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Date:      Sat, 2 Jul 2005 01:23:47 -0400
From:      Kris Kennaway <>
Subject:   [ openoffice-2.0.20050621 failed on i386 6]
Message-ID:  <>

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FYI; can you please investigate and/or report to the developers?  If
you are already aware of this problem but do not yet have a fix,
please mark the port BROKEN in the appropriate case, so that users do
not unexpectedly encounter it.

See for the full log.


----- Forwarded message from User Ports-i386 <> -----

X-Original-To: kkenn@localhost
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005 04:53:13 GMT
From: User Ports-i386 <>
Subject: openoffice-2.0.20050621 failed on i386 6
X-UIDL: DG8"!BTR!!A$0"!G(/!!
X-Bogosity: Ham, tests=3Dbogofilter, spamicity=3D0.000000, version=3D0.94.14

5.  "Contributor" means each Licensee that creates or
contributes to the creation of any Error Correction or
Shared Modification.

6.  "Covered Code" means the Original Code, Upgraded Code,
Modifications, or any combination thereof.

7.  "Error Correction" means any change made to Community
Code which conforms to the Specification and corrects the
adverse effect of a failure of Community Code to perform any
function set forth in or required by the Specifications.

7.  "Executable" means Covered Code that has been converted
to a form other than Source Code.

9.  "Extension(s)" means any additional classes or other
programming code and/or interfaces developed by or for You
which:  (i) are designed for use with the Technology; (ii)
constitute an API for a library of computing functions or
services; and (iii) are disclosed to third party software
developers for the purpose of developing software which
invokes such additional classes or other programming code
and/or interfaces.  The foregoing shall not apply to
software development by Your subcontractors to be
exclusively used by You.

10.  "Intellectual Property Rights" means worldwide
statutory and common law rights associated solely with (i)
patents and patent applications; (ii) works of authorship
including copyrights, copyright applications, copyright
registrations and "moral rights"; (iii) the protection of
trade and industrial secrets and confidential information;
and (iv) divisions, continuations, renewals, and
re-issuances of the foregoing now existing or acquired in
the future.

11.  "Internal Deployment Use" means use of Compliant
Covered Code (excluding Research Use) within Your business
or organization only by Your employees and/or agents,
subject to execution of Attachment C by You and Original
Contributor, if required.

12.  "Licensee" means any party that has entered into and
has in effect a version of this License with Original

13.  "Modification(s)" means (i) any change to Covered Code;
(ii) any new file or other representation of computer
program statements that contains any portion of Covered
Code; and/or (iii) any new Source Code implementing any
portion of the Specifications.

14.  "Original Code" means the initial Source Code for the
Technology as described on the Technology Download Site.

15.  "Original Contributor" means Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
its affiliates and its successors and assigns.

16.  "Reformatted Specifications" means any revision to the
Specifications which translates or reformats the
Specifications (as for example in connection with Your
documentation) but which does not alter, subset or superset
the functional or operational aspects of the Specifications.

17.  "Research Use" means use and distribution of Covered
Code only for Your research, development, educational or
personal and individual use, and expressly excludes Internal
Deployment Use and Commercial Use.

18.  "SCSL Webpage" means the Sun Community Source license
webpage located at,
or such other url that Sun may designate from time to time.

19.  "Shared Modifications" means Modifications provided by
You, at Your option, pursuant to Section 2.2, or received by
You from a Contributor pursuant to Section 2.3.

20.  "Source Code" means computer program statements written
in any high-level, readable form suitable for modification
and development.

21.  "Specifications" means the specifications for the
Technology and other documentation, as designated on the
Technology Download Site, as may be revised by Original
Contributor from time to time.

22.  "Sun Trademarks" means Original Contributor's SUN,
JAVA, and JINI trademarks and logos, whether now used or
adopted in the future. =20

23.  "Technology" means the=20
technology described in Attachment B, and Upgrades.

24.  "Technology Compatibility Kit" or "TCK" means the test
programs, procedures and/or other requirements, designated
by Original Contributor for use in verifying compliance of
Covered Code with the Specifications, in conjunction with
the Original Code and Upgraded Code.  Original Contributor
may, in its sole discretion and from time to time, revise a
TCK to correct errors and/or omissions and in connection
with Upgrades.

25.  "Technology Download Site" means the site(s) designated
by Original Contributor for access to the Original Code,
Upgraded Code, TCK and Specifications.

