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Date:      Wed, 12 Sep 2001 19:11:39 +0200
From:      Andreas Klemm <>
Subject:   Are the locations of ports data and config files optimal ?
Message-ID:  <>

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first of all I hope you all are well and not a victim of this
unbelievable terror act that happened yesterday.

I have some proposals for our apache ports, so I wrote directly
to the port maintainers. During the writing of this mail it
turned out to enlarge my idea to the ports system in general, so
I drop a copy to ports as well. Theoretically I should perhaps
write this all to developers, to ask all developers, what they
think about that, but I think its better to ask some people
first, if they think, that my ideas are beneficial or not.

Anyway thanks for your time !

A) Concerning Apache ports:

I think it would be more beneficial, if web documents would be located
under a different directory location as it is organized now.

Currently and in the past different directory names and locations
have been used for the webservers root directory, currently
we use: $PREFIX/www/data.

Rationale: I'm about rebuilding everything under /usr/local new
on my system. Since I dislike to wait for a pkg_delete (and I'm
pretty sure that some stuff might remain), I'd like to simply
newfs /usr/local and /usr/X11R6, which are separate filesystems here.

Its common praxis by me, to backup everything under /usr/local/etc,
so that I can re-use or migrate my config files after rebuilding/
reinstalling everything.

Additionally I have to backup my other changes under /usr/local.

For example I installed adzap to prevent advertisement banners.
For that purpose I had to create a virtual webserver with
web pages under /usr/local/www/data/<virtserverdir>.

Other ports like setiathome place their database under /var/db.
I like this concept. Whatever happens to my /usr/local tree
I can immediately continue to run setiathome at its last current

B) proposals to the ports system in general

This brought me to the idea, to ask, if it would be possible,
that ports place directories, where the user maintaines his own
datastructures or databases (like its the case with seti or
a webserver) into a different directory tree than /usr/local
or /usr/X11R6.

/var/local or /var/X11R6 come into my mind.

Additionally it would be beneficial to perhaps move everything
under /usr/local/etc to /var/local/etc ....

I'd personally like to make this step forward, not only
to separate FreeBSD (OS) and ports - which is one of the
key advantages of FreeBSD over Linux in my eyes - but
additionally to separate ports programs (simply the binaries,
that make up a port) and configuration files and user data
that are created by the users after a software has been installed.

This would bring a new kind of freedom, not only being able
to reinstall FreeBSD by source and the help of mergemaster
but furhtermore being able to do a "monster upgrade" of
application binaries without the danger to destroy/loose
configuration or application data ...

In short, I'd vote to place port binaries and shared data under
/usr/local and /usr/X11R6 as it is now, but to create
default directories for application data under /var/local and
/var/X11R6. Even the rc.d files should be placed under
/var/local/etc/rc.d, since its possible, that people use customized

I think it would be a real win, if its possible to rebuild the
world and ports without loosing data and without having to think
what else under /usr/local has to be backup'd.

Best regards

	Andreas ///

Andreas Klemm                                               Powered by Free=
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