe=yes
1984   │ gl_cv_func_lstat_dereferences_slashed_symlink=yes
1985   │ gl_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull=yes
1986   │ gl_cv_func_malloc_posix=yes
1987   │ gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_incomplete_state=yes
1988   │ gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_nul_retval=yes
1989   │ gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_null_arg1=yes
1990   │ gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_null_arg2=yes
1991   │ gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_retval=yes
1992   │ gl_cv_func_mbrtowc_sanitycheck=yes
1993   │ gl_cv_func_open_slash=yes
1994   │ gl_cv_func_printf_directive_a=yes
1995   │ gl_cv_func_printf_directive_f=yes
1996   │ gl_cv_func_printf_directive_ls=yes
1997   │ gl_cv_func_printf_directive_n=yes
1998   │ gl_cv_func_printf_flag_grouping=yes
1999   │ gl_cv_func_printf_flag_leftadjust=yes
2000   │ gl_cv_func_printf_flag_zero=yes
2001   │ gl_cv_func_printf_infinite=yes
2002   │ gl_cv_func_printf_long_double=yes
2003   │ gl_cv_func_printf_positions=yes
2004   │ gl_cv_func_printf_precision=yes
2005   │ gl_cv_func_printf_sizes_c99=yes
2006   │ gl_cv_func_sigprocmask=yes
2007   │ gl_cv_func_snprintf_retval_c99=yes
2008   │ gl_cv_func_snprintf_size1=yes
2009   │ gl_cv_func_snprintf_usable=yes
2010   │ gl_cv_func_spawnattr_setschedparam=yes
2011   │ gl_cv_func_spawnattr_setschedpolicy=yes
2012   │ gl_cv_func_stat_dir_slash=yes
2013   │ gl_cv_func_stat_file_slash=yes
2014   │ gl_cv_func_stpncpy=yes
2015   │ gl_cv_func_va_copy=yes
2016   │ gl_cv_func_wcrtomb_retval=yes
2017   │ gl_cv_have_include_next=yes
2018   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl__Exit=yes
2019   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_alphasort=yes
2020   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_atoll=yes
2021   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_btowc=yes
2022   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_chdir=yes
2023   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_chown=yes
2024   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_closedir=yes
2025   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_dprintf=yes
2026   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_dup2=yes
2027   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_dup=yes
2028   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_endusershell=yes
2029   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_faccessat=yes
2030   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fchdir=yes
2031   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fchmodat=yes
2032   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fchownat=yes
2033   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fcntl=yes
2034   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fdopendir=yes
2035   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ffsl=yes
2036   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ffsll=yes
2037   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fpurge=yes
2038   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fseeko=yes
2039   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fstat=yes
2040   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fstatat=yes
2041   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_fsync=yes
2042   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ftello=yes
2043   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ftruncate=yes
2044   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getcwd=yes
2045   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getdelim=yes
2046   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getdomainname=yes
2047   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getdtablesize=yes
2048   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getgroups=yes
2049   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_gethostname=yes
2050   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getline=yes
2051   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getloadavg=yes
2052   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getlogin=yes
2053   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getlogin_r=yes
2054   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getpagesize=yes
2055   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getsubopt=yes
2056   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_gettimeofday=yes
2057   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_getusershell=yes
2058   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_grantpt=yes
2059   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_imaxabs=yes
2060   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_imaxdiv=yes
2061   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_initstate=yes
2062   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_isatty=yes
2063   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_iswctype=yes
2064   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_lchmod=yes
2065   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_lchown=yes
2066   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_link=yes
2067   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_linkat=yes
2068   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_lseek=yes
2069   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_lstat=yes
2070   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mbrlen=yes
2071   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mbrtowc=yes
2072   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mbsinit=yes
2073   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mbsnrtowcs=yes
2074   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mbsrtowcs=yes
2075   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_memcpy=no
2076   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_memmem=yes
2077   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_memrchr=yes
2078   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mkdirat=yes
2079   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mkdtemp=yes
2080   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mkfifo=yes
