From owner-freebsd-hackers  Mon Oct  9 11:59:17 2000
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Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 11:58:47 -0700
From: Brooks Davis <>
To: Dave Cornejo <>
Cc: Doug Ambrisko <>,
	freebsd-hardware@FreeBSD.ORG, freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: WEP keys for an driver
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On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 11:42:32AM -0700, Dave Cornejo wrote:
> Some comments on your code:
> - WEP keysare variable length from 5-13 bytes, you should just check for
> >=5 & <=13 (it seems odd, but I have seen networks that use the odd
> sizes).

Since all the windows drivers I've looked at only allow 0, 5, and 13
byte keys, I'd suggest only allowing those values.  That's what
wicontrol does.

> I didn't provide patches to ancontrol as you did, but I find ancontrol
> is getting way too nasty with its switches.  Your patches look fine
> to me except that I'd really like to see a better way to specify
> volatile vs. persistent keys.  

You need to add ancontrol support or the patch is basicaly useless.  I'm
looking forward to some sort of working crypto support for the aironet

-- Brooks

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