From owner-freebsd-hackers Fri Jun 16 09:13:15 1995 Return-Path: hackers-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id JAA23464 for hackers-outgoing; Fri, 16 Jun 1995 09:13:15 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) with SMTP id JAA23447 for ; Fri, 16 Jun 1995 09:13:01 -0700 Received: from ([]) by with SMTP id <43185>; Fri, 16 Jun 1995 18:11:58 +0200 Received: from localhost (localhost []) by (8.6.11/8.6.9) with SMTP id WAA05835; Thu, 15 Jun 1995 22:03:27 +0200 Message-Id: <> X-Authentication-Warning: Host localhost didn't use HELO protocol To: Brian Tao cc: FREEBSD-HACKERS-L Subject: Re: Too many open files in system In-reply-to: Your message of "Thu, 15 Jun 1995 15:12:12 +0200." Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 22:03:25 +0200 From: "Julian Stacey " Sender: Precedence: bulk Re. an httpd problem you posted ... > In all cases, the common problem is "too many open files in > system". The httpd error log shows CGI scripts failing for the same > reason. Also, I see this in the error log: I got that too again while I was asleep, on my host it's usually as an overnight make of ports has gone recursive on ncftp failing & my abort not letting it realise, ( I use env. var. NCFTP=abort & abort binary is from main() { abort() ; } Maybe something other than httpd is consuming your file descriptor table ? Julian S