From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed May 22 04:19:25 1996
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Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 07:19:26 -0400
From: Gary Chrysler <>
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Gary Palmer wrote:
>> Branson Matheson wrote in message ID
>> <>:
>> Humorous answers aside ;-) would it not be a good thing to put a
>> comprehensive answer in the FAQ off of the web page? I think that it
>> will solve lots repeated questions like " Linux vs. FreeBSD " and " I
>> have blah foobar card.. will it run? ".
>>  Mabey even a more direct route?
> This was recently discussed on the freebsd-doc mailing list (should be
> available in the archives ... my mail to the list was sent on friday
> or saturday). Since the FAQ is an official document of the FreeBSD
> Project, myself and others feel it would not be wise to make such
> comparisons in an official publication of the Project. (If you look in
> the archive, I gave detailed reasons, but basically is that if we make
> such a comparison, someone, somewhere will take offense at it and
> start slagging us off. There is no such thing as a fair, unbiased,
> treatment of this area, which is often considered a nearly religous
> issue, and treated with much fanatacism by some).

For what it's worth, I agree!

> So basically, it won't hit OUR web pages, but I am not ruling out
> putting a pointer to someone else comparisons, with a suitable note
> that, being a 3rd party document, we cannot be held responsible or
> accountable for the contents (type of thing. I'm tired at the minute
> and can't think of the right way of phrasing this)

That'ed work.

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