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Date:      Tue, 8 Feb 2022 18:27:07 GMT
From:      Jan Beich <>
Subject:   git: 38b03554e69a - main - x11-wm/kwinft: drop Plasma 5.23 workaround after 12994bed8f5e
Message-ID:  <>

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The branch main has been updated by jbeich:


commit 38b03554e69af00d97fdb800d126e149cece91af
Author:     Jan Beich <>
AuthorDate: 2022-02-08 17:35:31 +0000
Commit:     Jan Beich <>
CommitDate: 2022-02-08 18:26:55 +0000

    x11-wm/kwinft: drop Plasma 5.23 workaround after 12994bed8f5e
 x11-wm/kwinft/files/patch-plasma-5.23 | 301 ----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 301 deletions(-)

diff --git a/x11-wm/kwinft/files/patch-plasma-5.23 b/x11-wm/kwinft/files/patch-plasma-5.23
deleted file mode 100644
index ab82453a9d36..000000000000
--- a/x11-wm/kwinft/files/patch-plasma-5.23
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-Revert until x11-wm/plasma5-kdecoration is updated to 5.24
-CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:115 (find_package):
-  Could not find a configuration file for package "KDecoration2" that is
-  compatible with requested version "5.23.90".
-  The following configuration files were considered but not accepted:
-    /usr/local/lib/cmake/KDecoration2/KDecoration2Config.cmake, version: 5.23.5
---- CMakeLists.txt.orig	2022-02-03 10:38:21 UTC
-+++ CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ set_package_properties(KF5Kirigami2 PROPERTIES
- )
--find_package(KDecoration2 ${PROJECT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED)
-+find_package(KDecoration2 5.18.0 CONFIG REQUIRED)
- find_package(KScreenLocker CONFIG REQUIRED)
- set_package_properties(KScreenLocker PROPERTIES
---- kcmkwin/kwindecoration/decorationmodel.cpp.orig	2022-02-03 10:38:21 UTC
-+++ kcmkwin/kwindecoration/decorationmodel.cpp
-@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
-  */
- #include "decorationmodel.h"
- // KDecoration2
--#include <KDecoration2/Decoration>
- #include <KDecoration2/DecorationSettings>
--#include <KDecoration2/DecorationThemeProvider>
-+#include <KDecoration2/Decoration>
- // KDE
-+#include <KPluginLoader>
- #include <KPluginFactory>
- #include <KPluginMetaData>
- // Qt
-@@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ QVariant DecorationsModel::data(const QModelIndex &ind
-     if (!index.isValid() || index.column() != 0 || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= int(m_plugins.size())) {
-         return QVariant();
-     }
--    const KDecoration2::DecorationThemeMetaData &d =;
-+    const Data &d =;
-     switch (role) {
-     case Qt::DisplayRole:
--        return d.visibleName();
-+        return d.visibleName;
-     case PluginNameRole:
--        return d.pluginId();
-+        return d.pluginName;
-     case ThemeNameRole:
--        return d.themeName();
-+        return d.themeName;
-     case ConfigurationRole:
--        return d.hasConfiguration();
-+        return d.configuration;
-     case RecommendedBorderSizeRole:
--        return Utils::borderSizeToString(d.borderSize());
-+        return Utils::borderSizeToString(d.recommendedBorderSize);
-     }
-     return QVariant();
- }
-@@ -132,13 +132,17 @@ void DecorationsModel::init()
- {
-     beginResetModel();
-     m_plugins.clear();
--    const auto plugins = KPluginMetaData::findPlugins(s_pluginName);
-+    const auto plugins = KPluginLoader::findPlugins(s_pluginName);
-     for (const auto &info : plugins) {
--        QScopedPointer<KDecoration2::DecorationThemeProvider> themeFinder(
--            KPluginFactory::instantiatePlugin<KDecoration2::DecorationThemeProvider>(info).plugin);
--        KDecoration2::DecorationThemeMetaData data;
--        const auto decoSettingsMap = info.rawData().value("org.kde.kdecoration2").toObject().toVariantMap();
--        if (themeFinder) {
-+        KPluginLoader loader(info.fileName());
-+        KPluginFactory *factory = loader.factory();
-+        if (!factory) {
-+            continue;
-+        }
-+        auto metadata = loader.metaData().value(QStringLiteral("MetaData")).toObject().value(s_pluginName);
-+        Data data;
-+        if (!metadata.isUndefined()) {
-+            const auto decoSettingsMap = metadata.toObject().toVariantMap();
