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Date:      Sun, 11 Sep 2005 15:54:49 +0200 (CEST)
From:      Dennis Cabooter <>
Subject:   ports/85973: Update port: irc/ptlink-ircd to 6.19.4. Now it also will create user/group ircd without a special uid/gid. Also tested on 5.4-RELEASE 
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         85973
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       Update port: irc/ptlink-ircd to 6.19.4. Now it also will create user/group ircd without a special uid/gid. Also tested on 5.4-RELEASE
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Sep 11 14:00:27 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Dennis Cabooter <>
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.0-BETA4 i386
System: FreeBSD 6.0-BETA4 FreeBSD 6.0-BETA4 #4: Wed Sep 7 13:20:56 CEST 2005 i386



--- ptlink-ircd.diff begins here ---
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/Makefile ptlink-ircd/Makefile
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/Makefile	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/Makefile	Sun Sep 11 14:29:55 2005
@@ -2,30 +2,42 @@
 # Date created:        22 October 2004
 # Whom:                Dennis Cabooter <>
-# $FreeBSD: ports/irc/ptlink-ircd/Makefile,v 1.3 2005/05/18 23:52:35 edwin Exp $
+# $FreeBSD$
 COMMENT=	PTlink IRC daemon
-SYSCONFDIR=	${PREFIX}/etc/ptlink
+USER=		ircd
+GROUP=		ircd
+PKGINSTALL=     ${WRKDIR}/pkg-install
+SYSCONFDIR=	${PREFIX}/etc/ptlink-ircd
+RCDIR=		${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d
+LOGDIR=		${PREFIX}/var/log
+CONFIGURE_ARGS=	--sysconfdir=${SYSCONFDIR} --with-pidfile=${SYSCONFDIR}/
+	@${SED} -e 's,%%USER%%,${USER},g' -e 's,%%GROUP%%,${GROUP},g' \
+		${PKGDIR}/pkg-install > ${PKGINSTALL} || exit 1
+	@${SED} -e 's,%%USER%%,${USER},g' \
+		${FILESDIR}/ > ${WRKDIR}/ || exit 1
+	@${CHOWN} -R ${USER}:${GROUP} ${SYSCONFDIR} || exit 1
+	@${CHOWN} -R ${USER}:${GROUP} ${LOGDIR} || exit 1
+	@${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/ ${RCDIR} || exit 1
+	@${SED} -e 's,%%SYSCONFDIR%%,${SYSCONFDIR},g' -e 's,%%RCDIR%%,${RCDIR},g' \
 .include <>
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/distinfo ptlink-ircd/distinfo
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/distinfo	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/distinfo	Sun Sep 11 14:29:55 2005
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-MD5 (PTlink6.19.3.tar.gz) = d46979f76e28757fedc508544dd0b5fa 
-SIZE (PTlink6.19.3.tar.gz) = 791346 
+MD5 (PTlink6.19.4.tar.gz) = e7c1ac8e0f6eb5486378b84d3949cc2b 
+SIZE (PTlink6.19.4.tar.gz) = 786808 
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/files/ircd.conf.sample ptlink-ircd/files/ircd.conf.sample
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/files/ircd.conf.sample	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/files/ircd.conf.sample	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-#   $Id: example.conf.short,v 1.6 2004/05/20 23:02:34 jpinto Exp $
-#   IRC - Internet Relay Chat, doc/example.conf
-#	CopyRight (C) 2001, Joćo Pinto
-#	Short ircd.conf
-#	check  example.conf for original copyright
-#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
-#   any later version.
-#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#   GNU General Public License for more details.
-#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-#   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# IRC short example configuration file
-# This file describes the information that should be present in your IRC
-# configuration and how to present it.
-# This is a short version please check example.conf for the full example.
-# M: set your server's name. Fields are, in order, host name (domain style),
-#  optional bind address, a text name, and unused.
-# NOTE:  The "optional bind address" is an address used in binding to a
-# local address when we connect outbound.  For example, if your server machine
-# is ( and you want IRCD to connect to others
-# from (, you'd put in the
-# "optional bind address" field.  If left blank, UNIX will choose the primary
-# address of the interface closest to the destination.