2081   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mkfifoat=yes
2082   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mknod=yes
2083   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mknodat=yes
2084   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_mkstemp=yes
2085   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_nl_langinfo=yes
2086   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_openat=yes
2087   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_opendir=yes
2088   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pclose=yes
2089   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pipe=yes
2090   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_popen=yes
2091   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_openpt=yes
2092   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn=yes
2093   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose=yes
2094   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2=yes
2095   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen=yes
2096   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy=yes
2097   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawn_file_actions_init=yes
2098   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_destroy=yes
2099   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getflags=yes
2100   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getpgroup=yes
2101   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getschedparam=yes
2102   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy=yes
2103   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault=yes
2104   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_getsigmask=yes
2105   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_init=yes
2106   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setflags=yes
2107   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setpgroup=yes
2108   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setschedparam=yes
2109   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy=yes
2110   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault=yes
2111   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnattr_setsigmask=yes
2112   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_posix_spawnp=yes
2113   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pread=yes
2114   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pselect=yes
2115   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pthread_sigmask=yes
2116   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ptsname=yes
2117   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_pwrite=yes
2118   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_random=yes
2119   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_rawmemchr=yes
2120   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_readdir=yes
2121   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_readlink=yes
2122   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_readlinkat=yes
2123   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_realpath=yes
2124   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_renameat=yes
2125   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_rewinddir=yes
2126   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_rmdir=yes
2127   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_rpmatch=yes
2128   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_scandir=yes
2129   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_select=yes
2130   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_setenv=yes
2131   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sethostname=yes
2132   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_setlocale=yes
2133   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_setstate=yes
2134   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_setusershell=yes
2135   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigaction=yes
2136   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigaddset=yes
2137   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigdelset=yes
2138   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigemptyset=yes
2139   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigfillset=yes
2140   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigismember=yes
2141   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigpending=yes
2142   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sigprocmask=yes
2143   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_sleep=yes
2144   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_snprintf=yes
2145   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_srandom=yes
2146   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_stat=yes
2147   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_stpcpy=yes
2148   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_stpncpy=yes
2149   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strcasestr=yes
2150   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strchrnul=yes
2151   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strdup=yes
2152   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strerror_r=yes
2153   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strncat=yes
2154   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strndup=yes
2155   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strnlen=yes
2156   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strpbrk=yes
2157   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strsep=yes
2158   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strsignal=yes
2159   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtod=yes
2160   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtoimax=yes
2161   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtok_r=yes
2162   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtoll=yes
2163   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtoull=yes
2164   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strtoumax=yes
2165   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_strverscmp=no
2166   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_symlink=yes
