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Date:      Sun, 17 Jan 1999 01:28:38 +0100
From:      "José Mª Alcaide" <>
To:        FreeBSD-gnats-submit@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   i386/9532: [PATCH] fixes and new features for spanish keyboard maps
Message-ID:  <>

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>Number:         9532
>Category:       i386
>Synopsis:       [PATCH] fixes and new features for spanish keyboard maps
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Jan 16 16:30:00 PST 1999
>Originator:     José Mª Alcaide
>Release:        FreeBSD 3.0-CURRENT i386
Universidad del Pais Vasco - Dept. de Electricidad y Electronica
FreeBSD 3.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 3.0-CURRENT #0: Fri Jan  8 17:34:50 CET 1999  i386

This patch make the following changes to the spanish keyboard maps:

 -Fixes the following errors (by keycode):
   006: alt-shift yields '5' (should be '%')
   008: alt-shift yields '7' (should be '/')
   010: alt, alt-shift yield '8' (should be '9' and ')')
   011: alt, alt-shift yield '9' (should be '0' and '=')
   012: alt-shift yields ''' (should be '?')
   013: alt, alt-shift yield ''' and '`' (should be '¡' and '¿')
   021: alt-cntrl, alt-shift-cntrl yield sub (should be em)
   039: alt-shift yields nop (should be '~')
   040: alt-shift yields '}' (should be '{')
   044: alt-cntrl, alt-shift-cntrl yield em (should be sub)
   092: "Pause" key yields '*' for all combinations (see changes below)
   103: "Del" yields fkey54 (should be fkey61)

 -Changes (by keycode):
   001: cntrl, cntrl-shift, alt-cntrl-shift now yield nop (like us.iso)
   007: substituted nop for rs (nonsense)
   008: substituted nop for esc (nonsense)
   010: substituted nop for gs (nonsense)
   055: numpad '*' key now yields '*' for all combinations (like numpad's '/')
   069: NumLock now yields nlock for all combinations (dc3 is nonsense)
   070: PrtScr now yields nscr (base) and debug (ctrl, alt-ctrl)
   074: numpad '-': substituted '-' for us (nonsense)
   077: numpad '6': substituted '6' for rs (nonsense)
   083: numpad '.': now yields '.' except base (del) and alt-cntrl (boot)
   086: substituted nop for fs (nonsense)
   092: "Pause" key now yields saver (base) and susp (ctrl) (isn't logical?)

   Added keycodes 105, 106, 107 (from us.iso: Windoze keys?)

In summary, some errors are fixed, some control characters are removed
from nonsense places (they are still found where they would be), the
Pause key can now be used for starting the screen saver or suspending
the system (the last also available as alt-ctrl-space), and the PrtScr
key now serves as VTY-switch key and debugger trap (also available
as alt-ctrl-escape). I think that the new mapping for these two keys
might be useful for other keymaps.

BTW, I cannot see the utility of the old "spanish.iso" keymap. The new
"spanish.iso.acc" has more features, so I think that it could replace
the old keymap.