-# NOTE:  As of PTlink6, the port field no longer binds a port by default.
-# It is an inoperative and obsolete field.
-# M:ServerName:bindaddress:Server Description IRCd -
-# A: administrative information. This line should have three fields, which
-#    may contain any arbitrary text. It is printed by the /ADMIN command.
-A:IRC Server Admin: :Some Admin <>
-# Y: define connection class.  A class must be defined in a Y: line before
-#    it is used in a C, N, or I line.  The fields are, in order, class number,
-#    ping frequency in seconds, connect frequency in seconds, maximum
-#    number of links (used for auto-connecting), and size of sendq.
-#    For servers a sendq of at least 4mb is recommended if not more.
-# N.B. Y lines must be defined before I lines and O lines, since
-# both I lines and O lines make reference to Y lines or classes.
-# For clients, the connect frequency field is used to set the maximum
-# number of connects from same IP address. i.e. setting this field to '1'
-# will limit every I line using this Y, to one connection per IP address.
-# leaving it blank or 0, will disable any such checking.
-# in this case, connect-frequency is 0 indicating that this is a client
-# class (servers never connect to clients, it is the other way around).   
-# -----------------------------------
-# Class 1  - Client connections
-# Class 40 - Hub to leaf, autoconnect
-# Class 41 - Hub to leaf, autoconnect
-# Class 50 - Hub to hub, autoconnect
-# Class 51 - Hub to hub, no autoconnect
-# NOTE:  Y: lines must be defined before any line that has a class
-#        field (I, O, C, and N lines), and therefore must be present
-#        in either the base ircd.conf or in the first .include'd 
-#        conf file.
-# .include lines, insert a file from DPATH directory into the conf
-# you could use this to insert a common file between several
-# ircd's if you wished. include files are handled after all the
-# other lines in the conf file are done. i.e. a .include is always
-# as if it was at the end of the conf file.
-#.include "olines.conf"
-# I: authorize clients to connect to your server. You can use domains,
-#    IP addresses, and asterisk wildcards. The second field can contain a
-#    password that the client must use in order to be allowed to connect.
-#    The optional fifth field may contain a connection class number.
-# You can also limit the number of connections from one host
-# to any value. This can be used to stop cloners
-# This is done using the normally unused confreq line in the Y line.
-# i.e.
-# Allow 100 users in a "bad boy" class, but allow only ONE
-# user per IP to connect at a time.
-# Remember to put your "bad boy" I line last in the file, so it
-# seen first and matches first before your standard I lines
-# With PTlink ircd, max connections is taken from the class
-# not per I line. i.e. the 3 I lines following will always add
-# up to 100 or less, not 100 per I line.
-# a name pattern in the first field will never cause a match since it's only
-# ever matched against an IP# in the form a.b.c.d and a number in the third
-# field will never match since a hostname is always compared against this
-# field.  The '@' needs to be in the IP# section for ident to be used.
-# additional prefix characters in I lines are defined
-# 1) There are noticeable differences in I: lines now.
-#   There are 4 special characters that you can stick in front
-#   of a hostname or ip# that do special things.
-#   These characters are:
-#   -  This will never put a ~ for a user not running identd
-#   +  This will force people matching this I: to require identd
-#   !  This means to only allow 1 connection per ip# in this I:
-# ^ This will exempt a user from K/G lines, limited protection from D lines
-# > This user is exempt from I line/server side connection limits
-#   (old F line)
-# _ This user is exempt from G lines
-# < This user is exempt from idle restrictions if IDLE_CHECK is defined
-#  Examples:
-# a) I:x::!*@*ppp*::class  will only allow X connections per ip# for people
-#     who have *ppp* in their hostname where X is given in the Y: line.
-#    If there is no ! and you have a limit in your Y: line, then it matches
-#      full user@host instead of just host.
-# b) I:x::-*@* will never show a ~, even though they may
-#     not be running identd.  (This is equivilent to the old way of not
-#    specifying a @ in the I: line).
