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Date:      Tue, 3 Nov 2009 22:00:57 -0500 (EST)
From:      Kenneth Freidank <>
To:        Henry Olyer <>
Cc:, Chris Whitehouse <>
Subject:   Re: am I the only one, wrt gcc44 -- it is failing and I can't build octave or much else
Message-ID:  <>

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   I believe ports and packages to be 2 separate items.  pkg_info has =
   to do with what packages you have installed.  The ports system has to
   = do with creating the packages.

   Different mechanisms are available to manage the source tree that t=
   he ports system uses to create packages.  I believe each of these
   diff= erent mechanisms start with an entire tree in your /usr/ports
   directory, an= d then makes incremental changes to it based on
   published changes.  Yo= u can even build or rebuild any of these ports
   at any time, even if you don= 't have the latest ports tree updates,
   or never install the built port.&nbs= p; So, I believe the answer to
   your 1st question is that you begin wit= h "a one size fits all",
   followed by updates that you manage.

   So far, I have not talked about installing yet.

   Once a port has been built, you can install it.  Unless you save th= e
   built port as a package (the 'make package' command), you will not be
   abl= e to reinstall the built port if you clean it (the 'make clean'
   command).&n= bsp;  You can save as many built ports as packages as you
   want.  = Each time you install a built port (the 'make install'
   command), the packag= es database gets updated in your system.  This
   database is what pkg_in= fo uses.

   Some commands in the different mechanisms you have available&n= bsp;to
   manage your ports source, can be used to help select which pack=
   ages need updating when you install an update to a package.

   About your 2nd question, I have no idea.  I keep track of how to bu=
   ild a system, keeping copies of config files, then I make backups= of
   file or data systems on an ongoing basis.

   Re gc44.  FreeBSD 7.2 comes with 4.2 already installed.  Maybe= when
   you installed 4.4 on top of it, something got messed up, or an option=
   must be set for both to co-exist.  I don't know, but I would try to k=
   eep with the version that came with the system ( just an unjustified
   p= hobia I have about mixing new compiler binaries with old compiler
   binaries = ).

     -----Original Message-----
     From: Henry Olyer
     Sent: Nov 3, 2009 8:21 AM
     To: Kenneth Freidank
     Cc:, Chris Whitehouse
     Subject: Re: am I the only one, wrt gcc44 -- it is fa= iling and I
     can't build octave or much else
     I'm sorry fellows.

   You guys have given me great support and apparently I didn't get back
   = to you.  I'm sorry, I'm not very polite some times.  I will try t= o
   be more careful about this.

   Okay -- I was able to get my mouse working.

   I made a ServerFlags section in my xorg.conf and suddenly!, my mouse
   m= oved.  (Here you can assume a remark not in evidence...)

   Next, I have wonderful X sessions now.

   Next, I am prepared to nuke the /usr/ports area if I am told to do
   tha= t -- I know it can be mechanically rebuilt in about an hour.  (A
   past = note from Kenneth gave me this instruction and while I was a
   little nervous= I did it;  And wow!, I was so impressed as I watched
   it come back.)

   Question:  Does the rebuild process examine the pkg_info results = and
   load up the directory appropriately?. or is it "one size fits all?"
   Question:  Does anyone have a solution for doing a general machin= e
   backup to one file?  So that I can back the machine up and later, su=
   bsequently, perform a simple restore.  Because I've been using the
   mac= hine very heavily now, and I usually find that my own manual
   backups miss o= ne thing or another...  You've probably had the same
   experience.  = ;Now, I see others asking for such a feature/mechanism.
    What's possib= le?
   As for gcc44, I am fairly certain that it's actually broken -- that
   th= e port itself is broken and that it isn't my incompetence, that
   the port it= self is mis-configured or mis-coded.
   Oh., and in a conversation with an HP technical representative
   recentl= y, he told me that my taking down windoz to install FreeBSD
   constituted a "= machine downgrade."
   On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 11:13 PM, Kenneth Freidank =
   <[1]> wrote:

