From owner-cvs-ports Sat Apr 15 11:11:24 1995 Return-Path: cvs-ports-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id LAA19075 for cvs-ports-outgoing; Sat, 15 Apr 1995 11:11:24 -0700 Received: (from ats@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id LAA19062 ; Sat, 15 Apr 1995 11:11:16 -0700 Date: Sat, 15 Apr 1995 11:11:16 -0700 From: Andreas Schulz Message-Id: <> To: CVS-commiters, cvs-ports Subject: cvs commit: ports/audio/xcd/files md5 Sender: Precedence: bulk ats 95/04/15 11:11:15 Modified: audio/xcd Makefile Log: Correct the makefile to use WRKSRC = ${WRKDIR}/xcd. Modified: audio/xcd/files md5 Log: Correct the md5 checksum file , the new tar file is now named xcd-1.0 instead of xcd.