Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 22:38:25 -0500 From: =?iso-8859-1?B?QnJ1bm8gTGF1euk=?= <> To: "" <> Subject: openjdk7 Message-ID: <BLU179-W5276C428C0F32ED77EF25AC6AF0@phx.gbl>
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I am trying to resolve a problem with adlc / refresh_adfiles rule Here's the build output. It seems gcc cannot preprocess file.= Anyone have an ideas on this? Could someone send me the files generated in this rule: In /usr/ports/java/openjdk7/work/openjdk/build/bsd-amd64/hotspot/outputdir/= generated/adfiles/ ad_x86_64.cppdfa_x86_64.cppad_x86_64.hpp Making adlcg++46 -m64 -Xlinker -O1 -m64 -Xlinker -export-dynamic -o ../gene= rated/adfiles/adlc ../generated/adfiles/adlparse.o ../generated/adfiles/arc= hDesc.o ../generated/awk '{ if (CUR_FN !=3D FILENAME) { CUR_FN=3DFILENAME= =3B NR_BASE=3DNR-1=3B need_lineno=3D1 } if (need_lineno && $0 !~ /\/\//) { = print "\n\n#line " (NR-NR_BASE) " \"" FILENAMcp /wrkdirs/usr/ports/java/ope= njdk7/work/openjdk/hotspot/make/bsd/adlc_updater adlc_updater=3B chmod +x a= dlc_updater../generated/adfiles/adlc -D_ALLBSD_SOURCE -D_GNU_SOURCE -DAMD64= -q -T -g -D_LP64 ../generated/adfiles/ \ -c../generated/adfi= les/mktmp90481/ad_x86_64.cpp -h../generated/adfiles/mktmp90481/ad_x86_64.hp= p -a../generated/adfiles/mktmp90481/dfa_x86_64.cpp -v../generated || { r= m -rf ../generated/adfiles/mktmp90481=3B exit 1=3B }../generated/adfiles/bs= Syntax Error: :integer expected at 2 Error Context: >>>2<<<4 "/wrkdirs/usr/ports/java/openjdk7/work/openjdk/hot= spot/src/cpu/x86/vm/"Error Context: >>>4<<<4 "/wrkdirs/usr/ports/= java/openjdk7/work/openjdk/hotspot/src/cpu/x86/vm/"../generated/ad= files/ Syntax Error: :integer expected at 3 Error Context: >>>3<<<=3B // Up to 3 instructions per bundleError Contex= t: >>>=3B<<< // Up to 3 instructions per bundleError Context: >>><<< = // Up to 3 instructions per bundleError Context: >>>i<<<nstruction_unit_si= ze =3D 1=3B // An instruction is 1 bytes longError Context: >>><<<= instruction_fetch_unit_size =3D 16=3B // The processor fetches one lineE= rror Context: >>><<< instruction_fetch_unit_size =3D 16=3B // The proces= sor fetches one lineError Context: >>><<< instruction_fetch_units =3D 1= =3B // of 16 bytesError Context: >>> <<<=3D 1=3B // of 16 byte= s../generated/adfiles/ Syntax Error: :expected one of - = instruct=2C operand=2C ins_attrib=2C op_attrib=2C source=2C register=2C pip= eline=2C encode Found nnstruction_unit_sizeError Context: >>> <<<=3D 1= =3B // An instruction is 1 bytes long instruction_fetch_unit_size= =3D 16=3B // The processor fetches one line instruction_fetch../generat= ed/adfiles/ Syntax Error: :expected one of - instruct=2C= operand=2C ins_attrib=2C op_attrib=2C source=2C register=2C pipeline=2C en= code Found nopsError Context: >>>(<<< MachNop )=3B../generated/adfiles= / Syntax Error: :identifier expected at % Error Context: >>>%<<<}../generated/adfiles/ Syntax Err= or: :expected one of - instruct=2C operand=2C ins_attrib=2C op_attrib=2C so= urce=2C register=2C pipeline=2C encode Found resourcesError Context: >= >>(<<< D0=2C D1=2C D2=2C DECODE =3D D0 | D1 | D2=2C../generated/adfiles/bsd= Syntax Error: :expected one of - instruct=2C operand=2C in= s_attrib=2C op_attrib=2C source=2C register=2C pipeline=2C encode Found= MS0Error Context: >>>=2C<<< MS1=2C MS2=2C MEM =3D MS0 | MS1 | MS2=2C../ge= nerated/adfiles/ Syntax Error: :expected one of - instru= ct=2C operand=2C ins_attrib=2C op_attrib=2C source=2C register=2C pipeline= =2C encode Found BRError Context: >>>=2C<<< FPU=2C../generated/adfiles= / Syntax Error: :expected one of - instruct=2C operand= =2C ins_attrib=2C op_attrib=2C source=2C register=2C pipeline=2C encode = Found ALU0 =
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