Apply the patch attached to this message.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="spkbd.patch"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
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--- share/syscons/keymaps/spanish.iso.acc.kbd	Thu Aug  6 12:00:32 1998
+++ share/syscons/keymaps/spanish.iso.acc.kbd~	Sat Jan 16 21:24:41 1999
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
 # code  base   shift  cntrl  shift  alt    shift  cntrl  shift state
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
   000   nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
-  001   esc    esc    esc    esc    esc    esc    debug  esc     O
+  001   esc    esc    nop    nop    esc    esc    debug  nop     O
   002   '1'    '!'    nop    nop    '|'    '|'    nop    nop     O
   003   '2'    '"'    nul    nul    '@'    '@'    nul    nul     O
   004   '3'    183    nop    nop    '#'    '#'    nop    nop     O
   005   '4'    '$'    nop    nop    '~'    '~'    nop    nop     O
-  006   '5'    '%'    nop    nop    '5'    '5'    nop    nop     O
-  007   '6'    '&'    rs     rs     172    172    rs     rs      O
-  008   '7'    '/'    esc    esc    '7'    '7'    esc    esc     O
-  009   '8'    '('    nop    nop    '8'    '8'    nop    nop     O
-  010   '9'    ')'    gs     gs     '8'    '8'    gs     gs      O
-  011   '0'    '='    nop    nop    '9'    '9'    nop    nop     O
-  012   '''    '?'    nop    nop    '''    '''    nop    nop     O
-  013   161    191    nop    nop    '''    '`'    nop    nop     O
+  006   '5'    '%'    nop    nop    '5'    '%'    nop    nop     O
+  007   '6'    '&'    nop    nop    172    172    nop    nop     O
+  008   '7'    '/'    nop    nop    '7'    '/'    nop    nop     O
+  009   '8'    '('    nop    nop    '8'    '('    nop    nop     O
+  010   '9'    ')'    nop    nop    '9'    ')'    nop    nop     O
+  011   '0'    '='    nop    nop    '0'    '='    nop    nop     O
+  012   '''    '?'    nop    nop    '''    '?'    nop    nop     O
+  013   161    191    nop    nop    161    191    nop    nop     O
   014   bs     bs     del    del    bs     bs     del    del     O
   015   ht     btab   nop    nop    ht     btab   nop    nop     O
   016   'q'    'Q'    dc1    dc1    'q'    'Q'    dc1    dc1     C
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   018   'e'    'E'    enq    enq    233    201    enq    enq     C
   019   'r'    'R'    dc2    dc2    'r'    'R'    dc2    dc2     C
   020   't'    'T'    dc4    dc4    't'    'T'    dc4    dc4     C
-  021   'y'    'Y'    em     em     'y'    'Y'    sub    sub     C
+  021   'y'    'Y'    em     em     'y'    'Y'    em     em      C
   022   'u'    'U'    nak    nak    250    218    nak    nak     C
   023   'i'    'I'    ht     ht     237    205    ht     ht      C
   024   'o'    'O'    si     si     243    211    si     si      C
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
   036   'j'    'J'    nl     nl     'j'    'J'    nl     nl      C
   037   'k'    'K'    vt     vt     'k'    'K'    vt     vt      C
   038   'l'    'L'    ff     ff     'l'    'L'    ff     ff      C
-  039   241    209    nop    nop    '~'    nop    nop    nop     C
-  040   dacu   duml   nop    nop    '{'    '}'    nop    nop     O
+  039   241    209    nop    nop    '~'    '~'    nop    nop     C
+  040   dacu   duml   nop    nop    '{'    '{'    nop    nop     O
   041   186    170    fs     fs     '\'    '\'    fs     fs      O
   042   lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift  O
   043   231    199    rs     rs     '}'    '}'    rs     rs      C
-  044   'z'    'Z'    sub    sub    'z'    'Z'    em     em      C
+  044   'z'    'Z'    sub    sub    'z'    'Z'    sub    sub     C
   045   'x'    'X'    can    can    'x'    'X'    can    can     C
   046   'c'    'C'    etx    etx    'c'    'C'    etx    etx     C
   047   'v'    'V'    syn    syn    'v'    'V'    syn    syn     C
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
   052   '.'    ':'    nop    nop    '.'    ':'    nop    nop     O
   053   '-'    '_'    us     us     '-'    '_'    us     us      O
   054   rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift  O
-  055   '*'    '*'    nscr   nscr   '*'    '*'    nscr   nscr    O
+  055   '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'     N
   056   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt    O
   057   ' '    ' '    nul    ' '    ' '    ' '    susp   ' '     O
   058   clock  clock  clock  clock  clock  clock  clock  clock   O
@@ -71,30 +71,30 @@
   066   fkey08 fkey20 fkey32 fkey44 scr08  scr08  scr08  scr08   O
   067   fkey09 fkey21 fkey33 fkey45 scr09  scr09  scr09  scr09   O
   068   fkey10 fkey22 fkey34 fkey46 scr10  scr10  scr10  scr10   O
-  069   nlock  nlock  dc3    dc3    nlock  nlock  dc3    dc3     O
-  070   slock  slock  del    del    slock  slock  del    del     O
+  069   nlock  nlock  nlock  nlock  nlock  nlock  nlock  nlock   O
+  070   nscr   nop    debug  nop    nscr   nop    debug  nop     O
   071   fkey49 '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'     N
   072   fkey50 '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'     N
   073   fkey51 '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'     N
-  074   fkey52 '-'    us     us     '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'     N
+  074   fkey52 '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'     N
   075   fkey53 '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'     N