-# O: authorize operators. Fields are, in order, host name the operator must
-#    be logged in from (wildcards allowed), operator's password, operator's
-#    nickname, oper flags, connection class, umodes to be set on /oper, 
-#    imodes to be set on /oper
-# The flags are:
-# K/k - allow/disallow kill and kline
-# O/o - allow/disallow global kill
-# R/r - allow/disallow remote squit/connect
-# U/u - allow/disallow unkline
-# G/g - allow/disallow gline
-# H/h - allow the use of /rehash, default is H for O and o, add h to
-#       disable an opers use of /rehash
-# D/d - allow the use of /die or /restart. Default is d for disallowing
-#       /die /restart
-# Default flags for opers are GKORUH
-# Default flags for local ops, KUH
-# These flags over-rule what the normal privs of an oper would be,
-# but they cannot allow a local oper to do global kills for example.   
-# Most operators have encrypted oper passwords.  These passwords can be
-# generated using the tools/mkpasswd program included with ircd.
-# Both DES and MD5 passwords are supported as long as the underlying 
-# system supports both types.
-# MD5 passwords can be generated by the -m option to mkpasswd.
-# NOTE: The easiest way to generate O:Lines is using the mkoline utility
-# cd tools ; ./mkoline
-# This example will allow mynick to become global oper from *
-# using password "mypassword", using default oper flags,
-# setting user mode +N (Net Admin), and setting information modes: cdevf
-# This example allow this oper, to global kill, do remote squit/connect
-# unklines, glines
-O:db@* password-:Dianora:ORUG:3
-# This example disables this opers use of global kill, unkline, and gline
-# The oper can still do remote squits/connects
-O:newbie@* password-:newbie:oug:3
-# C:, N: set up connections to other servers.
-# C: specifies a server that your server may connect to.
-# N: allows a remote server to connect to your own.
-# The two lines are usually given in pairs.
-# These lines may contain a password in the second field.  In fact, to
-# maintain proper security, *all* IRC server links must have passwords.
-# If a C: line contains four fields (the fourth being a TCP port number)
-# IRC will actively try to connect to that server. You should have at least
-# one such line.
-# If an N: line contains four fields, the fourth should contain a number that
-# specifies how many components of your own server's name to strip off the
-# front and be replaced with a *.  This is done to implement hostmasking.
-# For example, to make present itself to the world as
-# *, I would use a 2 (to strip off the first two parts).  If you
-# use this, be sure to tell the administrator of the servers you link to --
-# they must add your hostmasked name to their configuration file or you will
-# be unable to connect.
-# C/N rules:
-# The host part of C/N lines MUST contain a valid hostname or IP address
-# The host part in the C:line MUST be identical to the host part in the N:line
-# The name part of the C/N lines MUST match the associated H/L line name,
-#     and must match the other server name according to is M:line 
-# The fifth field may contain a connection class number.
-# The sixth field on a C:line can be used to specify an IP to be
-# binded for the connection attempt.
-# Syntax:
-# The following two lines tell my server to try connecting to
-# The following two lines allow a server to connect to my server, but my
-# server will not make any attempt to connect to it.  Note that since the
-# server is local to me, I am not using hostmasking.
-# C and N lines may also use the "user@" combination in the same way as
-# the I-lines.
-# K: kill a user automatically upon connecting.  This is used to deny
-#    troublesome users access to your server.  The fields are, in order,
-#    hostname (wildcards are allowed), time of day, and username.
-# The second example restricts access from from
-# 9:00am to noon, and 2:00pm to 5:00pm.  This form is only supported if
-# TIMED_KLINES is defined.
-# R: restrict user access.  This is an extended form of the K: line.
-#    It looks for a match then runs an outside program that will determine
-#    whether the person should be allowed on.  The fields are hostname,
-#    program, and username.  A full pathname to the program should be used.
-#    The output of the program should be a string of the form "Y <message>"
-#    to allow the user, or "N <message>" to block them.  In the first case
-#    the message is ignored; in the latter, it is sent as an error message
-#    to the user.  R: lines are only functional if activated in config.h.
