From owner-cvs-all Sun Oct 11 11:13:47 1998 Return-Path: Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) id LAA19117 for cvs-all-outgoing; Sun, 11 Oct 1998 11:13:47 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from owner-cvs-all@FreeBSD.ORG) Received: from (freefall.FreeBSD.ORG []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id LAA19104; Sun, 11 Oct 1998 11:13:44 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from From: Mark Murray Received: (from markm@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.5) id LAA05938; Sun, 11 Oct 1998 11:13:42 -0700 (PDT) Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 11:13:42 -0700 (PDT) Message-Id: <> To: cvs-committers@FreeBSD.ORG, cvs-all@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: cvs commit: src/gnu/usr.bin/perl src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/miniperl Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/perl Makefile install_perl_libs src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/pod/pod Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/suidperl Makefile src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/utils/h2ph Makefile Sender: owner-cvs-all@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk markm 1998/10/11 11:13:42 PDT Modified files: gnu/usr.bin/perl gnu/usr.bin/perl/miniperl Makefile gnu/usr.bin/perl/perl Makefile gnu/usr.bin/perl/pod/pod Makefile gnu/usr.bin/perl/suidperl Makefile gnu/usr.bin/perl/utils/h2ph Makefile Removed files: gnu/usr.bin/perl/perl install_perl_libs Log: Very substantial debug/improvement of the FreeBSD/Perl5 build. o make install ; make install now works o make all ; make all is quiet the second time o Dependancies are properliy debugged; this means that make -jN has a far hihjer likelyhood of working. o a proper 'link farm' has been constructed for the build. This dramatically simplifies the dependancy tangle. o for perldoc's use, all the .pod files are installed. o the man3 docs are properly compressed. o the man pages and libary code are installed by the makefiles, not by a perl script. o at the end, h2ph is run. Revision Changes Path 1.6 +30 -8 src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/ 1.7 +3 -1 src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/miniperl/Makefile 1.15 +93 -67 src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/perl/Makefile 1.2 +6 -4 src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/pod/pod/Makefile 1.5 +28 -46 src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/suidperl/Makefile 1.2 +6 -1 src/gnu/usr.bin/perl/utils/h2ph/Makefile To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe cvs-all" in the body of the message