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Date:      Fri, 1 Dec 1995 17:49:11 +0200
From:      Greenstein Jacob <>
Subject:   Problems, 2.1.0-RELEASE/networking/SLIP
Message-ID:  <>

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Dear Sir,

Would you be so kind to explain me the possible origins of the following
problem. I have just downloaded FreeBSD, 2.1.0-RELEASE from the
mirror-site. I had 2.0.5-RELEASE installed before. Then I recompiled 
the kernel from new source code exactly with the same configuration file 
(which is enclosed
at the end of this letter) and replaced all the binaries with new
ones from the 2.1.0-RELEASE distribution. And then I came to the
following situation.
The computer is connected to the service-provider with 4W leased line.
On this line we use SLIP protocol. As the line quality is not so
good, modems often came to "CARRIER LOST" situation and then automatically
reconnect. With FreeBSD 2.0.5 slattach used to distuinguish that
carrier has disappeared and recover SLIP connection after modems
became connected. In 2.1.0 slattach determines whenever carrier
disappear and appear, but never recovers the SLIP connection.
I am starting slattach in /etc/rc.local as 
	slattach -h -s 38400 /dev/cuaa2

I would be very obliged if you could help me with this problem.

Thank you greatly for your attention to this matter.
Yours faithfully,

Jacob Greenstein.

P.S. Please, find enclosed some configuration files.

--------------- P133 -configuration file; is used as config P133---------
# GENERIC -- Generic machine with WD/AHx/NCR/BTx family disks
#	GENERIC,v 1995/06/05 21:50:41 jkh Exp

machine		"i386"
cpu		"I586_CPU"
ident		"P133"
maxusers	40

options		INET			#InterNETworking
options		FFS			#Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options		NFS			#Network Filesystem
options		GATEWAY			#
options		MSDOSFS			#MSDOS Filesystem
options		"CD9660"		#ISO 9660 Filesystem
options		PROCFS			#Process filesystem
options		"COMPAT_43"		#Compatible with BSD 4.3
options		"SCSI_DELAY=15"		#Be pessimistic about Joe SCSI device
options		BOUNCE_BUFFERS		#include support for DMA bounce buffers
options		UCONSOLE		#Allow users to grab the console
#options         USER_LDT                #allow user-level control of i386 ldt

config		kernel	root on sd0 

controller	isa0
controller	pci0

controller	fdc0	at isa? port "IO_FD1" bio irq 6 drq 2 vector fdintr
disk		fd0	at fdc0 drive 0
disk		fd1	at fdc0 drive 1
tape		ft0	at fdc0 drive 2

controller	wdc0	at isa? port "IO_WD1" bio irq 14 flags 0x80ff80ff vector wdintr
disk		wd0	at wdc0 drive 0
disk		wd1	at wdc0 drive 1

controller	wdc1	at isa? port "IO_WD2" bio irq 15 flags 0x80ff80ff vector wdintr
disk		wd2	at wdc1 drive 0
disk		wd3	at wdc1 drive 1

controller	ncr0

controller	sea0	at isa? bio irq 5 iomem 0xc8000 iosiz 0x2000 vector seaintr

controller	scbus0

device		sd0

device		st0

device		mcd0	at isa? port 0x300 bio irq 10 vector mcdintr

device		scd0	at isa? port 0x230 bio

# syscons is the default console driver, resembling an SCO console
device		sc0	at isa? port "IO_KBD" tty irq 1 vector scintr
# Enable this and PCVT_FREEBSD for pcvt vt220 compatible console driver
#device		vt0	at isa? port "IO_KBD" tty irq 1 vector pcrint
#options		"PCVT_FREEBSD=210"	# pcvt running on FreeBSD 2.1
options		XSERVER			# include code for XFree86

device		npx0	at isa? port "IO_NPX" irq 13 vector npxintr

device          sio0    at isa? port "IO_COM1" tty irq 5 vector siointr
device          sio1    at isa? port "IO_COM2" tty irq 9 vector siointr
device          sio2    at isa? port "IO_COM3" tty irq 4 vector siointr
device          sio3    at isa? port "IO_COM4" tty irq 3 vector siointr

device		lpt0	at isa? port? tty irq 7 vector lptintr
device		lpt1	at isa? port? tty

# Order is important here due to intrusive probes, do *not* alphabetize
# this list of network interfaces until the probes have been fixed.
# Right now it appears that the ie0 must be probed before ep0. See
# revision 1.20 of this file.
device de0
device ed0 at isa? port 0x320 net irq  10 iomem 0xd8000 vector edintr
device ed1 at isa? port 0x300 net irq  5 iomem 0xd8000 vector edintr

pseudo-device	loop
pseudo-device	ether
pseudo-device	log
pseudo-device	bpfilter	
pseudo-device	sl	1
# ijppp uses tun instead of ppp device
#pseudo-device	ppp	1
pseudo-device	tun	1
pseudo-device	pty	16
pseudo-device	gzip		# Exec gzipped a.out's
#pseudo-device	vn

------------------- /etc/sysconfig


# This is sysconfig - a file full of useful variables that you can set 
# to change the default startup behavior of your system.
#	$Id: sysconfig,v 1.14 1995/05/17 04:46:57 rgrimes Exp $

######################### Start Of Syscons Section #######################

# Choose keyboard map from /usr/share/syscons/keymaps/* or NO if default.

# Set keyboard rate to: slow, normal, fast or NO if default.

# Change function keys default values (or no change if NO)
# Syntax: "<funkey_number> <new_value> [<funkey_number> <new_value>]..."