26.  "Upgrade(s)" means new versions of Technology
designated exclusively by Original Contributor as an
"Upgrade" and released by Original Contributor from time to

27.  "Upgraded Code" means the Source Code for Upgrades,
possibly including Modifications made by Contributors.

28.  "You(r)" means an individual, or a legal entity acting
by and through an individual or individuals, exercising
rights either under this License or under a future version
of this License issued pursuant to Section 4.1.  For legal
entities, "You(r)" includes any entity that by majority
voting interest controls, is controlled by, or is under
common control with You.





"The contents of this file, or the files included with this
file, are subject to the current version of Sun Community
Source License for [fill in name of applicable Technology]
(the "License"); You may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the
License at  See the
License for the rights, obligations and limitations
governing use of the contents of the file.

The Original and Upgraded Code is [fill in name and version
of applicable Technology].  The developer of the Original
and Upgraded Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun
Microsystems, Inc.  owns the copyrights in the portions it
created.  All Rights Reserved.


Associated Test Suite(s) Location:



"By clicking the `Agree' button below, You certify that You
are a Licensee in good standing under the Sun Community
Source License, [fill in applicable Technology and Version]
("License") and that Your access, use and distribution of
code and information You may obtain at this site is subject
to the License."



"This software and related documentation has been obtained
by your educational institution subject to the Sun Community
Source License, [fill in applicable Technology].  You have
been provided access to the software and related
documentation for use only in connection with your course
work and research activities as a matriculated student of
your educational institution.  Any other use is expressly


You may not use this file except in compliance with the
License.  You may obtain a copy of the License on the web at"


Java(tm) 2 SDK Technology

Description of "Technology"

Java(tm) 2 SDK Technology v.1.4.2 as described on the
Technology Download Site.



This Attachment C is only effective for the Technology
specified in Attachment B, upon execution of Attachment D
(Commercial Use License) including the requirement to pay
royalties.  In the event of a conflict between the terms of
this Attachment C and Attachment D, the terms of Attachment
D shall govern.

1.  Internal Deployment License Grant.  Subject to Your
compliance with Section 2 below, and Section 8.10 of the
Research Use license; in addition to the Research Use
license and the TCK license, Original Contributor grants to
You a worldwide, non-exclusive license, to the extent of
Original Contributor's Intellectual Property Rights covering
the Original Code, Upgraded Code and Specifications, to do
the following:

a) reproduce and distribute internally, Original Code and
Upgraded Code as part of Compliant Covered Code, and
Specifications, for Internal Deployment Use,

b) compile such Original Code and Upgraded Code, as part of
Compliant Covered Code, and reproduce and distribute
internally the same in Executable form for Internal
Deployment Use, and

c) reproduce and distribute internally, Reformatted
Specifications for use in connection with Internal
Deployment Use.

2.  Additional Requirements and Responsibilities.  In
addition to the requirements and responsibilities described
under Section 3.1 of the Research Use license, and as a
condition to exercising the rights granted under Section 3
above, You agree to the following additional requirements
and responsibilities:

2.1 Compatibility.  All Covered Code must be Compliant
Covered Code prior to any Internal Deployment Use or
Commercial Use, whether originating with You or acquired
from a third party.  Successful compatibility testing must
be completed in accordance with the TCK License.  If You
make any further Modifications to any Covered Code
previously determined to be Compliant Covered Code, you must
ensure that it continues to be Compliant Covered Code.


1.  Effect.  This Attachment D is effective only if signed
below by You and Original Contributor, and applies to Your
Commercial Use of Original Code and Upgraded Code.

2.  Term.  Upon execution of this Attachment D by You and
Original Contributor, this Commercial Use license shall have
an initial term of 3 years and shall automatically renew for
additional one year terms unless either party provides
notice to the other no less than 60 days prior to an
anniversary date.

3.  Commercial Use License Grant.  Subject to Your
compliance with Section 4 below, Section 8.10 of the
Research Use license, and the TCK license; in addition to
the Research Use license, the TCK license, and the Internal
Deployment Use license, Original Contributor grants to You a
worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable license, to the
extent of Original Contributor's Intellectual Property
Rights covering the Original Code, Upgraded Code and
Specifications, to do the following:

a) reproduce and distribute Compliant Covered Code;

b) compile Compliant Covered Code and reproduce and
distribute the same in Executable form through multiple
tiers of distribution; and

c) reproduce and distribute Reformatted Specifications in
association with Compliant Covered Code.