   076   fkey54 '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'     N
-  077   fkey55 '6'    rs     rs     '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'     N
+  077   fkey55 '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'     N
   078   fkey56 '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'     N
   079   fkey57 '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'     N
   080   fkey58 '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'     N
   081   fkey59 '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'     N
   082   fkey60 '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'     N
-  083   del    '.'    del    del    del    del    del    del     N
+  083   del    '.'    '.'    '.'    '.'    '.'    boot   '.'     N
   084   us     us     us     us     us     us     us     us      O
   085   nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
-  086   '<'    '>'    fs     fs     '\'    '>'    fs     fs      O
+  086   '<'    '>'    nop    nop    '<'    '>'    nop    nop     O
   087   fkey11 fkey23 fkey35 fkey47 scr11  scr11  scr11  scr11   O
   088   fkey12 fkey24 fkey36 fkey48 scr12  scr12  scr12  scr12   O
   089   cr     cr     nl     nl     cr     cr     nl     nl      O
   090   rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl   O
   091   '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'     N
-  092   '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'     N
+  092   saver  nop    susp   nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
   093   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt    O
   094   fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49  O
   095   fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50  O
@@ -105,8 +105,11 @@
   100   fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58  O
   101   fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59  O
   102   fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60  O
-  103   fkey54 fkey54 fkey54 fkey54 fkey54 fkey54 boot   fkey54  O
+  103   fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 boot   fkey61  O
   104   slock  slock  slock  slock  slock  slock  slock  slock   O
+  105	fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62  O
+  106	fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63  O
+  107	fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64  O
   dgra  '`'  ( 'a' 224 ) ( 'A' 192 ) ( 'e' 232 ) ( 'E' 200 ) 
              ( 'i' 236 ) ( 'I' 204 ) ( 'o' 242 ) ( 'O' 210 ) 
--- share/syscons/keymaps/spanish.iso.kbd	Thu Aug  6 12:00:32 1998
+++ share/syscons/keymaps/spanish.iso.kbd~	Sun Jan 17 01:00:54 1999
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
 # code  base   shift  cntrl  shift  alt    shift  cntrl  shift state
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
   000   nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
-  001   esc    esc    esc    esc    esc    esc    debug  esc     O
+  001   esc    esc    nop    nop    esc    esc    debug  nop     O
   002   '1'    '!'    nop    nop    '|'    '|'    nop    nop     O
   003   '2'    '"'    nul    nul    '@'    '@'    nul    nul     O
   004   '3'    183    nop    nop    '#'    '#'    nop    nop     O
-  005   '4'    '$'    nop    nop    '4'    '4'    nop    nop     O
-  006   '5'    '%'    nop    nop    '5'    '5'    nop    nop     O
-  007   '6'    '&'    rs     rs     172    172    rs     rs      O
-  008   '7'    '/'    esc    esc    '7'    '7'    esc    esc     O
-  009   '8'    '('    nop    nop    '8'    '8'    nop    nop     O
-  010   '9'    ')'    gs     gs     '8'    '8'    gs     gs      O
-  011   '0'    '='    nop    nop    '9'    '9'    nop    nop     O
-  012   '''    '?'    nop    nop    '''    '''    nop    nop     O
-  013   161    191    nop    nop    '''    '`'    nop    nop     O
+  005   '4'    '$'    nop    nop    '~'    '~'    nop    nop     O
+  006   '5'    '%'    nop    nop    '5'    '%'    nop    nop     O
+  007   '6'    '&'    nop    nop    172    172    nop    nop     O
+  008   '7'    '/'    nop    nop    '7'    '/'    nop    nop     O
+  009   '8'    '('    nop    nop    '8'    '('    nop    nop     O
+  010   '9'    ')'    nop    nop    '9'    ')'    nop    nop     O
+  011   '0'    '='    nop    nop    '0'    '='    nop    nop     O
+  012   '''    '?'    nop    nop    '''    '?'    nop    nop     O
+  013   161    191    nop    nop    161    191    nop    nop     O
   014   bs     bs     del    del    bs     bs     del    del     O
   015   ht     btab   nop    nop    ht     btab   nop    nop     O
   016   'q'    'Q'    dc1    dc1    'q'    'Q'    dc1    dc1     C
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
   018   'e'    'E'    enq    enq    233    201    enq    enq     C
   019   'r'    'R'    dc2    dc2    'r'    'R'    dc2    dc2     C
   020   't'    'T'    dc4    dc4    't'    'T'    dc4    dc4     C
-  021   'y'    'Y'    em     em     'y'    'Y'    sub    sub     C
+  021   'y'    'Y'    em     em     'y'    'Y'    em     em      C
   022   'u'    'U'    nak    nak    250    218    nak    nak     C
   023   'i'    'I'    ht     ht     237    205    ht     ht      C
   024   'o'    'O'    si     si     243    211    si     si      C
   025   'p'    'P'    dle    dle    'p'    'P'    dle    dle     C
-  026   '`'    '^'    esc    esc    '['    '['    esc    esc     C
-  027   '+'    '*'    gs     gs     ']'    '['    gs     gs      O
+  026   '`'    '^'    esc    esc    '['    '['    esc    esc     O
+  027   '+'    '*'    gs     gs     ']'    ']'    gs     gs      O