-# L: leaf.  This forces the server listed to act as a leaf.  If such a
-#    server allows any other servers to connect to it, its link is
-#    dropped. If a port parameter is non-zero, it is used to control the
-#    maximum depth that link will allow, where depth is the tree depth of
-#    that branch.
-#    A new extension to the L-line allows you to be selective
-#    about which other servers you wish the connecting server to behave as
-#    as a leaf towards.  The following would not allow any server connecting
-#    with a name that matches *.fi to introduce a server matching *.edu.
-# H: Hub.  This is required to allow other servers which connect to you as
-#    a hub and introduce other servers.
-# The fields are as follows:
-# H:servers which are permitted entry::hub server #
-#  The following example allows any * server to connect from
-# P : port. The port line allows the server to listen on various ports for
-#     connections.  
-# The fields are as follows:
-# P:default_codepage:bind_ip:options:port_number
-# NOTES:  As of PTlink6, you MUST have at least one P: line defining a port
-# to listen on, or the server won't do much.
-# The default codepage will be the default codepage set for users connection
-# that port, it must be a codepage name loaded with dconf setting CodePages
-# The listener options you can use are:
-#       S : Server Only (idea from UnrealIRCd)
-#       s : SSL connections
-#       W : WebChatPort
-#           If defined, user's IP/hostname will be retrived from USER
-#           for all connections coming from localhost on WebChatPort
-#       J - JavaChat (for CR Java Client)
-#	n - No Spoof (don't apply host spoof to users)
-# If you compiled PTlink6 with IPv6 support and want to
-# assing a special IPv6 address with port, put the IPv6 address
-# inside a pair of [] like this example:
-# The above example will make PTlink6 listen on port 6667 on your localhost IPv6
-# address, but you can put any other address that your machine have.
-# To listen in all IPv6 and IPv4 addresses, use a * without the [ ]
-# Listen on port 6667 on all available interfaces. 
-#Listen on port 6666 for SSL connections
-# This will try to bind listen port to IP, port 313337
-# with default codepage set to iso8859-1
-# Listen on port 6667 on all available interfaces for servers.
-# D : dump.  Dumps all connect attempts from the matched IP
-# without any procesing.
-#     First arg is target IP and CIDR mask, second is a comment.
-D: host that changes domain names frequently
-D:128.183.0/24:NASA users aren't supposed to be on IRC
-# d : immunity to D dump
-# As in D line , First arg is targe IP and CIDR mask, second is a comment.
-d:'t D line
-# server "clusters"
-# U: lines treat each of these servers as being part of your server cluster
-# klines placed on this server will be forwarded to the servers named
-# in the U lines here. LOCOPS will also be forwarded, but will appear
-# as "SLOCOPS" instead of "LOCOPS"
-# i.e. has leaf servers 
-# Hub server would have
-# each client server would have
-# Q lines, not the old server Q lines, but Quarantine lines for
-# nicks. Only checked at NICK time, i.e. if added and hashed in
-# will not kill users who match this nick.
-Q:dcc-*:dcc bots not allowed on this server
-Q:lamestbot:You have to be kidding me
-Q:crush:In memory of Janet Pippin
-Q:cwush:In memory of Janet Pippin
-Q:callas:Only allowed from this
-# X lines.
-# Used to match gecos fields and prohibit users or warn about users
-# who have matching strings in those fields from getting on the server.
-# Field are the match string, reason, unused, and the action value
-# Action values for X lines are 0, 1, and 2.
-# 0 warns opers set +r only
-# 1 rejects the user, and sends a notice to +r opers
-# 2 silently rejects the user.
-# These three examples only warn
-X:*www*:Possible spambot warning 1::0
-X:*http*:Possible spambot warning 2::0
-X:*sex*:Possible spambot warning 3::0
-# These two examples reject the client
-# use this to reject IPHONE users
-X:* vc:IPHONE user::1
-# This is a very probable spambot
-X:*see me at*:This has GOT to be a spambot::1
-X:*hi baby*:This has GOT to be a spambot::1
-# It is possible to show a different Message of the Day to a connecting
-# client depending on its origin.