-             const QString &kns = findKNewStuff(decoSettingsMap);
-             if (!kns.isEmpty() && !m_knsProviders.contains(kns)) {
-                 m_knsProviders.append(kns);
-@@ -149,20 +153,35 @@ void DecorationsModel::init()
-                     // We cannot list the themes
-                     continue;
-                 }
--                const auto themesList = themeFinder->themes();
--                for (const KDecoration2::DecorationThemeMetaData &data : themesList) {
--                    m_plugins.emplace_back(data);
-+                QScopedPointer<QObject> themeFinder(factory->create<QObject>(keyword));
-+                if (themeFinder.isNull()) {
-+                    continue;
-                 }
-+                QVariant themes = themeFinder->property("themes");
-+                if (!themes.isValid()) {
-+                    continue;
-+                }
-+                const auto themesMap = themes.toMap();
-+                for (auto it = themesMap.begin(); it != themesMap.end(); ++it) {
-+                    Data d;
-+                    d.pluginName = info.pluginId();
-+                    d.themeName = it.value().toString();
-+                    d.visibleName = it.key();
-+                    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(, "hasConfiguration",
-+                                              Q_RETURN_ARG(bool, d.configuration),
-+                                              Q_ARG(QString, d.themeName));
-+                    m_plugins.emplace_back(std::move(d));
-+                }
-                 // it's a theme engine, we don't want to show this entry
-                 continue;
-             }
-+            data.configuration = isConfigureable(decoSettingsMap);
-+            data.recommendedBorderSize = recommendedBorderSize(decoSettingsMap);
-         }
--        data.setHasConfiguration(isConfigureable(decoSettingsMap));
--        data.setBorderSize(recommendedBorderSize(decoSettingsMap));
--        data.setVisibleName( ? info.pluginId() :;
--        data.setPluginId(info.pluginId());
--        data.setThemeName(data.visibleName());
-+        data.pluginName = info.pluginId();
-+        data.visibleName = ? info.pluginId() :;
-+        data.themeName = data.visibleName;
-         m_plugins.emplace_back(std::move(data));
-     }
-@@ -171,9 +190,11 @@ void DecorationsModel::init()
- QModelIndex DecorationsModel::findDecoration(const QString &pluginName, const QString &themeName) const
- {
--    auto it = std::find_if(m_plugins.cbegin(), m_plugins.cend(), [pluginName, themeName](const KDecoration2::DecorationThemeMetaData &d) {
--        return d.pluginId() == pluginName && d.themeName() == themeName;
--    });
-+    auto it = std::find_if(m_plugins.cbegin(), m_plugins.cend(),
-+        [pluginName, themeName](const Data &d) {
-+            return d.pluginName == pluginName && d.themeName == themeName;
-+        }
-+    );
-     if (it == m_plugins.cend()) {
-         return QModelIndex();
-     }
---- kcmkwin/kwindecoration/decorationmodel.h.orig	2022-02-03 10:38:21 UTC
-+++ kcmkwin/kwindecoration/decorationmodel.h
-@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
- #include "utils.h"
--#include <KDecoration2/DecorationThemeProvider>
- #include <QAbstractListModel>
- namespace KDecoration2
-@@ -60,7 +59,14 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
-     void init();
- private:
--    std::vector<KDecoration2::DecorationThemeMetaData> m_plugins;
-+    struct Data {
-+        QString pluginName;
-+        QString themeName;
-+        QString visibleName;
-+        bool configuration = false;
-+        KDecoration2::BorderSize recommendedBorderSize = KDecoration2::BorderSize::Normal;
-+    };
-+    std::vector<Data> m_plugins;
-     QStringList m_knsProviders;
- };
---- plugins/kdecorations/aurorae/src/aurorae.cpp.orig	2022-02-03 10:38:21 UTC
-+++ plugins/kdecorations/aurorae/src/aurorae.cpp
-@@ -60,11 +60,10 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.
-                            "aurorae.json",
-                            registerPlugin<Aurorae::Decoration>();
--                           registerPlugin<Aurorae::ThemeProvider>();
