From owner-cvs-ports Sat Jan 14 05:48:35 1995 Return-Path: cvs-ports-owner Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.9/8.6.6) id FAA03453 for cvs-ports-outgoing; Sat, 14 Jan 1995 05:48:35 -0800 Received: (from ats@localhost) by (8.6.9/8.6.6) id FAA03443; Sat, 14 Jan 1995 05:48:32 -0800 Date: Sat, 14 Jan 1995 05:48:32 -0800 From: Andreas Schulz Message-Id: <> To: CVS-commiters, cvs-ports Subject: cvs commit: ports/utils/hfs Makefile Sender: Precedence: bulk ats 95/01/14 05:48:31 Modified: utils/hfs Makefile Log: Don't have a program installed SUID per default unless there is a very good reason. Delete the SUID and root setting, if someone needs it this ways, he should do it on his own system. But it shouldn't be the default.