-# T:<hostmask>:<path to motd file>
-# Sample lines for Services
-# Note: services don't listen on any port
-# Sample lines for PTOPM
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/files/ircd.motd.sample ptlink-ircd/files/ircd.motd.sample
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/files/ircd.motd.sample	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/files/ircd.motd.sample	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-    _____
-   /     \_________  __    __ __   __ __  ___
-  /   o  /        /_|_ |  (__)  \ |  |  |/  /
- /   ___/___   __/___/ |__|_ |   \|  |     /_
- \___/    /     \   |______/_|__|\___|__|\___\(NT)
-          \_____/ ###    N E T W O R K S
-                 ###
-        _____ _ ###     _________
-       |     | #######\/        / ___
-       |     |####  ####  _____/ |   |
-       |     ###  O  /###/    ___|   |
-       |     ###     \###\___/_      |
-       |     |####\ ####       \ \   |
-       |_____|__######_\________\____|
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/files/kline.conf.sample ptlink-ircd/files/kline.conf.sample
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/files/kline.conf.sample	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/files/kline.conf.sample	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-# Empty kline file
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/files/main.dconf.sample ptlink-ircd/files/main.dconf.sample
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/files/main.dconf.sample	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/files/main.dconf.sample	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# *****************************************************************
-# * PTlink IRCd is (C) CopyRight PTlink Coders Team 1999-2000     *
-# * -              *
-# * This program is distributed under GNU Public License          *
-# * Please read the file COPYING for copyright information.       *
-# *****************************************************************
-# File: main.dconf
-# Desc: ircd main dconf file
-# Author:
-# Date: Mon 15 Jan 2001 07:18:17 PM WET
-# Legend:
-# [YES] - If option value is undefined, YES is assumed
-# First we include network settings
-.include network.dconf
-# Define if you want to try reverse hostname lookup
-# during client's connection  [YES]
-ReverseLookup	Yes
-# Define if you want to use ident lookup
-CheckIdentd No
-# Define if you want to hide information notices sent to users
-# during connection.
-HideConnectInfo No
-# Define /helpsys paths
-UserHelpFile	"help.user"
-OperHelpFile	"help.oper"
-AdminHelpFile	"help.admin"
-# When AllowChanCTCP is NO, only ops or voices can send
-# CTCP's to the entire channel
-AllowChanCTCP	NO
-# Defines the allowed interval between repeated messsages
-# sent to a noflood (+d) channel
-ChanFloodTime	10
-# If defined clock time zone will be set to the specified string
-# on ircd startup
-# NOTE: This is normally required for ircds running on foreign machines
-# related to the network time zone.
-#TimeZone	"GMT+0"
-# If defined connecting clients will be checked for clones
-# if more than CheckClonesLimit connect from the same host 
-# during CheckClonesPeriod that host will be throttled for CheckClonesDelay
-CheckClones		YES
-  # after this number of connections from same host
-  CheckClonesLimit		3
-  # during this period
-  CheckClonesPeriod		15s
-  # throttle this host for this time
-  CheckClonesDelay		1m
-#  CheckTargetLimit:
-#	Will block users who are using too many different targets
-#	on privmsg/notice during a short period of time.
-#	A good option to block spammers
-CheckTargetLimit	YES
-#  CheckSpamOnTarget
-#   If defined when triggering CheckTargetLimit the message will be checked for spamwords,
-#   if a spamword or a channel name is found on the message, the user will get zombie and
-#   zombie.