2167   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_symlinkat=yes
2168   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_tmpfile=yes
2169   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_towctrans=yes
2170   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_ttyname_r=yes
2171   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_unlink=yes
2172   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_unlinkat=yes
2173   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_unlockpt=yes
2174   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_unsetenv=yes
2175   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_usleep=yes
2176   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_vdprintf=yes
2177   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_vsnprintf=yes
2178   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_waitpid=yes
2179   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcpcpy=yes
2180   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcpncpy=yes
2181   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcrtomb=yes
2182   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscasecmp=yes
2183   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscat=yes
2184   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcschr=yes
2185   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscmp=yes
2186   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscoll=yes
2187   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscpy=yes
2188   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcscspn=yes
2189   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsdup=yes
2190   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcslen=yes
2191   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsncasecmp=yes
2192   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsncat=yes
2193   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsncmp=yes
2194   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsncpy=yes
2195   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsnlen=yes
2196   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsnrtombs=yes
2197   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcspbrk=yes
2198   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsrchr=yes
2199   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsrtombs=yes
2200   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsspn=yes
2201   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsstr=yes
2202   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcstok=yes
2203   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcswidth=yes
2204   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcsxfrm=yes
2205   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wctob=yes
2206   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wctrans=yes
2207   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wctype=yes
2208   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wcwidth=yes
2209   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wmemchr=yes
2210   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wmemcmp=yes
2211   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wmemcpy=yes
2212   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wmemmove=yes
2213   │ gl_cv_have_raw_decl_wmemset=yes
2214   │ gl_cv_header_errno_h_complete=yes
2215   │ gl_cv_header_inttypes_h=yes
2216   │ gl_cv_header_langinfo_codeset=yes
2217   │ gl_cv_header_langinfo_era=yes
2218   │ gl_cv_header_langinfo_t_fmt_ampm=yes
2219   │ gl_cv_header_langinfo_yesexpr=yes
2220   │ gl_cv_header_locale_h_posix2001=yes
2221   │ gl_cv_header_signal_h_SIGPIPE=yes
2222   │ gl_cv_header_stdint_h=yes
2223   │ gl_cv_header_sys_select_h_selfcontained=yes
2224   │ gl_cv_header_wchar_h_correct_inline=yes
2225   │ gl_cv_sigaltstack_low_base=yes
2226   │ gl_cv_size_max=yes
2227   │ gl_cv_sys_struct_timespec_in_time_h=yes
2228   │ gl_cv_sys_struct_timeval=yes
2229   │ gl_cv_type_sigset_t=yes
2230   │ gl_cv_type_wchar_t_signed=yes
2231   │ gl_cv_type_wctrans_t=yes
2232   │ gl_cv_type_wctype_t=yes
2233   │ gl_cv_type_wint_t_signed=yes
2234   │ gl_cv_var_stdin_large_offset=yes
2235   │ gt_cv_c_intmax_t=yes
2236   │ gt_cv_c_wchar_t=yes
2237   │ gt_cv_c_wint_t=yes
2238   │ gt_cv_func_printf_posix=yes
2239   │ gt_cv_func_unsetenv_ret=int
2240   │ gt_cv_int_divbyzero_sigfpe=yes
2241   │ gt_cv_siginfo_t=yes
2242   │ gt_cv_ssize_t=yes
2243   │ lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD=/usr/bin/file
2244   │ lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=524288
2245   │
2246   │ ## ----------------- ##
2247   │ ## Output variables. ##
2248   │ ## ----------------- ##
2249   │
2250   │ ACLOCAL='${SHELL} 
/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/missing aclocal-1.14'
2251   │ AMTAR='$${TAR-tar}'
2252   │ AM_BACKSLASH='\'
2255   │ AM_V='$(V)'
2256   │ AUTOCONF='${SHELL} 
/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/missing autoconf'
2257   │ AUTOHEADER='${SHELL} 
/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/missing autoheader'
2258   │ AUTOMAKE='${SHELL} 
/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/missing automake-1.14'
2259   │ AWK='/usr/bin/awk'
2260   │ BZR=''
2261   │ CYGPATH_W='echo'
2262   │ DEFS=''
2263   │ ECHO_C=''
2264   │ ECHO_N='-n'
2265   │ ECHO_T=''
2266   │ INSTALL_DATA='install  -m 0644'
2267   │ INSTALL_PROGRAM='install  -s -m 555'
2268   │ INSTALL_SCRIPT='install  -m 555'
2269   │ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM='$(install_sh) -c -s'
2270   │ LIBOBJS=''
2271   │ LIBS=''
2272   │ LTLIBOBJS=''
2273   │ MAKEINFO='${SHELL} 
/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/missing makeinfo'
2274   │ MKDIR_P='/bin/mkdir -p'
2275   │ PACKAGE='intltool'
2277   │ PACKAGE_NAME='intltool'
2278   │ PACKAGE_STRING='intltool 0.51.0'
2279   │ PACKAGE_TARNAME='intltool'
2280   │ PACKAGE_URL=''
2281   │ PACKAGE_VERSION='0.51.0'
2282   │ PATH_SEPARATOR=':'
2283   │ PERL='/usr/local/bin/perl'
2284   │ SET_MAKE=''
2285   │ SHELL='/bin/sh'
2286   │ STRIP=''
2287   │ VERSION='0.51.0'
2288   │ aclocaldir='${datadir}/aclocal'
2289   │ am__isrc=''
2290   │ am__leading_dot='.'
