From owner-freebsd-alpha  Sat Jul 17 17:47:43 1999
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Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 10:46:52 +1000
From: jonathan michaels <>
To: Wilko Bulte <>,
	FreeBSD-alpha mailing list <freebsd-alpha@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject: Re: making release & bootable cdrom?
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In-Reply-To: <>; from Wilko Bulte on Sat, Jul 17, 1999 at 07:36:25PM +0200
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On Sat, Jul 17, 1999 at 07:36:25PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> Would a "make release" on -current result in a cdrom-image that when put on
> cdrom is bootable on the alpha?
> If it is possible, is there anything special to be done when burning the
> CDR?

sorry, i've not got an answer, rather a question along the same 

i've been reading a book on how to become a good system admin 
without resorting to shooting the users (grin) and it talks 
about irix having a bootable tape. i know that it is possible 
to make a tape that you can use to crudely install from in 
freebsd fr intel.

a bootable tape, or cdrom (od, worm any of teh crinkly 
aluminiun, gold whatever sandwiches for that matter). i've 
asked several times over the years and always get the same 
answer .. crickets croaking in teh background.

i've read some books (started on the 4.4BSD sermons from teh 
mount) about unix in general and as spicifically bsd as i could 
get. i plan to get tboth copies of the evi nemeth (red and 
yellow). some times i wonder of god had of wanted us to be 
programmers why didn't he give fast static ram with ecc and 
full parit checking .. insteady of this easily confused neuron 
entanglement ? sorry mine is playing up.

if you get any further wilko could you keep me posted please ?

warm regards


Jonathan Michaels
PO Box 144, Rosebery, NSW 1445 Australia

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