From owner-freebsd-questions  Mon Dec 16 20: 4:47 2002
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Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 16:56:12 -0800
From: Darren Shepard <>
To: Andreas Ntaflos <>
Subject: Re: Native Opera: "INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End",
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On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 10:40:07PM +0100,
   Andreas Ntaflos <> writes:

| Hello list, 
|   Maybe somebody knows what the problem is I am facing with the native version
|   of Opera for FreeBSD. Until now I have used the linux-opera port and it
|   worked quite well I think. 
|   	Out of curiosity I wanted to give the native version from the ports a
|   try and deinstalled linux-opera along with keeping a backup of the ~/.opera
|   directory under ~/.opera.linux. The installation took 5 minutes or so and
|   when I fired it up I got the following error messages after confirming the
|   license agreement thingy:
| -----------
|   shell> opera &
|   INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not load linking
|   error=Shared object "" not found
|   System error?:: No such file or directory
|   [2]    Exit 255                      opera
|   shell> 
| -----------
|   Then it exits. And that's it.
|   Does anybody know what the problem here is? I have both jdk and linux-jdk
|   installed, could it be a problem with Java or something related? And what
|   does it have to do with ""?
|   Any hints/pointers/RTFMs? A search of the archives didn't bring up anything
|   regarding an error like the above.
| Thanks in advance,
| regards
| -- 
| 	Andreas "ant" Ntaflos	|  "A cynic is a man who knows the price of
|	|  everything, and the value of nothing."
| 	Vienna, AUSTRIA		|				Oscar Wilde

I had the same problem, but only after installed the linux-jdk and
the native jdk.  Before opera worked fine, after it failed to load
with a similar error message to yours.  My "solution" was to chmod
000 the so that opera would start.  Yeah lame
but I couldn't get opera to stop trying to load the plugin
otherwise  :-)   I looked briefly for a real solution on opera's
support forum, but found no answers...

Darren Shepard | | 96D1 FB79 4617 1A06 BA50   | 8FD8 E16D 6F5F 31F0 A7D2

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