# Desired cursor type {normal|blink|destructive}, NO if no change

# Choose screen map from /usr/share/syscons/scrnmaps/* (or NO for none)

# Choose font 8x16 from /usr/share/syscons/fonts/* (or NO for default)

# Choose font 8x14 from /usr/share/syscons/fonts/* (or NO for default)

# Choose font 8x8 from /usr/share/syscons/fonts/* (or NO for default)

# Set blank time (in seconds) or "off" to turn it off (or NO for default)

# Set to screen saver desired: blank, green, snake, star (or NO for none)

# General russian setup for example:
# (koi8-r keyboard with cp866 screen font mapped to koi8-r)
# keymap=ru.koi8-r
# keyrate=fast
 keychange="61 "
# scrnmap=koi8-r2cp866
# blanktime=600
# saver=snake

######################### End Of Syscons Section #######################

######################### Start Of Netconfig Section #######################

# Set to the name of your host - this is pretty important!

# Set to the NIS domainname of your host, or NO if none

# Some broken implementations can't handle the RFC 1323 and RFC 1644
# TCP options.  If TCP connections randomly hang, try disabling this,
# and bug the vendor of the losing equipment.

# Set to the list of network devices on this host.  You must have an
# ifconfig_${network_interface} line for each interface listed here.
# for example:
#	network_interfaces="ed0 sl0 lo0"
#	ifconfig_ed0="inet netmask 0xffffff00"
#	ifconfig_sl0="inet netmask 0xffffff00"
network_interfaces="sl0 ed0 lo0"
ifconfig_ed0="inet netmask broadcast"
ifconfig_sl0="inet netmask 0xfffffffc"
ifconfig_lo0="inet localhost"

# Set to the list of route add lines for this host.  You must have a
# route_${static_routes} line for each static route listed here.
static_routes="multicast loopback"
route_multicast=" -netmask 0xf0000000 -interface ${hostname}"
#route_multicast=" -netmask 0xf0000000 -interface ${hostname}"
route_loopback="${hostname} localhost"

# Set to the host you'd like set as your default router, or NO for none.

# These are the flags you'd like to start the routing daemon with

# timed flags, or NO if you don't want to start the time daemon

# xntpd flags, or NO if you don't want to start the xntpd daemon

# this is inoperative unless xntpd is enabled; NO to disable

# Set to the site you'd like to syncronize your clock from (,
# for example) or NO for no such site.

# Set to YES if you want to run rwhod

# Default sendmail flags.  -bd is pretty mandatory, -q<n>m sets the queue scan
# time in minutes.  If set to NO, don't start sendmail at all.
sendmail_flags="-B8BITMIME -bd -q30m"

# Set to appropriate flags if you want to use AMD

# Set to YES if this machine will be an NFS client

# Set to YES if this machine will be an NFS server

# Set to appropriate flags if you want to start NIS for a client

# Set to appropriate flags if you want to start NIS for a server

# Set to appropriate flags for yppasswdd, if you wish to run it.
# Typical flags might be "-m /var/yp/master.passwd -s -f"

# Set to appropriate flags for named, if you have a full-time
# connection to the Internet.
# For most hosts, flags should be "-b /etc/namedb/named.boot"
namedflags="-b /etc/namedb/named.boot"

# Set to YES if you want to run the X-10 power controller daemon

# Set to YES if you want kernel crashdumps to be saved for debugging

# Set to YES if you want to run Kerberos authentication

# Set to YES if you want to run gated

# Set to YES if you wish to check quotas.  NOTE:  For now this probably
# doesn't work and should be left disabled.

# Set to YES to turn on accounting.  NOTE: For now this probably
# doesn't work and should be left disabled.

# This stuff needed for proper daemons tuning, comsat f.e.
# See profile and csh.login also.
# Uncomment next line if you want to setup your 8-bit locale at program
# startup automatically
# Uncomment next line to activate russian locale
# LANG=ru_SU.KOI8-R; export LANG
# Uncomment next line to activate italian locale
# LANG=it_IT.ISO8859-1; export LANG
# For full list of locales, check /usr/share/locale/*

######################### End Of Netconfig Section #######################

######################### Start Of Misc Section #######################

# Set to YES if you want ibcs2 (SCO) emulation loaded at startup

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