From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed Apr 16 13:28:38 1997
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Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 14:25:30 -0600
From: Brett Glass <>
Subject: Apparent bug in /dev/spkr driver
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The /dev/spkr driver apparently can corrupt kernel memory if noises are
made in rapid succession. The following Perl code triggers the bug on my
2.1.0-R system (the code for the driver doesn't seem to have changed since

open (SPKR, ">/dev/speaker");
print SPKR "T120L8O4AF"; # Bing-bong!
close (SPKR);
open (SPKR, ">/dev/speaker");
print SPKR "T120L8O4AF"; # And again....
close (SPKR);

The problem seems to have to do with a race condition and/or with kernel
memory allocation. I'm not terribly familiar with BSD kernel programming,
and there's no documentation on the full implications of some items in the
driver code, so I'm not sure how to pinpoint the problem.

Frequently (but not always), when code like the above is executed, the
speaker begins to play random noises after the second "print." The process
that's playing the sounds may hang, and the system can become unstable.
Killing the hung process results in a wide range of awful noises -- and, at
least on my machine -- a reboot without sync'ing the file system. (I had to
do extensive reconstruction of /dev after the crash.) There may also be a
potential security exploit here, since the play string is copied into
kernel memory.

An earlier bug fix to the driver appears not to have solved all of the
potential problems with it.

Can someone help to identify the source of the problem and a fix for it?

--Brett Glass