From owner-freebsd-questions  Thu Dec  7 17:20:00 1995
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From: Michael Smith <>
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Subject: Re: Routing confusion!!!
To: (Mike D'Arcy)
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 11:53:03 +0000 ()
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Mike D'Arcy stands accused of saying:
> Here's my situation:
> FreeBSD machine at ip xxx.yyy.18.61 connected to multi-homed 
> gateway at xxx.yyy.18.1
> The multi-homed machine is running RIP between installed 
> adapters xxx.yyy.18.1 and xxx.yyy.180.54

RIP is not neccessary here; default is your friend.  There aren't all that
many applications where judicious use of static routes can't cover all
your routing needs.  (The netmasked route is a godsend for small networks)

> Adapter xxx.yyy.180.54's default gateway is a router at 
> xxx.yyy.180.1 

On the .18.* net, the default route should be .18.1, the gateway
should be known to the campus net as the route for the .18.* net.
(You can use RIP for this if you're desperate)

> Mike D'Arcy				

]] Mike Smith, Software Engineer    [[
]] Genesis Software              [[
]] High-speed data acquisition and      (GSM mobile) 041-122-496        [[
]] realtime instrument control          (ph/fax)  +61-8-267-3039        [[
]] "Who does BSD?" "We do Chucky, we do."                               [[