From owner-freebsd-gnome@FreeBSD.ORG  Sun Sep 21 03:07:39 2003
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Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 11:07:35 +0100 (BST)
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From: Stacey Roberts <>
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Subject: portupgrade -rf -m BATCH=yes atk repeatably fails 
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>Submitter-Id:	current-users
>Originator:	Stacey Roberts
>Confidential:	no 
>Synopsis:	portupgrade -rf -m BATCH=yes atk repeatably fails 
>Severity:	critical
>Priority:	high
>Category:	ports
>Class:		sw-bug
>Release:	FreeBSD 4.8-RC i386
System: FreeBSD 4.8-RC FreeBSD 4.8-RC #0: Sat Mar 22 12:10:35 GMT 2003 i386

For the second time, my attempts at following the instructions laid out by the FreeBSD-Gnome maintainer in order to portupgrade Gnome-2.2.x to Gnome-2.4 fails. Always the same command, and always after several hours ofa what appears to be repeated reinstallation of Gnome-related components.

The command I am up to at the moment is:

portupgrade -rf -m BATCH=yes atk

Here is the tail of the latest failure:

See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for
more information, such as the ld(1) and manual pages.
/bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner
mkdir /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./ /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner/
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./cdspin1.png /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner/cdspin1.png
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./cdspin2.png /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner/cdspin2.png
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./cdspin3.png /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner/cdspin3.png
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./cdspin4.png /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner/cdspin4.png
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./cdspin5.png /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner/cdspin5.png
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./cdspin6.png /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner/cdspin6.png
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./cdspin7.png /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner/cdspin7.png
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./cdspin8.png /usr/X11R6/share/gnome/nautilus-cd-burner/cdspin8.png
/bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/X11R6/etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./mapping-modules.conf /usr/X11R6/etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/mapping-modules.conf
/bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/X11R6/libdata/bonobo/servers
 install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444 ./Nautilus_CD_Burner_Context_Menu.server /usr/X11R6/libdata/bonobo/servers/Nautilus_CD_Burner_Context_Menu.server
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner/work/nautilus-cd-burner-0.5.3'
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner/work/nautilus-cd-burner-0.5.3'
In order to use nautilus-cd-burner, you must make sure your CD devices
have the correct permissions.  You must also make sure you have:
device          atapicam
Configured in your kernel if you are using an ATAPI CD/DVD writer.
To figure out which CD/DVD drive you will be using, run the following
command as root:
camcontrol devlist
Your output will look similar to the following:
<CREATIVE CD5233E-N 0.20>          at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (cd0,pass0)
The devices in parantheses at the end are important.  You must make sure
the /dev entries for those devices are writable by the users that will
be using nautilus-cd-burner.  In addition to those devices, /dev/xpt*
must also be writable to your nautilus-cd-burner users.
===>   Registering installation for nautilus-cd-burner-0.5.3
      This port has installed the following files which may act as network
      servers and may therefore pose a remote security risk to the system.
      If there are vulnerabilities in these programs there may be a security
      risk to the system. FreeBSD makes no guarantee about the security of
      ports included in the Ports Collection. Please type 'make deinstall'
      to deinstall the port if this is a concern.
===>  Cleaning for unzip-5.50_2
===>  Cleaning for esound-0.2.32
===>  Cleaning for libaudiofile-0.2.3
===>  Cleaning for libiconv-1.9.1_1
===>  Cleaning for ORBit2-2.8.1
===>  Cleaning for atk-1.4.0
===>  Cleaning for autoconf-2.53_1
===>  Cleaning for automake-1.5,1
===>  Cleaning for bison-1.75_1
===>  Cleaning for fam-2.6.9_3
===>  Cleaning for gconf2-
===>  Cleaning for gettext-0.12.1
===>  Cleaning for glib-2.2.3
===>  Cleaning for gmake-3.80_1
===>  Cleaning for gnomevfs2-2.4.0
===>  Cleaning for imake-4.3.0_1
===>  Cleaning for libIDL-0.8.2
===>  Cleaning for libbonobo-2.4.0
===>  Cleaning for libglade2-2.0.1_1
===>  Cleaning for libgnugetopt-1.2
===>  Cleaning for libgsf-1.8.1
===>  Cleaning for libtool-1.3.5_1
===>  Cleaning for m4-1.4_1
===>  Cleaning for pkgconfig-0.15.0
===>  Cleaning for popt-1.6.4_1
===>  Cleaning for jpeg-6b_1
===>  Cleaning for libart_lgpl2-2.3.16
===>  Cleaning for libgnomecanvas-2.4.0
===>  Cleaning for librsvg2-2.4.0
===>  Cleaning for png-1.2.5_2
===>  Cleaning for tiff-3.5.7_1
===>  Cleaning for python-2.3_1
===>  Cleaning for gnome-icon-theme-1.0.9
===>  Cleaning for gnomehier-1.0_8
===>  Cleaning for gnomemimedata-2.4.0
===>  Cleaning for help2man-1.29
===>  Cleaning for linc-1.0.3
===>  Cleaning for freetype2-2.1.4_1
===>  Cleaning for cdrtools-2.0.3
===>  Cleaning for mkisofs-2.0.3
===>  Cleaning for docbook-sk-4.1.2
===>  Cleaning for docbook-xml-4.2_1
===>  Cleaning for docbook-xsl-1.61.3_1
===>  Cleaning for expat-1.95.6_1
===>  Cleaning for intltool-0.27.2
===>  Cleaning for libxml2-2.5.11
===>  Cleaning for libxslt-1.0.33
===>  Cleaning for py23-expat-2.3_2
===>  Cleaning for scrollkeeper-0.3.12_2,1
===>  Cleaning for sdocbook-xml-
===>  Cleaning for xmlcatmgr-0.2_1
===>  Cleaning for nautilus2-2.4.0
===>  Cleaning for XFree86-fontEncodings-4.3.0
===>  Cleaning for XFree86-fontScalable-4.3.0
===>  Cleaning for Xft-2.1.2
===>  Cleaning for fontconfig-2.2.90_3
===>  Cleaning for eel2-2.4.0
===>  Cleaning for gail-1.4.0
===>  Cleaning for gtk-engines2-2.2.0
===>  Cleaning for gtk-2.2.4
===>  Cleaning for libbonoboui-2.4.0
===>  Cleaning for libgnomeui-
===>  Cleaning for pango-1.2.5
===>  Cleaning for XFree86-clients-4.3.0_3
===>  Cleaning for XFree86-libraries-4.3.0_6
===>  Cleaning for gnomedesktop-2.4.0
===>  Cleaning for libgnome-2.4.0
===>  Cleaning for startup-notification-0.5_1
===>  Cleaning for nautilus-cd-burner-0.5.3
--->  Cleaning out obsolete shared libraries
[Updating the pkgdb <format:bdb1_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 308 packages found (-0 +1) . done]
** The following packages were not installed or upgraded (*:skipped / !:failed)
        ! x11/gnome2 (gnome2-2.2.2_2)   (install error)

Cvsup ports tree
Run portupgrade ORBit2 libbonobo
Run portupgrade -rf -m BATCH=yes atk

After many hours, failure is now almost assured - see above.

Don't know