--                           registerPlugin<Aurorae::ConfigurationModule>();
-+                           registerPlugin<Aurorae::ThemeFinder>(QStringLiteral("themes"));
-+                           registerPlugin<Aurorae::ConfigurationModule>(QStringLiteral("kcmodule"));
-                           )
- namespace Aurorae
- {
-@@ -610,33 +609,28 @@ KDecoration2::DecoratedClient *Decoration::clientPoint
-     return client().data();
- }
--ThemeProvider::ThemeProvider(QObject *parent, const KPluginMetaData &data, const QVariantList &args)
--    : KDecoration2::DecorationThemeProvider(parent, data, args)
--    , m_data(data)
-+ThemeFinder::ThemeFinder(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args)
-+    : QObject(parent)
- {
-+    Q_UNUSED(args)
-     init();
- }
--void ThemeProvider::init()
-+void ThemeFinder::init()
- {
-     findAllQmlThemes();
-     findAllSvgThemes();
- }
--void ThemeProvider::findAllQmlThemes()
-+void ThemeFinder::findAllQmlThemes()
- {
-     const auto offers = KPackage::PackageLoader::self()->findPackages(QStringLiteral("KWin/Decoration"), s_qmlPackageFolder);
-     for (const auto &offer : offers) {
--        KDecoration2::DecorationThemeMetaData data;
--        data.setPluginId(m_data.pluginId());
--        data.setThemeName(offer.pluginId());
--        data.setVisibleName(;
--        data.setHasConfiguration(hasConfiguration(offer.pluginId()));
--        m_themes.append(data);
-+        m_themes.insert(, offer.pluginId());
-     }
- }
--void ThemeProvider::findAllSvgThemes()
-+void ThemeFinder::findAllSvgThemes()
- {
-     QStringList themes;
-     const QStringList dirs = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("aurorae/themes/"), QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory);
-@@ -664,19 +658,14 @@ void ThemeProvider::findAllSvgThemes()
-             name = packageName;
-         }
--        KDecoration2::DecorationThemeMetaData data;
--        data.setPluginId(m_data.pluginId());
--        data.setThemeName(QLatin1String("__aurorae__svg__") + packageName);
--        data.setVisibleName(name);
--        data.setHasConfiguration(hasConfiguration(data.themeName()));
--        m_themes.append(data);
-+        m_themes.insert(name, QString(QLatin1String("__aurorae__svg__") + packageName));
-     }
- }
- static const QString s_configUiPath = QStringLiteral("kwin/decorations/%1/contents/ui/config.ui");
- static const QString s_configXmlPath = QStringLiteral("kwin/decorations/%1/contents/config/main.xml");
--bool ThemeProvider::hasConfiguration(const QString &theme)
-+bool ThemeFinder::hasConfiguration(const QString &theme) const
- {
-     if (theme.startsWith(QLatin1String("__aurorae__svg__"))) {
-         return true;
---- plugins/kdecorations/aurorae/src/aurorae.h.orig	2022-02-03 10:38:21 UTC
-+++ plugins/kdecorations/aurorae/src/aurorae.h
-@@ -18,12 +18,10 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.
- #ifndef AURORAE_H
- #define AURORAE_H
--#include <KCModule>
- #include <KDecoration2/Decoration>
--#include <KDecoration2/DecorationThemeProvider>
--#include <KPluginMetaData>
- #include <QElapsedTimer>
- #include <QVariant>
-+#include <KCModule>
- class QQmlComponent;
- class QQmlContext;
-@@ -91,24 +89,25 @@ Q_SIGNALS: (private)
-     QElapsedTimer m_doubleClickTimer;
- };
--class ThemeProvider : public KDecoration2::DecorationThemeProvider
-+class ThemeFinder : public QObject
- {
-     Q_OBJECT
-+    Q_PROPERTY(QVariantMap themes READ themes)
- public:
--    explicit ThemeProvider(QObject *parent, const KPluginMetaData &data, const QVariantList &args);
-+    explicit ThemeFinder(QObject *parent = nullptr, const QVariantList &args = QVariantList());
--    QList<KDecoration2::DecorationThemeMetaData> themes() const override
--    {
-+    QVariantMap themes() const {
-         return m_themes;
-     }
-+public Q_SLOTS:
-+    bool hasConfiguration(const QString &theme) const;
- private:
-     void init();
-     void findAllQmlThemes();
-     void findAllSvgThemes();
--    bool hasConfiguration(const QString &theme);
--    QList<KDecoration2::DecorationThemeMetaData> m_themes;
--    const KPluginMetaData m_data;
-+    QVariantMap m_themes;
- };
- class ConfigurationModule : public KCModule

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