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Date:      Tue, 28 Oct 1997 18:29:46 +0000
From:      Josef Karthauser <>
To:        Gordon Henderson <>
Cc:        Jeff Roberts <>, FreeBSD Questions Discussion List <freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: FBSD:  Hayes Accura 56K and FreeBSD?
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.3.95.971026183803.23085A-100000@unicorn>; from Gordon Henderson on Sun, Oct 26, 1997 at 06:44:21PM %2B0000
References:  <> <Pine.LNX.3.95.971026183803.23085A-100000@unicorn>

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On Sun, Oct 26, 1997 at 06:44:21PM +0000, Gordon Henderson wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Oct 1997, Josef Karthauser wrote:
> I think they a pile of kak and Hayes support is no better. I've tried to
> call them several times and as well as putting me in a 10-deep call Q
> which never seems to do down, they are not answring my email either. I
> bought one in the UK and it just doesn't work with Livingston PM3/K56flex
> kit.  According to Livingston, you need a certian rev. of modem software
> and my modem just doesn't have it and Hayes are not helping me. There is
> an upgrade for US modems, but not for UK modems. I am going to take my
> modem back to PC world tomorow and get a Mr. Modem which is about 20 quid
> cheaper and which I know works. (You also need win95 to do the upgrade) 

I guess you're right there.  I got some clout cos we're an ISP and they
sent me a free modem.  They _still_ don't have a flasher out yet to update
their boxes.  Still the word on the street is that Rockwell are two weeks
away from another release version of kflex and Hayes are preparing a
Flasher for it.  Contact me direct if you want the firmware when it's
released and you can't get it from them.

Josef Karthauser        
Technical Manager       Email:
Pavilion Internet plc.  [Tel: +44 1273 607072  Fax: +44 1273 607073]

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