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Date:      Thu, 19 Jun 1997 15:50:25 +0900
From:      Oh Yun-Sang <>
To:        pds@FreeBSD.ORG
Cc:        www@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   [Question] A message "Panic: Cannot mount root", when booting.
Message-ID:  <>

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Hello, Peter da Silva.

My name is Yun-Sang Oh from Korea(ROK).

I installed FreeBSD on the second SCSI disk drive of my system.I think
the installation was successful. But When booting, the message,"Panic:
Cannot mount root" is  printed and then 15 seconds later, my system is
When I installed FreeBSD on primary maseter EIDE disk drive  it worked
very well.

I'd appreciate it if you would tell me the solution.

My system spec is as follows.

   CPU  : AMD-486DX4-100
   RAM  : 64MB
   MB   : SOYO (SIS Chip set)
   VGA  : Stealth 64 DRAM (2MB, S3-864)
   SCSI : Adaptec-2940 (SCSI-II)
   DISK : 3.5"/5.25" Floppy Disk Drive,
          EIDE CD-ROM Drive(SONY) connected with Secondary Master
          EIDE Hard Disk Drive(3GB, Quantum) with Primary Master
               (Partitioned with FAT, EXT(FAT,FAT) and OS2-boot mgr)
          EIDE Hard Disk Drive(2GB, Maxtor) with Primary Slave
               (Partitioned with FAT and HPFS)
          SCSI Hard Disk Drive(1GB, IBM, SCSI-ID #5)
               (Partitioned with Linux Ext2 and Linux Swap)
          SCSI Hard Disk Drive(1GB, Fuzitus, SCSI-ID #6)
               (Partitioned with FreeBSD UFS and FreeBSD Swap)

P.S. I'm sorry I have poor English.

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