4.  Additional Requirements and Responsibilities.  In
addition to the requirements and responsibilities specified
in the Research Use license, the TCK license and the
Internal Deployment license, and as a condition to
exercising the rights granted in Section 3 above, You agree
to the following additional requirements and

a) Distribution of Source Code.  Source Code of Compliant
Covered Code may be distributed only to another Licensee of
the same Technology.

b) Distribution of Executable Code.  You may distribute the
Executable version(s) of Compliant Covered Code under a
license of Your choice, which may contain terms different
from this License, provided (i) that You are in compliance
with the terms of this License, and (ii) You must make it
absolutely clear that any terms which differ from this
License are offered by You alone, not by Original
Contributor or any other Contributor.

c) Branding.  Products integrating Compliant Covered Code
used for Commercial Use must be branded with the Technology
compliance logo under a separate trademark license required
to be executed by You and Original Contributor concurrent
with execution of this Attachment D.

5.  Indemnity/Limitation of Liability.  The provisions of
Section 7.1 of the Research Use license are superseded by
the following:

a) Your Indemnity Obligation.  You hereby agree to defend,
at Your expense, any legal proceeding brought against
Original Contributor or any Licensee to the extent it is
based on a claim:  (i) that the use, reproduction or
distribution of any of Your Error Corrections or Shared
Modifications is an infringement of a third party trade
secret or a copyright in a country that is a signatory to
the Berne Convention; (ii) arising in connection with any
representation, warranty, support, indemnity, liability or
other license terms You may offer in connection with any
Covered Code; or (iii) arising from Your Commercial Use of
Covered Code, other than a claim covered by Section 5.b)
below, or a patent claim based solely on Covered Code not
provided by You.  You will pay all damages costs and fees
awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction, or such
settlement amount negotiated by You, attributable to such

b) Original Contributor's Indemnity Obligation.  Original
Contributor will defend, at its expense, any legal
proceeding brought against You, to the extent it is based on
a claim that Your authorized Commercial Use of Original Code
and Upgraded Code is an infringement of a third party trade
secret or a copyright in a country that is a signatory to
the Berne Convention, and will pay all damages costs and
fees awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction, or such
settlement amount negotiated by Original Contributor,
attributable to such claim.  The foregoing shall not apply
to any claims of intellectual property infringement based
upon the combination of code or documentation supplied by
Original Contributor with code, technology or documentation
from other sources.

c) Right of Intervention.  Original Contributor will have
the right, but not the obligation, to defend You, at
Original Contributor's expense, in connection with a claim
that Your Commercial Use of Original Code and Upgraded Code
is an infringement of a third party patent and will, if
Original Contributor chooses to defend You, pay all damages
costs and fees awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction,
or such settlement amount negotiated by Original
Contributor, attributable to such claim.

d) Prerequisites.  Under Sections 5.b) and c) above, You
must, and under Section 5.a) above, Original Contributor or
any Licensee must:  (i) provide notice of the claim promptly
to the party providing an indemnity; (ii) give the
indemnifying party sole control of the defense and
settlement of the claim; (iii) provide the indemnifying
party, at indemnifying party's expense, all available
information, assistance and authority to defend; and (iv)
not have compromised or settled such claim or proceeding
without the indemnifying party's prior written consent.

e) Additional Remedies.  Should any Original Code, Upgraded
Code, TCK, Specifications, or Modifications become, or in
the indemnifying party's opinion be likely to become, the
subject of a claim of infringement for which indemnity is
provided above, the indemnifying party may, at its sole
option, attempt to procure on reasonable terms the rights
necessary for the indemnified party to exercise its license
rights under this License with respect to the infringing
items, or to modify the infringing items so that they are no
longer infringing without substantially impairing their
function or performance.  If the indemnifying party is
unable to do the foregoing after reasonable efforts, then
the indemnifying party may send a notice of such inability
to the indemnified party together with a refund of any
license fees received by the indemnifying party from the
indemnified party for the infringing items applicable to the
indemnified party's future use or distribution of such
infringing items, in which case the indemnifying party will
not be liable for any damages resulting from infringing
activity with respect to the infringing items occurring
after such notice and refund.