2291   │ am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"'
2292   │ am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -'
2293   │ bindir='${exec_prefix}/bin'
2294   │ build_alias='amd64-portbld-freebsd13.1'
2295   │ datadir='${datarootdir}'
2296   │ datarootdir='${prefix}/share'
2297   │ docdir='${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}'
2298   │ dvidir='${docdir}'
2299   │ exec_prefix='NONE'
2300   │ host_alias=''
2229   │ gl_cv_type_sigset_t=yes
2230   │ gl_cv_type_wchar_t_signed=yes
2231   │ gl_cv_type_wctrans_t=yes
2232   │ gl_cv_type_wctype_t=yes
2233   │ gl_cv_type_wint_t_signed=yes
2234   │ gl_cv_var_stdin_large_offset=yes
2235   │ gt_cv_c_intmax_t=yes
2236   │ gt_cv_c_wchar_t=yes
2237   │ gt_cv_c_wint_t=yes
2238   │ gt_cv_func_printf_posix=yes
2239   │ gt_cv_func_unsetenv_ret=int
2240   │ gt_cv_int_divbyzero_sigfpe=yes
2241   │ gt_cv_siginfo_t=yes
2242   │ gt_cv_ssize_t=yes
2243   │ lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD=/usr/bin/file
2244   │ lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=524288
2245   │
2246   │ ## ----------------- ##
2247   │ ## Output variables. ##
2248   │ ## ----------------- ##
2249   │
2250   │ ACLOCAL='${SHELL} 
/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/missing aclocal-1.14'
2251   │ AMTAR='$${TAR-tar}'
2252   │ AM_BACKSLASH='\'
2255   │ AM_V='$(V)'
2256   │ AUTOCONF='${SHELL} 
/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/missing autoconf'
2257   │ AUTOHEADER='${SHELL} 
/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/missing autoheader'
2258   │ AUTOMAKE='${SHELL} 
/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/missing automake-1.14'
2259   │ AWK='/usr/bin/awk'
2260   │ BZR=''
2261   │ CYGPATH_W='echo'
2262   │ DEFS=''
2263   │ ECHO_C=''
2264   │ ECHO_N='-n'
2265   │ ECHO_T=''
2266   │ INSTALL_DATA='install  -m 0644'
2267   │ INSTALL_PROGRAM='install  -s -m 555'
2268   │ INSTALL_SCRIPT='install  -m 555'
2269   │ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM='$(install_sh) -c -s'
2270   │ LIBOBJS=''
2271   │ LIBS=''
2272   │ LTLIBOBJS=''
2273   │ MAKEINFO='${SHELL} 
/usr/ports/textproc/intltool/work/intltool-0.51.0/missing makeinfo'
2274   │ MKDIR_P='/bin/mkdir -p'
2275   │ PACKAGE='intltool'
2277   │ PACKAGE_NAME='intltool'
2278   │ PACKAGE_STRING='intltool 0.51.0'
2279   │ PACKAGE_TARNAME='intltool'
2280   │ PACKAGE_URL=''
2281   │ PACKAGE_VERSION='0.51.0'
2282   │ PATH_SEPARATOR=':'
2283   │ PERL='/usr/local/bin/perl'
2284   │ SET_MAKE=''
2285   │ SHELL='/bin/sh'
2286   │ STRIP=''
2287   │ VERSION='0.51.0'
2288   │ aclocaldir='${datadir}/aclocal'
2289   │ am__isrc=''
2290   │ am__leading_dot='.'
2291   │ am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"'
2292   │ am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -'
2293   │ bindir='${exec_prefix}/bin'
2294   │ build_alias='amd64-portbld-freebsd13.1'
2295   │ datadir='${datarootdir}'
2296   │ datarootdir='${prefix}/share'
2297   │ docdir='${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}'
2298   │ dvidir='${docdir}'
2299   │ exec_prefix='NONE'
2300   │ host_alias=''
2301   │ htmldir='${docdir}'
2302   │ includedir='${prefix}/include'
2303   │ infodir='/usr/local/share/info'
2304   │ install_sh='${SHELL} 
2305   │ libdir='${exec_prefix}/lib'
2306   │ libexecdir='${exec_prefix}/libexec'
2307   │ localedir='${datarootdir}/locale'
2308   │ localstatedir='/var'
2309   │ mandir='/usr/local/man'
2310   │ mkdir_p='$(MKDIR_P)'
2311   │ oldincludedir='/usr/include'
2312   │ pdfdir='${docdir}'
2313   │ pkgdatadir='${datadir}/intltool'
2314   │ prefix='/usr/local'
2315   │ program_transform_name='s,x,x,'
2316   │ psdir='${docdir}'
2317   │ sbindir='${exec_prefix}/sbin'
2318   │ sharedstatedir='${prefix}/com'
2319   │ sysconfdir='${prefix}/etc'
2320   │ target_alias=''
2321   │
2322   │ ## ----------- ##
2323   │ ## confdefs.h. ##
2324   │ ## ----------- ##
2325   │
2326   │ /* confdefs.h */
2327   │ #define PACKAGE_NAME "intltool"
2328   │ #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "intltool"
2329   │ #define PACKAGE_VERSION "0.51.0"
2330   │ #define PACKAGE_STRING "intltool 0.51.0"
2331   │ #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ""
2332   │ #define PACKAGE_URL ""
2333   │ #define PACKAGE "intltool"
2334   │ #define VERSION "0.51.0"
2335   │
2336   │ configure: exit 2

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