From owner-freebsd-questions Thu Aug 10 22:47:41 1995 Return-Path: questions-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.11/8.6.6) id WAA07657 for questions-outgoing; Thu, 10 Aug 1995 22:47:41 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.11/8.6.6) with ESMTP id WAA07640 for ; Thu, 10 Aug 1995 22:47:26 -0700 Received: from by via ESMTP (8.6.12/930416.SGI) id FAA05271; Fri, 11 Aug 1995 05:44:27 GMT Received: (from wsantee@localhost) by (8.6.11/8.6.9) id WAA00455; Thu, 10 Aug 1995 22:47:08 -0700 From: Wes Santee Message-Id: <> Subject: Re: Mounting Dos Drv. To: (Marxx) Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 22:47:07 -0700 (PDT) Cc: In-Reply-To: <> from "Marxx" at Aug 11, 95 00:42:45 am X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24] Content-Type: text Content-Length: 1411 Sender: Precedence: bulk Marxx sez: > [ of disklabel output deleted...] > 8 partitions: > # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg] > c: 1023968 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 499*) ^^^^^^ Marxx, It looks like FreeBSD doesn't have a disklabel entry for your DOS partition. Then again, with the changes made to the slice code made in 2.0.5, disklabel might not be reporting correct information. The only way *I* know to set a disklabel with the new labeling scheme is to run /stand/sysinstall as root and tell the system about your partitions, labels, and mount points again. Using disklabel to do it would depend on whether or not the command was updated to understand the new slice code. There's got to be a better way, however, so I'm redirecting your question back to the list. Can anybody explain to Marxx (and me for that matter) the correct procedure for listing/changing disklabels on 2.0.5? In private e-mail we thought the reason he couldn't mount his DOS parition was that he might not have a label for it (even though the partition exists). Cheers, -- ( -Wes Santee | You're never dead 'til you're ) ( | out of quarters. --InSoc ) ( \------------------------------ ) ( O S / 2 W A R P F r e e B S D )