6.  Support Programs.

Support to You.  Technical support is not provided to You by
Original Contributor under this License.  You may contract
for one or more support programs from Original Contributor
relating to the Technology which are described on the SCSL

Customer Support.  You are responsible for providing
technical and maintenance support services to Your customers
for Your products and services incorporating the Compliant
Covered code.

7.  Royalties and Payments.

Technology specified in Attachment B.

Field of Use:____________________

Royalty per Unit $_____________

b) Royalty Payments.  Payment of royalties shall be made
quarterly, shall be due thirty (30) days following the end
of the calendar quarter to which they relate and shall be
submitted with a written statement documenting the basis for
the royalty calculation.

c) Taxes.  All payments required by this License shall be
made in United States dollars, are exclusive of taxes, and
Licensee agrees to bear and be responsible for the payment
of all such taxes, including, but not limited to, all sales,
use, rental receipt, personal property or other taxes and
their equivalents which may be levied or assessed in
connection with this License (excluding only taxes based on
Original Contributor's net income).  To the extent Licensee
is required to withhold taxes based upon Original
Contributor's income in any country, You agree to provide
Original Contributor with written evidence of such
withholding, suitable for Original Contributor to obtain a
tax credit in the United States.

d) Records.  You agree to maintain account books and records
consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
appropriate to Your domicile, as may be in effect from time
to time, sufficient to allow the correctness of the
royalties required to be paid pursuant to this License to be

e) Audit Rights.  Original Contributor shall have the right
to audit such accounts upon reasonable prior notice using an
independent auditor of Original Contributor's choice (the
"Auditor").  The Auditor shall be bound to keep confidential
the details of Your business affairs and to limit disclosure
of the results of any audit to the sufficiency of the
accounts and the amount, if any, of a payment adjustment
that should be made.  Such audits shall not occur more than
once each year (unless discrepancies are discovered in
excess of the five percent (5%) threshold set forth in
Section 7.f) below, in which case two consecutive quarters
per year may be audited).  Except as set forth in Section
7.f) below, Original Contributor shall bear all costs and
expenses associated with the exercise of its rights to

f) Payment Errors.  In the event that any errors in payments
shall be determined, such errors shall be corrected by
appropriate adjustment in payment for the quarterly period
during which the error is discovered.  In the event of an
underpayment of more than five percent (5%) of the proper
amount owed, upon such underpayment being properly
determined by the Auditor, You agree to reimburse Original
Contributor the amount of the underpayment and all
reasonable costs and expenses associated with the exercise
of its rights to audit, and interest on the overdue amount
at the maximum allowable interest rate from the date of
accrual of such obligation.

8.  Notice of Breach or Infringement.  Each party shall
notify the other immediately in writing when it becomes
aware of any breach or violation of the terms of this
License, or when You become aware of any potential or actual
infringement by a third party of the Technology or Sun's
Intellectual Property Rights therein.

9.  Proprietary Rights Notices.  You may not remove any
copyright notices, trademark notices or other proprietary
legends of Original Contributor or its suppliers contained
on or in the Original Code, Upgraded Code and

10.  Notices.  All written notices required by this License
must be delivered in person or by means evidenced by a
delivery receipt and will be effective upon receipt by the
persons at the addresses specified below.

Original Contributor:           You:

Sun Microsystems, Inc.          _____________________________

4150 Network Circle             ______________________________

Santa Clara, California 95054   ______________________________

Attn.:  VP, Sun Software and=20
Technology Sales                ______________________________
cc:  Legal (Software Sales)=20

11.  Disclaimer of Agency.  The relationship created hereby
is that of licensor and licensee and the parties hereby
acknowledge and agree that nothing herein shall be deemed to
constitute You as a franchisee of Original Contributor.  You
hereby waive the benefit of any state or federal statutes
dealing with the establishment and regulation of franchises.


You:                            Original Contributor:

_____________________________   Sun Microsystems, Inc.
(Your Name)=20

By:_________________________    By:_____________________

Title:_______________________   Title:____________________

Date:______________________     Date:____________________


The following license is effective for the Java(tm)2 SDK
Technology Compatibility Kit only upon execution
of a separate support agreement between You and Original
Contributor (subject to an annual fee) as described on the
SCSL Webpage.  The Technology Compatibility Kit for the
Technology specified in Attachment B may be accessed at the
Technology Download Site only upon execution of the support

1.  TCK License.

a) Subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 1.b
below and Section 8.10 of the Research Use license, in
addition to the Research Use license, Original Contributor
grants to You a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable
license, to the extent of Original Contributor's
Intellectual Property Rights in the TCK (without the right
to sublicense), to use the TCK to develop and test Covered

b) TCK Use Restrictions.  You are not authorized to create
derivative works of the TCK or use the TCK to test any
implementation of the Specification that is not Covered
Code.  You may not publish your test results or make claims
of comparative compatibility with respect to other
implementations of the Specification.  In consideration for
the license grant in Section 1.a above you agree not to
develop your own tests which are intended to validate
conformation with the Specification.