-# CheckSpamOnTarget YES
-# Defines the maxinum number of channels a user can join
-MaxChansPerUser	5
-# Defines the maximum number of channels a registered user can join
-# If defined will override MaxChansPerUser for registered nicks
-MaxChansPerRegUser 20
-# Define if you want to use IRCNTP
-# this will make all time stamps to be adjusted with an 
-# offset calculated relative to the hub or services time
-# during their connection
-# Path for codepage files needed by unicode translation
-CodePagePath "codepage"
-# List of codepage files that should be loaded from CodePagePath
-# a .cp extension will be appended to the filename
-CodePages "iso8859-1,iso8859-5,iso8859-9,cp1251,cp1253,cp850,cp860,cp866"
-# Define if you want users to join a given channel after connect
-#   Do not prefix channel names with the # symbol 
-#   You can specify multiple channels splitting them with ","
-# AutoJoinChan "PTlink"
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/files/network.dconf.sample ptlink-ircd/files/network.dconf.sample
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/files/network.dconf.sample	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/files/network.dconf.sample	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-# *****************************************************************
-# * PTlink IRCd is (C) CopyRight PTlink Coders Team 1999-2000     *
-# * -              *
-# * This program is distributed under GNU Public License          *
-# * Please read the file COPYING for copyright information.       *
-# *****************************************************************
-# $Id: network.dconf.sample,v 1.19 2004/12/26 09:54:55 stinger Exp $
-# Legend:
-# [YES] - If option value is undefined, YES is assumed
-# File: network.dconf
-# Desc: network configuration file
-# Author:
-# Date: Thu 14 Feb 2002 08:45:09 PM WET
-# Network name
-NetworkName	"PTlink"
-# NetworkAUP
-NetworkAUP	"Our network AUP can be found at"
-# host to be advised on server full/no authorization
-RandomHost	""
-# Network Description 
-NetworkDesc	"PTlink IRC Network"
-# Help Channel
-HelpChan	"#PTlink"
-# Services server name
-# Enable this to hide ServicesServer on /LINKS
-HideServicesServer      YES
-# will force the use of /service instead of /msg service
-# where services is a services client name (e.g.: nickserv)
-# note that the /service alias is always available	[YES]
-ForceServicesAlias	YES
-# Services flood protection system settings
-  # to limit services usage
-  ServicesInterval	1m
-  # maximum services usage count during ServicesInterval
-  ServicesUseCount	10
-# If defined channel admins will be prefixed with '.'
-# on the channel user list              [YES]
-AdminWithDot	YES
-# Spam words (blocked on no spam (+S) channel mode)
-# comma delimited, max: 31 words
-SpamWords	"http,www.,/server"
-# If defined user quit messages will be overridden with NoQuitMsg
-#NoQuitMsg "No quit messages on this server"
-# Anti Spam Exit
-# If AntiSpamExitMsg is defined, the clients exit message 
-# to be sent to a channel if the client has been on for less than 
-# AntiSpamExitTime will be replaced with AntiSpamExitMsg
-# (idea due to ThaDragon)
-  AntiSpamExitMsg	"Not enough time connected"
-  AntiSpamExitTime 	2m
-# If defined quit messages will be checked for SpamWords,
-# if any word is found, the message will be replaced 
-# with NoSpamExitMSg
-#NoSpamExitMsg	"No spam on this server"
-# If defined colored quit messages will be replaced with NoColorsQuitMsg
-#NoColorsQuitMsg "Good clients don't use colored quits"
-# If defined all user quit messages will be prefixed with QuitPrefix
-QuitPrefix	"Quit: "
-# If defined all quits of a zombied user will be replaced with ZombieQuitMsg
-#ZombieQuitMsg "Hmmzzz, it's spooky out there"
-# If defined netsplit message will be override with OverrideNetsplitMessage
-OverrideNetsplitMessage "User lost on netsplit"
-# If defined will hide the user's server from the whois reply
-HideServerOnWhois	YES
-# will replace some part of the user's host in order to protect him
-# from DoS.		[YES]
-HostSpoofing 	YES
-  # Available masking methods
-  # 0 - Prefixed checksum mask
-  # 1 - crypt() mutation mask
-  SpoofMethod	0
