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Date:      Tue, 12 Nov 2002 22:22:52 -0600
From:      Eric Anderson <>
To:        Terry Lambert <>
Subject:   Re: LDAP Admin?
Message-ID:  <>
References:  <> <> <> <> <> <>

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Terry Lambert wrote:

> Eric Anderson wrote:
> > I'm using it to replace NIS, and pull my MS network in with my UNIX
> > network for authentication.
> If you are doing this, then you should know that you can not
> replace an "Active Directory" server with an OpenLDAP server,
> and successfully use it to authenticate MS clients.  The only
> think that works now is to deploy an MS Active Directory Server.

I don't have an Active Directory server.  I have an old NT4 PDC, and I'd
like to get rid of that and have a samba PDC with LDAP ties.

> As far as integrating MS clients to UNIX servers, that's a
> different matter.  Do a web search for "NIS GINA"; it's a
> client authentication package, which allows an NIS server to
> be used to authenticate MS clients.

It's more the other way around for me - I have several hundred Linux
machines, a hundred or so Solaris boxes, FreeBSD for all the good stuff,
etc.  I'd like to make all the boxes use LDAP, and rid myself of NIS.

> > I just need some simple stuff like pw changing tools, user
> > adding/deleting tools, but was looking for what people use before I
> > start to get it deployed.
> Generally, you edit a template and import it via "ldapadd",
> or you use PHPLDAP to add a record, after filling out the fields.
> For passwords, they are generally stored as ciphertext, with
> the cipher type embedded at the front of the ciphertext, in
> braces, e.g. "{md5}xxyyzz", etc..  In other words, the data
> contents are as generally exposed as NIS data contents, so a
> dictionary attack is a possibility.

I know about this.. this is a pain I'll have to deal with going from
NIS to LDAP, but it's worth the effort I think.

> Probably your best bet is to query the Samba community, and
> potentially, the OpenLDAP community.

Hmm.. ok.. you're right.. I find the FreeBSD community to be much more
"up on the times" compared to some other groups.

Thanks Terry..


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