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Date:      Wed, 16 Jan 2002 16:40:03 -0800 (PST)
From:      Yar Tikhiy <>
Subject:   Re: bin/22860: [PATCH] adduser & friends with '$' in usernames
Message-ID:  <>

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The following reply was made to PR bin/22860; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Yar Tikhiy <>
To: Sheldon Hearn <>
Subject: Re: bin/22860: [PATCH] adduser & friends with '$' in usernames
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 03:34:58 +0300

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 05:08:23PM +0200, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
 > On Fri, 04 Jan 2002 15:10:01 PST, Yar Tikhiy wrote:
 > >  As an alternative to the "allow anything the admin wants" solution,
 > >  I would propose to make the regular expression usernames are checked
 > >  against configurable and saved in /etc/adduser.conf.
 > I like this idea.
 Ok, I've implemented that instead of the -force option.
 Would you mind trying the attached adduser.perl patch (it's against
 -current) and telling about your impression?
 Index: adduser.perl
 RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/usr.sbin/adduser/adduser.perl,v
 retrieving revision 1.53
 diff -u -r1.53 adduser.perl
 --- adduser.perl	4 Jan 2002 21:28:32 -0000	1.53
 +++ adduser.perl	17 Jan 2002 00:29:43 -0000
 @@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
  # read variables
  sub variables {
      $verbose = 1;		# verbose = [0-2]
 -    $force = 0;			# relax username validity check if true
 +    $usernameregexp = "^[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_-]*\$"; # configurable
 +    $defaultusernameregexp = $usernameregexp; # remains constant
      $defaultusepassword = "yes";	# use password authentication for new users
      $defaultenableaccount = "yes"; # enable the account by default
      $defaultemptypassword = "no"; # don't create an empty password
 @@ -315,7 +316,7 @@
      while(1) {
 -	$name = &confirm_list("Enter username", 1, "a-z0-9_-", "");
 +	$name = &confirm_list("Enter username", 1, $usernameregexp, "");
  	if (length($name) > 16) {
  	    warn "Username is longer than 16 chars\a\n";
 @@ -328,29 +329,20 @@
  sub new_users_name_valid {
      local($name) = @_;
 -    if ($force) {
 -	if ($name eq "a-z0-9_-") {
 -	    warn "Please enter a username.\a\n";
 -	    return 0;
 -	}
 -	if ($name =~ /[:\n]/) {
 -	    warn "Illegal username, which would break your passwd file.\a\n";
 -	    return 0;
 +    if ($name eq $usernameregexp) {
 +	warn "Please enter a username\a\n";
 +	return 0;
 +    } elsif ($name !~ /$usernameregexp/) {
 +	if ($usernameregexp eq $defaultusernameregexp) {
 +	    warn "Illegal username.\n" .
 +		"Please use only lowercase Roman, decimal, underscore, " .
 +		"or hyphen characters.\n" .
 +		"Additionally, a username should not start with a hyphen.\a\n";
 +	} else {
 +	    warn "Username doesn't match the regexp /$usernameregexp/\a\n";
 -	if ($name !~ /^[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_\-]*$/) {
 -	    warn "Caution: Username contains illegal characters.\n" .
 -		"Adding this user may cause utilities " .
 -		"or applications to malfunction,\n" .
 -		"or even impose a security risk on your system.\a\n";
 -	}
 -    } elsif ($name !~ /^[a-z0-9_][a-z0-9_\-]*$/ || $name eq "a-z0-9_-") {
 -	warn "Illegal username.\n" .
 -	    "Please use only lowercase Roman, decimal, underscore, " .
 -	    "or hyphen characters.\n" .
 -	    "Additionally, a username should not start with a hyphen.\a\n";
  	return 0;
 -    }
 -    if ($username{$name}) {
 +    } elsif ($username{$name}) {
  	warn "Username ``$name'' already exists!\a\n"; return 0;
      return 1;
 @@ -878,7 +870,6 @@
      [-class login_class]
      [-dotdir dotdir]
 -    [-f|-force]
      [-group login_group]
      [-home home]
 @@ -952,7 +943,6 @@
  	if    (/^--?(v|verbose)$/)	{ $verbose = 1 }
  	elsif (/^--?(s|silent|q|quiet)$/)  { $verbose = 0 }
  	elsif (/^--?(debug)$/)	    { $verbose = 2 }
 -	elsif (/^--?(f|force)$/)	{ $force = 1 }
  	elsif (/^--?(h|help|\?)$/)	{ &usage }
  	elsif (/^--?(home)$/)	 { $home = $argv[0]; shift @argv }
  	elsif (/^--?(shell)$/)	 { $defaultshell = $argv[0]; shift @argv }
 @@ -1223,6 +1213,21 @@
      return 0;
 +# allow configuring usernameregexp
 +sub usernameregexp_default {
 +    local($r) = $usernameregexp;
 +    while ($verbose) {
 +	$r = &confirm_list("Usernames must match regular expression:", 1,
 +	    $r, "");
 +	eval "'foo' =~ /$r/";
 +	last unless $@;
 +	warn "Invalid regular expression\a\n";
 +    }
 +    $changes++ if $r ne $usernameregexp;
 +    return $r;
  # test if $dotdir exist
  # return "no" if $dotdir not exist or dotfiles should not copied
  sub dotdir_default {
 @@ -1438,6 +1443,10 @@
  # verbose = [0-2]
  verbose = $verbose
 +# regular expression usernames are checked against (see perlre(1))
 +# usernameregexp = 'regexp'
 +usernameregexp = '$usernameregexp'
  # use password-based authentication for new users
  # defaultusepassword =  "yes" | "no"
  defaultusepassword = "$defaultusepassword"
 @@ -1522,6 +1531,7 @@
  # interactive
  # some questions
 +$usernameregexp = &usernameregexp_default; # regexp to check usernames against
  &shells_add;			# maybe add some new shells
  $defaultshell = &shell_default;	# enter default shell
  $home = &home_partition($home);	# find HOME partition

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