   028   cr     cr     nl     nl     cr     cr     nl     nl      O
   029   lctrl  lctrl  lctrl  lctrl  lctrl  lctrl  lctrl  lctrl   O
   030   'a'    'A'    soh    soh    225    193    soh    soh     C
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
   036   'j'    'J'    nl     nl     'j'    'J'    nl     nl      C
   037   'k'    'K'    vt     vt     'k'    'K'    vt     vt      C
   038   'l'    'L'    ff     ff     'l'    'L'    ff     ff      C
-  039   241    209    nop    nop    '~'    nop    nop    nop     C
-  040   252    220    nop    nop    '{'    220    nop    nop     C
+  039   241    209    nop    nop    '~'    '~'    nop    nop     C
+  040   252    220    nop    nop    '{'    '{'    nop    nop     O
   041   186    170    fs     fs     '\'    '\'    fs     fs      O
   042   lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift lshift  O
-  043   231    199    rs     rs     '}'    '}'    rs     rs      O
-  044   'z'    'Z'    sub    sub    'z'    'Z'    em     em      C
+  043   231    199    rs     rs     '}'    '}'    rs     rs      C
+  044   'z'    'Z'    sub    sub    'z'    'Z'    sub    sub     C
   045   'x'    'X'    can    can    'x'    'X'    can    can     C
   046   'c'    'C'    etx    etx    'c'    'C'    etx    etx     C
   047   'v'    'V'    syn    syn    'v'    'V'    syn    syn     C
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
   052   '.'    ':'    nop    nop    '.'    ':'    nop    nop     O
   053   '-'    '_'    us     us     '-'    '_'    us     us      O
   054   rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift rshift  O
-  055   '*'    '*'    nscr   nscr   '*'    '*'    nscr   nscr    O
+  055   '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'     N
   056   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt   lalt    O
   057   ' '    ' '    nul    ' '    ' '    ' '    susp   ' '     O
   058   clock  clock  clock  clock  clock  clock  clock  clock   O
@@ -71,30 +71,30 @@
   066   fkey08 fkey20 fkey32 fkey44 scr08  scr08  scr08  scr08   O
   067   fkey09 fkey21 fkey33 fkey45 scr09  scr09  scr09  scr09   O
   068   fkey10 fkey22 fkey34 fkey46 scr10  scr10  scr10  scr10   O
-  069   nlock  nlock  dc3    dc3    nlock  nlock  dc3    dc3     O
-  070   slock  slock  del    del    slock  slock  del    del     O
+  069   nlock  nlock  nlock  nlock  nlock  nlock  nlock  nlock   O
+  070   nscr   nop    debug  nop    nscr   nop    debug  nop     O
   071   fkey49 '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'    '7'     N
   072   fkey50 '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'    '8'     N
   073   fkey51 '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'    '9'     N
-  074   fkey52 '-'    us     us     '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'     N
+  074   fkey52 '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'    '-'     N
   075   fkey53 '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'    '4'     N
   076   fkey54 '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'    '5'     N
-  077   fkey55 '6'    rs     rs     '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'     N
+  077   fkey55 '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'    '6'     N
   078   fkey56 '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'    '+'     N
   079   fkey57 '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'    '1'     N
   080   fkey58 '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'    '2'     N
   081   fkey59 '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'    '3'     N
   082   fkey60 '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'    '0'     N
-  083   del    '.'    del    del    del    del    del    del     N
+  083   del    '.'    '.'    '.'    '.'    '.'    boot   '.'     N
   084   us     us     us     us     us     us     us     us      O
   085   nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
-  086   '<'    '>'    fs     fs     '\'    '>'    fs     fs      O
+  086   '<'    '>'    nop    nop    '<'    '>'    nop    nop     O
   087   fkey11 fkey23 fkey35 fkey47 scr11  scr11  scr11  scr11   O
   088   fkey12 fkey24 fkey36 fkey48 scr12  scr12  scr12  scr12   O
   089   cr     cr     nl     nl     cr     cr     nl     nl      O
   090   rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl  rctrl   O
   091   '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'    '/'     N
-  092   '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'    '*'     N
+  092   saver  nop    susp   nop    nop    nop    nop    nop     O
   093   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt   ralt    O
   094   fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49 fkey49  O
   095   fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50 fkey50  O
@@ -105,5 +105,8 @@
   100   fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58 fkey58  O
   101   fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59 fkey59  O
   102   fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60 fkey60  O
-  103   fkey54 fkey54 fkey54 fkey54 fkey54 fkey54 boot fkey54  O
+  103   fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 fkey61 boot   fkey61  O
   104   slock  slock  slock  slock  slock  slock  slock  slock   O
+  105	fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62 fkey62  O
+  106	fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63 fkey63  O
+  107	fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64 fkey64  O


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