From owner-cvs-sys Sat Aug 5 10:33:00 1995 Return-Path: cvs-sys-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.11/8.6.6) id KAA24024 for cvs-sys-outgoing; Sat, 5 Aug 1995 10:33:00 -0700 Received: (from gibbs@localhost) by (8.6.11/8.6.6) id KAA24014 ; Sat, 5 Aug 1995 10:32:57 -0700 Date: Sat, 5 Aug 1995 10:32:57 -0700 From: "Justin T. Gibbs" Message-Id: <> To: CVS-commiters, cvs-sys Subject: cvs commit: src/sys/i386/scsi aic7xxx.c aic7xxx.h Sender: Precedence: bulk gibbs 95/08/05 10:32:57 Modified: sys/dev/aic7xxx aic7xxx.seq Log: Total rewrite of the dataphase sections of the sequencer. This was done to replace the very poor, original implementation of Scatter/Gather operations. Use a bit (that was freed up with the rewrite above) in the SCB control byte to designate commands that should allow disconnection. The kernel driver makes this decision now instead of the sequencer since the sequencer can't do the indexing very efficiently. This commit drops the sequencer from 426 instructions to 390 most likely freeing enough space to do a target mode implementation. Modified: sys/i386/scsi aic7xxx.c aic7xxx.h Log: Update the SCB controll byte bit definitions to match new SCB_DISCENB bit. Remove "#ifdef NOT_YET"s since the features they pertain too are committed now.