     Here are partial listings of my co= nfig files.  Add these entries
     to your config files and see if that do= es the trick.  I can't be
     100% sure that everything is required, but i= t is what I have, and
     it works.  Attached is the xorg.conf file I gene= rated.  Place it
     in the directory /etc/X11/.  When you have done = these things,
     make sure your user belongs to the group "wheel", then login.=  To
     start X, give the command:
     You should get 3 wi= ndows, one of them labeled "login" in the
     title bar.  If you type "exi= t" while inside this window, then
     return, that will end your X session. &nb= sp;You will have some
     "fatal error" messages in your console window when X = finishes.
     Also, make sure you have installed the nvidia drivers per = my
     other postings.  You can check if you have the package installed
     by= typing:
      pkg_info | grep nvidia
     You should see at a minimum:
      nidia-driver-185.18.29 NVidia graphics card binary drivers for
     hardw= are OpenGL ren
     You have to build this packages and install it.  = ;This process is
     documented in the NetBSD documents and my other postings f= or
     installing FreeBSD on a Compaq Presario CQ60.
     File /etc/ nf
     vesa_lo= ad=3D"YES"
     File /boot/loader.conf
     -----Original Message-----
     >From: Henry Olyer <[2] >
     >Sent: Oct 26, 2009 2:53 AM
     >To: [3]>Cc: Kenneth
     <[4]>, Chris Whitehouse
     >Su= bject: am I the only one, wrt gcc44 -- it is failing and I
     can't build &nbs= p;     octave or much else
     >'everything; is dying i= n /usr/ports/lang/gcc44
     >I know, (in all likelihood,) I'll ha= ve to scratch this area and
     do a
     >complete re-install.  Fine. &n= bsp;The thing is, I didn't change
     anything to mess
     >this area up in t= he first place.
     >I've just been going to various directories = in /usr/ports and
     saying, "make
     >install clean" and now this...  = ;I was trying to put up octave
     when this
     >So= I could use a little help here, please...
     >I also want/need = to run X, and my X session (just put up,)
     doesn't yet let
     >me move th= e mouse.  I installed hal and dbus but what do I do
     &g= t;And where or where do I put the "ServerFlags" entry in my
     xorg.conf file.=
     > I'm sorry, I just don't know these things...
     &g= t;
     >=3D=3D=3D>  Building for gcc-
     &g= t;echo stage3 > stage_final
     >gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/po= rts/lang/gcc44/work/build'
     >gmake[2]: Entering directory `/usr/ports/= lang/gcc44/work/build'
     >gmake[3]: Entering directory `/usr/ports/lang= /gcc44/work/build'
     >rm -f stage_current
     >gmake[3]: Leaving dire= ctory `/usr/ports/lang/gcc44/work/build'
     >gmake[2]: Leaving directory= `/usr/ports/lang/gcc44/work/build'
     >gmake[2]: Entering directory `/u= sr/ports/lang/gcc44/work/build'
     >gmake[3]: Entering directory `/usr/p=
     >gmake[4]: Entering
     >gmake[4= ]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
     >gmake[4]: Leaving directory
     >= `/usr/ports/lang/gcc44/work/build/libiberty/testsuite'
     >gmake[3]: Lea= ving directory
     >gmake[3]= : Entering directory
     >gmake[3= ]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
     >gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/p=
     >gmake[3]: Entering directory
     >gmake[4]: Entering directory
     >gmake[4]: Noth= ing to be done for `all'.
     >gmake[4]: Leaving directory
     testsuit= e'
     >gmake[3]: Leaving directory
     >gmake[3]: Entering dire= ctory
     >gmake[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
     >gmake[= 3]: Leaving directory
     >gmake[3]: Entering directory `/usr/po=
     >true "AR_FLAGS=3Drc" "CC_FOR_BUILD= =3Dcc" "CFLAGS=3D-g
     >"CXXFLAGS=3D-g -fkeep-i= nline-functions" "CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD=3D-O2
     >-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe = -I/usr/l
     >ocal/include" "CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=3D-g -O2 -fno-strict-alias= ing
     >-I/usr/local/include" "INSTALL=3D/usr/bin/install -c -o ro= ot -g
     >"INSTALL_DATA=3Dinstall  -o root -
     >g wheel = -m 444" "INSTALL_PROGRAM=3Dinstall  -s -o root -g wheel
     -m 555"
     >= ;"INSTALL_SCRIPT=3Dinstall  -o root -g wheel -m 555"
     >-O2 -fno-strict-aliasin
     >g -pipe -I/usr/local/incl= ude" "LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=3D-g -O2
     >-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/us= r/local/include" "MAKE=3Dgmake"
     >"MAKEINFO=3Dmakeinfo --no-split --sp= lit-size=3D5000
     >000 --split-size=3D5000000 --split-size=3D5000000" "= PICFLAG=3D"
     >"PICFLAG_FOR_TARGET=3D" "SHELL=3D/bin/sh" "EXPECT=3Dexpe= ct"
     >"RUNTESTFLAGS=3D" "exec_prefix=3D/usr/loca>l"
     "infodir=3D/usr/local/info/gcc44" "libdir=3D/usr/local/lib/gcc44"<=
     "tooldir=3D/usr/local/i386-portbld-freebsd7.2"= "AR=3Dar"
     >"AS=3Das" "CC=3Dcc" "CXX=3Dc++" "LD=3D
     >/usr/bin/ld= " "LIBCFLAGS=3D-g -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe
     >-I/usr/local/includ= e" "NM=3Dnm" "PICFLAG=3D" "RANLIB=3Dranlib"
     "DESTDIR=3D" DO=3Dall
     >mu= lti-do # gmake
     >gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/lang/gcc44/wo=
     >gmake[3]: Entering directory `/usr/ports/lang/gcc44/w=
     >gmake[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
     >gma= ke[3]: Leaving directory
     >g= make[3]: Entering directory
     >gmake[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
     >gmake[3]: Leaving di= rectory
     >gmake[3]: En= tering directory
     >gmake[3]: Le= aving directory


   1. 3D""
   2. =3D""
   3. 3D"mailto:freebsd=
   4. 3D""
   5. file://localhost/tmp/3D"mail=

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