2.  Requirements for Determining Compliance.

2.1 Definitions.

a) "Added Value" means code which:

(i) has a principal purpose which is substantially different
from that of the stand-alone Technology;

(ii) represents a significant functional and value
enhancement to the Technology;

(iii) operates in conjunction with the Technology; and

(iv) is not marketed as a technology which replaces or
substitutes for the Technology.

b) "Java Classes" means the specific class libraries
associated with each Technology defined in Attachment B.

c) "Java Runtime Interpreter" means the program(s) which
implement the Java virtual machine for the Technology as
defined in the Specification.

d) "Platform Dependent Part" means those Original Code and
Upgraded Code files of the Technology which are not in a
"share" directory or subdirectory thereof.

e) "Shared Part" means those Original Code and Upgraded Code
files of the Technology which are identified as "shared" (or
words of similar meaning) or which are in any "share"
directory or subdirectory thereof, except those files
specifically designated by Original Contributor as

f) "User's Guide" means the users guide for the TCK which
Sun makes available to You to provide direction in how to
run the TCK and properly interpret the results, as may be
revised by Sun from time to time.

2.2 Development Restrictions.  Compliant Covered Code:

a) must include Added Value;

b) must fully comply with the Specifications for the
Technology specified in Attachment B;

c) must include the Shared Part, complete and unmodified;

d) may not modify the functional behavior of the Java
Runtime Interpreter or the Java Classes;

e) may not modify, subset or superset the interfaces of the
Java Runtime Interpreter or the Java Classes;

f) may not subset or superset the Java Classes; and

g) may not modify or extend the required public class or
public interface declarations whose names begin with "java",
"javax", "jini", "net.jini", "sun.hotjava", "COM.sun" or
their equivalents in any subsequent naming convention.

2.3 Compatibility Testing.  Successful compatibility testing
must be completed by You, or at Original Contributor's
option, a third party designated by Original Contributor, to
conduct such tests, in accordance with the User's Guide, and
using the most current version of the applicable TCK
available from Original Contributor one hundred twenty (120)
days (two hundred forty [240] days in the case of silicon
implementations) prior to:  (i) Your Internal Deployment
Use; and (ii) each release of Compliant Covered Code by You
for Commercial Use.  In the event that You elect to use a
version of Upgraded Code that is newer than that which is
required under this Section 2.3, then You agree to pass the
version of the TCK that corresponds to such newer version of
Upgraded Code.

2.4 Test Results.  You agree to provide to Original
Contributor or the third party test facility if applicable,
Your test results that demonstrate that Covered Code is
Compliant Covered Code and that Original Contributor may
publish or otherwise distribute such test results.

pkg_add atk-1.9.1.tbz
pkg_add bison-devel-1.875d.tbz
pkg_add bitstream-vera-1.10_1.tbz
/usr/X11R6/bin/fc-cache: "lib/X11/fonts/bitstream-vera": caching, 10 fonts,=
 0 dirs
/usr/X11R6/bin/fc-cache: succeeded

IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: Please read the COPYRIGHT included with these f=
before using.  The copyright can be found at /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/bitst=
ream-vera/COPYRIGHT.TXT.  To
use these fonts, follow the instructions below.

Make sure that the freetype module is loaded.  If it is not, add the follow=
line to the "Modules" section of your X Windows configuration file:

	Load "freetype"

Add the following line to the "Files" section of X Windows configuration fi=

	FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/bitstream-vera/"

Note: your X Windows configuration file is typically /etc/X11/XF86Config
if you are using XFree86, and /etc/X11/xorg.conf if you are using X.Org.

pkg_add cdparanoia-3.9.8_7.tbz
pkg_add coreutils-5.2.1.tbz
pkg_add expat-1.95.8_3.tbz
skipping expat-1.95.8_3, already added
pkg_add fam-2.6.9_6.tbz


1. In order to run this port, please add the following line to /etc/rpc if
it is not already there:

sgi_fam		391002

2. To run fam from inetd (the recommended method), then please add the
following lines to /etc/inetd.conf if they are not already there:

# FAM: File Alteration Monitor [devel/fam]
sgi_fam/1-2	stream rpc/tcp wait root /usr/local/bin/fam	fam

After modifying /etc/inetd.conf, you must (as root) run:

	killall -HUP inetd

Fam also requires that portmapper is running.  Add the appropriate
entry to /etc/rc.conf:

For 4.x:
Add portmap_enable=3D"YES" and either reboot or run /usr/sbin/portmap.