-  # Prefix to be used for host spoofing, the meaning depends 
-  # on the spoof method:
-  # 0 - String to be merged on soofed host
-  # 1 - Salt for crypt()
-HostPrefix		"PTlink"
-# Used for spoof method 0
-# Use a random set of numbers to crypt the hosts
-# NOTE: If you have a network, make sure all network servers use the SAME CryptKey
-CryptKey 77335465
-# Spoofed mask settings
-# You can use "+" on the beginning of the mask to provide a @nick.mask format
-  # TechAdmin mask
-  TechAdminMask ""
-  # NetAdmin mask
-  NetAdminMask 	""
-  # Services Admin mask
-  SAdminMask	""
-  # Server Admin mask
-  AdminMask		""
-  # Global Operator mask
-  OperMask		""
-  # Local Operator mask
-  LocopMask		""
-  # Helper mask
-  HelperMask	""
-# IRC Operator Options
-	# If YES a nick needs to have +r before getting /oper [ YES ]
-	OnlyRegisteredOper	YES
-	# If YES Opers are able to join +i/+k/+l channels (also if banned)
-	OperCanAlwaysJoin	NO
-	# If YES Opers can always send messages to any channel
-	OperCanAlwaysSend 	YES
-	# if YES Opers are able to change their host with /NEWMASK
-	OperCanUseNewMask	YES
-	# if YES Opers cannot be kicked by normal users
-	OperKickProtection	NO
-	# if defined allows a IRC Opers to join any channel
-	# if using OperByPass string has the key
-	OperByPass	"operbypass"
-	# If defined allows self /kills
-	EnableSelfKill		NO
-	# If defined will remove oper flag when the user is idle
-	# for more than MaxOperIdleTime
-	MaxOperIdleTime		1h
-# Disable the /links command to users?
-DisableLinksForUsers   NO
-# Can't send messages #
-NoCTCP_Msg	"cannot send CTCP's to channel"
-Moderated_Msg	"channel is moderated, you do not have a voice"
-NoExternal_Msg	"channel does not allow external messages"
-Banned_Msg	"you are banned from this channel"
-NoSpam_Msg	"no url/server messages allowed on this channel"
-NoFlood_Msg	"cannot send repeated messages to this channel"
-NoDCCSend_Msg	"You cannot send files (possible virus infection)"
-# You MUST put the "%i", they will be replace with the number of
-# lines and number of seconds
-FloodLimit_Msg  "Flood! (%i lines in %i seconds)"
-# QModeMsg - +q channel modes quit message
-# If define this message will be used has the quit reason
-# for quitting users on +q channels.
-QModeMsg       "Quit"
-# If defined will disable nick changes after connect
-# (can be useful for web interfaces)
-LockNickChange NO
-# If defined, only IRC opers will be able to join new channels
-# and +r channels will be kept even when after empty.
-# NOTE: This option should be used with no expire channels
-# or else empty non used channels can be kept "forever".
-RestrictedChans	No
-# RestrictedChans - the message that will be sent to users joining
-# 	a non existing channel with RestrictedChans On
-RestrictedChansMsg	"Cannot create new channels on this network, please type /list and join a existing one"
-# If defined all other users will see this message as
-# the glined user quit instead of gline reason
-GLineOthersReason "Connection closed"
-# If defined all other users will see this message as
-# the glined user quit instead of gline reason
-KLineOthersReason "Connection closed"
-# If define this time will be used when no valid time
-# is specified on /GLINE 
-DefaultGLineTime    10d
-# If define this will be the reason used for glines
-# when no reason is supplied on /GLINE
-DefaultGLineReason  "Please read"
-# Do you want to GLine all users that are killed by Excess Flood?
-# If set 0d it will be disabled
-# GLineOnExcessFlood 1d
-# If YES all users will be able to use /IRCOPS to list online opers
-IRCopsForAll		Yes
-# if YES the numerical IP will be used instead of the real hostname 
-# on user info for IRC Opers/Services
-IPIdentifyMode		Yes
-# if YES modes will only be allowed on registered channels 
-# when services are present
-SecureModes	Yes
-# if YES, anyone will be able to use the SETNAME feature
-# otherwise, only opers can change their real names
-AllowSetNameToEveryone 	No
-# if Yes everyone will see his own realhost on his/her whois, also
-# IRC Operators will see usermodes and realhost of the user they do a /whois on
-WhoisExtension	No
-# When defined will automatically set users as away when
-# they become idle more than AutoAwayIdleTime .
