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Date:      Thu, 23 Dec 1999 08:23:00 -0800 (PST)
From:      Joss Roots <>
To:        Konrad Heuer <>
Subject:   Re: Info request - How to make your own CDs
Message-ID:  <>

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Hi all monitoring this kind of REPEATED over and
over question.

I always believe that there's a 100  ways to kill
a rat.

The method mentioned in the Konrad Heuer's answer
may be the cleanest way, but it has somewhat a
drawback of needing a very long time to download
and some tweeking of the fetch command namely
"fetch -r -R" options to avoid redownloading from
zero bytes sould the connection drop, and is
kinda unsuitable for most of the low-medium
bandwidth users, and definitely not for modem
users (big population).

Mr. Cole Mark's original question was how to
"create" rather than "download" the ISO image,
and that's the kind of independence that most of
us, users, would like to maintain. 

for such people, here's how you do it:

1. from the ports download and install cvsup
package, this will help you get the needed pieces
that will be used later for creating the ISO

2. setup cvsup as follows:
step 1:  
	mkdir /usr/cvsup
step 2:
create a file /usr/cvsup/all.sup
that contains :
*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_3
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default compress
ports-all tag=.

step 3: start cvsupping the complete trees
cd /usr/cvsup
cvsup -g all.sup

this is a long (in the first time use only, and
occasionally on major updates, but worth the

3. Build World (full built of FreeBSD OS)
cd /usr/src
make clean
make world
 (don't be afraid go for it)
(time consuming step better let the system do it
while you are at work/sleep/TV or otherwise)

cd /sys/i386/conf
config -g MYKERNEL 
(MYKERNEL is your own kernel configuration file)

cd /sys/compile/MYKERNEL
make clean
make depend
make install

(here, its better to reboot into the new kernel,
when you're back dmake a release)

4. Build a Release:
step 1:
	cd /usr/src/release
step 2: edit the /usr/src/release/Makefile
BASE = 3.3
(/usr or anything you choose must have > 1.0
gigabytes free)

(time consuming, but will giveyou a FULL release
that you can later in step 5 use to create CD)

5. Create the FreeBSD CDs
step 1: create the ISO image (I'll assume you are
using an ATA IDE CD-writer (cuz that's the one I
use, help on SCSI has been more than one
discussed here, it uses other software "cdrecord"
from ports.

step 1-a: fetch, build and install application
"mkhybrid" from ports.

step 1-b:
mkhybrid -a -f -N -D -r -L -R -J -v -o (space)
/usr/ISO_IMAGE (space) /usr/release/R/cdrom1
(not sure about the full path here sorry my brain
own memory fails here, but you should find it
step 2: burn data CD.

step 2-a
put a new empty writable CD in the CD drive, and
close the door

step 2-b
fetch, make, and install "wormcontrol" from ports
fetch, make, and install "team" from ports

step 2-c
assuming you CD is on acd0, do the following 
cd /dev
./MAKEDEV acd0
(this will create the "RAW" devices racd0a and

step 2-d
(better to put in a shell script:

#iso2cd script:
wormcontrol -f$device prepdisk double
wormcontrol -f$device track data

(following two line should be on one line)
rtprio 5 team -v 1m 5 < /usr/ISO_IMAGE | rtprio 5
dd of=$device bs=20k

wormcontrol -f$device fixate 1

6. make a bootable floppy (actually 2 of them)
the needed files are 1.44 MB
kernel --> floppy 1
mfsroot --> floppy 2
these babies are on the same tree

thats it, you should be able to install FreeBSD
on any new system having HD, CD, and floppy, in
addtition to the (un-necessary :-) CPU, keyboard,
and monitor)

have fun.
--- Konrad Heuer <> wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Cole Mark A SSgt
> JTF-SWA/J6 wrote:
> > I looked in the handbook and the ftp site but
> could not find an answer.
> > What do I need to do to make a cd that I can
> use to install freebsd.  Thanks
> > for the help.
> I'd download the ISO image
> and write it on a CD by e.g. WinOnCD with
> `track image' option.
> Regards
> Konrad
> //
> // Konrad Heuer                                
>  ____            ___  _______ 
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> //    Datenverarbeitung mbH GÖttingen         
> / _// __/ -_) -_) _  |\ \/ // /
> // Am Faßberg, D-37077 GÖttingen             
> /_/ /_/  \__/\__/____/___/____/ 
> // Deutschland (Germany)                     
> ----- The Power to Serve -----
> //                                             
> //
> //
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