For 5.x:
Add rpcbind_enable=3D"YES" and either reboot or run /usr/sbin/rpcbind.


pkg_add fontconfig-2.2.3,1.tbz
skipping fontconfig-2.2.3,1, already added
pkg_add freetype2-2.1.9.tbz
skipping freetype2-2.1.9, already added
pkg_add gcc-ooo-3.4.1_2.tbz
pkg_add gconf2-2.10.0.tbz
* Updating MIME database in /usr/X11R6/share/mime...
* Updating MIME database in /usr/local/share/mime...
=2E/etc/CORBA missing (created)
=2E/etc/CORBA/servers missing (created)
=2E/etc/X11 missing (created)
=2E/etc/X11/serverconfig missing (created)
=2E/etc/X11/starthere missing (created)
=2E/etc/X11/sysconfig missing (created)
=2E/etc/gconf missing (created)
=2E/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults missing (created)
=2E/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory missing (created)
=2E/etc/gconf/schemas missing (created)
=2E/etc/gnome missing (created)
=2E/etc/gnome/config missing (created)
=2E/etc/gnome-vfs-2.0 missing (created)
=2E/etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules missing (created)
=2E/etc/sound missing (created)
=2E/etc/sound/events missing (created)
=2E/etc/vfs missing (created)
=2E/etc/vfs/modules missing (created)
=2E/include/gconf missing (created)
=2E/include/gdkcardimage missing (created)
=2E/include/gnome-1.0 missing (created)
=2E/lib/GConf missing (created)
=2E/lib/bonobo missing (created)
=2E/lib/bonobo/monikers missing (created)
=2E/lib/bonobo/plugin missing (created)
=2E/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0 missing (created)
=2E/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules missing (created)
=2E/lib/vfs missing (created)
=2E/lib/vfs/modules missing (created)
=2E/libdata/bonobo missing (created)
=2E/libdata/bonobo/servers missing (created)
=2E/share/doc/libgda missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/applets missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/applets/Amusements missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/applets/Clocks missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/applets/Monitors missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/applets/Multimedia missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/applets/Network missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/applets/Utility missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/application-registry missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/applications missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Applications missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Audio missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Development missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Games missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Graphics missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Internet missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Multimedia missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Settings missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Settings/Desktop missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Settings/Documents missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Settings/Peripherals missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Settings/Session missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/System missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/apps/Utilities missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/capplets missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/control-center missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/control-center/Desktop missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/control-center/Documents missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/control-center/Peripherals missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/control-center/Session missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/control-center/capplets missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/control-center-2.0 missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/control-center-2.0/capplets missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/fonts missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/games missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/gnome-2.0 missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/gnome-2.0/ui missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/gnome-about missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/help missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/help/fdl missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/help/fdl/C missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/help/gpl missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/help/gpl/C missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/help/lgpl missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/help/lgpl/C missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/icons missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/idl missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/images missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/mc missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/mc/templates missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/mime-info missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/oaf missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/omf missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/panel missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/pixmaps missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/pixmaps/document-icons missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/pixmaps/splash missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/sgml missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/sgml/docbook missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/sgml/docbook/gnome-customization-0.1 missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/sounds missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/themes missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/ui missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/vfolders missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/wm-properties missing (created)
=2E/share/gnome/xmodmap missing (created)
