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I've been having nothing but problems with vinum ever since a disk died 
two days after getting a RAID 5 array online. When I try vinum start, I 
get the following:

root@warhol:/home/chris# vinum start
*** Warning: configuration updates are disabled. ***
Warning: defective objects

D d2               State: referenced       Device  Avail: 0/0 MB
P raid5.p0      R5 State: degraded Subdisks:     2 Size:       55 GB
S raid5.p0.s0      State: empty    PO:        0  B Size:       55 GB
S raid5.p0.s1      State: crashed  PO:        0  B Size:       55 GB
S raid5.p0.s2      State: empty    PO:     1024 kB Size:       55 GB
*** Warning: configuration updates are disabled. ***

I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling when I see "empty" on my definitely not 
empty RAID array. So let's try a list:

root@warhol:/home/chris# vinum l
2 drives:
D d1            State: up    Device /dev/ad1s1e  Avail: 0/57239 MB (0%)
D d3            State: up    Device /dev/ad3s1e  Avail: 0/57239 MB (0%)
D d2            State: referenced        Device  Avail: 0/0 MB

1 volumes:
V raid5            State: up       Plexes:     1 Size:       55 GB

1 plexes:
P raid5.p0      R5 State: degraded Subdisks:   2 Size:       55 GB

3 subdisks:
S raid5.p0.s0      State: empty    PO:      0  B Size:       55 GB
S raid5.p0.s1      State: crashed  PO:      0  B Size:       55 GB
S raid5.p0.s2      State: empty    PO:   1024 kB Size:       55 GB

What the? How do I fix d2? Keep in mind configuration updates are 
disabled, so I can't really change anything...

And at one point, dumpconfig gave me the following, but I'm too scared 
to reproduce it:

vinum -> dumpconfig
Drive d1:       Device /dev/ad1s1e
                 Created on at Tue Jun  4 23:13:18 
                 Config last updated Wed Jun 14 18:20:35 2000
                 Size:      60019835904 bytes (57239 MB)
volume raid5 state down
plex name raid5.p0 state down org raid5 1024s vol raid5
sd name raid5.p0.s0 drive d1 plex raid5.p0 len 117225472s driveoffset 
265s state empty plexoffset 0s
sd name raid5.p0.s1 drive d2 plex ņ²u!±šššŌĮüņĄšŠ²šņ°0ńšššąō 
²°āņ`šä xšłōäąś“šńq°šbō“ŠšüpščōšpņŠøųqąüč ōšńČ0TššåyšpŲōšpōŠņppń°°rpšŠČ
šõņąšš±pōqšŅqšłōšņųųųō蚊PšųššqņŲÉÕųšńų°|šš0°ö°ąØŚrXšŠšņŠ šö2šąŲŁōšąŲō°
±ņsšó6ųtxšōš40šqraid5.p0 len 117225472s driveoffset 
18446744073709551615s state crashed detached
sd name raid5.p0.s2 drive d3 plex raid5.p0 len 117225472s driveoffset 
265s state empty plexoffset 2048s

Drive /dev/ad1s1e: 55 GB (60019835904 bytes)
Drive /dev/ad2s1e: 55 GB (60019835904 bytes)
Drive d3:       Device /dev/ad3s1e
                 Created on at Wed Jun 14 18:19:59 
                 Config last updated Wed Jun 14 18:20:35 2000
                 Size:      60019835904 bytes (57239 MB)
volume raid5 state down
plex name raid5.p0 state down org raid5 1024s vol raid5
sd name raid5.p0.s0 drive d1 plex raid5.p0 len 117225472s driveoffset 
265s state empty plexoffset 0s
sd name raid5.p0.s1 drive d2 plex ņ²u!±šššŌĮüņĄšŠ²šņ°0ńšššąō 
²°āņ`šä xšłōäąś“šńq°šbō“ŠšüpščōšpņŠøųqąüč ōšńČ0TššåyšpŲōšpōŠņppń°°rpšŠČ
šõņąšš±pōqšŅqšłōšņųųųō蚊PšųššqņŲÉÕųšńų°|šš0°ö°ąØŚrXšŠšņŠ šö2šąŲŁōšąŲō°
±ņsšó6ųtxšōš40šqraid5.p0 len 117225472s driveoffset 
18446744073709551615s state crashed detached
sd name raid5.p0.s2 drive d3 plex raid5.p0 len 117225472s driveoffset 
265s state empty plexoffset 2048s

Drive /dev/ad3s1e: 55 GB (60019835904 bytes)

Any ideas?

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