From owner-freebsd-stable  Tue Jul 18 12:51:19 2000
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Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 12:47:43 -0700
From: Brooks Davis <>
To: j mckitrick <>
Cc: stable@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: stupid installkernel question
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On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 08:29:33PM +0100, j mckitrick wrote:
> i have been reading the makefiles and boot files to try to figure this one
> out.  i ran 'make installkernel KERNEL=MERCURY''and everything works fine.
> But i have 2 kernels in /
> One is kernel, one is MERCURY.  The modification date on 'kernel' is close
> to the one for MERCURY.  WHich one does my system boot with, and which can
> be deleted?
> In /boot, the config files seem to show 'kernel' being booted.  If so, why
> does MERCURY exist?

kernel is almost certaintly entierly unrelated to MERCURY except possiably
by coincidence.  The installkernel command you gave should install a
kernel named /MERCURY and new modules in /modules.  You either need to
follow the insturctions in UPDATING to replace /kernel with MERCURY or
edit your /boot/loader.conf to book /MERCURY instead of /kernel.

-- Brooks

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