Running fc-cache to build fontconfig cache...
fc-cache: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts": caching, 0 fonts, 5 dirs
fc-cache: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local": caching, 0 fonts, 0 dirs
fc-cache: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/URW": caching, 35 fonts, 0 dirs
fc-cache: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/bitstream-vera": caching, 10 fonts, 0 d=
fc-cache: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings": caching, 0 fonts, 1 dirs
fc-cache: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/large": caching, 0 fonts, 0 d=
fc-cache: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF": caching, 12 fonts, 0 dirs
fc-cache: "/root/.fonts": skipping, no such directory
fc-cache: succeeded
pkg_add gettext-0.14.5.tbz
skipping gettext-0.14.5, already added
pkg_add glib-2.6.5.tbz
skipping glib-2.6.5, already added
pkg_add gmake-3.80_2.tbz
pkg_add gnomehier-2.0_7.tbz
skipping gnomehier-2.0_7, already added
pkg_add gnomemimedata-2.4.2.tbz
pkg_add gnomevfs2-2.10.1.tbz
pkg_add gtk-2.6.8.tbz
skipping gtk-2.6.8, already added
pkg_add hicolor-icon-theme-0.5.tbz
skipping hicolor-icon-theme-0.5, already added
pkg_add howl-0.9.10.tbz
skipping howl-0.9.10, already added
pkg_add intltool-0.33.tbz
pkg_add javavmwrapper-2.0_5.tbz
skipping javavmwrapper-2.0_5, already added
pkg_add jdk-1.4.2p7_1.tbz
skipping jdk-1.4.2p7_1, already added
pkg_add jpeg-6b_3.tbz
skipping jpeg-6b_3, already added
pkg_add libIDL-0.8.5_1.tbz
skipping libIDL-0.8.5_1, already added
pkg_add libXft-2.1.6_1.tbz
skipping libXft-2.1.6_1, already added
pkg_add libbonobo-2.8.1_1.tbz
skipping libbonobo-2.8.1_1, already added
pkg_add libiconv-1.9.2_1.tbz
skipping libiconv-1.9.2_1, already added
pkg_add libxml2-2.6.19.tbz
skipping libxml2-2.6.19, already added
pkg_add linc-1.0.3_3.tbz
skipping linc-1.0.3_3, already added
pkg_add m4-1.4.3.tbz
skipping m4-1.4.3, already added
pkg_add p5-Archive-Zip-1.14_1.tbz
pkg_add p5-Compress-Zlib-1.34.tbz
skipping p5-Compress-Zlib-1.34, already added
pkg_add p5-File-Temp-0.16_2.tbz
skipping p5-File-Temp-0.16_2, already added
pkg_add p5-PathTools-3.09.tbz
skipping p5-PathTools-3.09, already added
pkg_add p5-Scalar-List-Utils-1.14,1.tbz
skipping p5-Scalar-List-Utils-1.14,1, already added
pkg_add p5-Test-Harness-2.42_1.tbz
skipping p5-Test-Harness-2.42_1, already added
pkg_add p5-Test-Simple-0.60.tbz
skipping p5-Test-Simple-0.60, already added
pkg_add p5-XML-Parser-2.34_1.tbz
skipping p5-XML-Parser-2.34_1, already added
pkg_add pango-1.8.1.tbz
skipping pango-1.8.1, already added
pkg_add patch-2.5.4.tbz
pkg_add perl-5.8.7.tbz
skipping perl-5.8.7, already added
pkg_add pkgconfig-0.17.2.tbz
skipping pkgconfig-0.17.2, already added
pkg_add png-1.2.8_2.tbz
skipping png-1.2.8_2, already added
pkg_add popt-1.7.tbz
skipping popt-1.7, already added
pkg_add samba-libsmbclient-3.0.14a_2.tbz
skipping samba-libsmbclient-3.0.14a_2, already added
pkg_add shared-mime-info-0.16_1.tbz
skipping shared-mime-info-0.16_1, already added
pkg_add tiff-3.7.2.tbz
skipping tiff-3.7.2, already added
pkg_add unzip-5.52_1.tbz
pkg_add urwfonts-1.0.tbz
skipping urwfonts-1.0, already added
pkg_add xorg-fonts-encodings-6.8.2.tbz
skipping xorg-fonts-encodings-6.8.2, already added
pkg_add xorg-fonts-truetype-6.8.2.tbz
skipping xorg-fonts-truetype-6.8.2, already added
pkg_add xorg-libraries-6.8.2.tbz
skipping xorg-libraries-6.8.2, already added
pkg_add zip-2.3_2.tbz
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on file: /usr/local/jdk1.4.2/b=
in/java - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on executable: gcc-ooo - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on executable: zip - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on executable: unzip - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on executable: gcp - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on executable: gpatch - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on file: /usr/local/lib/perl5/=
site_perl/5.8.7/Archive/ - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on executable: bison-devel - f=
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/ant - =
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on executable: gmake - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/perl5.=
8.7 - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/intlto=
ol-extract - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on file: /usr/X11R6/libdata/pk=
gconfig/gnome-mime-data-2.0.pc - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on executable: pkg-config - fo=
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: atk-1.0.901=
 - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: gconf-2.5 -=
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: glib-2.0.60=
0 - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: gnomevfs-2.=
1000 - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: gtk-x11-2.0=
.600 - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: bonobo-2.0 =
- found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: IDL-2.0 - f=
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: xml2.5 - fo=
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: linc.1 - fo=
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: ORBit-2.0 -=
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: pango-1.0.8=
00 - found
=3D=3D=3D>   openoffice-2.0.20050621 depends on shared library: X11.6 - fou=
=3D=3D=3D>  Configuring for openoffice-2.0.20050621
*                                                                  *
* build configuration.                            *
*                                                                  *
*   The configure proces checks your platform to see whether       *
*   you can build on it.                            *
*   This proces checks all pre-requisites and generates a file     *
*   containing the necessary environment variables.                *
*   Source this file after configure has ended successfully.       *
*                                                                  *
*   Any warning that is generated during the configure process     *
*   must be taken into account, since it can be a reason for       *
*   an unsuccessful build of                        *
*                                                                  *

