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Date:      Fri, 6 Nov 1998 16:46:17 -0700 (MST)
From:      Doug Russell <>
To:        advocacy@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: WordPerfect 8 for Linux (fwd)
Message-ID:  <>

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Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 15:29:23 -0500
From: web master <WEBMASTER@COREL.CA>
Subject: Re: WordPerfect 8 for Linux

Hello Doug:

I'll pass this information onto the developers.  Our Linux strategy is
evolving daily and these suggestions are taken seriously.


Dan Enright
Corel Web Team

>>> Doug Russell <> 10/27 3:40 AM >>>
I'd just like to voice my appreciation for your support of Linux, and I
look forward to using this and other programs that (I hope!) are sure to
follow.  The PC Free-Unixes desperately need some world-class programs
like WordPerfect (and the rest of the WordPerfect Suite.)

I personally run several FreeBSD based systems (no Linux boxes at this
time), however, I must point out that the Linux binary emulation under
FreeBSD works extremely well.  I happen to be typing this message into
the Linux version of Netscape 4.05.  The Linux version of Netscape
actually works a little better than the current FreeBSD native version!

I fully expect to be able to run the Linux version on FreeBSD, however,
I would like to suggest that someone at Corel at least TRY running it
during it's development on other Linux-emulating OSes (ie. FreeBSD), or
have any of us eager FreeBSD team members take a crack at a beta for
you.  I don't see how this could possibly not be a good idea.  There
are, after all, an estimated 1 million FreeBSD users.  

I certainly only use Windows at all for a few major applications,
however, that is changing.  With WP8 for Linux, I will no longer need my
WP8 for Windows.  I currently run CorelDraw 3.0 under WINE (a Windows
Emulator) on FreeBSD, and it works quite well.  Many of the drawings I
use each day are still in 3.0 format.  (I drew our company logo master
file years ago, and it still sits in version 2.x format.  :) )  It can't
quite run version 6 yet, but it's coming.  :)

Rest assured, as soon as I verify that WP8L runs under FreeBSD, I'll be
buying a copy.  The same goes for CorelDraw, Quattro, and any others you
decide to port.

There are customers out here waiting.
Go ahead and build us the software!  :)


Doug Russell
Saturn Computer Technologies Inc.  (98 -- 10 Years!)

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