-AutoAwayIdleTime 1h
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/files/opers.motd.sample ptlink-ircd/files/opers.motd.sample
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/files/opers.motd.sample	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/files/opers.motd.sample	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Welcome to PTlink IRCd
-Please type /HelpSys for a list of available commands/topics
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/files/patch-tools::install_ircd ptlink-ircd/files/patch-tools::install_ircd
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/files/patch-tools::install_ircd	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/files/patch-tools::install_ircd	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
---- tools/install_ircd.orig	Sun May 15 13:25:29 2005
-+++ tools/install_ircd	Sun May 15 13:24:43 2005
-@@ -120,12 +120,12 @@
- # try to install the example files if needed
- check_install ${BINPATH}/mkpasswd${EXESUFFIX} tools/mkpasswd${EXESUFFIX}
--check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/ircd.conf samples/example.conf.short
--check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/ircd.motd samples/ptlink.motd
--check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/opers.motd samples/opers.motd
--check_install_data ${ETCPATH} samples/kline.conf
--check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/main.dconf samples/main.dconf.sample
--check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/network.dconf samples/network.dconf.sample
-+#check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/ircd.conf samples/example.conf.short
-+#check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/ircd.motd samples/ptlink.motd
-+#check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/opers.motd samples/opers.motd
-+#check_install_data ${ETCPATH} samples/kline.conf
-+#check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/main.dconf samples/main.dconf.sample
-+#check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/network.dconf samples/network.dconf.sample
- if  [ "${EXESUFFIX}" != "" ]; then
-   check_install_data ${ETCPATH}/resolv.conf samples/resolv.conf.sample
- fi
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/files/ ptlink-ircd/files/
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/files/	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ ptlink-ircd/files/	Sun Sep 11 14:29:55 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# PROVIDE: ircd 
+# Add the following line(s) to /etc/rc.conf:
+# ircd_enable (bool): Set to "NO" by default, set it to "YES" to enable ircd
+# ircd_user (str): Default to "%%USER%%"
+. /etc/rc.subr
+load_rc_config "$name"
+run_rc_command "$1"
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/pkg-install ptlink-ircd/pkg-install
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/pkg-install	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ ptlink-ircd/pkg-install	Sun Sep 11 14:29:55 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+if pw groupshow "%%GROUP%%" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+   echo '===> Using existing group "%%GROUP%%"'
+   echo '===> Adding group "%%GROUP%%"'
+   pw groupadd %%GROUP%% || exit 1
+if pw usershow "%%USER%%" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+   echo '===> Using existing user "%%USER%%"'
+   echo '===> Adding user "%%USER%%"'
+   pw adduser %%USER%% -g %%GROUP%% -h - -d "/nonexistent" \
+      -s "/nonexistent" -c "IRC daemon" || exit 1 
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/pkg-message ptlink-ircd/pkg-message
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/pkg-message	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/pkg-message	Sun Sep 11 14:29:55 2005
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 PTlink IRC daemon is now installed.
-Please copy the sample files %%SYSCONFDIR%%/*.conf.sample,*.dconf.sample
-to %%SYSCONFDIR%%/*.conf,*.dconf.
+Edit the configuration files in %%SYSCONFDIR%% to suit
+your needs.
-Edit the configuration files %%SYSCONFDIR%%/*.conf,*.dconf to suit your
+Add ircd_enable="YES" to rc.conf and start ircd by running:
+%%RCDIR%%/ start
diff -Nru ptlink-ircd.orig/pkg-plist ptlink-ircd/pkg-plist
--- ptlink-ircd.orig/pkg-plist	Sun Sep 11 14:29:25 2005
+++ ptlink-ircd/pkg-plist	Sun Sep 11 14:29:55 2005
@@ -1,27 +1,22 @@
-@dirrm etc/ptlink/codepage
-@unexec rmdir %D/etc/ptlink 2> /dev/null || true
+@dirrm etc/ptlink-ircd/codepage
+@unexec rmdir %D/etc/ptlink-ircd 2> /dev/null || true
--- ptlink-ircd.diff ends here ---


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