From owner-freebsd-advocacy  Thu Jan 13  9:43:49 2000
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Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 10:45:03 -0700
From: Wes Peters <>
Organization: Softweyr LLC
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To: Michael Lucas <>
Cc: Pat Lynch <>,
Subject: Re: official-looking advocacy (was re: Possible idea to raise funds.)
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Michael Lucas wrote:
> > I agree, and I'm not really complaining, except for the fact that pretty
> > much me and two other people manned the booth for 3 days straight at the
> > bazaar, essentially representing FreeBSD. It was in some pseudo-official
> > capacity
> > that I did this, as one of the people in NYC that happens to be fairly
> > involved in the effort. But when giving contact information in that
> > capacity, while *I* may own and it looked fairly official ,
> > others did not.
> >
> > When you are speaking to businesspeople, things like this *do* matter.
> (subject changed and cc's trimmed)
> Hmm... yes, this is a problem.  Businesspeople definitely care about
> these things.
> Is there a NYC BUG?  Perhaps you might ask for some sort of mail
> forwarder from for, say,  Minimizes
> system load and administrator load at, and it's not
> focused on any one person.
> After all, the committers need *some* sort of perks.  ;)

I don't think anyone is resistant to giving out mail addresses
or login accounts for people who mainly want to do advocacy.  The only
question is one of commitment.  Sending email from an account
carries connotations of an official announcement or agreement to do some-
thing, which may or may not be agreed to by core.  Committers and at least
one core member have been taken to task for expressing personal opinions
from email accounts.

If you want to become a dedicated advocate, email and ask
for an email account  Don't expect the answer to be yes unless
you have a proven track record and have been around a while, that's just the
way things work around here.  In a commercial setting, the organization 
controls the individual by holding their job over them.  Here, you have to
prove you're not an idiot before you get to speak for the organization.

            "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                         Softweyr LLC                                 

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