From owner-freebsd-emulation  Tue Nov 16 14:23: 0 1999
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Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 14:22:52 -0800 (PST)
From: "Reginald S. Perry" <>
Subject: RealPlayer G2 for Linux: Initial Report
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Hi there, 

I discovered the alpha version of the RealPlayer G2 for Linux. You can
download it from this URL:
There is a version that is NOT an RPM. That version has an automatic
installer that seems to work OK.

Starting it and pointing it to my favorite local radio station seems to
work. The only problem so far is that I get these messages:

LINUX: 'ioctl' fd=11, typ=0x44d(M), num=0x76 not implemented
LINUX: 'ioctl' fd=9, typ=0x44d(M), num=0x76 not implemented

This does not make the app crash and things are still playing. My audio
card is an AWE64 Gold and I am using the voxware drivers. Here is the
relavent part of the dmesg:

sb0 at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1 on isa
snd0: <SoundBlaster 16 4.16> 
sbxvi0 at drq 5 on isa
snd0: <SoundBlaster 16 4.16> 
sbmidi0 at 0x330 on isa
snd0: <SoundBlaster MPU-401> 
awe0 at 0x620 on isa
awe0: <SoundBlaster EMU8000 MIDI (RAM4096k)>
opl0 at 0x388 on isa
snd0: <Yamaha OPL3 FM> 

I sent feedback to the realaudio people suggesting that they make contact
with the list. 


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