From owner-freebsd-hackers  Sat Mar 11 10:41:46 2000
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X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 4.0
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 13:36:31 -0500
From: Dennis <>
Subject: Re: Is FreeBSD dead? Well, not in theory... 
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X-Loop: FreeBSD.ORG writes...

>The very fact that source is available means that you can pay any scruffy
>unshaven hacker to fix it for you, instead of suffering at the hands and
>whims of, say, a FreeBSD "vendor" as you are doing. I would figure that at
>least you (of all people) realize that someone else can come in and get it
>done, and that you could optionally pay someone to do this.

Not realistically. First of all, most "scruffy unshaven hackers" are not
qualified to make serious changes to important drivers. they might be able
to find a stray pointer, but not to make structural improvement. Stray
pointers shouldnt exist in the first place. Plus, you'll want DGs next
version (say in 4.0), and you dont want to pay some college drop out $100.
an hour to hack it every time a new intel chip comes out. Commercial
companies that modify the  mainstream stuff (cobalt networks for example,
stuck on 2.2.12, working on 2.2.14 and 2.2.15+ comes out) are constantly
battling to keep up. You almost HAVE to  use the mainstream code.

Another point is that Open Source is virtually synonomous with "Totally
undocumented". The linux community, years into it, are still totally
dependent on Alan Cox to fix drivers properly (mostly because the OS is
completely undocumented and changes are made on a whim regularly). D.
Becker continues to be the only one that can properly fix the ethernet
drivers because they are such a mess and poorly documented. 

My point was that because of open source you have an unfinished product
that  never gets finished. The "fix it if you have the source"
mentality is not what corporate america wants. they want the opposite. Many
of them won't even use open source products without guaranteed support. You
are a hacker, you are incapable of understanding. You are like a guy who
fixes his own car...but the "world" is the 98% that cant. I dont want a car
with a great warranty. I want a car the doesnt need a warranty. The reason
that the "free" os's are becoming popular is that, for most functions, they
work out of the box with few bugs.

BSDI's existing support sucks by the way...There is zero way they can offer
better support than the existing "informal" structure that exists.

Emerging Technologies, Inc.
ISA and PCI T1/T3/V35/HSSI Cards for FreeBSD and LINUX
Multiport T1 and HSSI/T3 UNIX-based Routers
Bandwidth Management Standalone Systems
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