*                                                                  *
*   Checking the platform pre-requisites.                          *
*                                                                  *

checking for gawk... no
checking for mawk... no
checking for nawk... nawk
checking for nawk... /usr/bin/nawk
checking for sed... /usr/bin/sed
checking for solenv environment... default
checking build system type... i386-portbld-freebsd6.0
checking host system type... i386-portbld-freebsd6.0
checking target system type... i386-portbld-freebsd6.0
checking the FreeBSD operating system release... found OSVERSION=3D600031
checking which thread library to use... -pthread
checking whether to enable crashdump feature... yes, STATIC
checking whether to do a debug build... no
checking whether to build with additional debug utilities... no, full produ=
ct build
checking whether to include symbols into final build... yes
checking whether to enable native CUPS support... no
checking whether to enable fontconfig support... yes
checking whether to enable filters for legacy binary file formats (StarOffi=
ce 5.2)... yes
checking whether to use RPATH in shared libraries... yes
checking whether to include MySpell dictionaries... yes
checking which shell to use... tcsh
checking for tcsh... /bin/tcsh
checking gcc home... /usr
checking for gcc... gcc-ooo
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...=20
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc-ooo accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc-ooo option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking for gcc-ooo... /usr/local/bin/gcc-ooo
checking the GNU gcc compiler version... checked (gcc 3.4.1)
checking whether gcc-ooo supports -fvisibility=3Dhidden... yes
checking for GNU make... gmake
checking the GNU make version... gmake 3.80
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc-ooo -E
checking for egrep... grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking security/pam_appl.h usability... yes
checking security/pam_appl.h presence... yes
checking for security/pam_appl.h... yes
checking whether to link to libpam... no, dynamically open it
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++-ooo accepts -g... yes
checking the GNU C++ compiler version... checked (g++ 3.4.1)
checking whether g++-ooo has the enum bug... no
checking for g++ include path... /usr/local/gcc-ooo/i386-portbld-freebsd6.0=
checking exception type... dwarf2
checking for STLport4 headers... using internal stlport.
checking whether to add custom build version... no
checking whether to build with Java support... yes
checking the installed JDK... checked (JDK 1.4.2-p7)
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc-ooo -E
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++-ooo -E
checking for xmkmf... no
configure: error: install xmkmf to run this script, include openwin in path
=3D=3D=3D>  Script "configure" failed unexpectedly.
Please report the problem to [maintainer] and attach
the "/work/a/ports/editors/openoffice-2.0-devel/work/config_office/config.l=
including the output of the failure of your make command. Also, it might be
a good idea to provide an overview of all packages installed on your system
(e.g. an `ls /var/db/pkg`).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /a/ports/editors/openoffice-2.0-devel.
build ended at Sat Jul  2 04:50:39 UTC 2005

----- End forwarded message -----

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Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (FreeBSD)



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