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From: John Nielsen <>
To: Marco Molteni <>
Subject: Re: USB support for new HP printers?
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 04:28:34 -0600
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On Monday 26 August 2002 02:51, Marco Molteni wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Aug 2002 23:36:15 -0600, John Nielsen <>
> wrote:
> > Are there plans to add USB support for HP's newer printers to FreeBSD=
> >
> > Specificially, the OfficeJets and the LaserJet 1200?  They use a
> > new/different/broken USB interface so they're just recognized as ugen
> > devices at the moment..
> have a look at
> they plan FreeBSD USB support for a next release

I've been all over the site and read some of the docs.  The most useful=20
piece of information I found was this:

"FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD are not yet supported in USB mode, due to=20
missing functionality in the kernel "ulpt" driver (bidirectional I/O,=20
device ID retrieval, switching to 7/1/3, and HP channel-change-request)."

The only FreeBSD information in the TODO section has to do with fixing th=
build so it works [better].

I don't get the idea that they are planning to add the missing kernel=20
functionality themselves; they don't seem to have done any of that for=20
Linux--they just list using a supported kernel as a requirement for USB.

Since I'm mostly just interested in printing to an LJ 1200, I don't know =
I'd even use the hpoj stuff unless necessary (although it does look=20
interesting).  I'm just wondering if kernel support for these beasties is=
already being worked on, and where I can get more information.


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